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Our House Part Two


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Read all the posts- and wanted to stop in quick and say hi- DD and her BF are on their way over- they want to watch the Subway Series (Yankees vs Mets) with us- so I'd better get something quick on for dinner---pasta and salad ---


Enjoy your evening and I'll "see you" in the AM!

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A quick check in. Next week, should be back to normal posting. I've missed y'all!


Great news, I can drive again! I got the okay yesterday from eye surgeon and drove myself to chemo, KMart and Wally World :lol It felt sooooo good! FREEDOM!!!

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Hey ladies, just a quick stop before bed to let you know im in pitt and saw 2 places today and liked 1 a bit better than the other. Off to see another tomorrow and to the pirates game at night. Ill chat in more detail when im home with a real keyboard. But just want to send toni some yea's and congrats on the eyes and being able to drive again

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A quick check in. Next week, should be back to normal posting. I've missed y'all!


Great news, I can drive again! I got the okay yesterday from eye surgeon and drove myself to chemo, KMart and Wally World :lol It felt sooooo good! FREEDOM!!!

:clap:yay:jumpyay:woo:day Best news of the day!!!!!

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Hey ladies, just a quick stop before bed to let you know im in pitt and saw 2 places today and liked 1 a bit better than the other. Off to see another tomorrow and to the pirates game at night. Ill chat in more detail when im home with a real keyboard. But just want to send toni some yea's and congrats on the eyes and being able to drive again


Glad you made it safe and sound and hope you have another good day tomorrow- Have fun at the ball game.


I finished another tote tonight- the one to match the baby RR. I'll get pics up tomorrow. Started SBT#9 tonight while watching the game (the Yankees lost:(), but we had fun anyway.


See you in the AM---coffee is all ready...........

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Good morning House mates!


Just wanted to pop in and wish everyone a happy day!


Time to start the usual ritual---and then I'm off for a mani/pedi!!


Cindy- hope the workday goes by quickly for you!!!


See you all later!

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'morning, peeps!

A quick check in. Next week, should be back to normal posting. I've missed y'all!


Great news, I can drive again! I got the okay yesterday from eye surgeon and drove myself to chemo, KMart and Wally World :lol It felt sooooo good! FREEDOM!!!

That's such fantastic news!!!!:yay:yay:yay:yay

Hey ladies, just a quick stop before bed to let you know im in pitt and saw 2 places today and liked 1 a bit better than the other. Off to see another tomorrow and to the pirates game at night. Ill chat in more detail when im home with a real keyboard.

That's terrific!

SBT#8 and matching baby RR --Photo Friday--a day late!!:lol And finally, the :sun is shining!!!

Gorgeous...and I love the idea of the matching tote:clap:clap

Enjoy your mani/pedi!


CU all later...have a good one!:hug

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Morning ladies

Not much time to read posts this morning,so have only seen the ones on this page. Cam spent the night and should be awake any time now,and as soon as he wakes u we need to go run some errands that can't be put off . He won't be too thrilled that we have to go anyplace -- he likes staying here and playing ,but Sam had to work today so Cam will have to come with me .

Last night we played a "new" game I found for him --I got it at a yard sale -- Mission to Mars -- it's a really old game ,but I knew he would LOVE it . He is crazy about space stuff,the planets, etc . We played it all evening and he beat us both many times. ( I thought Sam would know all the space answers, but he missed several that Cam knew )

I've never been much interested in that stuff so know nothing about it, unless it was on Lost in Space, which is where I LIVE .


I wanted to toss out a quick note to TONI --

Great news that your eyes are well enough to drive now ! I bet you really love being able to go on your own again .



Wanted to say thank you for the new tote pattern you put on your web page . I was trying to find some type of pattern to use with cotton to make a beach bag for my cousin,and this is turning out very pretty . You did a nice job designing it and explaining the directions .


Good morning to Joanne and Judy and I think I saw Marisa's post on this page --


Howdy to everyone else ..Will try to step in when I have more time to yak ..

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A quick check in. Next week, should be back to normal posting. I've missed y'all!


Great news, I can drive again! I got the okay yesterday from eye surgeon and drove myself to chemo, KMart and Wally World :lol It felt sooooo good! FREEDOM!!!

Toni ~ I am so thrilled by this news. :yay:yay You have been such an inspiration and good sport through all of your medical restrictions, but to have your freedom to 'just get in the car and go where you want to when you want to has got to feel fabulous. Congratulations, M'friend :manyheart


Hey ladies, just a quick stop before bed to let you know im in pitt and saw 2 places today and liked 1 a bit better than the other. Off to see another tomorrow and to the pirates game at night. Ill chat in more detail when im home with a real keyboard. But just want to send toni some yea's and congrats on the eyes and being able to drive again
Glad you made it safe and sound. I am anxious to hear how the rest of your properties look, once you return home. :xfin you have a great day!


SBT#8 and matching baby RR --Photo Friday--a day late!!:lol And finally, the :sun is shining!!!

Is that set ever wonderful, Joanne :clap I love the idea of giving the blankie with a matching tote bag. And, such a pretty color combination. Very nice :yes


'morning, peeps!


CU all later...have a good one!:hug

Same to you :2spin Any new tricks up your sleeve for wearing Heidi out (ahem, I mean, playing with her), today?;) Are you and DH headed out for breakfast this a.m.?


My girls just got up, so I have to run. It is really wet and soggy outside, so I am not sure what is on our agenda for this Saturday. I'll check back in, later, and let you know what we find for entertainment :waving


Have a good one!!

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Morning ladies

Not much time to read posts this morning,so have only seen the ones on this page. Cam spent the night and should be awake any time now,and as soon as he wakes u we need to go run some errands that can't be put off . He won't be too thrilled that we have to go anyplace -- he likes staying here and playing ,but Sam had to work today so Cam will have to come with me .

Last night we played a "new" game I found for him --I got it at a yard sale -- Mission to Mars -- it's a really old game ,but I knew he would LOVE it . He is crazy about space stuff,the planets, etc . We played it all evening and he beat us both many times. ( I thought Sam would know all the space answers, but he missed several that Cam knew )

I've never been much interested in that stuff so know nothing about it, unless it was on Lost in Space, which is where I LIVE .


I wanted to toss out a quick note to TONI --

Great news that your eyes are well enough to drive now ! I bet you really love being able to go on your own again .



Wanted to say thank you for the new tote pattern you put on your web page . I was trying to find some type of pattern to use with cotton to make a beach bag for my cousin,and this is turning out very pretty . You did a nice job designing it and explaining the directions .


Good morning to Joanne and Judy and I think I saw Marisa's post on this page --


Howdy to everyone else ..Will try to step in when I have more time to yak ..


Hi there, Miss Julie:hi I hope you can get your errands finished, quickly, so that you and Cam can get back to playing at home. Enjoy your day with him, and tell him, "Way to go," on knowing so many of the answers to the game's questions :h5.

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Someone asked me about the library fair. That takes place June 11. I finished the doilyghan for it. see.

I also did this hat & scarf to put in my box for Kiyo.

Last weekend we had a pet parade. It was rainy so only a few dogs came, not everyone dressed up, but it was fun.


Toni that must have felt great to drive again :cheer


Kiyo sounds like a great time with your friends.


I'm sure I didn't read far enough back to catch everyone so hi & hugs to anyone I dont mention.


JoAnne who won the game? Nice tote & RR. Love the colors.


Is anyone else going to watch the Preakness today? (Thats the second horse race in the triple crown series for those who don't follow)


I forgot to get bird food last night on the way home so all I have is some finch mix. I better get some this morning so I don't have a reenactment of Hitchcocks The Birds on my front step.


Shhh, oh my gosh, theres a warm shining fiery ball in the sky, what is it?

We're supposed to get spotty showers. I wish it would dry up enough to at least cut the grass. It's a rain forest out there!


I hope to plant some annuals today before it rains in my pots and planters. The hummingbirds will like that!


Marissa, good luck finding a place.


I have to try to remember to take some pictures of my kitchen to show my kitchen swap buddy. Guess I have to get rid of the cob webs first! :rofl

Have a great day everyone!






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Hi Dusti

Good to see you ! (and everyone else ! )

Hope your wet weather shapes up --we have had that for so many days now, it is nice to finally see blue skies and sun .

Hope you and your girls find something to do in the rain. When Cam was small,we used to go out in our bare feet and stomp in mud holes .We'd both come in with mud to our knees . Wonder if he remembers that ? I have a picture of him when he was really small ,playing in a mudhole .Will try to find it and post .




I know what you mean about the big orange light in the sky --almost SCAREY at first ! Havent seen it for so long. Love all the pictures,especially the doggie in the yellow hat --very funny !

Enjoy your weather today .

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Any new tricks up your sleeve for wearing Heidi out (ahem, I mean, playing with her), today?;) Are you and DH headed out for breakfast this a.m.?

Haha! Sparkie is my ally in wearing out Heidi...they are inseparable, but there are times she gets too crazy and I have to separate them.We've had them interat in the house a bit, but there isn't a whole lot of room for them! Heidi loves chasing her ball...and then I have to run after her and pull junk out of her mouth as she starts grazing.

We don't eat breakfast out...though I love breakfast out! Saturday is my day off from cooking dinner and we're headed out to Carrabba's later.

My girls just got up, so I have to run. It is really wet and soggy outside, so I am not sure what is on our agenda for this Saturday. I'll check back in, later, and let you know what we find for entertainment :waving


Have a good one!!

Stay dry!

I also did this hat & scarf to put in my box for Kiyo.

Last weekend we had a pet parade. It was rainy so only a few dogs came, not everyone dressed up, but it was fun.

Love your pics!!! Did you use Homespun for the hat and scarf? The pups are adorable, too.

Is anyone else going to watch the Preakness today? (Thats the second horse race in the triple crown series for those who don't follow)

We don't usually follow it - though the final race in the triple crown does get our attention....

Cam in the mudhole -- 2 years old ...
Too cute! You're what being a grandma is all about:yes
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I bet you and Jude have a lot in common with your love of dogs .I think several of the ladies in here have pet dogs,some have cats. We dont have any pets at all .





Cam just left a few minutes ago .We had to run to the next town over to get some things done and our last stop was the grocery .Cam was excited to come back home and play games, so when we got out of the store, I said let's hurry so we can get home faster,so Cam turned around and said he'd race me to the car. Well,he knows that he could run back and forth 5 times before I could get there once .

When we got in the car ,he asked how old I was when I used to play hopscotch with him ,so we were trying to remember how long ago it was.

I told him I thought I was 47 the year we played that .


He sat there pondering the situation a bit, then said " Mam, it's too bad we have to grow up and can't play anymore ,isn't it ? "


I thought it was so funny, yet so sad . That was 6 years ago,and I look at what I used to do with him and what I do now ... just not up to par and able to do as much as I used to . I try to make his visits fun ,even though I can't hopscotch anymore .

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Wanted to say thank you for the new tote pattern you put on your web page . I was trying to find some type of pattern to use with cotton to make a beach bag for my cousin,and this is turning out very pretty . You did a nice job designing it and explaining the directions .




You are welcome.


Glad you are having a good time with Cam. Is the cotton yarn okay for you?

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Wrennie ~ Fun pictures -- thanks for sharing. Can I be nosy and ask if that is you holding Monkey? :blush Your doily-ghan looks really special. Nice job on all of your projects :clap Did you get out and back home again before your birdies mutinied? Hope so ;)


Julie ~ Cam sounds so wise with come of his observations. :hug He has the wonderful memories of playing with you outside, when you were younger, and nothing can take those away from him. Love the shot of him in the mud!! You have to let kids get dirty, sometimes, right? :wink ...if for no other reason than to take some cute and memorable photos. Glad you finished your errands and got back home, again.


Judy ~ I knew it was Joanne and her husband who often go out to Delicious Orchards on the weekend, but, for some reason, I asked whether you were going out this morning. Ah well, another one of those times when I need to think before I type :blush It's good to hear you will get an evening off from cooking, tonight. Enjoy :fork:spoon:knife


The rain has not let-up on this end, yet. It's gentle and steady, and nothing we needed, but there are no serious storms out there, so I guess, it's alright. DH and I could not convince the girls that a trip to the home improvement store would be fun. They were really against getting dressed in 'shopping clothes' and riding in the car for 90 minutes each way :think. We have taken our measurements and planned out our summer of projects. :eek Eek, is it ever going to be price-y! We have all of the new interior doors and closet doors. While those are being replaced, we have to do new trim, so that means feet and feet of new baseboard molding to stain and cut for the entire house. Since the molding is all off of the walls, we really want to put in new flooring throughout the main level (can I just tell you how much I dislike the beige and peach linoleum the original homeowners put in here? :yuck) I'm giddy at the thought of new flooring :hyper. We have been meaning to replace the carpeting in the living room for a few years, so that is on the agenda, too. Whew! I know we can do the work in a week to 10 days, but we have been dragging our feet about buying the molding, since neither one of us is a great fan of the staining/sanding/sealing process. We can do it :yes But, not this week :lol So, we stayed home. Annika and Kyri both pulled out sewing projects (making stuffed toys out of felt and accessories), which I supervised, while baking a few dozen Black Bottom Cupcakes and starting a pot of Cheesy Wild Rice Soup. After lunch, DH took the girls to a nursery to buy new apple trees for the orchard. He told me to stay home and take it easy for a couple of hours. Okay :hook Here are a few pictures from this week


The Multi-petal Flower accessory for Kyri's bedroom throw pillows. I used Red Heart Shimmer in Black



5-inch by 5-inch Baby Blocks for a baby shower gift



Here is the Ruffle Rose Pillow I was working on for the guest room.


It was going so quickly and smoothly, but...I really am not fond of how it is turning out Oh, it is not a problem with the pattern, I just don't like the looks of it. :shrug I keep refering to it as a 'pizza crust,' and I am going to frog the entire thing.


Since Kyri's flower came out so well, I am giving that a whirl for the guest room


Much better :yes. I went up to an 'I' hook from a 'G,' and I think it's going to be perfect. I only have 7 rows to go, and then I can start another. Heaven knows, I have enough yarn :rofl


Talk to you, later.

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Nice day at work today. Somehow it seems like weekends are more laid back than the weekdays.


Wrennie, nice work, and enjoyed all the dog pictures.


Julie, my son was always crazy about mud and puddles when he was little, but I don't think I ever got a picture.

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When we got in the car ,he asked how old I was when I used to play hopscotch with him ,so we were trying to remember how long ago it was.

I told him I thought I was 47 the year we played that .


He sat there pondering the situation a bit, then said " Mam, it's too bad we have to grow up and can't play anymore ,isn't it ? "


I thought it was so funny, yet so sad . That was 6 years ago,and I look at what I used to do with him and what I do now ... just not up to par and able to do as much as I used to . I try to make his visits fun ,even though I can't hopscotch anymore .

He's wise beyond his years!

Judy ~ I knew it was Joanne and her husband who often go out to Delicious Orchards on the weekend, but, for some reason, I asked whether you were going out this morning. Ah well, another one of those times when I need to think before I type :blush It's good to hear you will get an evening off from cooking, tonight. Enjoy :fork:spoon:knifeMe and hubby also go to Delicious Orchards:lol:lol

:hook Here are a few pictures from this week


The Multi-petal Flower accessory for Kyri's bedroom throw pillows. I used Red Heart Shimmer in Black



5-inch by 5-inch Baby Blocks for a baby shower gift



Here is the Ruffle Rose Pillow I was working on for the guest room.


It was going so quickly and smoothly, but...I really am not fond of how it is turning out Oh, it is not a problem with the pattern, I just don't like the looks of it. :shrug I keep refering to it as a 'pizza crust,' and I am going to frog the entire thing.


Since Kyri's flower came out so well, I am giving that a whirl for the guest room


Much better :yes. I went up to an 'I' hook from a 'G,' and I think it's going to be perfect. I only have 7 rows to go, and then I can start another. Heaven knows, I have enough yarn :rofl


Talk to you, later.

Beautiful work! And I think you're being too critical of your own work - as we all are:yes

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The cotton is sometimes ok to use. I think it depends on the day and how my breathing is to start with. If it's really bad, I don't even attempt to do anything crochet related. I thought maybe with a small project I could do some, then put it up for a bit if need be . It is turning into a really cute tote .


Dusti & Jude

Yep,Cam has some different ways of looking at things. Sometimes he actually sounds like an old man, like he has pondered some life-changing event and has an opinion on it . He's really funny and very entertaining to hear his viewpoints .



It sure sounds like you guys have lots of projects you want to get done on your house. We have a list as long as my arm too,but havent decidedif we wanna take out that huge of a loan ,or try doing it in smaller steps, pay one thing off,then move onto the next. Most of our projects are HUGE money ones .

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Hello, my friends. I ran errands this morning and this afternoon I goofed off and read a book. I've reached the halfway point on the quilting of the inner squares on the Challenge Quilt, which feels really, really good. I like the added depth and 3-dimensionalness it's giving the quilt. And I'm well on track for getting it done on time.


A quick check in. Next week, should be back to normal posting. I've missed y'all!


Great news, I can drive again! I got the okay yesterday from eye surgeon and drove myself to chemo, KMart and Wally World :lol It felt sooooo good! FREEDOM!!!

Hooray!!!!!:yay :yay :yay

SBT#8 and matching baby RR --Photo Friday--a day late!!:lol And finally, the :sun is shining!!!

Joanne, those turned out to be a fabulous pair! :clap :clap :clap

Someone asked me about the library fair. That takes place June 11. I finished the doilyghan for it. see.

I also did this hat & scarf to put in my box for Kiyo.

Last weekend we had a pet parade. It was rainy so only a few dogs came, not everyone dressed up, but it was fun.

I forgot to get bird food last night on the way home so all I have is some finch mix. I better get some this morning so I don't have a reenactment of Hitchcocks The Birds on my front step.


Shhh, oh my gosh, theres a warm shining fiery ball in the sky, what is it?

We're supposed to get spotty showers. I wish it would dry up enough to at least cut the grass. It's a rain forest out there!


I hope to plant some annuals today before it rains in my pots and planters. The hummingbirds will like that!


Marissa, good luck finding a place.


I have to try to remember to take some pictures of my kitchen to show my kitchen swap buddy. Guess I have to get rid of the cob webs first! :rofl

Have a great day everyone!

Congratulations on finally getting some sun!

Cam in the mudhole -- 2 years old ...


Cam just left a few minutes ago .We had to run to the next town over to get some things done and our last stop was the grocery .Cam was excited to come back home and play games, so when we got out of the store, I said let's hurry so we can get home faster,so Cam turned around and said he'd race me to the car. Well,he knows that he could run back and forth 5 times before I could get there once .

When we got in the car ,he asked how old I was when I used to play hopscotch with him ,so we were trying to remember how long ago it was.

I told him I thought I was 47 the year we played that .


He sat there pondering the situation a bit, then said " Mam, it's too bad we have to grow up and can't play anymore ,isn't it ? "


I thought it was so funny, yet so sad . That was 6 years ago,and I look at what I used to do with him and what I do now ... just not up to par and able to do as much as I used to . I try to make his visits fun ,even though I can't hopscotch anymore .

What a wonderful observation. Kids can be so profound sometimes.

The rain has not let-up on this end, yet. It's gentle and steady, and nothing we needed, but there are no serious storms out there, so I guess, it's alright. DH and I could not convince the girls that a trip to the home improvement store would be fun. They were really against getting dressed in 'shopping clothes' and riding in the car for 90 minutes each way :think. We have taken our measurements and planned out our summer of projects. :eek Eek, is it ever going to be price-y! We have all of the new interior doors and closet doors. While those are being replaced, we have to do new trim, so that means feet and feet of new baseboard molding to stain and cut for the entire house. Since the molding is all off of the walls, we really want to put in new flooring throughout the main level (can I just tell you how much I dislike the beige and peach linoleum the original homeowners put in here? :yuck) I'm giddy at the thought of new flooring :hyper. We have been meaning to replace the carpeting in the living room for a few years, so that is on the agenda, too. Whew! I know we can do the work in a week to 10 days, but we have been dragging our feet about buying the molding, since neither one of us is a great fan of the staining/sanding/sealing process. We can do it :yes But, not this week :lol So, we stayed home. Annika and Kyri both pulled out sewing projects (making stuffed toys out of felt and accessories), which I supervised, while baking a few dozen Black Bottom Cupcakes and starting a pot of Cheesy Wild Rice Soup. After lunch, DH took the girls to a nursery to buy new apple trees for the orchard. He told me to stay home and take it easy for a couple of hours. Okay :hook Here are a few pictures from this week


The Multi-petal Flower accessory for Kyri's bedroom throw pillows. I used Red Heart Shimmer in Black



5-inch by 5-inch Baby Blocks for a baby shower gift



Here is the Ruffle Rose Pillow I was working on for the guest room.


It was going so quickly and smoothly, but...I really am not fond of how it is turning out Oh, it is not a problem with the pattern, I just don't like the looks of it. :shrug I keep refering to it as a 'pizza crust,' and I am going to frog the entire thing.


Since Kyri's flower came out so well, I am giving that a whirl for the guest room


Much better :yes. I went up to an 'I' hook from a 'G,' and I think it's going to be perfect. I only have 7 rows to go, and then I can start another. Heaven knows, I have enough yarn :rofl


Talk to you, later.

Nice of hubby to give you a bit of a break. And gorgeous crochetwork there gal. :clap :clap :clap :clap

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