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what is an afghan exactly?

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It's a piece of art that is large and beautiful that is used to decorate one's bed or the back of one's couch, BUT I'm too lazy to ever commit myself to making one.:blush LOL I've got lots of afghan pattern books that I buy and drool over. Does that count? :devil

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It is a blanket that is either knitted or crocheted, usually about the size for a twin size bed. And usually yarn; a blanket made with thread is generally referred to as a (bed)spread. To my knowledge, only blankets knitted or crocheted are designated as afghans. In my personal experience, the vast majority are crocheted. I was rather surprsied the first time I learned you can (in theory) knit an afghan. ;)

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I think it also depends on where you live. In Australia an afghan is just simply a blanket, made from wool either crochet or knit. Bedspreads are not that typical anymore, not the old fashioned thread type anyway

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And usually yarn; a blanket made with thread is generally referred to as a (bed)spread.


Funny how we all call things different.

For me and the catalogs I look at, a bedspread is the top layer of bedding and not always yarn or thread made. And not always a comforter either.


To my knowledge, only blankets knitted or crocheted are designated as afghans.


I used to think that until I saw quite a few woven throws in catalogs referred to as afghans. Go figure. lol




In my personal experience, the vast majority are crocheted. I was rather surprsied the first time I learned you can (in theory) knit an afghan.


You must not know many knitters. One of my best friends is a knitter and made me a beautiful aghan.

Hoping to get better at knitting, I've personally collected a bunch of free patterns out of Woman's Day and Family Circle, over the years.


Bedspreads are not that typical anymore, not the old fashioned thread type anyway



Just have a look around here to see:





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Since I crochet as well as quilt, I like to distiguish between the two. I think of Afghans as blankets that I crochet :hook (or could be knitted :knit ). I call the other ones, quilts. To me, a bedspread, blanket, or comforter is something you buy at the store to cover the bed or keep warm,:wbrr and that you don't mind the animals laying on.:cat :dog :mouse

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well here in the UK people say to me "whats an afghan" LOL and i only heard of it since learning to crochet 5 years ago, but ive never made one BUT im trying my first..... woopieee

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I was rather surprsied the first time I learned you can (in theory) knit an afghan.


LOL! Yeah, like, who knits? Crocheting is way cooler.

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My friend just knitted an afghan for a wedding present, using circular needles. She made her pattern up in her head, and I thought it looked a little wonky although I loved the colors she used. But I agree, the crocheted ones are much more gorgeous! And probably a heck of a lot easier to make, too. Patty

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I think that the differnce (store-wise, at least) between a bedspread and a comforter is size - a bedspread covers your box springs and comforters do not.


The way I've used and seen afghans used - it just means they're handcrafted (in some manner) as opposed to machine made, and the name isn't really depandant on size.



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Well, that's something I have always taken for granted. I thought everyone knew what an afghan was. Boy, that made me think about not just expecting everyone to always understand what we are talking about. I guess it's just the country and the culture you live in. Certainly is food for thought.:think

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For me and the catalogs I look at, a bedspread is the top layer of bedding and not always yarn or thread made.


What I was referring to is that I have never seen thread blankets (for lack of a better term to be completely obvious what I mean) referred to as anything other than a bedspread. No, wait, I guess 'coverlet' would also work...


I don't doubt it's a matter of where you live, though. I was just on another site where there was a spirited discussion of sprinkles vs jimmies on ice cream. ;)

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