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It warms my heart.

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A few weeks ago, a woman that I work out with found her sister in a nursing home. She had been missing for 4 years. So that's a miracle right there.


I decided to make her a lapghan. I had three skeins of TLC Essentials in Maroon, so I made a nice lapghan out of that. I made a white flower on it, and put on a colorful butterfly button on the flower. I also trimmed it in white. I liked the color combo because it was my high school colors.


I found out yesterday that the woman in the nursing home loves the blanket and won't let anyone touch it. She sleeps with it, and keeps it with her all day long.


It touches my heart that she loves this blanket so much. I found out that she was a crocheter a long time ago.


It made me feel good.



Have you had an experience like this?



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You were a true blessing to this woman and stories like this always warms my heart. You made a difference in this woman's life. I wish more people in the world would do little acts of kindess, it would make our planet more loving and peaceful. You deserve a :hugfor what you did! and :cheer:cheer:cheer

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What a nice story. I've made things for charity, but don't have anything to share like this. Isn't it nice to know what you do is appreciated?

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What a blessing that your coworker found her sister. What a blessing you gave your coworker's sister. I think because the woman used to crochet that gives her an extra special appreciation for the work you put in her lapghan. That is why she keeps it with her all day and sleeps with it and won't let anyone touch it. What a warm feeling that must give you. Congratulations!!!!!

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You were a true blessing to this woman and stories like this always warms my heart. You made a difference in this woman's life. I wish more people in the world would do little acts of kindess, it would make our planet more loving and peaceful. You deserve a :hugfor what you did! and :cheer:cheer:cheer


I agree! It was such a loving thing for you to do & definitely heartwarming that it meant so much to her!


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Great story that she found her sister and the kindness in your heart to make such a nice laphgan for her. And to know that she treasures it is a blessing that you know that you did a great thing for someone out of the kindness of your heart.

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That was a very touching story. Your friend is so lucky to have found her sister and to have you for a friend someonw who will take the time to do a good deed for someone in need.

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Thank you for all the nice words. Sometimes, just a simple thing means so much.


The lady even took a picture of her sister holding the blanket so I could see how much she loves it. It is really special to her.



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