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Some good clean fun?! [Archive 1]

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:PYummy, Colleen!

What time should we be over?! :lol

sounds like you'll have a wonderful time:manyheart


:hi, Stacy!

sounds like you have a busy day :whew

I hope you got to time everything right :wink... I :heart when things go like that!


Well... off to the ballfield! MAN! It's gonna be a :hot one!


see you later on...


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Hmm...I'll have to look at another Target. I was just there today and I know the one by us doesn't have anything that closes when it falls. The top just stays open until you close it. Thanks for the heads-up, though, I will keep an eye out for it. If I see one with Elmo, then it should be the right one. :lol


Your menu sounds great. Enjoy your company. How long are they staying? I saw a cupcake recipe recently online where you pour the batter into ice cream cones and bake them that way. I think I may save that idea and try it for youngest dd's birthday this summer.


Oh, yes I am finished with the wrap. I finished it last night while watching V for Vendetta with hubby. I ended up frogging about 6 rows on each panel because there was nowhere to sew them, but I think it looks nice anyway. Just really, really heavy for the weather. LoL I am working on a pineapple shawl with the Caron Naturally Spa yarn I picked up a couple weeks ago.


Good luck finding a container. If I see one I'll pick one up and send it to you! As I said, the one I have is not expensive.


Those cupcakes sound fun. I'll have to look for those.


Our company is just coming for the "evening" at 7:00, but with this gang the kids will play until 9ish, put on their PJs and fall asleep. The "grown ups" will probably stay until 2 am (very late for me but we only get together once every 2 or 3 mos and I always have fun). :yawn They will just carry the kids to the car in their PJs. When we go to their houses we have to leave early, because DD just won't fall asleep anywhere but in her own bed :(.


:PYummy, Colleen!

What time should we be over?! :lol

sounds like you'll have a wonderful time:manyheart


:hi, Stacy!

sounds like you have a busy day :whew

I hope you got to time everything right :wink... I :heart when things go like that!


Well... off to the ballfield! MAN! It's gonna be a :hot one!


see you later on...



C'mon over for 7:00, LeaAnne, there will be plenty to go around :lol. Enjoy the ball game and stay cool. Drink lots of water (I personally prefer lemonade :P).

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Good evening all! I have been a lazy bum today. I emptied and filled the dishwasher and picked up a little. That's it. I'm disappointed in myself, but stupid Mother Nature came to visit yesterday, and I'm just not in the mood. DD was also very attached to me today, so it would've been difficult to get anything done anyway. I've been able to work on my RR, so that's good.


Colleen- Have fun with your friends tonight! Sounds like the food will be yummy!!


Stacy- Congrats on getting your wrap finished!


LeaAnne- Hope you have fun at the game tonight. And thank you so much for starting this thread. Everyone here is great!!!


Everyone else- Have a wonderful, safe weekend!! And for those of you who made the dishtowel: there's a new charity thread needing kitchen items to raise money for a woman with cancer. Just thought I'd let everyone know!


I'll probably be back later!!

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Just checking in and see everyone is busy. Colleen- enjoy your company. Lea Anne- thanks for the weather report for Boston! Glad to see it looks like good weather for the game on Sunday. (and as much as I hate to admit it, since I will be with DD, I will root for the RedSox (just for this one game only )

Just got in from a graduation party and have to pack for the early morning drive in the AM, but my day wouldn't have been complete without checking in to see what my friends were up to

Enjoy your weekend ladies!!!!

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Enjoy, Joanne! Have a safe drive.


(((Shannon)))) Do not feel bad. Mother Nature is not nice at all. Sometimes we just need a lazy day. :hug


Colleen- Thank you for the offer. I am going to a different Target tomorrow, will see if I can find one!


We are having a lazy night. Dh wants to watch movies and chill, I can only handle so many. We watched 2 and now restlessness is setting in. He is watching another one and I had to check in here. Trying to figure out what to work on right now but nothing seems appealing. :eek Cleaning also does not sound too fun so I will save that for the morning. :lol

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Hi all


The :kickin the badorkus didn't take, sorry. I spent most of yesterday :sleep or :drive kids. I folded a load of laundry, but almost everything else was done by my darling children. Teens :2rock. They can be so helpful.


Today I intend to clean out the refrigerator and the trash cans. I will run to a grocery store, and do more laundry. (I am washing all the bedding from my room -- the white and gray cat is trying to turn my burgundy comforter white.) I may tempt that bird by using the line for it.


Have a great weekend, friends!:ghug

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Good morning everyone!!


I hope everyone is having a glorious weekend! We don't have too much going on around here. But I am proud to say that my house has stayed picked up and pretty clean for a week!! I don't think that's ever happened before, and it's all thanks to you lovely ladies!!


Joanne- We'll let you root for the RedSox this one time. My parents are from New York, so I always root for their teams.


Stacy- I wish my DH could sit still long enough for a movie night, but he always has to keep moving. He's pretty good when sports are on though.


I'm hoping I can :crocheting for a little while today, but I'll be home alone with DD, so we'll see. I have to go now because she wants to play Elmo on the computer. I'll check back!

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Hi all,

Had a great ride up to Boston! Left @5:30AM and got here around 10. Nice ride, no traffic, but did hit some spots of rain on the way up. Kind of cloudy here now in the 60's (glad I threw in a sweatshirt at the last minute!) DD was still in her pj's when I arrived, and thought I'd check in as she gets ready. She did make me a nice breakfast! Her roomate's mom is also coming up and coming to the game tomorrow and they are taking us out to the North End (old historic Italian part of the city) for dinner after the game tomorrow night as our Mother's Day gift. Looking forward to lots of relaxation and fun this weekend (and maybe even some:crocheting since of course I brought :hook and :yarn with me.

Have a great Saturday!

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It sure is quiet here today. Everyone must be very busy cleaning!! Just kidding, I hope everyone is enjoying their Saturday.


Joanne- I'm so glad you made it there safe and sound! Thanks for letting us know!


Not getting to work on my RR as much as I would like. Oh well, I'll find time somewhere. :P

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imanurse -- so glad you made it there safe and sound. Your plans sound like a lot of fun! Enjoy your time with dd:manyheart


irishrose -- enjoy YOUR time with dd, too. They grow up WAY too fast! Give her a :hug for me, and listen to her giggle. I love the sound of a wee one giggling! The most beautiful music on Earth.


I did it! I scrubbed out the refrigerator. :clap That job will be easier next week! Keeping up is much better than doing something once in a long while. I also washed dishes, finished the laundry (including folding clothes and remaking my bed) and started dinner.


I have more incentive -- my sister may be visiting me for a few days from Florida this summer. I need to get my dd's room done!


Off to clean the trashcans!

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Happy Saturday to you all! It is a somewhat cloudy day here in Houston. I have not done very much today as I really do not feel well. Everything from the neck up hurts; throat, neck, ears, head, you name it. However, the doctor says it is not strep and not an ear infection. See how you feel in a couple of days. Couple of days? The last week of school is coming up and finals are being given. This is NOT the week to be sick! AAAAHHHH!


Anyway, I did a load of towels and vacuum the first floor. I took my daughter to her friend's house and dead headed the roses. I am going to sit and work on my paper in a little while.


Leann - The concert was GREAT! Queensryche played for about 2 1/2 hours. Very loud, but I knew that was going to be the case. They played songs that I did not think they would play and I had a great time. Hubby liked it, but was disappointed that they didn't play Silent Lucidity. Amazing show. The best part of the entire show had to be when Geoff Tate (lead singer) brought his daughter out on stage to sing the duet they have on the new album. Standing ovation. She gave him a great big hug and scampered off the stage. I would go see them again in a heartbeat! Thanks for asking!


Have a great day everyone. I am going to watch the baseball game and work on my paper.



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:manyheartHey, hey, everyone!


I, too, am having a lazy day... just achy and crappy with a bad backache that doesn't seem to want to go away:ohdear...


Vicki- glad you and DH enjoyed your concert! ... and I hope you feel better:hug


Mary- Have fun with DD! Glad you dropped by! :manyheart


Hey, Beth- WTG on the fridge!:clap:yuck I don't like that job very much :no And P.S. I am glad the :kick didn't work... sounds like you needed the rest!:hug


:hi, Joanne! Glad you made it to chilly Boston! Have fun in the North End, and enjoy the game:cheer:hug


Stacy- Congrats on finishing your wrap, and hope you're having a nice weekend without pretzel salt :heehee


Colleen- :yayEnjoy your party:yay Hope it's a BLAST!


Shannon- :ty for joining us! :hugYou are a total sweetie!

you mentioned a thread for charity asking for kitchen stuff... :thinkI can't find it:( can you post a link to it?

I hope you got to work on your RR, and that you get some R/R.



I hope you all have a restful, fun and wonderful weekend :rainbow:c9... We have ALL been working hard and deserve it, fer shure :ghug


I will be checking in now and again... right now, though my house is quiet, so i think I'll get out the hot water bottle, put my feet up and :crocheting for a while:devil

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Beth- I did enjoy DD today. And you're right, she (err...I mean kids) has the best laugh!! It's been very exciting around here. She started her medicine about 2 months ago, and she's been talking up a storm and in complete sentences!! I'm so proud of her. Her new favorite phrase is, "Hi Mommy hi!" I LOVE IT!! She says it randomly all day long.


Mary- Enjoy your weekend with DD!! We'll be here when you get back!


Vicki- Goodness, I hope you feel better soon. I'll say a prayer for you that it's all gone by finals. I'm so glad you had fun at your concert. Sounds like a good time, but I would've wanted to hear Silent Lucidity too. I love that song!


LeaAnne- I can't find that charity thread either. I don't know what happened. And I don't know how to post a link, sorry. I hope your back feels better soon. I don't like everybody not feeling good.


I'm plugging away at the RR. Just started white. It's a little bumpy though. Is that normal? Have a great night everyone!! Sweet dreams!

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Hi Everyone! I just wanted to send everyone a big :hug! I'm going to have a wonderful day with :crocheting and my darling family! I did my chores yesterday:cheer:clap:yay


I hope everyone else has as good a day as I'm going to have!!!:c9

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Hello everyone! I missed you all yesterday! I was too busy cleaning and getting ready for our friends to stop by.


Joanne - Enjoy your weekend with DD, sounds fun!

Beth - WTG on cleaning the fridge. I'm glad you took a rest on Friday.

Mary - Glad to hear from you! Enjoy your visit with DD!

Vicky & LeaAnne - I hope you feel better soon.

Shannon - Sounds like your DD is doing great! Aren't they fun!


Well, my party is over. And let me tell you, the proof is in the pudding that this CAL works! Since my house was reasonably clean and organized, getting ready for company wasn't near as much work as it usually is. We had fun and none of the kids got hurt (that is my measure of a success :lol someone usually does with 5 kids between ages 2 and 8 running around).


I'm finding I have more pride in my home now that I'm taking better care of it. Yesterday I noticed some lamps I liked in a flyer and went out and bought them. I really like them. I finally got rid of the old, it'll-do lamp we had in our living room. We've just got to get something on the walls and that room will be much more finished.


My sister called the other night and I found out what colors they are thinking for their new home, so I went out yesterday and got some variegated cotton with green in it (she's going green for the kitchen). I think I'll make them one of those towels and hopefully get it in the mail this week. Their living room is grey, so I might make some navy coasters too. :think


I earned my :crocheting time yesterday and with my house still clean from having company, I plan to cash in today :clap. I'll do a quick vacuum to catch any crumbs and then I'm parking on the couch.


Have a great day!

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good morning, everyone!


Colleen - so glad you had fun with your company! It's especially nice that you have today to relax and :crocheting ENJOY! You have earned it!:manyheart


Shannon - glad to hear that you and DD had so much fun yesterday! Enjoy today and good luck with that RR:hug


hi, Beth - Enjoy your day! Sounds like it will be wonderful! :rainbow:c9


Joanne - I'll be watching for ya at the game... hope you and DD are having a "wicked good time":lol It's going to be nice here today...scattered thunderstorms and a balmy 80 degrees.


Vicki - :hugI hope you're feeling better today :hug


...and :hi to the rest of the gang! Hope you're all enjoying a great weekend.


Well, my back is feeling a little better today so I am off to do a quick clean (I agree, Colleen, it's much easier to keep things up since us girls have started "hanging together":yes :ty HAL/CAL:yay). I plan to spend no more than 1 hour, then it's off to :crochetingheaven under the umbrella on my deck until the Sox game later on.


Have a stitchin' day, all! :ghug

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Hi all,

Glad to hear that your back is feeling better LeaAnne. And yes, I am having a "wicked good time" with DD. Woke up this AM early to thunderstorms (what???) but now it is sunny-hoping it holds out for the game. Went to Downtown Crossing yesterday and then to Harvard Square. Picked up the book Uncommon Crochet at the Harvard Bookstore downstairs in the used section. Yay!. DD picked up a pair of Adidas running sneakers and pair of running shorts at a sports store downtown in the clearance section- $35 for both- what a deal! Going to head to the Museum of Fine Arts tomorrow (free admission for Memorial Day).

Colleen- glad you had fun with your company and that you will get to crochet today (although I am having fun, still haven't picked up a hook and yarn since I've been here)

Irishrose- enjoy your DD ---yes they grow up sooooo fast! Can't believe my DD here in Boston will be 30 in August! Wasn't it just yesterday that she was born?

Beth- hope you had fun with your family

Mary- have fun with your DD- I know I am

Vicki- hope you are feeling a little better today!

To everyone else - enjoy your Sunday!!!!!


Well, just about time to head to the T (the subway system up here) and Fenway Park.


Oh, by the way LeaAnne-Yankees beat the Phillies yesterday in the 9th so we gained a game on the Sox! And for today, I am a Red Sox fan, but let's be clear it is for today only!


Have fun all!

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Good morning!! Wow, there's gonna be :hook and :yarn fun all over the place today!! Good for you girls! Silly me, I asked my family to come over today. I'll be joining you later though!!


Beth-:hug right back atchya! WTG on getting all your chores done yesterday!!:yay


Colleen- I'm so glad you had fun with your company!:) I know what you mean about having more pride in your house. I always said if we got new carpet or painted the walls or bought a new house I'd be proud of it. Who knew all I had to do was clean the house I have!!:blush Congrats on the new lamps.


LeaAnne- "have a stitchin' day"!! I love it! Thank you for making me smile today. Glad your back is feeling better!:D


Well, as I said, my family is coming over today. It could be from 3 to 10 people. We don't know yet. So I have some chores to do before church, and then a few more chores after church, and then I'm going to hang out with my family.:manyheart I hope everyone has a stash-bustin' good day!! I'll be back later!:ghug

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:waving Hi Everyone!!!! I haven't been here in a couple of days, as I just haven't been myself. Well, I should say I have been here but just didn't stay long enough to type anything. Friday morning, about 3 am, youngest DS was up sick :yuck, but he didn't even wake me to tell me. Anyways, he went on to school as he couldn't miss his last final exams and then I picked him at 11:30 because they were able to leave when they were done. Later that evening, my oldest ds came home for the weekend. I am not sure exactly what happened, but about 9 that nite, my right hip started bothering me. At first, I just thought it was where I was sitting in my recliner too long :crochetingand I just got stiff (old age beginning to set in :lol). So, I just got up walked around and later went to bed.


Saturday morning, I got up, did my general pick up, dishes, breakfast etc. and that was about it. My hip was still bothering, :eekalong with my back and knees. I did manage to go with my kids and mom bowling but I just sat and watched. The rest of day/evening I sat/laid around as I can't do either one for long periods of time.


Today, my hip is still giving me fits, therefore I haven't done much but general pick up. I am hoping to get some :crocheting in if I can. Oldest ds wants me to cut his hair and youngest ds is still a little puny.


And so are the days of my life :lol. I hope that all of you are enjoying your holiday weekend. I had a lot of catching up to do reading all your posts and looks like I am not the only one kinda/sorta being lazy or just plain taking it easy. But HEY, we have been doing extremely well keeping our homes looking nice so we deserve it:yes:yes. Cashing in on that :crocheting time!!!!!!


I have missed you all:hug:flower:2hug :manyheart and hope to check back in later. Hope you all have a great Sunday!!!!!



Shannon- Have fun with your family today!!!!:manyheart


LeaAnne- :yes Glad to hear your back is feeling better. Just be careful and don't over do it today!!!!! :hug


Joanne- Sounds like you are having a wonderful time with your DD!!!! Glad you are enjoying yourself :yay:manyheart.


Colleen- :cheer:cheer Glad your party was a big hit!!! The menu sounded yummy!! We should have came to your house to eat :lol. It is nice to hear that you are taking more pride in your home. The little :kick are doing us all a lot of good.


Vicki- :dance:woo:wooNice to hear that you had a great time at the House of Blues. I know that was a nice break from that APA manual.:manyheart


Beth- :clap:cheer WTG getting those chores done yesterday. Enjoy your time with DD today and have loads of fun :crocheting today!!!!:hug

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Good morning, ladies! Last night we went to a friend's house for a bbq...it was nice! The girls really enjoyed playing with their friends and we had some fun adult conversation.

Today it is nice and warm already so I will take the girlies swimming later. I think we are just going to relax today and tomorrow. I've already did general pick up and mopped the kitchen floor. Still need to vacuum and take out the trash/recycling, but after that- I am done! The cleaning lady is officially off the clock. :rofl


Shannon- Enjoy your family time. What kind of medicine is your daughter taking? My 4 y/o is going to be evaulated in a couple weeks because her speech is very unclear. I've been watching the way that she talks and it seems that her mouth doesn't form the words completely. I am hoping to get her into speech therapy over the summer so she will more understandable for pre-k in the fall.


Vicki- glad you had a great time at the concert! Sorry you are feeling under the weather. Hope you are on the mend soon. :hug


Joanne- glad you are having fun with DD. Enjoy the game and dinner.


Beth- great job on the fridge! I also cleaned mine out on Friday and it looks so nice.


Scooby- hope your hip is feeling better today.


Well I'm going to finish up my last chores, then sit on the couch and :crocheting. Have a beautiful day!!

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It is a quiet Sunday here. DD is at her friend's house and hubby is at work. I am all alone! :woo. I did work on my paper last night and I will continue that today. Today I scrubbed DD's bathroom (what a MESS!) and did two loads of laundry. I have one more to do and then I need to vacuum again. the floors are all gritty. We put a pool in and hubby is now doing work around it. Stones and sand. Just a wonderful combination!

I am feeling a little better today. Thanks to all for your warm wishes to feel better. I do love this group! You are all just so great!

Have a great Sunday! :)

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:waving, Joanne-


Yes, I saw that the Yankees won...:lol you and I are gonna have a lot of fun this season:devil AFTAH that T ride home, of course! Glad you and DD had fun in Hahvahd Sqayah!:rofl ...enjoy the Museum tomorrow... I really like that place!:manyheart




You're welcome...anytime! Enjoy your family today:hug:manyheart That's, after all, what it's all about!:yes:heart


Hi, Scooby-

I hope you get to feeling better soon! I think we're either all getting old :no... or we've been cleaning too much?! :devil:rofl



Enjoy swimming, and the rest of your day! :hug


:hi, Vicki-

Happy quiet time!!! Try not to waste it all on housework...:devil

Hope your paper is coming along well:)



I am off to get everyone fed, then back to :crocheting for the charity CAL:clap


What a WONDERFUL day:rainbow:c9


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Hi All!

I thought I'd check in, haven't been doing that as much as usual these last few days - but all for good reasons! I've been having a fun holiday weekend with the hubby and kiddo's, playing on the beach and just spending time together.

No cleaning or crocheting today - just snuggle & relaxation time:heart. Ah, but now he is off to work. Sigh....

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Hey ladies!

Yay for quiet Sundays and family time! :cheer

We ended up not going swimming. It wasn't warm enough (IMO, I'm sure the kids still would have went.) Instead, we went to get 4 y/o dd's hair cut, her first one ever. She wanted bangs, like her big sister. :manyheart She did very well, sat still, only moved her head a couple of times. :lol I wasn't sure about bangs on her, but they do look adorable. Every time we ask her if she likes her hair cut, she smooths her bangs and says yes. LoL! Then we went to Dominoe's and got some pizzas, came home and watched a movie. IL's called and asked if the girls want to spend the night- yes!! :clap:lol:devil So we will only have the youngest one. I'm hoping to talk dh into getting a coffee and some magazines later. :devil

Have a great night!

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