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Some good clean fun?! [Archive 1]

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Now, now, the 6th graders aren't so bad. I think the 8th graders are worse :lol! They are the oldest in the building and they think they know everything. Most of the 6th graders are cute and sweet.

I know all about the FM units. We have some students here who use them. Don't be too surprised if he wants to stop using it once he hits the middle school level. We see a lot of that!:think I have problems with my ears and I would give anything to be able to use a device like that. Nothing technology can do for me, however.

Bye all! Have a great rest of the day!

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Hi everyone

It is raining here so i didn't get much done today. Picked up stuff, took mom to the bank and store, did a little crocheting, had a nap, and now iam getting ready to go out.

Once a month we have girls night out. We have a pot luck supper and play some cards and laugh alot. Each month it moves to someone else's house. I really look forward to it.

Colleen yes i was at DD's house that is just north of you. No yarn shopping this time, but after the craft show i do July1 - July4 I will really need to stock up again.

My 2 DD's are coming up on the weekend and staying for a week. Iam hoping they will show me how to post some pics on here so i can show what iam working on. I have to get going and get ready. Talk to you all tomorrow.

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Hi everyone!! Is it time for bed yet? Thank you all for asking about my friend. The doctors couldn't remove the tumor because it's attached to her backbone. They're going to try chemo and/or radiation to shrink it and go back in and remove it. Hopefully that will work.

I don't know if we'll be going to New Orleans this weekend. We have fleas, and I don't have time to take care of it before we're supposed to leave. I'm sorry about all the whining I've been doing lately. I know it could be much worse. I really am trying to be positive.

I hope everyone's having a good day. I'll try to check back in tonight.

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hi, all-


sorry to have missed you all all day! I had a nice long post typed up earlier, and got kicked out:angry:think that's the 2nd time in a week:yell:irk


Shannon - :hugYou are not whining at all... we all need to vent now and again, and who better to tell than your friends? That's what we're here for!

:manyheart Sorry to hear about your friend. I will pray for her.

I hope you get to take your trip... fleas stink! I will also pray that you get them taken care of... You really need your trip - you've been so excited about it:(


Hey, Mary! Welcome back! glad you came back to a nice clean place, and that you get a GNO:clap Have fun!

Can't wait to see what you've been working on... I know that you've been using up a lot of yarn over there:c9 Tell your DD's thanks in advance for showing you how to post pics:hug


Hi, Vicki! Wow! WTG... spec. ed for 6th grade? VERY COOL! It takes an incredibly special person for that kind of job... I honor you! And since I have one DD going into 8th, and 1 going into 6th in the fall :lol I totally get why you prefer to stick with 6th :haha ...it is sad to me, though, that you were told you couldn't get a job as a history teacher :shrug was it because they already have too many? :think I think there is not enough emphasis on history any more, but that might be just me:lol


:hi, Scooby - how are you feeling today? i hope it's going well, and that you're trying to take it easy. I also hope that DS is taking it easy on you today... It sounds like he's a typical teenager :rofl I am sure he's awesome, as the apple never falls far from the tree, you know! :manyheart


Hey, Kazily! Hope your day went well! sounds like you got a lot done...

:drool can't wait to see that cardi! :hyper


:waving, Beth! So good to see you! And a belated ::bday

and remember to take it easy on that personal trainer :box:rofl that was nice of DH... that game sounds pretty intense, though!


:hi, Colleen! I hope you and DD had a fun and lazy :rain -y day!:hug



I am feeling MUCH better today :whew:jumpyay... and it's a lucky thing, too. I had to do the mad dash this morning to get everything "spit-shined"... My uncle and aunt came for a visit this afternoon. I just want to say :ty to all of you, my friends :ghug. Because of you it was pretty much effortless to get everything in perfect order in the least amount of time that i think I have EVER had to spend:clap:c9 i owe it ALL to this CAL, and my wonderful friends here! :manyheart


So, dinner is done, dishes: done, house: cleaned... all that's left to do is grab my :hook&:yarn, put my feet up and enjoy my family...


be back later on!

:hugto all!:D

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Belated Happy Birthday Beth! And hi to all- looks like everyone was busy today. Well, it was back to work for me (the price you pay when you take a day off after a holiday weekend is that you come back to a TON of emails and work). So I was very, very busy today and when I came home, the only thing I did was go get the mail only to find it was my neighbors mail. So I brought it over to her and she said she got the neighbor behind her house's mail. The big ??? is where is my mail???

So I didn't even have to sort through the mail . Put dinner on, and it's just about ready- I worked my badorkus off today, so no cleaning for me.


Check back in later.

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Beth, Happy Belated Birthday!


Mary - I can't wait until your DDs help you post photos. Yippee!


Shannon, good luck getting rid of those fleas! I hope you get to take your trip.


LeaAnne - I'm glad you are feeling better. WTG on having the house good to go for surprise company!


Joanne, I hope you have a relaxing evening after a busy day! No mail=no mail to clean off the kitchen table. Not a bad thing is one way!


Vicky - have fun counting down to the last days of school.


Well, I had a good day. I made 2 scratch meals today and DH actually ate both of them. I am not a bad cook, but I have trouble planning meals so it is usually something quick and easy. I don't usually think about meals until it is time to eat them (I think my mom spoiled me when I was a kid always having something ready and waiting). I still have to finish cleaning up supper (yuck!).


I got started on my front hall closet. I went through our bins of hats and mitts and moved the winter stuff down to the crawlspace (am I optimistic or what?). I wiped down the shelf and took a few of DH's winter coats down to the laundry room. I will get those washed when a good clothesline day comes along. I still have to clean out all the boots and shoes and wash down the shelf and the floor. Maybe on Friday. I also washed a dress that I had hung on the hook on the side of my armoir after wearing it to a wedding in October (I am rather embarrased to admit that, but it is true). It is all washed and hanging to dry now.


After that I sat down and finished crocheting my sister's towel for the housewarming gift. The loop-to-loop pattern doesn't work very well with a variegated yarn, so I did the bottom part of the towel in a shell and the top in straight sc. It looks nice. I am now having fun playing around with a lacy bag pattern I found, but my wrist is getting shooting pains up it so I think I'll give it a rest.


Have a great evening!

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I am so tired and I have a custom crochet item I need to get started on tonight. I did come home and clean a few dishes & prepared dinner. There are clothes I left in the washer from this morning and I know I gotta get them in the dryer, but that's going to include me getting the dry clothes out...folding them...:rolleyes whew! I'm worn out just thinking of it...not to mention the dinner dishes. I'll get it done though, FOR YOU ALL!:D

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Donna- I feel your pain- sometimes just thinking about what needs to get done is more overwhelming than actually doing it! Finished dinner and cleaning up after. That's it for me tonight- other than watching some Yankees (yes that's right Lea Anne the Yankees!) and get back to work on the FBB that has been sitting idle since I left for Boston.

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:rofl :rofl Joanne! You kill me! :rofl

:ty for the only thing that i didn't know i was missing today... I great :lol!

You are awesome:hug


Hang in there, MsSunflwr... we are all routing for you:cheer:cheer I am all too familiar with that feeling of overwhelmed which leads to :sigh

But I am learning to celebrate each little thing I accomplish... It's kind of a snowball effect in the right direction, you know what I mean?

So - what is the custom item you are :crocheting:? Sounds like fun:clap

have a great night, and remember that we're right here for ya!



Hey, Colleen - WTG on the front closet!:clap I knew you'd find a way to beat the :rain! Good going! :cheer:applause



Speaking of :lol, I really miss FosterMom, and hope she's ok:(


On the :crocheting front, I am almost at the topper of the loop to loop towel. I am going a little slow on it, because I kept messing up and putting either 2 fronts or 2 backs in a row and then the end would be wrong. Nobody would know, but I would ... I think I am getting a touch of OCD:think:lol


Have a great night everyone, and I'll be checkin in early tomorrow, maybe I'll have my :mug with Beth and Joanne :D


hugs to you all-


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Happy Belated Birthday Beth!!:birthday Hope it was great! WTG working out with your EA Active!:cheer I haven't turned my Wii on in 5 days. I hurt my thigh while playing it and decided to take a few days off.


Mary- A girl's night out sounds like so much fun!! I wish we could do that!! That would be so awesome if we could take turns going to each other's houses and show off what we've accomplished.:D


LeaAnne- Thanks for letting me vent (not that you really had a choice, but thanks for understanding).:manyheart I'm feeling better now. And I'm so glad you're feeling better!!


Joanne- Sorry you had such a busy day! I hope tomorrow is better for you!:hug


Colleen- Look at you go on your hall closet!! I haven't even opened mine. I guess that will be my big chore for next week. Now I feel like I'm getting behind again.:eek:eek What kind of yarn are you using for the towel. I would like to try to make one and I'm not sure what to use.


Donna- I went to your blog and you do beautiful work!! I'm in awe.:nworthy


Funny thing happened to me yesterday. I applied for a Banana Republic card while shopping, and the girl said she used to live in the town I live in. She told me the name of the street she lived on, and it didn't ring a bell. But I knew it was near my house because she mentioned some of the other streets. Come to find out, she lived directly behind me!!:lol:lol In fact, her tree fell into my yard when Hurricane Rita blew through! Small world!


Well, DH is going to take care of the fleas while DD and I are gone this weekend. He has to work, and really didn't care to go down there anyway. I have a HUGE family (my dad is one of 12 kids), and DH isn't one for parties. I'm not either, but I want to see my Gram and give her the prayer shawl I made for her.


I hope everyone has a nice night. Sleep tight. Don't let the bed bugs (or fleas in my case:angry:yuck) bite!

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Got my :mug, and checked out the baseball scores (I didn't stay up last night)

:cheerJoanne - it looks like your Yankees spanked Texas... don't get me wrong... I am not routing for them, but I am happy for you :lol

...and our "DiceK" did a marvelous job of tying a MLB record... for WILD pitches:(GRRRRR Oh, well...


I hope you have a good day at work, today... a little less busy:xfin


Vicki- Good morning! and have a great day at school:clap


:hi, Colleen! Hope that your weather is a little better today:manyheart


:waving, Shannon! Glad to hear that DH is going to take care of the fleas so you can go to your party:clap:c9 And I hope today is great for you!

p.s. don't feel like you're behind... my closet will not be finished this week, either:devil

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Good morning all!


Shannon, you are not behind! And do not worry a bit about the closet. It's a closet and it has a door for a reason--so you can keep it closed. :lol I'm not sure when you are leaving, but I hope you have a marvelous time in New Orleans visiting your family. I bet your grandma will love her prayer shawl! I used ww cotton for the towels. I used Bernat Handicrafters, but any kind will do.


LeaAnne, thanks but the weather is no better today. That's okay, the laundry can wait.


I miss FosterMom too. I was thinking she hadn't been around.:think


I will be doing a real quick clean of the bathrooms this morning and then we have a playdate coming over. His mom is a friend of mine and she comes over too, so that means a coffee and chat for me too :coffee.


Have a terrific Thursday!

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Hi all. I think I am going to bow out of this CAL. I will stay subscribed but I am just not up to much of anything lately. I need to pare back on my obligations.


It's been real folks :ghug


And my hall closet thanks you :wlol

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:hi, Darski - :hugplease know we're here whenever you can drop by...


:waving, Colleen - Have a fun playdate:yay enjoy your :coffee and :blah :blah Mom Time!



DH is on the road till 2moro nite, so I will be having a fun day filled with whatever I want to do:devil, and :xfin that my house stays clean:blush


be back in bit... going to check in on that stash:wink

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Another Thursday and the last one with students. Finals are in full swing and it is quiet at the moment. The only thing I did last night was make steak quesadillas for dinner last night. I did manage to put the towels int he washer before I left this morning. I was SO tired last night. I am finding that I am very tired when I get home lately. I don't think I am over whatever was making me not feel well last week. Oh well. the weekend is almost here and I can relax then!


This weekend I need to go food shopping and change the sheets on the bed. Laundry will be waiting so that will be done as well, along with the vacuum of course.


One of my friends at work got the steam mop I was asking about! She loves it. She said it is very easy to use and cleans very well. I may need to make a shopping trip to check it out.


Have a great day all!



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Good morning! My, we're a chatty bunch today!!:D


LeaAnne- Enjoy your "me" time today. Sounds like lots of :crocheting will be happening over there!


Colleen- Have a fun playdate today! And your right! Thank goodness for doors, or I'd really be up a creek!:eek


Joanne- Have a wonderful, quiet day at work!!:manyheart


FosterMom, where are you?! We miss you!:(


Have a wonderful day!!

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Another Thursday and the last one with students. Finals are in full swing and it is quiet at the moment. The only thing I did last night was make steak quesadillas for dinner last night. I did manage to put the towels int he washer before I left this morning. I was SO tired last night. I am finding that I am very tired when I get home lately. I don't think I am over whatever was making me not feel well last week. Oh well. the weekend is almost here and I can relax then!


This weekend I need to go food shopping and change the sheets on the bed. Laundry will be waiting so that will be done as well, along with the vacuum of course.


One of my friends at work got the steam mop I was asking about! She loves it. She said it is very easy to use and cleans very well. I may need to make a shopping trip to check it out.


Have a great day all!




Thanks for mentioning the steam mop! I couldn't remember who was asking about it... you may also want to chack out that Swiffer mop... My MIL, (who tries EVERY new cleaning product that comes along:lol) is swearing by it, and keeps threatening to buy me one (...do you think I should wash my floors more often?! :rofl) she said it is very small and easy enough that she pulls it out to use every night (:eekWhat :?! EVERY NIGHT:?) after dinner. It's only about $20, i think.


Have a great Thursday, and I hope you're feeling better! :hug

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:grumpy... so much for "petting time" at the zoo (err... I mean Attic:lol)


I just got a call from our cookbook committee. Our cookbooks are due to go to print by Saturday, and the recipes aren't all typed yet:eek:eek:eek

Since it was my :idea to do a school cookbook:blush, I am off to type.... 80 recipes :sigh (that's just my share of what's not yet done)

Looks like I'm in for a late night:ohdear:tired I hope that my 11th hour partners are gonna hang in ok...:xfin


I'll be back in a bit, when I need a break


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Oh dear, LeaAnne, good luck getting those recipes typed! If it helps at all, those school/church cookbooks are by far my favorite kind of cookbooks. I love them!


The playdate has come and gone. It is now my (err, I mean DD's) quiet time :c9. And I need it today!!! I cleaned my bathroom, swept the floor, cleaned up the kitchen and cleaned the kitchen sink before they came. Since they left I am on the 2nd load of laundry, cleaned up lunch, started the dishwasher. Now I have to decide: nap, crochet or try the audiobooks:think?

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I vote NAP!!! :c9:yes


I love these kind of books, too, which is why I wanted to do it. It's been close to 20 years since this school has done one, so I am :xfin for the best, and in the best of spirits about it....

Lucky for the committee that I work best at the 11th hour! :rofl


Thanks for the :kick! I knew i could count on you :hug

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I decided to try the audiobook. Here’s how it went:


I set up my portable CD player and headphones that haven’t been used since, oh I don’t know, maybe 2002? These aren’t ear buds, these are foam headphones. (Please don’t laugh.) I laid down on the couch to enjoy my first ever audiobook. DD was up in her room playing quietly. I was about 10 minutes into the story when I heard “Mommy! I have to go to the bathroom!” I paused the CD player, all the while trying to figure out how these audiobook things work, how long each CD will run?, how I can get back to where I left off?, etc. Up to the bathroom I went to follow instructions. “Mommy, can you close the door until I say stop?” OK, door is closing, closing, closed all the way “OK, stop!” No kidding. I waited around outside the bathroom door until I got my next set of instructions. “Mommy, I’m done”. Good, that is all taken care of and back to the couch I went to continue with my audiobook. I noticed the foam in the headphone was cracked. Oh well, it still worked. I continued to listen and enjoyed the story very much. Soon my time was up. I turned off the CD player and noted where to start it again later. I went upstairs to start getting ready for work--my makeup on, hair tidied, etc. What on earth? There was black foam dust all over my face, in my ears, in my hair and all over my glasses! I thought I might have to shower again! But, I got it all cleaned up. The headphones are in the garbage and I will stop on the way home from work and pick myself up a new pair of ear buds…with no foam! :lol


Not a fabulous first try at audiobooks, but technical difficulties aside and I’m sure I will try it again.

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