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Big Button Beret

Miss Crochet

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I just needed a nice new skein of yarn. I really did. It was a medicinal skein of yarn, honest. And it became a hat. I needed a hat. Or I will need a hat, once the temperatures sink about 40 degrees. So this is the result of what was very obviously a crafting emergency:


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pretty hat! where ever did you find such a long neck "model" i wear a wig alot so all i have is the short styrofoam head

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pretty hat! where ever did you find such a long neck "model" i wear a wig alot so all i have is the short styrofoam head


Hi Ducky!

I bought it on Ebay for €5 here in Germany. I think it belonged to a hairdresser. We call her Gladys and I use her to frighten my husband a lot :lol I could've bought a short-necked one, but I decided that the long-necked one would be handier for modelling scarves, for example. (see picture here - just scroll down till Gladys appears.) Here's a link to German Ebay to show you the type of thing that you can buy - I'm sure you'd be able to get one in the US as well.

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I just love that hat!!! The button really makes it extra special too. I hope you're going to write up the pattern for the rest of us. Please, please....

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