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Blanket (approx. 21 inches square) for Cornell's NIC unit

th_HPIM0681.jpgClose up of rev hdc edging (PS: it was SDR's idea to add the green - and wonderful choice it was!)

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Judy, that is so cute! Wonderful idea for a preemie ghan. :c9



Yeah it'll be a true Christmas miracle if I actually get done :rofl The nephew's Geo will be the hardest to get done. Everything else (knock wood) should go quickly :yes

If anyone can do all that, you can! :cheer


Our Christmas tree got put up this evening. All but one strand of lights work. Now just have to find time and energy to decorate it.


I've now got 6 preemie quilts finished and 4 more ready for quilting and binding tomorrow. I'm tired tonight and think I'll turn in early for a change. The filet piece is now 2/3 done, too. Finished dismantling the turkey and have all the meat diced and in baggies in the freezer. We ate most of it already.

Hi Linda! You've gotten so much done in such a short time. :yes


My doily is finished! I just need to wash and starch /shape it before taking a picture. Here's a funny for you. Mom told me she needed hotpads for 12 people. Remember the dark green/white set? That was originally part of it, well one was anyway. She said she really liked it. So I pulled it out and it's going to be her Christmas gift. She called this morning and was telling me she pulled out a green and red one for her (pretty sure I heard her right. After all, I'd only been up for 20 minutes) :rolleyes. I called Dad later and told him she's not allowed to keep any for herself. Gotta love her!

:lol Great story! Thanks for the smiles.

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Happy Tuesday, Ladies. I could write a book about what's been going on in our lives, but I won't bore everyone. ;) I'm hoping to have some "me" time today after a 10:00 Drs. appt. Well, at least time to get some things taken care of for Christmas. :)


Have a great morning. :manyheart

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Good morning! We are late getting moving today. Probably because I was sewing until midnight. :lol :lol :lol Kim wouldn't go to sleep either. She wanted to see everything I was doing as soon as it was done. She was laughing and giggling and teasing Trouble, too. As soon as the lights went out we were both sound asleep.


Rosie's going to shoot me. I tried quilting around the mice on the last preemie quilt I was sewing on last night. It turned out really, really good on the two mice that are done so far. And I don't yet have a quilting foot for my machine! (She does, but doesn't have the best luck with using it.) :lol :lol :lol She's going to have my head! Or maybe my hands!


Wendy, the preemie quilts are little, only about 19" by 19". They go pretty quick now that I know what I'm doing.


Judy, that preemie afghan is adorable! The NICU is going to love it! Reverse HDC!?! WOW!!! The one time I tried the reverse sc it drove me crazy. Yours looks great.

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Thanks Mary and Linda...

Linda, the rev hdc is lots easier on my hands - I haven;t used the rev sc since I discovered the new one:c9

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Hi Mary! I have missed you all sooo much too. I do have my internet back so i'll be popping in more regularly again. :cheer I have been crocheting, I sold a baby ghan for $75. :eek She wouldn't let me accept less.


Other then that i've been working & reading some. That's about it. How are things with you & your family? I hope everyone is well. :manyheart

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Yay for having the internet again! Congratulations on selling the baby ghan...it's great to hear you've been crocheting. Several of us are still here and we've had lots of newbies join in...maybe we can convince you to start on little squares again. :devil Cara continues to come up with more tempting patterns. :D

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{Passing this on from another group..thought you might like it }




~ Author Unknown ~

'Twas the night before Christmas and all around me

There was unfinished crocheting not under the tree,

The stockings weren't hung by the chimney with care

'Cause the heels and the toes had not a stitch there.


The children were nestled all snug in their beds,

But I had not finished the caps for their heads.

Dad was asleep-he was no help at all.

And the sweater for him was 6? too small.


When out on the lawn there arose such a clatter,

I put down my hook to see what was the matter.

Away to the window I flew like a flash.

Tripped over my yarn and fell down in my stash.


The tangle of yarn that lay deep as the snow

Reminded me how far I still had to go.

When out on the lawn I heard such a noise,

I was sure it would wake up both Dad and the boys.


And although I was tired-my brain a bit thick,

I knew in a moment that it must be St Nick.

Yet what I heard left me very perplex-ed

For nothing I heard was what I expect-ed.


"Move Rowan! Move Patons! Move Koigu and Clover!

Move Shelridge! Move Starmore! Move Spinrite! Move over!

Lopi, don't circle around, just stand there in line.

Pay attention you sheep and you'll work out just fine!


I know this is hard as it's just your first year

But I'd hate to go back to 8 tiny reindeer."

I peered over the sill. What I saw was amazing:

Eight wooly sheep on my lawn all a-grazing!


And then in a twinkle, I heard at the door

Santa's big boots stomping on the porch floor.

I rose from my knees and got back on my feet.

As I turned around, St Nick I did meet.


He was dressed all in wool from his heat to his toe

And his clothes were hand crochet from above to below.

A bright Fair Isle sweater he wore on his back.

And his toys were all stuffed in an Aran crochet sack.


His hat was a wonder of bobbles and lace

A beautiful frame for his rosy red face.

The scarf on his neck could have stretched for a mile,

And the socks peeking over his boots were Argyle.


On the back of his mitts was an intricate cable.

And suddenly on one I spotted a small label:

"S.C." in duplicate on the cuff.

So I asked, "Hey, Nick, did YOU crochet all this stuff?"


He proudly replied, "Ho, ho, ho, yes I did.

I learned how to crochet when I was just a kid."

He was chubby and plump, a well dressed old man,

And I laughed to myself, for I'd thought up a plan.


I flashed him a grin and jumped up in the air,

And the next thing he knew, he was tied to a chair.

He spoke not a word, but looked down in his lap

Where I had laid my crochet hook and yarn for a cap.


He began then to crochet, first one cap then 2-

For the first time I thought I might really get through.

He put heels in the stockings and toes in some socks,

While I sat back drinking a scotch on the rocks.


Quickly like magic his hooks they flew,

Good Grief! He was finished by two!

He sprang for his sleigh when I let him go free,

And over his shoulder he looked back at me.

I heard him explain as he sailed past the moon,

"Next year, start your crocheting sometime around JUNE!"

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Yay for having the internet again! Congratulations on selling the baby ghan...it's great to hear you've been crocheting. Several of us are still here and we've had lots of newbies join in...maybe we can convince you to start on little squares again. :devil Cara continues to come up with more tempting patterns. :D


HaHa! I have actually thought about it because they would be so easy to work up on my breakfast break at work. I only get 30 minutes but I could whip up a few in that. Hmmmm.....


Now look what ya did, do you see the steam from me thinking? :lol

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Cara - what pattern did you use for the back scrubber for your spa packages? I have one puff complete and one is over half done (one to go after that). I tried on scrubber and didn't like the pattern so am looking for another idea.


It was on Priscilla Hewitt's site. Let's see if I can get a link to work. She changed everything to PDFs and it's a little hard to link. Here. Try this. If it doesn't link right to it, it's the one that's part of the 5 Piece Bath Set.



Blanket (approx. 21 inches square) for Cornell's NIC unit

th_HPIM0681.jpgClose up of rev hdc edging (PS: it was SDR's idea to add the green - and wonderful choice it was!)


Oh that came out just adorable! Great work :clap


Happy Tuesday, Ladies. I could write a book about what's been going on in our lives, but I won't bore everyone. ;) I'm hoping to have some "me" time today after a 10:00 Drs. appt. Well, at least time to get some things taken care of for Christmas. :)


Have a great morning. :manyheart


Oh dear :hug Are those people giving you grief again? :tryme


Hi Mary! I have missed you all sooo much too. I do have my internet back so i'll be popping in more regularly again. :cheer I have been crocheting, I sold a baby ghan for $75. :eek She wouldn't let me accept less.


Other then that i've been working & reading some. That's about it. How are things with you & your family? I hope everyone is well. :manyheart


TABBY!!!!! :jumpyay:hug Thank goodness you got internet back! We've really missed you tons :manyheart


Shelly - That poem is fabulous! Where did you find that?


Well, 15 minutes after I got up nephew called wanting to know if I needed to run around anywhere. It's less than 3 weeks to Christmas. OF COURSE I need to run around :lol So I've been gone all day at the shops. I'm exhausted and about broke but I think (read: hope) done :blink


Now it's time to catch up just a bit more before I start supper. Then back to work on Peyton's horsie :hook

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Shelly that's great! Can I share the poem? It's so fitting!


I'm almost done with hotpads for gifts! Woohoo! I decided I wanted to do a set of the Starburts for some friends, and DBF isn't helping me decide on colors. Some of these people he's known longer than me! The dork :lol. Then it's on to a scarf for Dad. Oh, and I still have to work on the dragon for DBF. And my team for my part time job is doing a get together Saturday morning, with a small gift to exchange. I still haven't decided if I'm going, but if I do, yep, that'll be another set of hotpads :D

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Just finished preemie quilt #10. That's the last one. I'll take photos in the morning when, hopefully, I'll have better light. :photo It's supposed to rain for the next two days and has already started, so that may be a vain hope. :rain Haven't done much today except care for Kim and sew. :sew Next project is to finish the crib quilt and finishing touches on the things that will get mailed with it. Have to buy the backing material for the filet pieces yet.

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It was on Priscilla Hewitt's site. Let's see if I can get a link to work. She changed everything to PDFs and it's a little hard to link. Here. Try this. If it doesn't link right to it, it's the one that's part of the 5 Piece Bath Set.


Thanks Cara. I am making the bath puff from the two piece set of hers. I tried the braided type scrubber and it wasn't working for me. I'm going to try the one you showed me (and hope I have enough yarn...)

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Good Morning everyone. :) It's very cold and windy here, but we didn't get any of the precipitation they were predicting.


Mary ~ 38 solids for me please


the geo is getting there.......

Way to go, Erin. :hook


Linda ~ Fantastic job on all of the quilts! Can't wait to see everything. :yes


Cara ~ That's great that you were able to go shopping yesterday. You sure have finished a lot of projects lately. :cheer


Shelly, thank you for sharing the poem...it's great!


Val, are you sure you don't want to add more to that list? :devil;) All of your gift ideas sound great - what color and pattern are you using for your dad's scarf?

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Good morning! It's gray and raining fairly heavily here now. I am not going anywhere in this. At least it's not as cold as it's been for the last week or so. I am not going to do any sewing today. I need a break. I'll work on crochet today and I think I'll start a ham bone soup in a bit as well. Hope everyone has a good day. Stay warm and dry.:manyheart

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Good Morning everyone. :) It's very cold and windy here, but we didn't get any of the precipitation they were predicting.


Mary, we weren't supposed to get any precipitation and it snowed here last night! Go figure. It snowed after I fell asleep and it was raining for a few hours before I went to bed, so I didn't get to see it when it was snowing.

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Thanks Cara. I am making the bath puff from the two piece set of hers. I tried the braided type scrubber and it wasn't working for me. I'm going to try the one you showed me (and hope I have enough yarn...)


No I didn't care for the braided one either. All I could think was that it would take forever to dry after use :lol The other one is an interesting, but simple, technique that I'd never used before. Makes a very nifty fabric :yes


Good Morning everyone. :) It's very cold and windy here, but we didn't get any of the precipitation they were predicting.


We got sleet but no snow. By about 2 this morning it was all over with. But it sure is nippy out today. I'll take that over 100* temps any day :yes


Good morning! It's gray and raining fairly heavily here now. I am not going anywhere in this. At least it's not as cold as it's been for the last week or so. I am not going to do any sewing today. I need a break. I'll work on crochet today and I think I'll start a ham bone soup in a bit as well. Hope everyone has a good day. Stay warm and dry.:manyheart


Sounds like an excellent plan to me :D


Mary, we weren't supposed to get any precipitation and it snowed here last night! Go figure. It snowed after I fell asleep and it was raining for a few hours before I went to bed, so I didn't get to see it when it was snowing.


Oh there's where our snow ended up :lol Did it stick or was it all gone by this morning?


In spite of not being home 90% of the day yesterday, I still finished the horse head, all four legs and his ears. Just the body and stuffing him all up to go :hook

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Oh there's where our snow ended up :lol Did it stick or was it all gone by this morning?


The snow did stick until about 9 this morning, now it's all gone. It's windy out and the high today is supposed to be mid 50s. 70s by the weekend. *sigh* I have to enjoy this cold while I can!

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Val, are you sure you don't want to add more to that list? :devil;) All of your gift ideas sound great - what color and pattern are you using for your dad's scarf?


Well, I do want to do some socks for Mom, but maybe next year :lol As for Dad's scarf, I got some skeins of chaneil (I know, totally mis-spelled. Sorry!) from my summer secret swap partner in a blue ombre. I think I'll use that but I haven't decided what pattern to use yet. Probably something simple like regular DC's. He rides a motorcyle as his main transportation and with our cool / cold mornings apparently the back of his neck has been getting cold. So he requested a scarf. Any pattern ideas?

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