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Our House [Archive 5]

Super Granny

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Yes I did. Didn't I say that in here? :think I get confused easily :P I'll take a photo tomorrow but of course it looks exactly like the one already on the site :lol Hope I can get a nicer photo this time.


Been working on the GT in green all day for yet another contest entry. They really shouldn't have said that you can enter as often as you like :lol


You may have told us...I've been in a fog lately. ;) Which shade of green are you using for the GT?

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Mary, 12 solids for me, please:hook

Oh good! I've been feeling like the Maytag repairman lately...my scorekeeper job has been very slow. :lol What are you making?


The Vanna's in Dusky Green.

I love all of Vanna's colors. Your GT ghan will be beautiful in that color. :yarn:yes


DH has a 7 a.m. flight, so it will be an early night. See you all tomorrow. :manyheart

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Howdy everyone, nothing new here except just spending loads of time at home and now that Im unemployed I can get more crocheting done. Still have 65 GT squares left to do, hope to finish it all in time for christmas.


morning everyone! I got another stripe sewed up last night just gotta attach it to the blanket...still not sure about the last two stripes for size but its looking like lil saltines are in order. Off to the doctor...in the fun snoe =( then off to get new tags and a DL, then I gotta get some groceries! YIKES! Did I forget to mention im 37 1/2 weeks pregnant????? LOL


Be careful wont you:hug


Glad all went well and you're back home safe and sound.


Have finished hiding all the tails for the stocking, so just have to assemble and finish now. Kim's fiesty this morning, which means she's feeling better. A good sign. :lol :lol :lol


Cant wait to see the stocking you made and Im glad Kim is feeling a lot better.


We never do a lot of decorating for Christmas, but I do like lots of greenery and little lights. Yes, Zoe was thrilled to help me put some lights on the garland. The rest I did in the garage. :lol


HI Mary, its nice to have some decorations up isnt it. Animals just love to help dont they. :lol


And I forgot to mention crocheting :blush...I have about 60 more squares to make and join for the IC. :cheer It's joined into strips of 5 blocks each and those need to be joined, too. Slow, but steady. :hook



Your getting there, :cheer :cheer


The Vanna's in Dusky Green.


Its going to look fantastic. :yes

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Got the rings I needed to make the hanging loop so the stocking is complete. I'll take a picture in the morning.


Kim and I did a quick round of errands this afternoon. Went to the library, the drugstore, voted in the run-off, and picked up the rings. We were gone just over an hour and Kim stayed warm in the car while I ran in and out of the stores.


I'm now working on the last of the filet pieces. It's almost at the half way point now.

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Good morning ladies :flower


Linda - Yay for getting all the errands done :yay Smart Kim to stay in the car where it was warm :lol Are you feeling better today? :hug


Seems I'm back to waking up early :irk Guess it was that 10 days before Thanksgiving getting up early to have everything ready. Now Tuon wants feeding at 7 a.m. and she can be VERY persistent :cat


Working on the GT today. Got 10 squares done yesterday til my hands just cramped up and refused to do anymore :lol I think today will be more like 5 squares :lol

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Morning, Cara. I think I do feel a bit better today. I fixed myself a big batch of chicken/turkey noodle soup with lots of garlic and onion yesterday and I think it helped. :hen:soup I think I'll do it again today as well.


I think I'll work on the quilt things today, intermixed with thread crochet and hiding of yarn tails. I need to finish the Stacked Cubes for mailing and also the crib quilt. The preemie quilts are where I'm practicing the techniques for the crib quilt. I still haven't got that all to the point I want yet and haven't even gotten one binding totally on. :yell Soooooo........ I think I could do the quilting, but the binding is driving me a bit batty at this point. :eek Maybe by the end of the day I'll have a better handle on that.:sew


The weather is chilly but sunny today. The sunrise was gorgeous. I've been up since 7:00 although not by choice. :tired My head wouldn't go back to sleep after the first alarm went off. :yawn The second is set for 9:30. I've been listening to an audio book and doing thread crochet since about 7:30. Kim and Trouble have sensibly been sleeping. :lol :lol :lol


I think I'll make myself a big mug of tea. :tea Maybe that will help me to wake up. See you later.

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Oh good! I've been feeling like the Maytag repairman lately...my scorekeeper job has been very slow. :lol What are you making?

I saw some Red Heart Hot Red sitting in my closet and decided (after finally finishing the big RR) to do something small. I'm making a baby blanket for the neighbor's NIC unit where she works. I thought something bright and candy cane colored would be fun. I'm surprised at how fast it goes.

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Howdy everyone, nothing new here except just spending loads of time at home and now that Im unemployed I can get more crocheting done. Still have 65 GT squares left to do, hope to finish it all in time for christmas.

You can do it, Wendy! :cheer Looking forward to pictures. :)


Dropped in to say hello. I'm going to bed. I'm having a visit from the Regional People tomorrow. I'll have an early day. I get to leave once the asm get to work at 1pm

Hi Valerie ~ I'm glad you're getting a little more time off. :manyheart


Working on the GT today. Got 10 squares done yesterday til my hands just cramped up and refused to do anymore :lol I think today will be more like 5 squares :lol

Wow, Cara! You are on a roll. :hook I hope your hands feel better today. :hug


Linda, you are amazing to have so many projects in the works. I'm not much help on the quilting - it's been years since I made one and mine were all by hand. I know you'll get it figured out. :yes Your soup sounds delicious!


Hi Judy. Your idea for the Christmas baby ghan sounds adorable.:c9

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Success! Two preemie quilts completed successfully. I talked to DD afterwards and she told me a tip to putting on the binding so the stitching doesn't show on the front. Of course, I had done the complete opposite by then, but I'll know for the next one. :lol :lol :lol And mine weren't half bad even done the wrong way. It helps that I've done a lot of sewing in the past. Some times I've been able to make short cuts on my own that are the ones I later found in a book. :lol :lol :lol


I'm trying to take things one or two projects a day and not look at the total still to do. I'm actually staying half way sane so far by doing that. And I'm getting things done at a good clip, too.

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Linda - Glad you're doing better today :hug So what was the tip your DD gave you? I'm actually gonna try "real" quilting after the first of the year.


Bah! Wasted day today. Tuon got me up at 7:30 this morning. She just wouldn't stop. This 1/3 cup of food a day is rough on both of us. She's been whining for food all day, too. But she weighed 10.5 lbs last time and she's not even two. :sigh


Anyway, had a nap but didn't get up until 3 :eek Didn't even get any chores done so I did a few then took my shot. That's it now. The shot shoots the rest of my day. It helps the pain but boy does it make me sick :(


But I can crochet and be sick thank goodness :hook

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oh dear...what a long day!!!

sounds like everyone else is in my boat...

I layed down at 1 and didn't get up til 5 :( hopefully I can sleep tonight and I've felt tired since I woke up anyways so Im thinking it could be a WHOLE night in the bed tonight :clap

Last day of work was pretty much sinch but I think my body worked harder than my mind thought cause Im stiff and achy. Now I just gotta wait on baby...this could be a long 2 weeks or so!!! HAHA :lol:lol:lol:lol

Well, off to fold the laundry and make some saltines :hook

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Erin ~ Now that you're off work, get lots of rest and visit with us!


Linda ~ Congratulations on finishing the preemie quilts. :cheer All this talk about quilts almost makes me want to start again. ;) Actually, I do have a quilt that my grandmother made, but she wasn't able to finish the quilting. I should be working on that this winter. :think


Cara, feel better. :hug


I'm reporting 36 solid squares. :hook


Have a good night/day everyone. :manyheart

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Joy said to do the binding starting on the back side so that when you bring it around you are sure that the stitching doesn't show in the front. She also said to use the clippy things for holding your hair back as clips to hold the binding in place when you are sewing it on. They actually sell the clips as binding clips in the quilting section at Michaels, HL, and WM.


I think I lost ground today. I've got on sweat pants, a sweat shirt, socks, and an extra blanket on the bed and I'm still cold and achy. :sneeze:sick:sneeze


Kim's feeling better so that's on the plus side. I just finished hiding a block's worth of tails and she was peeking to see how many I had. I picked them all up and threatened to drop them on her and she laughed and laughed and laughed. :laughroll:haha:laughroll

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I think I lost ground today. I've got on sweat pants, a sweat shirt, socks, and an extra blanket on the bed and I'm still cold and achy. :sneeze:sick:sneeze


Kim's feeling better so that's on the plus side. I just finished hiding a block's worth of tails and she was peeking to see how many I had. I picked them all up and threatened to drop them on her and she laughed and laughed and laughed. :laughroll:haha:laughroll

Linda, I hope you're better today! :hug


Mary, another 18 solids for me:hook

:cheerThey're on the list!


Valerie ~ Hi! :)


It is 25 degrees and windy. :eek DD and I are meeting for some shopping and lunch. She's off work quite a bit in December trying to use up vacation time. I am sooo unorganized this year, so it's time to make some lists and get busy. :yes

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Good morning ~

I sure hope everyone that has been under the weather is soon feeling much better! :tea

Enjoy your day out with DD, Mary. I read that you are making good progress on your IC -- that's wonderful. Seems as though we have been working on this pattern for quite awhile, though, in reality, it has not been all that long. :cheer Good luck in the home stretch.

There seems to be no end to the creativity and talents of you gals here. I am amazed at your sewing, quilting and knitting skills. I can cross-stitch with the best of 'em, but I cannot sew to save my soul. I crocheted the cutest purse for Mum's Christmas gift, but I gave it to her as a "kit," last weekend -- the lining is shaped, but I have tried and tried to stitch it into the purse, and I cannot :(, so I gave her those two pieces, a handle, and then I told her I would thread ribbons and tie bows to accessorize it when I go home for Christmas :sigh Ah well, back to what I do better: Please add 25 solids for me.


Take care, All :ghug

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Hey, Dusti, you do good work. Don't worry about the stuff that's not up your alley. We all have those areas in our lives and skills.


I got more sleep last night. Hopefully that will help me to get to feeling better soon. Kim was fighting sleep last night. She was into a movie and didn't want to miss any of it. Then all of a sudden she was out. I got another block's worth of saltine tails hidden before going to sleep. Just one more to go.


It's gray and gloomy here today. I think it's supposed to rain later. A good day to stay inside and work on projects some more.

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So, did you get a good day of crocheting and quilting in, Linda? Sounded like a good plan, given the dreary weather you were describing.

It's chilly, here, but the sunshine is out, and as long as the girls wear snowpants, they are comfortable tumbling outside. We have a small ice skating rink at the edge of our yard, and DH was out there last night, flooding it, so that the girls could skate this evening. Do you think they are interested in napping this afternoon? Not a chance. I can hear them in their rooms, one is making up a song about skating, and the other one is pretending to be a twirling snowflake (from the sounds of things). We will bundle them up after dinner and send them out to try out the rink -- I sure hope it froze smoothly. Last week, we had a brisk wind after it was flooded, and it was real bumpy. *fingers crossed for a better outcome this week*

I have some toffee baking in the oven and fudge chilling in the refrigerator, so it was a good day for baking on this end. As soon as the timer rings, I am off to crochet until DH gets home from work. Have a good evening.

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