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Our House Part Two


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Good morning ladies :hi


I'm at my parents and got my toes done last night :clap We're going to be running out in a bit to do some errands. I brought some yarn home to get some crafting done :D Got to read a bit of my nook this morning too :yes


I didn't take any notes so please forgive me now :think


Linda - I hope you and Kim are feeling better soon. How's your quilting coming along?


Tam - I hope the flu is at an end in your house and dh overcomes it quickly. WTG to Michael for the game.


Cindy - Did you hear back from the neurosurgeon on your mom's MRI? Hopefully she continues to improve and you get some answers


Kiyo - Good luck to Aree.


Mary1 - Great scarves and love the tile.


Judy, Joanne, and Cheeria - I think the 18th works for me, but will have to check my calendar when I get back to be sure. The 11th I'll be coming home, it's my mom's bday and the weekend of the 25th I'll be in Pitt again.


Judy - The shawl came out great, I love it and it suits you well.


I feel like I've definitely missed someone/something, so I'm really sorry to you if I did.


Have a wonderful holiday weekend housemates and I'll be around :D

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Good morning, my friends. It's sunny today. Yay! My joints are calming down, although still sore. I hate it when weather fronts are moving in and out of the area. Today we'll be getting Kim's nails done. And then it's a meal at IHOP. I had promised her a visit there on Thursday, but the clouds dumped a ton of rain on us when it was time to go there, so had to postpone it. It's been a long time since she's had their blueberry pancakes. I also want to go to the library and see if I can get the next books in the two series that I've been reading.


Linda ~ We've missed you and hope you are feeling much better now...and Kim, too! Reading is such a good hobby-especially when you need a break and need to "get away" for a while. :manyheart


It's still Friday! I have a picture! These are scarves for Kiyo on our newly tiled patio. The two on the left are RH Soft Heather Grey and Vanna's Colonial Blue in a hdc ribbed stitch. The third is RH Collage in a V-stitch pattern. We can't clean the "grout haze" off until tomorrow, but it is wonderful and makes the whole back yard look better!

You are so right about books being a great get away. There are times when I just have to run away to a different time and place.


Your scarves are gorgeous.:clap

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HI all,


Made a run to Trader Joe's (and JoAnn's)..It was so funny when I got home, the first thing DH said was how was JoAnn's? I said it was fine- and he said- you are so predictable- I knew you weren't only going to go to TJ's!!! I guess he does know me well.


It is hot/sunny/summery out there today. The AC doesn't seem to be working great- so we called the AC guy and he is coming Tuesday morning to check it out. It is bearable inside though!


Hope everyone is having a great day so far!

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Hi, ladies!


Joanne, I hope there's nothing major going on with the AC!


Marisa, it sounds like you're having a god time! Enjoy the weekend with your parents.


We're heading out later for our late lunch/early dinner. Possibly Chili's - we'll see.


Have a good rest of the day...BBL!

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Back from wal mart. I picked up 2 skeins for rhss for the myestery cal :D I got bright green and pink/fuscia :lol Definitely cheery :yes Then we stopped at McDonald's :eek I can use one hand for the # of times I go there a year, but mom wanted a frappe and had a coupon so we brought my dad one too and I got a fruit smoothie, which was really yummy and a tasty treat :lol We still have to run out to the grocery store to get some things they didn't have at walmart. Mom made an easy cake for dessert...just an angel food cake sliced horizontal and layered with a mix of pineapple and cool whip. Another refreshing goodie that you don't feel so bad eating :lol


Linda - have fun getting nails done and at ihop :drool


Joanne - I think we're all quite predictable if there's any craft store near by :lol:blush


Christi - Welcome!! Enjoy the movie, what are you watching? I think my mom and I are going to the movies later to see Something Borrowed. If not later today then tomorrow. We have a draft house theater here in town that shows movies a few weeks after they're out and it's only $4 to get in and it's a whole restaurant :D So we always pick from what's playing there. Shows are limited though because it's an old theater downtown from back in the day so it's only one BIG screen :yes


Cindy - Hope all is going well with your parents :hug

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Hi, ladies!


Joanne, I hope there's nothing major going on with the AC!


Marisa, it sounds like you're having a god time! Enjoy the weekend with your parents.


We're heading out later for our late lunch/early dinner. Possibly Chili's - we'll see.


Have a good rest of the day...BBL!


Sure am :D Love Chili's :drool Have fun

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Dh and I have been out dividing and transplanting perennials most of the day. I put a bunch in pots to give to DD. I have so many plants that I have been putting the extras down at the edge of the woods. If anyone wants them, they will be easy enough to dig up again later, and I think most of them will grow there, although they may not bloom much. This damp overcast weather is good for transplanting, even if it isn't very pleasant.


Tonight we will be going to dd's for dinner and to celebrate our youngest grandsons's first birthday.


I've done a few more rows on the granny stripes and about 10 rows on the scrunchable scarf in between chores. I have one more load of laundry to do and some vacuuming before we go out.

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Cindy, enjoy the family party!:)


Chili's had a good grilled chicken sandwich....broccoli on the side, wheat roll...healthy!

And now I'm hungry! That's what happens with me...I eat sensibly...then...

I have the speedy digestive system of a dog:lol


Have a good one everybody - :hug

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~~Morning ladies!!!~~ I'm sitting here, drinking a cup of coffee, trying to get loads entered, drivers dispatched, solve all the worlds problems by noon!! 2 hours. I am praying like HELLO that the rain stays away until Sunday..........Aree has a tournament that starts today at 3 and goes through tomorrow late afternoon (hoping they stay in it that long- she has a tough coach sooooo I'm sure they will fight until the end) BUt......as I sit there and cheer them on, I will have a few crochet projects with me to work on. rain rain.. stay away! :D


LOVE TO YOU ALL and enjoy your weekend!! (I have to go and get my Dad's headstone cleaned and if that isnt one of the hardest things to do......I cry the whole time I am doing it......sucks!)oh darlin' how I know that! I miss my daddy so very much!!! I call my brother in Denver and try to get him to come home and do it since it's just us 2 and he NEVER takes his turn lol!


Hello House!!!!!!!! Finally feel up to sitting in front of the computer for a few minutes! Although typing one-handed is a pain.:lol Surgery went well, the Dr. did have to do more than he planned though. I had bone fragments "floating" around in the soft tissue ane there was an extensive amount of scar tissue that needed to be cleaned up as well. I actually feel pretty good and thanks to all of you for your well wishes and prayers!:hug Seems like I should be able to crochet before too long-I'll tell my Dr. that it's part of my pt! Won't be able to go back towork for at least 6 weeks:eek but at least my job is secure.oh honey.......... so good to see you! do take care! dont over due it!!!! :hug


Hope you all have a fabulous day!


....me in a pic, for a change...hair up as always, in this weather! PERFECT... love the shawl... and love seeing your face!!!


Tam ~ So sorry to hear about Ken's fever. :hug Have fun at the baseball games and visiting with your Aunt and Uncle. I like your new avatar.:yesoh.. you're such a sweetie! :hug Ken is hangin' tough..... Was awesome watching Patrick pitch!!! And I'm off to have breakfast with my Aunt and Uncle tomorrow!!! :D


Hi to everyone at the House!


It's been a long day and I'm so glad to be home!


Hello, everyone. This has been a week of weirdness. Kim was sick for few days and I've been under the weather as well. I haven't touched a craft project in a week, although I've done a bunch of reading. Just been very tired with no energy or ambition. John is going to the hunting cabin this weekend, so it will be girl's time here. Not sure whether he's coming back on Sunday or Monday at this point. They'll be heading to their time share in Panama City Beach next Friday, and I'll staying here this year. I already have way too many things on the "to-do" list for the 10 days they'll be gone, so time will tell how much actually gets done.

oh gosh.. sorry to hear you and Kim have been sick!! Are you feeling better? Please take care of yourself!!! :hug


Marisa ~ The turtles ATE the moss ball cleaner ?!?! Oh, that is just too funny! :lol :lol :lol


Good afternoon ~


This is going to be *super quick.* ... No, seriously, stop laughing...





I have to be ready to walk out the door, as soon as DH gets home from work. I am finished packing, the food is made, the girls have their projects to work on in the car, so...I think we are good to go. I will not have access to a computer until next weekend, so I wish you a fun, safe, relaxing week :manyhearthave fun... be safe!!!


Tam ~ Sorry to hear that your DH had to miss what sounded like an exciting baseball game, last night. Hope his fever breaks, quickly, and that it does not get any worse for him. You are hanging in there? Loved the smiling cup of cappuccino in your post, yesterday :hug Ken is doing better! yeah.. was a bummer he missed the game.. .but better him stay home and be safe.. than out and get sicker!

Gotta love that coffee......... :D


Oops, it's time to go. :ghug See you in a week. Have a good Memorial Day Weekend. Hugs to ALL of you :waving


Tam, I'm sorry Ken's under the weather again:hug Thanks sweetie........ :hug



That was a combo Dunkin Donuts and Baskin Robbins place, and being the caffeine junkie I am, I had the hot stuff;) YUM!!!!


Thanks for the compliments on the scarf, ladies. I also thought it was about time I put a pic of my mug on here:lol...plus you can see how the shawl drapes. I love it.:c9








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Here's the baby playing with Sparkie's favorite ball. Oh My Gosh......... look at that little face! :hi Hi Heidi!!!! I think she has a death wish - just this afternoon I had to separate them after she did something and he had to discipline her - she yelped, but DID back off for a bit. Sparkie still wasn't too happy with her, so I sent them to their neutral corners. She's not afraid of him; whcih isn't always a good thing.


It's officially the long weekend!!!:clap:clap:clap


Tammy- WTG on Michael's team win last night. Sorry to hear that once again DD and her kiddos have passed on something to Ken! Hoping and praying that the fever breaks soon!!! :hug thanks sos much sweetie!!! Keep your fingers crossed... Daughter said something the other day of her maybe having a place to live. she may move this week.................... :eek


Off to get something to eat. Have a great night friends!


Hello everyone. We are back from visiting my parents. My mom is progressing slowly. She can move both her right hand and her right leg and foot a little. However, now they are questioning whether she actually had a stroke. or if there is something else wrong. They think the 2nd MRI shows a lesion in her brain. They are waiting for a neurosurgeon to look at the MRI and give some input. It sounds like she will have to move to a larger medical center about 75 miles away for further tests if he thinks it's necessary. (My parents live in a fairly small city, with limited medical facilities.) Oh darlin' Praying for your mom!!! I sure hope they get this figured out and help her through it. I am glad she is doing better ... no matter how little it is! :hug


I did not do any crafting at all while we were gone. I read an entire book in the car though.


I just quickly skimmed through posts, but I read that Tam's Ken isn't feeling well. Hope that whatever it is, is minor. He's feeling better today.. .so hopefully he's getting through it! thanks sweetie :hug


Also saw that both Linda and Kim have been under the weather. Hope both of you feel better by now, and that Kim stays well, so that she and John can enjoy getting away together.


Hi Ladies. :)


It's still Friday! I have a picture! These are scarves for Kiyo on our newly tiled patio. The two on the left are RH Soft Heather Grey and Vanna's Colonial Blue in a hdc ribbed stitch. The third is RH Collage in a V-stitch pattern. Oh.. those are so pretty!!! love the patterns and colors!!! We can't clean the "grout haze" off until tomorrow, but it is wonderful and makes the whole back yard look better!








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Hi, ladies!


Joanne, I hope there's nothing major going on with the AC!


Marisa, it sounds like you're having a god time! Enjoy the weekend with your parents.


We're heading out later for our late lunch/early dinner. Possibly Chili's - we'll see.


Have a good rest of the day...BBL!

I hope so too- I'm thinking it needs some freeon. It is turning on and all, just not really cooling too well. We'll find out Tuesday!!!


Dh and I have been out dividing and transplanting perennials most of the day. I put a bunch in pots to give to DD. I have so many plants that I have been putting the extras down at the edge of the woods. If anyone wants them, they will be easy enough to dig up again later, and I think most of them will grow there, although they may not bloom much. This damp overcast weather is good for transplanting, even if it isn't very pleasant.


Tonight we will be going to dd's for dinner and to celebrate our youngest grandsons's first birthday.


I've done a few more rows on the granny stripes and about 10 rows on the scrunchable scarf in between chores. I have one more load of laundry to do and some vacuuming before we go out.

Have fun at your Grandsons 1st birthday party!!! Wow- seems like yesterday you were telling us he was born!


Cindy, enjoy the family party!:)


Chili's had a good grilled chicken sandwich....broccoli on the side, wheat roll...healthy!

And now I'm hungry! That's what happens with me...I eat sensibly...then...

I have the speedy digestive system of a dog:lol


Have a good one everybody - :hug

Sounds like me sometimes- but I have found if I have lots of veggies- or salad it helps keep me from getting hungry- but not always:lol


Tam- Enjoy your breakfast with your aunt and uncle tomorrow!!


Marisa- Sounds like you are having a nice time with your parents. Glad you think you can make it on the 18th! I spoke with Cheeria today and she can too!!!:yay


I ended up doing two rounds on the RR, then started the Granny-go-round Tote, then went out! I remembered that I had $30.00 in Kohl's cash and it was going to expire today:eek So I got a couple of shirts and also a cute baby frame to put on my desk at work. For now, I'll just put a little note that says Coming Soon.... and when he makes his grand appearance into the world, I'll put his pic in it.

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:hi Hi, Christie!

Dh and I have been out dividing and transplanting perennials most of the day. I put a bunch in pots to give to DD. I have so many plants that I have been putting the extras down at the edge of the woods. If anyone wants them, they will be easy enough to dig up again later, and I think most of them will grow there, although they may not bloom much. This damp overcast weather is good for transplanting, even if it isn't very pleasant.

Sounds like a very good plan.

Tonight we will be going to dd's for dinner and to celebrate our youngest grandsons's first birthday.

Give him a hug from Kim and I.

I've done a few more rows on the granny stripes and about 10 rows on the scrunchable scarf in between chores. I have one more load of laundry to do and some vacuuming before we go out.

Sounds like you are staying very busy, Cindy.

I hope so too- I'm thinking it needs some freeon. It is turning on and all, just not really cooling too well. We'll find out Tuesday!!!

I ended up doing two rounds on the RR, then started the Granny-go-round Tote, then went out! I remembered that I had $30.00 in Kohl's cash and it was going to expire today:eek So I got a couple of shirts and also a cute baby frame to put on my desk at work. For now, I'll just put a little note that says Coming Soon.... and when he makes his grand appearance into the world, I'll put his pic in it.

Hope the problem is just a very slow Freon leak. Good for you for not forgetting to use your Kohl's cash.


Kim's nails went the smoothest it's gone in a long time. Gave up on going to the library. Just went to IHOP. Kim went through almost all of her double blueberry pancakes and we brought the sausage and scrambled eggs home. I think I accidently figured out what's been wrong with me while I was there, too. Out of habit I salted all of my food like I always do Kim's and the more salt I ate the better I started to feel. Being on a low salt diet with high fluids and diuretics I can sometimes end up too low on salt without realizing it and it would account for all the symptoms I've been having. :idea Summer weather combined with the above and voila!

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Good morning ladies :hi


I'm at my parents and got my toes done last night :clap We're going to be running out in a bit to do some errands. I brought some yarn home to get some crafting done :D Got to read a bit of my nook this morning too :yes


Tam - I hope the flu is at an end in your house and dh overcomes it quickly. WTG to Michael for the game. Thanks hon! Ken is feeling better today... so I hope he's getting through whatever it was he had. David had a game this morning and they won! :D Games Games Games.... with all three of the boys in baseball .... we are BUSY.... but I love it!


I feel like I've definitely missed someone/something, so I'm really sorry to you if I did.


Have a wonderful holiday weekend housemates and I'll be around :D


Good morning, my friends. It's sunny today. Yay! My joints are calming down, although still sore. I hate it when weather fronts are moving in and out of the area. aww man... rain rain stay away... Today we'll be getting Kim's nails done. And then it's a meal at IHOP. I had promised her a visit there on Thursday, but the clouds dumped a ton of rain on us when it was time to go there, so had to postpone it. It's been a long time since she's had their blueberry pancakes. I also want to go to the library and see if I can get the next books in the two series that I've been reading. oh...... how fun!!! YUM... blueberry pancakes!!!!



You are so right about books being a great get away. There are times when I just have to run away to a different time and place.


Your scarves are gorgeous.:clap



:hi Hello back at ya!



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A quick show & share..............

A small little tote for a little girl of a friend!


A Stash Buster Tote for my Aunt who is in town this weekend. She's the one that taught me to crochet and knit when I was 7yrs old. :D

This picture is poor in color...........


took it outside and this is better...........





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A quick show & share..............


A small little tote for a little girl of a friend!



A Stash Buster Tote for my Aunt who is in town this weekend. She's the one that taught me to crochet and knit when I was 7yrs old. :D

This picture is poor in color...........



took it outside and this is better...........









Both totes are great.

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A quick show & share..............


A small little tote for a little girl of a friend!



A Stash Buster Tote for my Aunt who is in town this weekend. She's the one that taught me to crochet and knit when I was 7yrs old. :D

This picture is poor in color...........



took it outside and this is better...........








Beautiful work, Tammy.:clap :clap :clap

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Good morning!!!


I actually read a little bit last night!!! I had started another tote- this time the 'Granny Go Round" and I found myself getting tired- especially when I started what I thought was round 13- and it said to dc in the ch1. I was thinking- what chain 1?? So I looked at the pattern again- and I was actually reading round 14 directions. I figured it was time to put it down and go upstairs and read for a while.


Nothing planned on the home front- other than to relax and take it easy.:c9


Have a good Sunday all!

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'morning, peeps!


So I got a couple of shirts and also a cute baby frame to put on my desk at work. For now, I'll just put a little note that says Coming Soon.... and when he makes his grand appearance into the world, I'll put his pic in it.

that is such a sweet idea!

Out of habit I salted all of my food like I always do Kim's and the more salt I ate the better I started to feel. Being on a low salt diet with high fluids and diuretics I can sometimes end up too low on salt without realizing it and it would account for all the symptoms I've been having. :idea Summer weather combined with the above and voila!

I'm the same - if I don't have enough salt in my system I feel very sick!

A quick show & share..............


A small little tote for a little girl of a friend!



A Stash Buster Tote for my Aunt who is in town this weekend. She's the one that taught me to crochet and knit when I was 7yrs old. :D

This picture is poor in color...........



took it outside and this is better...........








Very cute!!!!



I saw my neighbor outside yesterday with a photgrapher and her newborn - omg, the baby is so new he still has down on his skin! I melted:c9


Gotta dash! Have a good one!

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....me in a pic, for a change...hair up as always, in this weather!

Nice shawl Judy!


Wrennie ~ How are the "war wounds"? ;) Once in a while Gracie (Cairn) and Zoe, the cat chase eachother on the bed...at 4 in the morning. :lol

My only wound was a scratch on my ear. I had Marton look at it yesterday to see if it looked red or swollen or infected. He said it looked fine. Dumb cats were on the bed this morning and started getting "frisky'. They all got shoved off pretty quick.


This is going to be *super quick.* ... No, seriously, stop laughing...



:rofl :rofl :rofl



Wrennie ~ That would be quite the wake-up call. Sorry you got wounded in the process.



Here's the baby playing with Sparkie's favorite ball.I think she has a death wish - just this afternoon I had to separate them after she did something and he had to discipline her - she yelped, but DID back off for a bit. Sparkie still wasn't too happy with her, so I sent them to their neutral corners. She's not afraid of him; whcih isn't always a good thing.

Awwwwwww! :dog


Wrennie- What a way to wake up in the morning!!! Hope your half day at work goes by quickly and have fun at the yard sales.

After work we (Donna was working too so we carpooled) went to a nursery, a dollar store then the Jolly Cow for a texas hot dog. Donna had ice cream too.


It's still Friday! I have a picture! These are scarves for Kiyo on our newly tiled patio. The two on the left are RH Soft Heather Grey and Vanna's Colonial Blue in a hdc ribbed stitch. The third is RH Collage in a V-stitch pattern. We can't clean the "grout haze" off until tomorrow, but it is wonderful and makes the whole back yard look better!

Nice scarves & pretty patio!


gonna hop off for now and work on a bassinet purse while watching a movie with my DD.

Oooh, show us the purse! Welcome to our house!


Dh and I have been out dividing and transplanting perennials most of the day. I put a bunch in pots to give to DD. I have so many plants that I have been putting the extras down at the edge of the woods. If anyone wants them, they will be easy enough to dig up again later, and I think most of them will grow there, although they may not bloom much. This damp overcast weather is good for transplanting, even if it isn't very pleasant.

Ummm, what kinds of plants? 90% of my garden is from swaps with other gardening friends all across the US and Canada.


A quick show & share..............


A small little tote for a little girl of a friend!



A Stash Buster Tote for my Aunt who is in town this weekend. She's the one that taught me to crochet and knit when I was 7yrs old. :D

This picture is poor in color...........



took it outside and this is better...........








Nice totes!



So Donna gave the puppy back. Her sons bulldog and her rotty/shepherd got along with it fine, but apparently her Beagle is gay and kept trying to have his way with the (male) puppy. She decided she didn't want to have to be pulling them apart all the time and she really didn't have a way of seperating them when she was at work, and her hubby was just going to fight jer on it anyway, so away he went. The girls that rescued him may just keep him if they can't find a home soon.


I went around and got a few pictures of my garden. Like I said earlier most were trades from online friends.

Various sizes and colors of iris. My red one isn't blooming yet. And I have a truer yellow that was saved from a house in SC where the people who bought the house were going to bulldoze those 'weeds' to make the kids a motocross track. They just started blooming today. I'll have to get a picture.



Light purple lupines. I wish I could get some other colors to grow.



Allium that Chrizty gave me in a gift.



Cntaurea. Everyone thinks its monarda its so similar in bloom.



And forget me nots




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