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2011 Stashbusting CAL


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ok I have an update on my score so whoever is doing scorekeeping I hope you see this



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Scores for week ending 6/4/11:


Gold Medal Winner:

dragonpuck +17


Silver Medal Winner:

fc1123 +7


Bronze Medal Winner:

Ihasaapsolady +6


In the positive:

MouseCLP +5

greyhoundgrandma +4

cris +3

BigPinkPolkaDot +1


Holding Steady:


walker1021 0

pineknott 0

Crafty Witch 0


New Yarn Owners:

CLLinda -2

yarn geek -20

TurtleLvr -24

kraftynkrazy -26


This week's Shoot The Moon Winner:

FrLopLady -62

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With temperatures here bumping 100 for the next several days, I hope I can get in some crocheting time. It'll sure be too hot to do anything outside! I've gotten bogged down with too many projects going at once and don't seem to be making much progress on anything.

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With temperatures here bumping 100 for the next several days, I hope I can get in some crocheting time. It'll sure be too hot to do anything outside! I've gotten bogged down with too many projects going at once and don't seem to be making much progress on anything.

Don't ya hate when that happens? I've been in the same boat lately. It is so hard to concentrate on just one project lately. Is there one that is almost done that you can finish?

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but on a good note I am already +6 for the week :cheer

Shoot the Moon award last week....Gold Medal this week??? Keep it going, girl. I bet you can do it! :yes

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Don't ya hate when that happens? I've been in the same boat lately. It is so hard to concentrate on just one project lately. Is there one that is almost done that you can finish?


There has been lots of family stuff going on to take up crocheting time.

I'm on the last set of repeats on Sue's heart tote, so it really won't take long to finish.

The sweetheart ripple afghan has become the never ending project. It's single crochet with some triples in every fourth row. SC seems to take forever, but I'm about 2/3 through it.

I've got 2 HAP afghans to put together. I hate joining, so I have to make myself do a certain amount on it before I'm allowed to work on another project. They really don't take that long, I just have to not procrastinate starting it!

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It's going to be hot here too. Good time to stay cool and crochet. :manyheart

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well I rolled a skein into a ball yesterday so a +1 but I bought 2 skeins of yarn so -4 for a grand total of -3 so far this week

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There has been lots of family stuff going on to take up crocheting time.

I'm on the last set of repeats on Sue's heart tote, so it really won't take long to finish.

The sweetheart ripple afghan has become the never ending project. It's single crochet with some triples in every fourth row. SC seems to take forever, but I'm about 2/3 through it.

I've got 2 HAP afghans to put together. I hate joining, so I have to make myself do a certain amount on it before I'm allowed to work on another project. They really don't take that long, I just have to not procrastinate starting it!

School is starting for the summer this week, so crochet time will probably come to a slow crochet crawl. I'm still waiting for the pattern to come for my tote swap partner. Once that comes, school work will have to be put to the side. (no, not really). Sue's granny go round is half way done and my brain dead granny square afghan is about 1/3 of the way done (joining as I go). Oh, and the bolero I started over a year ago sits next to my chair ~ all pieces done ~ just waiting to be assembled. :sigh One day....

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Oh, and the bolero I started over a year ago sits next to my chair ~ all pieces done ~ just waiting to be assembled. :sigh One day....


I have a poor afghan like that. The pieces have been sitting in a bag for almost a year now! One day the inclination to work on it and a large (cleaned off) space to lay it out will occur at the same time.

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I have a poor afghan like that. The pieces have been sitting in a bag for almost a year now! One day the inclination to work on it and a large (cleaned off) space to lay it out will occur at the same time.

Thanks for the reminder. Totally forgot about the afghan back in the spare bedroom which is maybe 1/3 of the way done. Should it be brought out into the living room? Nah, not yet. Hubby would have a fit. He wouldn't be able to find me under all the WIP's. :rofl

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a race!! I'm at +7 for the week so far! :lol


Frloplady = :rabbit


TurtleLvr = :turtle


You'll probably win. I have lots of homework to get done before we leave, not to mention I haven't even thought about packing yet! :lol


Too funny about the :rabbit and :turtle ! Never thought about us being them! :rofl



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Wow! I it has been a while since posting for me. I have forgotten to post my stash busting totals so I will count this for this week ending Saturday 06/11/11. If you want to include it fine if not no problem.


WTD: +9

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I'm having a week of starting new projects. I started a baby cocoon, and a set of booties. And I still have an afghan to finish. Not much yarn is being used up either.



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You'll probably win. I have lots of homework to get done before we leave, not to mention I haven't even thought about packing yet! :lol


Too funny about the :rabbit and :turtle ! Never thought about us being them! :rofl



not sure you know what my screen name stands for :lol Fr=french and lop is..well lop! French Lop is a breed of rabbit :rabbit that I used to have LOTS of. I only have one of them now, but I've used the screenname for so long it's hard to give it up!

Now my barn is over-run with mini rex :D and a few other breeds

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