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Some good clean fun?! [Archive 1]

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:waving everybody!! Sounds like all you great gals are having an awesome weekend.:yay Me too!!


Vicki, Scooby and LeaAnne- I hope this cleaningitis you've all caught isn't contagious!! That's got to be what it is. Your bodies are telling you to slow your badorkas down already. Please pace yourself ladies!!:manyheart


Stacy- Sorry you couldn't go swimming! But that is so cute about your DD's hair cut!! So sweet! My DH put my DD's legs in our pool today and she started kicking away. My mom owns a catfish restaurant, and I think I ate too much fish in my life, 'cause my DD is part fish!!:eek:eek She's always loved the water. I swear she's got gills!!


Joanne- How was the game?! I can't wait to find out about your day!! Sounds like so much fun.


kel- I'm so jealous you got to go to the beach!! Lucky you! Spending time with the family is the best isn't it?!:D


I had a great time with my family!:manyheart And I cleaned as needed, so I don't have a huge mess waiting for me in the kitchen.:yay DD is asleep, so I'm going to curl up, watch the BB game, and of course :crocheting!!!

This week is going to be crazy for me. DD starts back to school, we have a graduation to go to tomorrow, and we leave Friday for New Orleans!! Busy days ahead. But I know I can do it with you girls here for me.

I :bheart you all!! Have a great night!

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Shannon - have fun at your grad party tomorrow! glad you got to enjoy your family, too! :hug


Kel - I, too, am jealous! relaxing at the beach sounds WONDERFUL! Glad you got some good "family time"... Family day is our favorite around here:clap:c9


Stacy - DD's haircut sounds adorable! She must feel like a real "big girl" with her bangs:yes Maybe tomorrow you'll get to go swimming?


I am glad that we are all having a nice and relaxing weekend with those we love. :manyheart


Well, all, I have my hot water bottle all ready to go... so I am off to rest my hard worked bones;)


Sweet dreams, all :night

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Good morning all,


Sounds like you are all fitting in some quality family time over this holiday weekend :yay.


Well, it isn't a holiday here, so it is back to the grind for me today. We had a nice relaxing Sunday. We finally planted the forsythia I got for mother's day. DD was so excited and in there with her little plastic shovel helping me dig the hole ;). I did a really quick little tidy of the gardens in the backyard. Besides that I sat on my badorkus all day and read and :crocheting. It was nice.


Today is a declutter day and I am making some headway on all those clutter spots :clap. I think I'll work on a shelf full of towels and stuff that was displaced for the never ending bathroom reno. It needs a tidy and maybe some purging. We also need to get some groceries.


I hear little steps upstairs, so the princess must be awake. I'll check in later.:hug

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Memorial Day and it is very quiet here right now. Hubby at work and DD still at her friend's house. I will go get her later. I am waiting for an electrician to come and add something to the breaker box. I don't remember what it is called. I think it is a sub panel. I have it written down. Hubby made sure I had all his instructions before he left for work.


I cleaned the little bathroom downstairs yesterday and I have a load of towels going. I need to fold the laundry (I hate that job!) and vacuum. I didn't get a chance to do that yesterday. I was very tired at the end of the day. So tired that I forgot to watch the last episode of The Tudors! How could I do that! I love that show!:(


Shannon - Trust me, I do not clean like this often, I usually do this on the weekend because I don't do it during the week. I am too tired after work!


I hope everyone has a great day. If you or someone you know has served in the armed forces, tell them thank you for their service for me :clap.



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What a great idea! I've been reading your posts and this is EXACTLY what I need, so I hope it's not too late to join. I already got started with the organizing and cleaned out my closet, it looks so amazing. I also was able to fill a couple of HUGE bags with clothes I no longer wear and dropped them off at the thrift store last week. I have some major gardening to do and this will help keep me on task. Room for one more?

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Welcome Donna!


Well, I've cleaned out that shelf. It sits in this little nook beside the stairs in the basement. I decluttered the area, threw some stuff out, wiped down the shelf, vacuumed the area, washed down the walls and baseboards. It didn't take long, but it looks so much tidier! This area is about 3 ft wide by 4 ft long. It is also the passage way to the door to our crawl space. When I finally get the office cleaned out (my BIG scary job, but at this rate it won't be long now!:clap), this little area might be my area for my stash, my sewing machine, etc. It's not big, but I'm thinking it could be nice. I'd like to put a bulletin board on the wall to post pics and things that inspire me. My own little creative alcove :manyheart.


One load of laundry on the clothes line, one DD cleaned after a play in the sandbox, one tidy house and we are off to the store for our errands.


Have a happy day everyone!

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:waving my friends! And :welcome Donna! Hope everyone is having a splendid day!!


Colleen- Look at you go!! You've gotten a lot accomplished!:yay:cheer Maybe if I got off my badorkas I could get something done too!


Donna- You're off to a great start already! This is a great bunch to be a part of, and my house has never been cleaner! We're here for you if you need a :kick to get stuff done!!


Vicki- I'll fold your laundry if you come put mine away!!:lol That's the part I hate. Probably because I need to go through clothes and don't have anywhere to put them all until I do!!


I'm so glad everyone had a nice weekend! Now to start another week. The good news is, the more days you get through, the closer the weekend gets!! Happy Monday everyone!


BTW, has anyone thought of what we can work on together next? I was thinking maybe shoes. Anyone else need to do that job?

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:waving Friends!!! I haven't done anything today. I was up and down all :night with my hip :yell:grumpy:thair. In the bed for a while, then up walking and sitting in the recliner. So I am :tired. I am going to try to do a general pick up, get my bed made up, wash the dishes and that will probably be it for the day.OH and I will do my 2 min decluttering.


Colleen-:cheer:yay Sounds like you and dd had fun playing in the dirt...errr...ummm...I mean planting the bush :devil. I miss my gardens, :sigh but just a couple of more years and hopefully my apt life days will be over :D. WTG getting that shelf cleaned. :bounce:yes Excellent :idea for a stash/craft/sewing room.


Vicki- :lol I don't mind the folding of laundry, but hate putting it away. WTG getting those chores done. So sorry you missed your show last night :(. There have been times, especially lately that I have forgotten about something I wanted to see on TV. But watching tv is rare for me, so no wonder I forget. I get wrapped up in :crocheting and :book on my :ipod that I forget :lol.


:welcome Donna!!!! Of course we have room for you. This is a great group and it sounds like you are off to a great start. We will try to keep you motivated as long as you don't mind a good swift :kick every once in a while:rofl.


Shannon- :yes:yes I could definitely use some time up cleaning out and rearranging the shoes in my closet. I will probably just do that whole closet while I am in there. Good :idea.


LeaAnne- I hope your hip and back are feeling much better. I have no idea what flared all this up, but I wish it would all just go away. :hug:manyheart


Joanne, Beth, Fostermom,Stacy - I hope you are all doing well!!!


I hope everyone has a great day today and I will try to check back in a little later and see how everyone is doing!!!!:hug:hug


Happy Memorial Day and many many thanks to those who have served in the Armed Forces!!!!!

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Hello friends!


I'm with you, Shannon, I would love to organize another 20 minute clean up. Shoes is a great idea! My front hall closet could use a good cleaning out. I was also going to suggest recipes? Or maybe we could do something like "under the bathroom/kitchen sink", "the junk drawer", or "the medicine cabinet"?


BTW, I hate putting laundry away too. I feel so accomplished to get it washed and folded and then that silly basket just sits there for a few days until I need it again :lol. Which reminds me, there is a load on the line that needs to be folded (and of course put away:P)


I'm getting organized to head off to work. See ya later.

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Hello friends!


I'm with you, Shannon, I would love to organize another 20 minute clean up. Shoes is a great idea! My front hall closet could use a good cleaning out. I was also going to suggest recipes? Or maybe we could do something like "under the bathroom/kitchen sink", "the junk drawer", or "the medicine cabinet"?


BTW, I hate putting laundry away too. I feel so accomplished to get it washed and folded and then that silly basket just sits there for a few days until I need it again :lol. Which reminds me, there is a load on the line that needs to be folded (and of course put away:P)


I'm getting organized to head off to work. See ya later.



:eek:eek I am up for front hall closet, under kitchen sink needs done too!!!! Actually all my closets need to be done, so let me know what we are doing and when we are starting and I will join in the FUN :lol:lol.

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I am game for either closet or under the sinks.. Just announce the target and I will sign on.


I am getting things in order and really liking it. :dreaming


Well... I still have to finish out the charity CAL but after noon tomorrow is free

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LeaAnne & Scooby - just wanted to wish you quick healing on your backs and hips. I'm no Dr., but I prescribe you take one :hook and one :yarn and :crocheting until the morning.:rofl Take very good care of yourselves!


My DH's back in really bothering him. His ankles all swelled up this weekend, so he went to the Dr. today and was told it was just due to the nerve involvement in his injury. He is so frustrated. My heart just aches for him. We could use some :cheer.

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Colleen- Those are all great :idea!! My front closet and under my sink are both horrible. I'm almost scared to look at either of them! But they need to be done, and I won't be doing it alone!:hug I think I'll do the front closet because I need to find things to put in a church rummage sale that's coming up soon. I can't start until tomorrow. We're going to Honey and Big Bob's today!! I'll get a picture of that frame holder and try to get it on here tonight. Your DH is on my prayer list!! I hope he is feeling much better soon.:manyheart


Scooby- You and your hip are also on my prayer list. Don't try to do too much. We'll be here to :cheer you on when you start feeling better. Just take care of you!!:hug


darski- Unfortunately, my charity CAL project isn't going too well. It's my first RR and it's very ruffly. But I'm going to make up for it this weekend. We're driving 5 1/2 hours to New Orleans, and I'm not :drive. I'll have plenty of time to :crocheting there and back. I'll be making hats for the brain surgery charity!!


Everyone else- Front closet sound good to you? Wow, if we pick one project a week, our houses will be looking great in no time!! :yay more time to :crocheting!!!!!

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:waving all!


I don't have a front closet, but I do have a shoe rack that is right inside of my front door, so I will work on that. MIL gives the girls new shoes every couple weeks or so, so I have a rack and 2 storage totes of shoes in front of the door, along with another full drawer in the girls' bedroom. I try to keep the nice ones for the younger girls to pass on but, there are just way too many. I am also game for a "junk drawer" cleaning. I cleaned out the scary place under my kitchen since a few months ago and I have kept it looking very nice, IMO. that junk drawer, though....that is an ongoing mess.


LeAnne and Scooby- hope you are feeling better soon!


Donna- welcome to the group! Looks like you have a wonderful start already! :clap


Shannon- good luck with your rr. I'm not sure which pattern you are using, but on the one I use, it calls for (dc, ch2, dc) instead of the usual (2dc, ch2, 2 dc) every few rows, to even it out. Good luck!


Colleen- sorry to hear about your dh. He will be in my prayer list as well.


As for me...I've done general pick-up and that is all. I've been working on a pineapple shawl all morning, then we went out to breakfast. Dh kinda grinded my gears last night. All of this cleaning time I've been putting in, and he said, "Wow, this place is just a mess. Tomorrow we are going to do some heavy-duty cleaning." :angry It must not be too bad, though, because he is playing his video game instead of cleaning. :blush I realize that it's never completely clean (I do have 3 young kids, after all :lol) but really the only thing that is messy is my desk, which is my "command center." So I don't see where he says that. Oh, well...I am trying my best and that is all I can do, right? :D

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Shannon and Scooby - I'll put your laundry away if you come fold mine! Jump in the car and :drive on over! I will put dinner in the oven for you and you can have at it!

Otherwise, I have done some research for my paper and I DUSTED! I never do that! I was tired of looking at the dust just sitting there and not going away! I also moved the patio furniture back to where it was before the pool was put in and I did a little weeding.

Hope all is well with everyone and have a great rest of the day!

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:lol:lol:lol Be right there in 5 mins Vicki :lol:lol. Isn't all that research fun fun fun, NOT!!!!! WTG on getting that dusting done.

So far today I have organized all patterns on the :compute. They are all in appropriately labeled folders and saved to a jump drive just for :crocheting. I did a general pick up, got my bed made, dishes are washed, pitcher of tea made. garbage gathered and taken out. And now I think I am going to :crocheting and listen to a :book on the :ipod .

TY Stacy, Shannon & Colleen. I am trying to take it easy and taking Ibuprofen. I tried the heating pad but got to :hot:lol.:hug

Colleen, I hope your DH gets to feeling better soon. I will keep him in my prayers. It is definitely no fun and games when you are down in your back.:hug:manyheart

Shannon- GL with your RR. I usually do 2 rows of 2 dc, ch 2, 2 dc and then one row of 1 dc, ch 2, 1 dc so that it will lay flat and not ruffle. It works great!!!! Do we get to see :photo when you are done:hyper:hyper:drool:drool???????

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:waving, everyone!


:welcome, Donna, to our little cleaning brigade!:clap glad to have you join! And I must say that you have a nice head start there...:yes:yay


Vicki- WTG on the dusting:cheer and all that work on your paper!


Stacy - MrStitchintime is sometimes like that, too:angry It's quite frustrating, really... If you have 3 little ones, that in itself is a JOB! I used to hear it quite a bit more when my dk's were smaller. And DH grew up in a house that was (and is) Museum clean:eek But, he was the only one being little. His brothers were 8&9 years older. BIG difference!

I was actually thinking about this today when one of my darlings said "MO-OM!!!! Where is my____?" Not only do we have to stay ahead of everyone, and remember where our own things are, but we also need to keep track of every thing for every BODY! :irk ...oh, AND keep everything picked up, and cleaned, and keep everyone fed :blah :blah! At least now, my kids will clean their own rooms (sort of), so it DOES get better!


I am sure that you are doing a terrific job:hug... spend as much time as you can with those 3 darlings of yours, and don't worry... it will wait for you:devil... And P.S. :cheerWTG on working on your pineapple shawl while DH played video games:cheer


:hi, Shannon! Hey that closet idea sounds pretty good! I have been trying to get mine all purged, but am at the point that I will either need :hug,or :kick to get it done! I'll be in, too, ok?


:waving Colleen - i am here :cheer for your DH's back to get better soon...I hope you are holding up ok, too... with all of the extra chores:hug I also LOVE that idea you have for your alcove :jumpyay We all should have a little space just for us, for inspiration and peace:c9


:hugScooby - :( I am SO sorry for your hips and back... please know I am praying for you to feel better soon:manyheart I have had back pain/spasms for years, but this is different. It has never come around into my hips before. It also doesn't feel like a muscular issue... I am with you, I don't know where it came from, but I am ALL SET with this!:angry

I guess I'll just have to try Dr. Colleen's prescription: :hook:yarn:crocheting, and take a day to let it rest:yes... tomorrow, when everyone is back to work and school:manyheart


:hi, Darski! I am so glad to hear that you are liking what you've gotten accomplished! And WTG on the Charity CAL... Once again, you're doing a First Class job of it :heart:hug We'll be seein' ya tomorrow afternoon, then:clap:manyheart


...hmmmm, I hope Joanne didn't get lost on the T! :rofl

Naw, I am glad that she's enjoying a PERFECT day with DD here in Beantown.. :hi, Joanne! Miss ya!


Hey, FosterMom - How are you? We miss you! I hope that you are enjoying a wonderful weekend! filled with lots of :) and :haha

And in case you need one today, here's your :hug


and :waving, Beth! Hope you got to enjoy your holiday, and that you got to take the "taxi" sign off your car for the day:lol


If I missed anyone, I sure didn't mean to... so just incase, to all of my HAL/CAL buddies: :ghug:flower


:welcome back, Mary! Hope your visit with DD was Wonderful!:yay


Have a stitchin' day!:hook

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Hi all!!!

No, LeaAnne, I didn't get lost on the T:haha. Today was a glorious day in Beantown! Weather was nice and :sun!

We went to the Museum of Fine Arts which was really neat and then we walked over to Newberry Street and did some window shopping. We grabbed some lunch and walked over to Boston Common (beautiful big large park ) and the Public Gardens. It really was a spectacular day and I have really enjoyed my visit with DD. I am :( to have it end.

I will be back to cleaning tomorrow when I return back home- I'm sure there is laundry to be done and hoping that DH didn't re-clutter up the kitchen table. :eek.

Well, just wanted to check in real quick and see what you've all been up to. Glad to see we have a new friend- :welcome Donna!


Have a good rest of the evening all- and hope all of you with the aches and pains feel better. I could feel some slight aching in my legs today- I haven't done this much walking in a long time!

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WTG on all the cleaning, organizing and paper research that went on today. Pretty good for a holiday!


Shannon, good luck with the RR!


Stacy, I wish your MIL would buy me a new pair of shoes every 2 weeks :lol.


To make it official, we'll clean out the front hall closet or shoe rack this week. Let's just make it a weekly chore and aim to have it done by Saturday. That should allow everyone to fit it into their schedule. It might be a big task for some of us. I know I've got bins of hats and mitts in the mix, as well as all the shoes and boots. I think there is some of winter's yucky salt and sand to be mopped up as well still :blush.


This will be great! I am making hats and scarves for our neighbourhood association's winter clothing drive and they accept gently used. I'm sure there are some there that we don't need anymore.


Next week we'll consider another task. I believe under the sink and the junk drawer both got votes.


Thank you all for the prayers and :cheer for my DH. It is terrible to watch someone you love suffer. I just wish I could make it all better. My poor DD wishes he was better too. He can't pick her up and he can't walk or stand for more than 10 minutes at a time, so this summer isn't looking very promising for the zoo and bike riding and all that kind of fun summer stuff she should be able to do with her dad. Your prayers are very much appreciated.


This is a great group. I am really enjoying your company! Thank you:ghug

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Ok, the task for tomorrow is to clear out that closet. There is stuff there that has never been used in 4 years. Even after my first attempt at clearing that, there is still stuff to go... :blush


With the excess removed, I can get some order in my craft supplies. :yay

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:waving, everyone!! Wow, I've missed a lot today! Thank you for all the well wishes on my poor little RR!! I don't care if it's not perfect, I love it anyway. I just wouldn't give it away. I guess I'll keep it.


Stacy- I'll take some new shoes too, please. Do you think MIL would be suspicious if you told her your girls are in a size 8 now?:lol BTW, did you get my PM?


Vicki- Shooooot!! You're gonna put my clothes away and cook dinner? Can I come live with you? I hope you're not serious, 'cause I'm only about 3 hours away!! WTG on all that dusting and researching!:yay


Scooby- You got a lot done today!!:woo I'll post a picture of my RR if it doesn't turn out too bad!


Hey LeaAnne- The closet idea wasn't mine. I believe it was Colleen's. I'm not that daring but it does need to be done. There's things in there that haven't been moved since we moved in over 4 years ago!!:eek:eek


Joanne- Sounds like you had a perfect day with DD!! That's great! Did you have fun at the game? Have a safe trip home and I hope your aching legs feel better! I'm sure it was worth it though!


Colleen- Front closet it is!! I'll try to get it done, but I'm leaving early Friday! Oh well, any work puts me that much closer to getting it done! How long do the doctors think your DH is going to need to heal? I hope it doesn't take too long. Here are the pictures of my frame holder. Sorry they're not very good.


I hope everyone has a great night's sleep, and wakes up feeling great in the morning!! Good night!



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Hi ladies!


Shannon, I did receive your PM, sorry! I forgot to reply. :blush I will head over there as soon as I am done. MIL probably would be suspicious of that, seeing as I also wear size 8. :lol


Vicki- way to go on the dusting and researching! I hate dusting. Funny, though, it used to be my favorite chore when I visited my grandma. I would beg her to let me dust. :rofl Now I hate it. What happened there? :think


Joanne- glad you had fun with DD! Sounds like a wonderful afternoon.


Scooby- great job on organizing your computer patterns. :clap


LeAnne- thank you for the kind words. DH also grew up in a museum-clean home (MIL is an OCD cleaner.) His brother is also 8 years older than him, so of course she didn't have multiple little ones to chase around. Sometimes he is just unrealistic in his expectations, and it's not really his fault. Other times, he will stay with the girls, and be like, "I don't know how in the world you do it." Those times make up for the cleaning comments. :rofl


Good luck with your hall closets, everyone! Looks like I will have lots of time to clean this week- we went to pick up the girls and it looks like my 4 y/o has chicken pox. :eek:eek:eek I will take her to the dr. in the morning. I am praying that the other 2 don't get it because we have a lot of activities coming up in the next couple weeks.

Well I better get scooting to bed. See you all in the morning!

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Good morning, everyone, and happy Mis-placed Monday:devil


hope you all have a great and productive day:cheer:cheer


I am off to crank up the :ipod, and get crackin'! I just need to remember to go a bit slower than usual... I am starting to feel a little better, and don't want to go backwards on that:blush


C y'all in a while...



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Morning all!!


Well, I won't be cleaning or :crocheting much today. Going shopping with Mom and DD, then getting my hair done. I hope to be able to get a little bit done when I get home tonight.


Have a great day and I'll be back later tonight!:)

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