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Our House Part Two


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Morning ladies

Not much time to read posts this morning,so have only seen the ones on this page. Cam spent the night and should be awake any time now,and as soon as he wakes u we need to go run some errands that can't be put off . He won't be too thrilled that we have to go anyplace -- he likes staying here and playing ,but Sam had to work today so Cam will have to come with me .

Last night we played a "new" game I found for him --I got it at a yard sale -- Mission to Mars -- it's a really old game ,but I knew he would LOVE it . He is crazy about space stuff,the planets, etc . We played it all evening and he beat us both many times. ( I thought Sam would know all the space answers, but he missed several that Cam knew )

I've never been much interested in that stuff so know nothing about it, unless it was on Lost in Space, which is where I LIVE .



Wonderful to see a post from you Julie- and don't you just love 'new'games that aren't so new? But they are if you have never played them!!!

Toni ~ I am so thrilled by this news. :yay:yay You have been such an inspiration and good sport through all of your medical restrictions, but to have your freedom to 'just get in the car and go where you want to when you want to has got to feel fabulous. Congratulations, M'friend :manyheart Couldn't have said it better myself!!!


Is that set ever wonderful, Joanne :clap I love the idea of giving the blankie with a matching tote bag. And, such a pretty color combination. Very nice :yesThank you- I can't take credit for the idea- another viller Shell Lee came up with that, but I can take credit for implementing the idea!:lol

Have a good one!!


Someone asked me about the library fair. That takes place June 11. I finished the doilyghan for it. see.

I also did this hat & scarf to put in my box for Kiyo.

Last weekend we had a pet parade. It was rainy so only a few dogs came, not everyone dressed up, but it was fun.


JoAnne who won the game?Unfortunately the Mets won the game. Hopefully the Yankees can win tonight Nice tote & RR. Love the colors. thank you!


Is anyone else going to watch the Preakness today? (Thats the second horse race in the triple crown series for those who don't follow)I'm not much into horse racing-


I forgot to get bird food last night on the way home so all I have is some finch mix. I better get some this morning so I don't have a reenactment of Hitchcocks The Birds on my front step.


Cam in the mudhole -- 2 years old ...
Adorable picture!!!!


Cam just left a few minutes ago .We had to run to the next town over to get some things done and our last stop was the grocery .Cam was excited to come back home and play games, so when we got out of the store, I said let's hurry so we can get home faster,so Cam turned around and said he'd race me to the car. Well,he knows that he could run back and forth 5 times before I could get there once .

When we got in the car ,he asked how old I was when I used to play hopscotch with him ,so we were trying to remember how long ago it was.

I told him I thought I was 47 the year we played that .


He sat there pondering the situation a bit, then said " Mam, it's too bad we have to grow up and can't play anymore ,isn't it ? "


I thought it was so funny, yet so sad . That was 6 years ago,and I look at what I used to do with him and what I do now ... just not up to par and able to do as much as I used to . I try to make his visits fun ,even though I can't hopscotch anymore .

I'm sure all his time with you is fun- and it's very obvious how much he loves his "Mam"!!:hug


Oooh, very nice! You a e putting the blanket in the tote, right? That is such a great idea.
It's there now!!!:D



Judy ~ I knew it was Joanne and her husband who often go out to Delicious Orchards on the weekend, but, for some reason, I asked whether you were going out this morning. Ah well, another one of those times when I need to think before I type :blush It's good to hear you will get an evening off from cooking, tonight. Enjoy :fork:spoon:knife


The rain has not let-up on this end, yet. It's gentle and steady, and nothing we needed, but there are no serious storms out there, so I guess, it's alright. DH and I could not convince the girls that a trip to the home improvement store would be fun. They were really against getting dressed in 'shopping clothes' and riding in the car for 90 minutes each way :think. We have taken our measurements and planned out our summer of projects. :eek Eek, is it ever going to be price-y! We have all of the new interior doors and closet doors. While those are being replaced, we have to do new trim, so that means feet and feet of new baseboard molding to stain and cut for the entire house. Since the molding is all off of the walls, we really want to put in new flooring throughout the main level (can I just tell you how much I dislike the beige and peach linoleum the original homeowners put in here? :yuck) I'm giddy at the thought of new flooring :hyper. We have been meaning to replace the carpeting in the living room for a few years, so that is on the agenda, too. Whew! I know we can do the work in a week to 10 days, but we have been dragging our feet about buying the molding, since neither one of us is a great fan of the staining/sanding/sealing process. We can do it :yes But, not this week :lol So, we stayed home. Annika and Kyri both pulled out sewing projects (making stuffed toys out of felt and accessories), which I supervised, while baking a few dozen Black Bottom Cupcakes and starting a pot of Cheesy Wild Rice Soup. After lunch, DH took the girls to a nursery to buy new apple trees for the orchard. He told me to stay home and take it easy for a couple of hours. Okay :hook Here are a few pictures from this week


The Multi-petal Flower accessory for Kyri's bedroom throw pillows. I used Red Heart Shimmer in Black



5-inch by 5-inch Baby Blocks for a baby shower gift



Here is the Ruffle Rose Pillow I was working on for the guest room.


It was going so quickly and smoothly, but...I really am not fond of how it is turning out Oh, it is not a problem with the pattern, I just don't like the looks of it. :shrug I keep refering to it as a 'pizza crust,' and I am going to frog the entire thing.


Since Kyri's flower came out so well, I am giving that a whirl for the guest room


Much better :yes. I went up to an 'I' hook from a 'G,' and I think it's going to be perfect. I only have 7 rows to go, and then I can start another. Heaven knows, I have enough yarn :rofl


Talk to you, later.

I love the revised pillow for the guest room- and all the other projects. You do such beautiful work!! And good luck with all those home improvement projects!!!!


Hello, my friends. I ran errands this morning and this afternoon I goofed off and read a book. I've reached the halfway point on the quilting of the inner squares on the Challenge Quilt, which feels really, really good. I like the added depth and 3-dimensionalness it's giving the quilt. And I'm well on track for getting it done on time.



Hooray!!!!!:yay :yay :yaySounds like you have had a great day- and I've no doubt you will get the Challenge quilt done on time!!! I've been really slacking on the reading front- too busy making totes!


Joanne, those turned out to be a fabulous pair! :clap :clap :clapThanks


What a wonderful observation. Kids can be so profound sometimes. They sure can!!!


Nice of hubby to give you a bit of a break. And gorgeous crochetwork there gal. :clap :clap :clap :clap


We ran some errands today- and went to JoAnn's which is down by Trader Joe's and I got some fabric to try lining some of the totes. While DH was driving I was busy crocheting and came home and finished another tote. :hook


Hope everyone has a good evening!!!

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I was just looking at Cindy's blog and I love the pic of the owl! I had seen the indigo bunting and just seeing it again- wow- what a beautiful bird!!!


Julie- the tote she posted- I've made 9 of them!!! I'm addicted to making them!! I've made them in acrylic and cotton and I'm getting ready to start #10.:hook

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I bet you and Jude have a lot in common with your love of dogs .I think several of the ladies in here have pet dogs,some have cats. We dont have any pets at all .

I have 4 cats. No dogs right now. This morning when Hunter was playing and I was trying to slep I thought about having NO pets. grrrrr. (he-he)

I tried to get Stephanie to bring one of her MIL's goats down to the pet parade, dressed up. They thought about it, but she had moving to do, and with the rain, well wet goats are stinky goats.


Wrennie ~ Fun pictures -- thanks for sharing. Can I be nosy and ask if that is you holding Monkey? :blush Your doily-ghan looks really special. Nice job on all of your projects :clap Did you get out and back home again before your birdies mutinied? Hope so ;)

Nope. thats Monkeys grandma, Kathy.

Thanks for the :clap

Yup, came home got out of the car to a chickadee 'yelling' at me, opened the bag right up and turned around and......... he was gone :eek

He came back a few minutes later tho.:D

Last night we were outside. A big old SUV goes by, hits a bird. He's sleeping forever now. :(


Wrennie, nice work, and enjoyed all the dog pictures.




Judi & JoAnne, I'm not real big into horse racing either. We do watch the 3 triple crown races each year. There hasn't been a triple crown since 79, or was it 78?


rii nice work on all yur projects. How do you seperate the pictures like that with phrases? I can only get them in 1 big lump.

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Good morning!

Another cloudy day here in NJ- and cool! But it's Sunday, I'm alive and all is well with the world!;)


I finished another SBT yesterday- which reminds me of carrots and celery! Vanna's baby in goldfish and sweet pea. I then started another one during the Yankee game in Caron Simply Soft and Caron Simply Paint.


Wrennie- Poor bird! :(


Tammy, Marlene, Julie, Judy, Cheeria, Marisa, Linda, LeAnna, Mary1, Mary2, Dusti, Kiyo, Faille and everyone-----Hope you have a relaxing Sunday!


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Morning, peeps!

A dark, damp and cool morning here in NJ...not complaining, though, since the season I most dislike is around the corner:P


Have to increase Heidi's food...need to spread out a bit more than 4 cups of food over 3 meals for her now...and have loosened her collar twice in nearly 3 weeks since we got her!


Good morning!

Another cloudy day here in NJ- and cool! But it's Sunday, I'm alive and all is well with the world!;)


I finished another SBT yesterday- which reminds me of carrots and celery! Vanna's baby in goldfish and sweet pea. I then started another one during the Yankee game in Caron Simply Soft and Caron Simply Paint.

Very pretty!!! Nice and cheery, too.


Well, off to Delicious Orchards soon...BBL!

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Judy- Have fun at Delicious Orchards!! Wow, Heidi is sure growing in leaps and bounds!!!


DD just called and is on her way over with her BF.


First step in my first attempt at lining a tote is that I printed out FutureGirls instructions on how to line a tote http://www.futuregirl.com/craft_blog/2008/1/tutorial-sew-lining-for-crocheted-bag.aspx


Hopefully by the end of the day I'll have a lined tote---but if not---can't say I didn't try:)

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HI HOUSE!!!!!!!!!!:hi Sorry that I haven't been around much lately bu things are too crazy lately.:blush Spending lots of time at the Dr's lately and I am going in for surgery on my right shoulder Tues. morning.:( Of course in has to be on my dominant side, so I won't be able to do much that requires using my right hand for a while. I will be home from work anywhere from 6 weeks to 3 months:eek I will probably be stir-crazy by the time I can come back! Hopefully I will be able to :crocheting again before too long.


Hope all is well with everyone and I've missed you all!:hug:hug:manyheart

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HI HOUSE!!!!!!!!!!:hi Sorry that I haven't been around much lately bu things are too crazy lately.:blush Spending lots of time at the Dr's lately and I am going in for surgery on my right shoulder Tues. morning.:( Of course in has to be on my dominant side, so I won't be able to do much that requires using my right hand for a while. I will be home from work anywhere from 6 weeks to 3 months:eek I will probably be stir-crazy by the time I can come back! Hopefully I will be able to :crocheting again before too long.


Hope all is well with everyone and I've missed you all!:hug:hug:manyheart

I hope the surgery goes well and you surprise everyone with the speed of your recovery!!!:hug:manyheart


Judy- Have fun at Delicious Orchards!! Wow, Heidi is sure growing in leaps and bounds!!!


DD just called and is on her way over with her BF.


First step in my first attempt at lining a tote is that I printed out FutureGirls instructions on how to line a tote http://www.futuregirl.com/craft_blog/2008/1/tutorial-sew-lining-for-crocheted-bag.aspx


Hopefully by the end of the day I'll have a lined tote---but if not---can't say I didn't try:)

How are you doing with the lining? I checked out the link and she's very precise. I still do it by the seat of my pants. If I could make myself follow such great directions I'd undoubtedly save myself alot of aggravation and time!

A Yankee win...!


CU all tomorrow!

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Hi gang

I made it in again today. Better late than never .



It sounds like you are right on track with your quilt. It'll be neat to see the completed project. when is the deadline ? I couldnt remember when it was .




Wow, you must be on a roll with all the totes. They are really pretty. The one on Cindy's page that I was talking about was one that she made the pattern for . I think it is at the bottom of her pattern page.

I dont have the pattern for the one that you guys are all making ,although I have thought about contacting Turtlelvr about it. I guess I try not to get too involved with very much crocheting since I can't use much except cotton or thread . I stopped at a yard sale yesterday that had some beautiful and expensive looking yarn --no big amounts of any one color,but some of it looked like angora ,then some others were a new Lion brand type I cant remember the name of. I actually picked it up,then put it back,thinking why in the world would I buy it ,then would get ticked off at myself because I couldnt use it ?

SO ...someone else probably got a good deal on some beautiful yarn .


Good luck with the tote lining-- do you have a sewing machine or are you doing it by hand ?




You sure make it sound so easy,all about feeding a baby pup and when they need more food, how it needs divided up,etc.

I couldnt picture me being a dog owner--that poor dog, I'd be giving him Spaghettios like we eat !

And a chocolate poptart for dessert .



Best of luck with your surgery -- I bet you will do just fine and heal well . Remember if you need therapy,that even if it hurts like heck,try your hardest to do it,because it makes rcovering go so much faster and easier .

At least you picked a time of year when the weather should be nice,so maybe you can sit outside and enjoy the sunshine. If you like to read,maybe you could do that in place of crochet for awhile if your arm wont be useable for a bit .

Keep us updated on how things are going .




Have you posted pictures and names for your cats,and do you try dressing them up like the dogs ? I bet they wouldnt like it quite as much. I had a pet cat when I was little. He was a man ,and probably the toughest cat on the block. I would put a pink baby doll dress and bonnet on him,then stick him in my baby carriage .He would jump and make a run for it,shaking the clothes off the whole way down the road. I think he was pretty embarassed ,being FONZIE on our street,but being dressed up like Shirley Temple .

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SBT#8 and matching baby RR --Photo Friday--a day late!!:lol And finally, the :sun is shining!!!

They came out great :manyheart


Someone asked me about the library fair. That takes place June 11. I finished the doilyghan for it. see.

I also did this hat & scarf to put in my box for Kiyo.

Last weekend we had a pet parade. It was rainy so only a few dogs came, not everyone dressed up, but it was fun.


Toni that must have felt great to drive again :cheer


Kiyo sounds like a great time with your friends.


I'm sure I didn't read far enough back to catch everyone so hi & hugs to anyone I dont mention.


JoAnne who won the game? Nice tote & RR. Love the colors.


Is anyone else going to watch the Preakness today? (Thats the second horse race in the triple crown series for those who don't follow)


I forgot to get bird food last night on the way home so all I have is some finch mix. I better get some this morning so I don't have a reenactment of Hitchcocks The Birds on my front step.


Shhh, oh my gosh, theres a warm shining fiery ball in the sky, what is it?

We're supposed to get spotty showers. I wish it would dry up enough to at least cut the grass. It's a rain forest out there!


I hope to plant some annuals today before it rains in my pots and planters. The hummingbirds will like that!


Marissa, good luck finding a place.


I have to try to remember to take some pictures of my kitchen to show my kitchen swap buddy. Guess I have to get rid of the cob webs first! :rofl

Have a great day everyone!


Great pics :yes:yay


Wrennie ~ Fun pictures -- thanks for sharing. Can I be nosy and ask if that is you holding Monkey? :blush Your doily-ghan looks really special. Nice job on all of your projects :clap Did you get out and back home again before your birdies mutinied? Hope so ;)


Julie ~ Cam sounds so wise with come of his observations. :hug He has the wonderful memories of playing with you outside, when you were younger, and nothing can take those away from him. Love the shot of him in the mud!! You have to let kids get dirty, sometimes, right? :wink ...if for no other reason than to take some cute and memorable photos. Glad you finished your errands and got back home, again.


Judy ~ I knew it was Joanne and her husband who often go out to Delicious Orchards on the weekend, but, for some reason, I asked whether you were going out this morning. Ah well, another one of those times when I need to think before I type :blush It's good to hear you will get an evening off from cooking, tonight. Enjoy :fork:spoon:knife


The rain has not let-up on this end, yet. It's gentle and steady, and nothing we needed, but there are no serious storms out there, so I guess, it's alright. DH and I could not convince the girls that a trip to the home improvement store would be fun. They were really against getting dressed in 'shopping clothes' and riding in the car for 90 minutes each way :think. We have taken our measurements and planned out our summer of projects. :eek Eek, is it ever going to be price-y! We have all of the new interior doors and closet doors. While those are being replaced, we have to do new trim, so that means feet and feet of new baseboard molding to stain and cut for the entire house. Since the molding is all off of the walls, we really want to put in new flooring throughout the main level (can I just tell you how much I dislike the beige and peach linoleum the original homeowners put in here? :yuck) I'm giddy at the thought of new flooring :hyper. We have been meaning to replace the carpeting in the living room for a few years, so that is on the agenda, too. Whew! I know we can do the work in a week to 10 days, but we have been dragging our feet about buying the molding, since neither one of us is a great fan of the staining/sanding/sealing process. We can do it :yes But, not this week :lol So, we stayed home. Annika and Kyri both pulled out sewing projects (making stuffed toys out of felt and accessories), which I supervised, while baking a few dozen Black Bottom Cupcakes and starting a pot of Cheesy Wild Rice Soup. After lunch, DH took the girls to a nursery to buy new apple trees for the orchard. He told me to stay home and take it easy for a couple of hours. Okay :hook Here are a few pictures from this week


The Multi-petal Flower accessory for Kyri's bedroom throw pillows. I used Red Heart Shimmer in Black



5-inch by 5-inch Baby Blocks for a baby shower gift



Here is the Ruffle Rose Pillow I was working on for the guest room.


It was going so quickly and smoothly, but...I really am not fond of how it is turning out Oh, it is not a problem with the pattern, I just don't like the looks of it. :shrug I keep refering to it as a 'pizza crust,' and I am going to frog the entire thing.


Since Kyri's flower came out so well, I am giving that a whirl for the guest room


Much better :yes. I went up to an 'I' hook from a 'G,' and I think it's going to be perfect. I only have 7 rows to go, and then I can start another. Heaven knows, I have enough yarn :rofl


Talk to you, later.


Cute flowers and pillow accessory and baby blocks......... :manyheart


Good morning!

Another cloudy day here in NJ- and cool! But it's Sunday, I'm alive and all is well with the world!;)


I finished another SBT yesterday- which reminds me of carrots and celery! Vanna's baby in goldfish and sweet pea. I then started another one during the Yankee game in Caron Simply Soft and Caron Simply Paint.


Wrennie- Poor bird! :(


Tammy, Marlene, Julie, Judy, Cheeria, Marisa, Linda, LeAnna, Mary1, Mary2, Dusti, Kiyo, Faille and everyone-----Hope you have a relaxing Sunday!


Love the colors :yes


HI HOUSE!!!!!!!!!!:hi Sorry that I haven't been around much lately bu things are too crazy lately.:blush Spending lots of time at the Dr's lately and I am going in for surgery on my right shoulder Tues. morning.:( Of course in has to be on my dominant side, so I won't be able to do much that requires using my right hand for a while. I will be home from work anywhere from 6 weeks to 3 months:eek I will probably be stir-crazy by the time I can come back! Hopefully I will be able to :crocheting again before too long.


Hope all is well with everyone and I've missed you all!:hug:hug:manyheart


Hope all goes well on tuesday....sending some prayers your way :hug

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Hey ladies :hi


I'm back in Philly :clap Saw a few places and really liked one of them :yes My sister is going to try to talk to some people at UPMC to see about the whole credentialing process and becoming an in network provider for the company. They only accept so many doctors per specialty per area, only problem is that anywhere I choose will be a gamble on if I will be accepted or not. Even with all my mapping, there's still no guarantee and that makes me nervous since that's one of the two largest ones there. The other being highmark bc/bs which shouldn't be a problem :think The place I saw on saturday, we weren't too fond of so that's out. We'll see how it pans out.


Went to the Pirates game last night and they won :clap:yay Today coming home, my mom rode with me for a little over half the trip. My parents get off the turnpike before me so she switched at the last rest stop before they were getting off. Then I only had 2 hours alone :D The first hour after leaving my sister's though was brutal :eek The rain was pouring and visibility was low, but then it cleared up :whew I stopped at the grocery store on the way home since I knew I would not want to head back out once I got home. Now, I'm looking forward to laying on the couch and doing nothing :yes I finished the market bag and left it for my sister. The battery in my camera died, but I managed to get a pic with my phone, so I'll post it later today or tomorrow. I'm just exhausted.


I hope you all had a wonderful weekend :hug

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Hey Marisa

Sounds like you might have hit a good spot for your office if the details work out ok.Hope everything goes well so you can begin plans to move and get settled in .


Get some rest after your long drive !

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Hello everyone. Thought I'd check in for a few minutes before going to bed to read. I had a fun day at work today. We have a lot of weekend only staff, and they are really a great group.


Dusti, I missed your pictures yesterday. (we were posting at the same time) I really like that pillow that you didn't care for, but I also like the second try a lot..


Joanne, that owl was huge, probably about 15 inches tall. I like that carrots and celery tote. It looks springlike to me. Good luck with sewing lining.


Hi Trish. Hope your surgery goes well. You'll have to learn to type with your left hand, so you can talk to us.


Judy, sounds like Heidi is growing like a weed.


Marisa, hope you find the perfect spot for your practice.


Julie, are you making the market bag?

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HI HOUSE!!!!!!!!!!:hi Sorry that I haven't been around much lately bu things are too crazy lately.:blush Spending lots of time at the Dr's lately and I am going in for surgery on my right shoulder Tues. morning.:( Of course in has to be on my dominant side, so I won't be able to do much that requires using my right hand for a while. I will be home from work anywhere from 6 weeks to 3 months:eek I will probably be stir-crazy by the time I can come back! Hopefully I will be able to :crocheting again before too long.


Hope all is well with everyone and I've missed you all!:hug:hug:manyheart

Good luck with the surgery- and yes, do the exercises that they tell you to do- even if they hurt. Prayers being said for a quick recovery:hug


I hope the surgery goes well and you surprise everyone with the speed of your recovery!!!:hug:manyheart



How are you doing with the lining? I checked out the link and she's very precise. I still do it by the seat of my pants. If I could make myself follow such great directions I'd undoubtedly save myself alot of aggravation and time!

A Yankee win...!


CU all tomorrow!

We followed those directions- and then I found another tut and used that for the next three. It added a pocket!!! DD was very helpful and it was great having her sewing machine. I have one completely done and have three more linings done and pinned into the totes and just have to handsew them in!!!


Hi gang

I made it in again today. Better late than never .



Wow, you must be on a roll with all the totes. They are really pretty. The one on Cindy's page that I was talking about was one that she made the pattern for . I think it is at the bottom of her pattern page.

I dont have the pattern for the one that you guys are all making ,although I have thought about contacting Turtlelvr about it. I guess I try not to get too involved with very much crocheting since I can't use much except cotton or thread . I stopped at a yard sale yesterday that had some beautiful and expensive looking yarn --no big amounts of any one color,but some of it looked like angora ,then some others were a new Lion brand type I cant remember the name of. I actually picked it up,then put it back,thinking why in the world would I buy it ,then would get ticked off at myself because I couldnt use it ?

SO ...someone else probably got a good deal on some beautiful yarn .


Good luck with the tote lining-- do you have a sewing machine or are you doing it by hand ?




I don't have a sewing machine- DD brought hers over and she's been such a big help showing me how to do it. I'm so excited to have learned how to do something new. Now I want a sewing machine!:lol


Hey ladies :hi


I'm back in Philly :clap Saw a few places and really liked one of them :yes My sister is going to try to talk to some people at UPMC to see about the whole credentialing process and becoming an in network provider for the company. They only accept so many doctors per specialty per area, only problem is that anywhere I choose will be a gamble on if I will be accepted or not. Even with all my mapping, there's still no guarantee and that makes me nervous since that's one of the two largest ones there. The other being highmark bc/bs which shouldn't be a problem :think The place I saw on saturday, we weren't too fond of so that's out. We'll see how it pans out.


Went to the Pirates game last night and they won :clap:yay Today coming home, my mom rode with me for a little over half the trip. My parents get off the turnpike before me so she switched at the last rest stop before they were getting off. Then I only had 2 hours alone :D The first hour after leaving my sister's though was brutal :eek The rain was pouring and visibility was low, but then it cleared up :whew I stopped at the grocery store on the way home since I knew I would not want to head back out once I got home. Now, I'm looking forward to laying on the couch and doing nothing :yes I finished the market bag and left it for my sister. The battery in my camera died, but I managed to get a pic with my phone, so I'll post it later today or tomorrow. I'm just exhausted.


I hope you all had a wonderful weekend :hug

Had a great weekend that flew by!!! Glad you found a place tha tyou like- and good luck with the credentialing stuff.


Hello everyone. Thought I'd check in for a few minutes before going to bed to read. I had a fun day at work today. We have a lot of weekend only staff, and they are really a great group.


Dusti, I missed your pictures yesterday. (we were posting at the same time) I really like that pillow that you didn't care for, but I also like the second try a lot..


Joanne, that owl was huge, probably about 15 inches tall. I like that carrots and celery tote. It looks springlike to me. Good luck with sewing lining.


Hi Trish. Hope your surgery goes well. You'll have to learn to type with your left hand, so you can talk to us.


Judy, sounds like Heidi is growing like a weed.


Marisa, hope you find the perfect spot for your practice.


Julie, are you making the market bag?

Sounds like work wasn't terrible which is great- it does make a difference who you are working with! i love the totes with the lining!!!


Off to clean up a bit from all the crafting done today- DD was working on a mobile that she is making for Ryan along with helping me with the tote linings. And of course we watched the Yankees for a couple hours!!!


See you in the AM!

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Good morning!


Hope that anyone in the midwest was spared the wrath of the tornadoes.


Toni- HOpe you are continuing to do well and that you are enjoying the ability to drive yourself!!!


Cheeria- I thought of you yesterday when DD and I made a quick run to AC Moore- hope you had a great time at your retreat!


Sending hugs to all-:hug:hug:hug:hug and now it's time to get ready for another fun-filled week in Paradise.

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Hi, peeps!

Joanne, yup, Heidi is growinglike a weed! Pics coming later today - her with Sparkie so you can see the comparison....



Hey ladies :hi


I'm back in Philly :clap Saw a few places and really liked one of them :yes My sister is going to try to talk to some people at UPMC to see about the whole credentialing process and becoming an in network provider for the company. They only accept so many doctors per specialty per area, only problem is that anywhere I choose will be a gamble on if I will be accepted or not. Even with all my mapping, there's still no guarantee and that makes me nervous since that's one of the two largest ones there. The other being highmark bc/bs which shouldn't be a problem :think The place I saw on saturday, we weren't too fond of so that's out. We'll see how it pans out.

Oh, hon, good luck witht he office!:hug

Hey ladies :hi


Nothing to report this morning. But here's a pic of the market bag :clap Not the best quality, since I had to take it with my phone :shrug

Good job!


Of I go - BBL sometime.

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Good morning everyone. Hot and gloomy here at the moment, and the bad storms missed us.(so far) However, dh says that the storm that leveled a third of Joplin, Missouri, and killed close to 90 people so far, is headed toward Michigan. Hopefully it becomes weaker as it moves.


Marisa, nice bag. I'm working on one of those, as I think it will be nice to store in the car.


Joanne, congrats on figuring out the lining. If you get a sewing machine you will figure out all sorts of ways to have fun with it. I have two sewing machines and a serger and use them a lot,.

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Here's the totebag I finished last week. It didn't turn out as I originally pictured it, mostly because I got too lazy to figure out how to make my idea work. I don't hate this, but I don't really like it either, so I will most likely throw it into the Goodwill donation box.


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Cindy, I hope the storms miss you....that tornado in Joplin was so sad....and they have more storms coming!


Stay safe everyone:hug:manyheart:hug

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Judy, Linda, Joanne, Marisa, and Cindy ~ Thank you for the kind words about my projects from last week. :hugI really like to keep my fingers busy with hooks and yarn, and I am just so blessed to have found this supportive and encouraging "House."


Julie and Joanne ~ our projects do sound a little bit out-of-control, don't they? When I look at the list, it seems as though our house must be *this close* to being condemned, but, honestly, it's very livable "as is." It was built by the previous owners in 1979, so it is not all that old, it is just that dated. They were not much for improvements or prettiness, so that must be my job ;) We have lived here for 12 years(:eek Where does the time go?!?), and the house works for us, but new flooring, woodwork and cabinets will go a long ways to making it fit our tastes. We do all of the work ourselves, and, while we decided not to go with custom cabinets, this time around, we'll buy unfinished ones to stain to match the rest of the woodwork. We have done flooring in the bathrooms and entryway in the past, so that is not anything to worry about. DH is going to take a week of vacation-time from work, and we will try to get all of the improvements done at that time. The girls are not going to be with my folks as much this summer, but we will do the work when they are there, just so we can work longer hours and eat on-the-run, without trying to stick to much of a schedule. It will be great to have the house back in-order and not feel as though we are living in a construction zone. :construct :clawhamme



The cotton is sometimes ok to use. I think it depends on the day and how my breathing is to start with. If it's really bad, I don't even attempt to do anything crochet related. I thought maybe with a small project I could do some, then put it up for a bit if need be . It is turning into a really cute tote .

Glad you are able to work with some cotton, once in awhile :clap. Tote bags are awfully handy and quick, too. I'm anxious to see your tote, when you finish it.


Hello, my friends. I ran errands this morning and this afternoon I goofed off and read a book. I've reached the halfway point on the quilting of the inner squares on the Challenge Quilt, which feels really, really good. I like the added depth and 3-dimensionalness it's giving the quilt. And I'm well on track for getting it done on time.

Glad you had such a great weekend. Hooray on the Challenge Quilt progress!!!!!:yay :yay :yay


We ran some errands today- and went to JoAnn's which is down by Trader Joe's and I got some fabric to try lining some of the totes. While DH was driving I was busy crocheting and came home and finished another tote. :hook


Hope everyone has a good evening!!!

You are becoming a tote-making pro, too :clap. I have lined a few of the purses I have crocheted, but I do not have a sewing machine. It sounds as though you and your DD are a great team, and I am so proud to hear how quickly you figured out the lining for your totes.


Yup, came home got out of the car to a chickadee 'yelling' at me, opened the bag right up and turned around and......... he was gone :eek

He came back a few minutes later tho.:D

Last night we were outside. A big old SUV goes by, hits a bird. He's sleeping forever now. :(


rii nice work on all yur projects. How do you seperate the pictures like that with phrases? I can only get them in 1 big lump.

Glad you got your chickadee taken care of :lol. Sorry to hear about the ram-jet of an SUV that was not considerate of your winged friends :(.


I am no pro about posting pics, but I will do my best to tell you how I get them into my posts. First, I attach all of the pictures that I want to use in the post with the 'paper clip' at the top of the Reply box. Then, I type a little bit of info. When I want a picture, I


  1. put my cursor in the Reply box, where I want the pic
  2. Click on the tiny arrow to the right of the paper clip
  3. Scroll down the list of the photos I previously uploaded to the Reply message and highlight the one I want to use
  4. I, usually, hit <Enter> a couple of times to leave some space after the picture, write a little more and Repeat Steps 1-4 until I have included all of the photos

Confused? :think I think it was Linda that explained the process to me, when I was confused, so I am sure she can straighten you out, if I have made your head spin in circles :huh


Good morning!


I finished another SBT yesterday- which reminds me of carrots and celery! Vanna's baby in goldfish and sweet pea. I then started another one during the Yankee game in Caron Simply Soft and Caron Simply Paint.

Very nice!


Morning, peeps!

A dark, damp and cool morning here in NJ...not complaining, though, since the season I most dislike is around the corner:P


Have to increase Heidi's food...need to spread out a bit more than 4 cups of food over 3 meals for her now...and have loosened her collar twice in nearly 3 weeks since we got her!

Ahh, she's growing and thriving. Nice job, Momma :manyheart


HI HOUSE!!!!!!!!!!:hi Sorry that I haven't been around much lately bu things are too crazy lately.:blush Spending lots of time at the Dr's lately and I am going in for surgery on my right shoulder Tues. morning.:( Of course in has to be on my dominant side, so I won't be able to do much that requires using my right hand for a while. I will be home from work anywhere from 6 weeks to 3 months:eek I will probably be stir-crazy by the time I can come back! Hopefully I will be able to :crocheting again before too long.


Hope all is well with everyone and I've missed you all!:hug:hug:manyheart

Hi, Trish :hi Here's wishing you a successful surgery and timely recovery :hug We will be happy to hear when you are back home and able to chat with us, again.


Hey ladies :hi


I'm back in Philly :clap Saw a few places and really liked one of them :yes My sister is going to try to talk to some people at UPMC to see about the whole credentialing process and becoming an in network provider for the company. They only accept so many doctors per specialty per area, only problem is that anywhere I choose will be a gamble on if I will be accepted or not. Even with all my mapping, there's still no guarantee and that makes me nervous since that's one of the two largest ones there. The other being highmark bc/bs which shouldn't be a problem :think The place I saw on saturday, we weren't too fond of so that's out. We'll see how it pans out.


Went to the Pirates game last night and they won :clap:yay Today coming home, my mom rode with me for a little over half the trip. My parents get off the turnpike before me so she switched at the last rest stop before they were getting off. Then I only had 2 hours alone :D The first hour after leaving my sister's though was brutal :eek The rain was pouring and visibility was low, but then it cleared up :whew I stopped at the grocery store on the way home since I knew I would not want to head back out once I got home. Now, I'm looking forward to laying on the couch and doing nothing :yes I finished the market bag and left it for my sister. The battery in my camera died, but I managed to get a pic with my phone, so I'll post it later today or tomorrow. I'm just exhausted.


I hope you all had a wonderful weekend :hug

Sounds like you had a great weekend in Philadelphia. Good luck figuring out the insurance provider and credentialing details. Do you have plans to go back up, soon, and look around some more? I'll bet you are tired after your whirl-wind couple of days. Glad your trip was safe, and that you are back home, again.


Hey ladies :hi


Nothing to report this morning. But here's a pic of the market bag :clap Not the best quality, since I had to take it with my phone :shrug

Nice drawstring tote! Is that the newest pattern Sue was sharing? I like that one, too :yes


Really overcast and damp, today, but not stormy. So sad to hear about the devastated communities in Missouri :cry I hope those storms lose their "punch" and do not bother you, Cindy. Stay safe :hug


Last week of school for the girls. Annika has been excited, up to this point, but she was sad this morning, when she told me, "This is my last Monday of 1st Grade." Talk about needing to give her a hug! There are a few fun activities peppered throughout the week, so I know it will pass quickly.


I finished the revised flower on the pillow for the guest room. It looks nice :yes I am going to try something different for the second pillow, and I'll be sure to show y'all, when I have made some progress. Today, I am off to the grocery store and in the middle of doing laundry.


Have a good Monday :waving

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Here's the totebag I finished last week. It didn't turn out as I originally pictured it, mostly because I got too lazy to figure out how to make my idea work. I don't hate this, but I don't really like it either, so I will most likely throw it into the Goodwill donation box.

I am sorry you are not overly thrilled with your pattern, but I think it looks really nice :hug I like the color blocks off-set with the black boarders. Keep the idea in mind, and, perhaps, you can come up with an easy fix to make the tote look more like the picture you had in your mind. A very nice contribution to the Goodwill, nonetheless.

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No project pics...just my furples...:D

Sparkie holds sticks for her so she can chew the other end...sometimes he moves and she flips over:lol




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Happy Monday, everyone. :) Where have the last 3 days gone? :lol Luke was here til yesterday morning - we spent the afternoon with MIL - workmen showed up at 7:30 this morning to tile the patio and porch - severe storms and no power for 3 hours and now the sun is out and they're working again. :whew;)


Now to catch up on posts! Here is Luke at the kiddie pool yesterday - his first time in a "big" pool. :) Will be back soon. :yes


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Toni ~ Oh, what great news! :clap It must feel wonderful to be able to do things on your schedule for a change. I hope you continue to feel okay. :manyheart


Julie ~ I always love your posts about Cam - he's such a special guy! We have some updating that needs to be done, but I'm not sure if I could stand the mess. We'd have to move out for a while...with a cat and dog. :lol


Dusti ~ Great pictures and projects.:hook It's hard to believe school is almost out! Wish we were closer and I'd keep the girls while you all work on the house. :)


Kiyo ~ Loved the story about the "waving" windshield wipers. :D I'm still trying to finish another scarf before sending a package your way. :blush


Joanne ~ Your RR and tote are so pretty. :c9 I love the idea of making the tote the wrapping for the afghan.

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