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Some good clean fun?! [Archive 1]

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Shannon - thanks for posting the pics of the frame art. That is beautiful! Have fun shopping and getting your hair done! Is your trip to New Orleans a vacation?


Stacy - Oh dear, the chicken pox. Poor little thing. It might be better that they all get them at once, although that would be one long week for you! I'm thinking there will be lots of books, movies and popsicles at your house this week!


LeaAnne - Make sure you take it slow today!


Joanne - Welcome back to the land of cleaning. Glad you had a wonderful weekend with DD.


Well, I'm a bit concerned about my commitment to the front hall closet. There are some coats in there that I'd like to wash and it doesn't look like we'll have a good clothesline day here until Saturday. It is too windy today and then it is supposed to rain, rain, rain. But, I'll get it done!


It's not going to be the most productive day. I've done one load of laundry and a sinkful of dishes. DD and I are going swimming again and by the time we do that and have baths and showers it will be time for work :eek. Oh well, the cleaning will be here tomorrow!


Have a great day everyone!

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Happy Tuesday! I did not get to fold the laundry yesterday. Well, maybe not get to it is accurate. I CHOSE not to do it! I did, however, get the pool filter started and put all the stuff in that needed to go in. I did vacuum again to get all the sand and stuff off the floor. It is hard when the dogs choose to lay in it!

I finally watched most of The Tudors last night, but I got tired and did not watch the last 15 minutes. It will be on again this week, so I will watch it then.


Only 7 more days of school and then it is summer! :woo!


Irish Rose - come on over! I can have the oven on for you!

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:hi, friends!


Well... I am done with housework for today. I will be doing fits and spurts this week, I think:blush


My front closet is emptied except for the high shelf (tomorrow, maybe, I'll get to it.)


I am starting to work on organizing my stash - It's not even picture worthy right now:eek Lots of tangled up messes up there.

I will pull down a couple of buckets and get everything rolled up.


A little each day, and I should be able to share a pic of my little "yarn shop" by the end of the week.:devil


I am also needing to sew some squares together from the Charity CAL... I did pretty good this month! :clap


:waving Shannon! Say :hi to Honey and Big Bob for us!!!:hug And enjoy getting your hair done:manyheart


:hiColleen: I hope the weathermen are wrong about the :rain this week... Enjoy swimming with DD, and have a great day at work:hug


:wavingJoanne: Hope your ride home was good, and that there wasn't too much of a mess when you got home:manyheart


:hiVicki - only 7 more days for you?!:eek Lucky ;ducky! Our last day isn't till Monday, June 22:( :hyper I CAN'T WAIT!!! :hyper

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Leann - This is late for us! We used to be out before Memorial Day! Then the state came in and "compressed" the school calendar. So now we start later and end later. But we seem to end later every year! I am out on June 4 (last day for teachers) and I go back on Aug. 17 with 3 professional development days the week before :eek.

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:wavingfriends!!!!! It is a slow go around here this morning but I am going :rofl. So far I have gotten my dishes done, general pick up, reorganized all the scrap :yarn in baskets in the LR ,wound up some more :yarn,cleaned kitchen, swept/mopped kitchen floor, my 2 min decluttering and made beds. I still want to vacuum/dust LR, rearrange some furniture in there and clean the bathroom, maybe clean the :compute room. I probably won't get to the hall closet today, as I need to wait and do that when me and ds can make a trip to the storage building, because I know there are boxes in there that need to go and boxes out of other closets. I am going to put that chore off till later in the week.

LeaAnne- :h5 WTG on getting a lot done on the Charity CAL. :ohdearI too need to get some squares joined from this month's and last months Charity CAL. Good :clover getting that :yarn stash organized. I will be waiting to see your :photo. :clap good job getting the housework done early!!!!

Stacy- :( So sorry to hear that your little one may have the chicken pox. I remember when my kids had it, as there was a lot of :scrachin going on. It is a very miserable illness. I hope for a speedy recovery for her. :hug

Joanne- :jumpyay:wooIt is so good to hear that you had a wonderful weekend with your DD. Hopefully the house isn't too bad and there isn't a lot of :wash.

Shannon- Hope that you, dd and mom have a lovely day :shop.

Colleen- :yay on getting one load of :wash and dishes done. :yes:yes whatever you didn't get done today will still be there waiting on you tomorrow. Enjoy swimming with your DD!!!!!

Vicki- Giving you the:kick to get that laundry folded :rofl. And now after that I have to give you :clap for getting the pool stuff done:lol. :woo:woo I know you are glad school is almost over!!!!!!!

Well guess I better :kick myself and get back in gear. Play time is over. I am steadily watching the clock to see if it is time to take some more ibuprofen as my hip is still bothering me. :think I may need to go see the dr. It isn't muscle pain, but feels like it is down in the bone. Anyways, I hope you all have a great day lots of :hugand :manyheart to you all!!!! Will check back in later.

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Wow, Vicki-

that doesn't sound very "compressed" at all:think :shrug


We don't start back until the Thursday after Labor Day...

I wish we could get rid of February and or April vacations, and get out in the beginning of June. :dreamin

Maybe it's me, but I'd rather be out when the weather is really great :sunny


Well, you hang in there, girl...

the countdown is ON!!!:devil


btw - what grade do you teach?

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:manyheart Hey, Scooby-


How are you feeling today?


thinking of you:hug


:hug:hug:hug TY so much :). I am up and going but slower than usual. I just can't shake this pain as it seems to be in the bone and not the muscle. It is worse in the right hip/thigh but starting now in the left. I am wondering if this is stemming from my infancy. When I was born my right leg was turned around backwards (toes were pointing to the back). They broke my leg and casted me up above my hip. The cast was removed the day before my first birthday. I learned to walk with the cast on :lol and when they took it off I couldn't walk. My mom said I had to learn to walk all over again. My right leg is a little shorter than the left but is not really noticeable unless I show you. IF it doesn't get better in the next couple of days I am going to go to the dr.


Leann - This is late for us! We used to be out before Memorial Day! Then the state came in and "compressed" the school calendar. So now we start later and end later. But we seem to end later every year! I am out on June 4 (last day for teachers) and I go back on Aug. 17 with 3 professional development days the week before :eek.


Our kids got out Friday. We are on a year around schedule and we :heart it. DS has to go Thursday to get his report card as that is the official last day. If they don't show up they get counted absent. The buses will run, but I am going to take him and let him run in get his report card and then he can leave. They go back on July 29 for a half day and then first full day is August 3. But during the year they go 9 weeks out for 2 weeks, go 9 weeks out for 2 weeks, go 12 weeks (these months have several holidays) out for 2 weeks and then go 6 weeks and out for the summer. They also have 4 days where they get out at 11:30 for teacher training and 3 days no school for teacher training.

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School schedules are so crazy, aren't they? :think Back in my day (like I'm really that old :lol,) we just went for the traditional school year with like 2 in-service days for the whole year. LoL My daughter gets out at 1:30 every Tuesday for teacher in-service, and they have a sub every Wednesday for 3 hours due to teacher training. Our summer break starts on June 19th, and that is one of the latest dates here.


Scooby- take it easy and see the dr.! That sounds very serious if it feels down to the bone. :hug


LeAnne- good job on getting your closet cleaned out. Can't wait to see your little yarn shop. :cheer


Shannon- I love your frame holder! Very cute.


Colleen- enjoy swimming with DD!


We sat in the dr. office for almost an hour and a half today. Our ped. didn't have any openings but insisted I bring dd in anyway. She couldn't tell if it is chicken pox or an allergic reaction, because dd scratched the heads from all of the bumps before we got there. :angry She said she *thinks* that it is an allergic reaction but to treat it as if it is chicken pox, just in case. :blush

I am off to clean up a bit (my bedroom is a disaster) but I will be back later. I will leave you with some pics of what I have been working on. :D the first one is my lace wrap top. The second is the drum afghan I finished last night (still have to weave ends.) I am going to give it to youngest dd because it is much smaller than I had planned. :blush It will be perfect on her toddler bed. :rofl The last one is the shawl I am working on. (I just barely found the camera cord and figured I should post as many as I can before I lose it again. :lol)







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:drool :drool :drool


Wow, Stacy! :ty for the eye-candy!


WTG:clap your projects are BEAUTIFUL!


I especially :heart:manyheart:heart that lacy wrap top! You absolutely need to keep it!


Thanks for sharing, and I am here with :xfin for your DD



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:hug:hug:hug TY so much :). I am up and going but slower than usual. I just can't shake this pain as it seems to be in the bone and not the muscle. It is worse in the right hip/thigh but starting now in the left. I am wondering if this is stemming from my infancy. When I was born my right leg was turned around backwards (toes were pointing to the back). They broke my leg and casted me up above my hip. The cast was removed the day before my first birthday. I learned to walk with the cast on :lol and when they took it off I couldn't walk. My mom said I had to learn to walk all over again. My right leg is a little shorter than the left but is not really noticeable unless I show you. IF it doesn't get better in the next couple of days I am going to go to the dr.



Our kids got out Friday. We are on a year around schedule and we :heart it. DS has to go Thursday to get his report card as that is the official last day. If they don't show up they get counted absent. The buses will run, but I am going to take him and let him run in get his report card and then he can leave. They go back on July 29 for a half day and then first full day is August 3. But during the year they go 9 weeks out for 2 weeks, go 9 weeks out for 2 weeks, go 12 weeks (these months have several holidays) out for 2 weeks and then go 6 weeks and out for the summer. They also have 4 days where they get out at 11:30 for teacher training and 3 days no school for teacher training.



Hey, Scooby -

I sure hope that you find some relief for your pain... take it easy this week, if you can...:hug

I will be doing only the essentials for the next day or two myself... this really stinks!:(

your school calendar sounds interesting... I wonder if we would ever do anything like that here. I would think that that type of schedule would help a lot with retention of materials?

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Home from Boston- and the house wasn't too bad- although dh did leave the mail not only on the kitchen table, but also on the coffee table in the family room. I cleaned that up, and dusted and vacuumed the family room while the laundry was going.

The trip home was uneventful (which is a good thing) No traffic and he rain didn't come until I arrived home!

I had already done my hall closet in the winter- I cleaned out all coats that hadn't been used and donated them to the goodwill. I also cleaned out the closet in the "office" at the same time. I do need to go through my shoes though so that will be my project. I have too many pairs of shoes and end of wearing the same few pairs all the time!

Off to fold laundry and figure out what to make for dinner.

cya later.

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Well, I managed to get my living room dusted since I was here last and that is as far as I have made it. I wanted to get my bathroom done, and maybe I still will in a little while.


Hey, Scooby -

I sure hope that you find some relief for your pain... take it easy this week, if you can...:hug


I will be doing only the essentials for the next day or two myself... this really stinks!:(


your school calendar sounds interesting... I wonder if we would ever do anything like that here. I would think that that type of schedule would help a lot with retention of materials?


TY :hug:hug!!! I am trying to take it easy, but it is hard when I see so much that needs to be done:ohdear. Yes it does stink, especially when you feel like doing something but your body says :no:no :rofl. My house is in really good shape but I don't want to start slacking, it is so much easier when I keep up with it daily. Are you feeling better, with your back etc????

I :manyheart our :school calendar. And :yes, that is one of the major reasons this county changed to the year round schedule, was the retention of materials learned. They found that the children don't forget as easily and they also perform better after a two week break.It is :lol because they are excited to get out for 2 weeks, but in the second week they are ready to go back. The kids also don't get as bored over summer break. It seems that they enjoy it more. I also like the fact that vacations aren't on a limited time frame. We can go in the spring, fall, summer or winter. There are counties surrounding us that haven't changed over to the year around schedule yet, as it keeps getting voted down, but I try to tell the parents they will absolutely love it. I was leary of it at first but it works out wonderfully. Some parents are concerned about child care, but the schools have childcare sponsored by the YMCA and most all of the daycares have accomodated for the school schedule. Parents aren't obligated to pay for the spot all year long, but just for the two week breaks.

Ty Stacy :hug:hug. I am glad to hear that your dd may only have a reaction to something. :heart the :photo!!! Great job on the :crocheting projects!!!!!!

:hi:hug Joanne!!! Glad that your :drive back was a safe one and that your cleaning duties weren't too bad when you arrived home!!! It has been :2rainhere too off and on. DS is about to drive me :thair because he really can't get out and do anything with the weather acting up. :sunone minute and :2rain:storm the next.

And to the rest of my HAL/CAL friends, :hug:hug to you all and I hope that everyone's day has been great!!!! BBL to check in.

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Stacy - thanks for sharing your pics! All of them are beautiful! I can't wait to see that shawl finished.


Scooby - Take care of that hip! It is good to keep up on the housework, but take care of yourself too! Your school year does sound interesting. I would have learned well that way as a student. We run beginning of Sept. till the end of June here. DD starts Jr. Kindergarten in Sept. and it is a 1/2 time program (full days, alternate days). The big debate here this year is that school usually starts on the Tues. after Labor Day. Labor Day is late this year, so our school boards are starting school the week before Labor Day to get enough days into the school year. I guess some people feel that cuts into summer holiday time, but I don't think it is such a big deal.


Joanne - Glad to hear you got home safely and that there wasn't a big mess waiting for you.


LeaAnne, I am looking forward to seeing pics of your yarn shop, but take it easy on your back.


Shannon - How did the shopping and the hair appt. go?


Swimming with DD was fun. She is taking lessons once a week, but I'm taking her a couple times a week to boost her confidence. She can do everything she needs to do, but she lacks confidence.


I'm looking forward to tomorrow. DD has her swimming lesson in the am, but it is my day off :yay. I might get a start on that closet.


Have a great evening everyone!

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Count me in! I have alot of housework that I look at each day, and don't do. This will inspire me to do my work, so I can crochet more! I do work at home on the computer and I need to put it down and do more work around the house, so this will definately inspire me!! :coffee

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Hi everyone

I had a great time at DD's. I think i really needed the break away from here.

I got back from DD's yesterday. Dh made dinner and i did the dishes. Then i went to work for an hour, got home and did 3 loads of laundry and hung it all out this morning. I took a nap this afternoon cause i was really tired. Grandkids wear me out lol. I cooked supper tonight, did the dishes and vaccuumm. Thought i would check in with everyone, I really missed everyone. Well iam off to :crocheting and watch some T.V

Goodnight all

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:cheerWelcome, home, Joanne! Glad your ride was uneventful (it was a PERFECT day for it!) I am also glad that your house wasn't too bad when you got home :clapWTG, DH!!!


:waving Scooby - I am feeling just ok... my back and hips are still hurting although now its in spurts it seems. Thank you for asking:hug

I know what you mean about your body saying :grump :grump :lol I am really trying to behave and be quiet:blush, but I am like you - I can't seem to let anything go. I worked really hard to get my house this far, and I REALLY don't want it to slip again:2nono So, I am just doing the daily pick up, mail purge, bathroom wipe down, meals and limiting laundry to no more than 2 loads a day (:xfin)... I have asked my DK's for help with their own rooms and putting their laundry away (:thinkAmazing... since I have had them put away their OWN clothes, I am not getting as much laundry:devil)


I will be passing on this week's big job, because I know I need to take good care of me for a change. The stashpurging I would like to spend some time with does force me to sit, sort, pet... :rofl :rofl Good Therapy, I'd say!:yes


All that with my FABULOUS friends to hang with:manyheart...you girls are the BOMB! :ghug


p.s. :welcome to the club, Mattteri! I think you'll like it here! We all are here to cheer each other on, and to give the occasional :kick

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:hi:welcome Mattteri!!! Glad you came to join us!!! This is an awesome group and :lookoutdon't be offended when we give you :kick to get that housework done!!! That is how we keep each other motivated :sofunny.

Colleen- I agree, when we were on the regular school schedule they were always having a hard time trying to figure out when to start/let school out. By the time Labor Day gets here it is too :hot and muggy to enjoy anything,the kids are tired, bored and ready for a change and hunting and pecking for something to do.

:2hug:dance for your DD and building up the confidence.IMHO, swimming lessons are important, not only to learn to swim but learning water safety.:woo:jumpyayon your day off. I hope you get to enjoy it and do a lil :crocheting!!!!!

I still didn't get my bathroom cleaned:rolleyes:sigh but I tidied up in there a little bit. It will just have to wait until in the morning :lol. I got supper fixed and dishes washed and the rest will sit and wait on me. Maybe I should try some :mdust or call in the fairy godmother:2magic.

Hope everyone is having a great evening!!!!:hug:hug:hug

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Hey everybody!!


Welcome, Mattteri!! You're going to love it here! These are the greatest group of girls EVA! I know they keep me in check!


Stacy- I hope DD feels better real soon! No matter what it is, I'm sure it's no fun for anyone.:hug Your pics are great! I love the wrap.


Scooby & LeaAnne- I hate that you're both feeling bad. Get well soon!!


Joanne- Isn't it nice to come home to a clean house? I'm so glad you got to spend quality time with your DD and the weather cooperated for you.


miss scarlet- Glad you had a nice time away!


Colleen- Shopping was great, hair appt. not so much! Something always goes wrong with my hair right before I go out of town! So annoying! It's not so bad that I'll have to shave my hair though, thank goodness!! Thanks for asking.


Well, DD starts back to school tomorrow, and while she's there I'm going to the hospital because a friend is having a cancerous tumor removed. Pretty scary, so if you could say a few prayers for her I'd appreciate it! I'm going to bed now. Good night all!

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:welcomeBack Mary!!! We missed you too!!!! Me, you and LeaAnne were all typing a post at the same time :lol:lol. Glad that you had a nice trip to DD's house!!! You know, my mother says my kids wear her out too :lol.:wooWTG dh on cooking dinner for you yesterday!!!! I know you were on :c9. Looks like you have been busy with those chores since you have been home :cheer:clap:yay.

You are very welcome LeaAnne :hug:hug.:lol:lol It is amazing how when you place the responsibility on the kiddos things take a 360 degree turn.:yes:yes I agree, sorting that :yarn stash is excellent therapy. And most definitely, take care of you. I am trying to take it easy and take care of me, but it isn't always easy:no. I made my ds mad this evening :lol. He wanted to go to the park, but waited till 5:30 and I told him I just didn't feel like getting out. So my friend that was here visiting offered to take him and I told him I would come and get him if he couldn't get a ride. Well, he threw a little fit:tryme so I made him stay home. He just doesn't understand:lol. He thinks just because I am up doing the basic necessities that I am ok. He said that I don't complain until he asks to go some where:irk:irk:rofl:rofl.He's right, I don't complain much, but I do try to explain to him the reasons why. He just doesn't understand that I try to keep going and do as much as I can regardless of whether I feel good or not. :sigh the joy of having kids :lol.

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Good morning Cleaning Crew!! Hope everyone is well.

I'm up way too early. I don't drink coffee, so I've got my Coke here with me. DD starts school today and we have to leave extra early because of construction on the interstate. It usually takes about 45 min. Ah, the joys of living in the country.:P


I had such a horrible headache yesterday. I thought my eye was going to fall out of my face. I feel much better today, I just don't have any :drive to do anything. But, there's things to do. Unfortunately, there's a lot of things to do, including cleaning. But in a couple days I'll be able to leave it all behind and enjoy my weekend!!


Have a great day everyone!:ghug:hug:manyheart

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Good morning all,


The rain is just starting to fall here. We're supposed to get lots of it, so no laundry on the line for me. No worries, a rainy day will be a good cleaning day. I kind of goofed off the past couple days after having my house spic and span for my company on the weekend, so I need to get my badorkus in gear.


LeaAnne - Have fun petting (err, I mean sorting) your stash. Sounds like a wonderful project.


Scooby - It sounds like you are a great mom and I'm sure your son will come around soon.


Mary - Welcome home! We missed you. Were you visiting the DD who lives just north of here? If so, was there any yarn shopping going on? I've found Cambridge Fibres on the map and plan to make a trip there sometime soon. I suspect I might have gone there as a teenager with my mom, but I probably wasn't interested at the time. I'm thinking I need to plan a trip to either Listowel or Paris this summer (home of Bernat and Mary Maxim, respectively). That's my summer fun goal.


Shannon - I hope your headache is all gone. Have fun taking DD to school. I didn't drink coffee until I became a mom. I made it through college, grad school, working full-time, and then motherhood made me a coffee lover.


Welcome to the group, Teri! We're getting lots of cleaning done, and we're also having lots of fun!


I'll check in later and I promise to have some finished cleaning to report. Right now I'm being quiet and enjoying my coffee. It seems DD is having a rare sleep in. (Yay!)

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Scooby - No need to :kickfor not getting the laundry folded. I left it for my husband to do! :laughrollHe can deal with it for the moment!


Leann - I am the special education teacher attached to the 6th grade social studies team. I have taught Language Arts in the past, but I LOVE teaching the hsitory. It was my minor in college. I wanted to be a history teacher, but I was talked out of it becuase I was told I would never find a job teaching up in NY. So I did sped instead and I love it!


The only thing I did yesterday as far as cleaning was the dishes. Otherwise, I did soome more reading for my paper. Tonight is art class so I will get some :crocheting time in during that and then back to work on my paper.


Hope everyone has a great day! The bell is about to ring and I need to get to class!



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:hi everyone! I haven't posted anything for a while, but I have been reading to keep up with all my friends. :ghug I had my birthday this weekend, and asked for a Wii fit. My husband, in his infinite wisdom :thair thought I'd prefer the EA Active game instead. It is HARSH!!! I'm trying to keep up in my great shape (round is a shape, right?), and I'm puffing, and wheezing, and the very obnoxious, too thin personal trainer is telling me that I'm not going fast enough, and I will not get good results if I don't apply myself. OH well. I've been using it every day for 3 days now. And my muscles ache!!! So I haven't been doing much else. I will get more energy eventually, right?


irishrose, is your headache better? How was dropping off the DD at school? How is your friend with the tumor?


Collenka, enjoy your sleepy, rainy day. They can be so peaceful. Swimming is a great confidence booster. Both my sons swim. They are both lifeguards now, too. It's a great first job.


Vicki - special ed! :hugand 6th grade!!!:nworthy I loved substitute teaching for special ed, but I avoided middle school. Rampant hormones frighten me. My sons teach special needs kids to swim. I love how they are learning patience, responsibility, generosity, and gratitude from the experience.


ScoobyDoo - Did your fairy godmother :2magic clean your bathroom for you? Will you send her my way, please? My kids "clean" it, but it always seems to need a little more. How are you feeling today?


a_stitchintime - are you taking care of yourself? How is the stash sorting coming? What a fun job!


Miss scarlet - Welcome home! :hugI think "Grandma" would be the best job ever!:c9 but I'm sure it's tiring. If we could only syphon off some of the little ones' energy and use it for ourselves...


Matteri - :welcome This is the best group of friends! :manyheart


Imanurse - Welcome home!:hugI'm glad you had a good time, and got home safely!


Today, between taxi duty and shopping trips, I want to find the kitchen AND dining room tables. There's a rumor that they are under the stuff somewhere...

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Ahhh Vicki, my youngest is going into 6th grade in August & is in special ed. too (he is hard of hearing). he in regular classes & doing fairly well but we're expecting he'll have to work a lot harder in middle school next term. He uses a FM system & we've had a couple of teachers that have personal problems with that so it may be good to change schools though.


Have fun at your art class tonight!


I finished laundry but still have to sweep & dust (short haired doggie shedding badly, every hair shows up on this hardwood & the furniture) but after that I plan to do some crocheting before I pick up ds & then I can do some more in the car rider line. I am getting so close to the sleeves on my summer cardi that I am impatient lol

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