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Our House [Archive 5]

Super Granny

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Cara, I know what you mean by dogs being "needy"...that's Sparkie, personified!! Susie, on the other hand, likes being off by herself and comes over for affection only occasionally.

SDR says that she's the cat Sparkie won't ever allow me to have in the house!


:rofl :rofl

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afternoon everyone..........

wow... I have been away from this thread for a couple weeks.. and only managed to get 10 more saltines done.

so much going on around here. good and bad.

but I guess 10 is better than none... right?!


So... if you would please.... add 10 solid saltines to my total.... thank you!!!! :hug




10 is definitely better than none! :cheer I've been on none for far too long. Although I'm getting a lot of other crocheting done.


The doctor's verdict: Sinus Infection, Raging Ear Infection, Bronchitis. Oops! :blush I'm on antibiotics, prednisone (a pretty high dose), nasal spray, and high powered cough medicine and a different antihistamine. With luck I'll be better by the time my Saturday evening flight rolls around. Now the question is do we go visit my mom tomorrow and risk giving it to her or stay here and let her down. :think We'll see how I feel in the morning and take it from there.


I've put Ayden to bed two nights in a row now. Boy does he know how to stretch out that process. Basketball tossing of his dirty clothes from the bed into the dirty clothes basket on the other side of the room, putting on his pajamas in some really inventive and incorrect ways, two stories, stretching out the process of feeding the kitties, etc. It's taken an hour both nights, but he is so sweet it doesn't seem that long.


We went and looked at a house that Joy is considering buying here in Cedar Rapids today. A good starter home. She went over to the realtor's office later in the day and put in an offer on it. We shall see. There will probably be some counter offers before they settle on the final price, but who knows. It's been up for sale for over 6 months. It's in the right school district which is important.

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Oh Linda you poor dear :hug You've been so looking forward to this trip and then you get sick. I truly hope you're feeling well enough to go see your momma today. We should also go see our mommas every chance we get :manyheart


Valerie - Yikes. Doubles :( But hooray for tomorrow off :yay


Well ladies, today is my day out and we're stopping at the quilt shop :eek Heaven help me to not come out of there broke :rofl

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Just checking in....got all the saltines sewn together so im making more now.



I hope you feel better soon...that sucks big time!!


Yes, I'm working (sort of) on a version of the old Union Squares quilt right now. I'm just having motivational issues :lol


Is it like this one If so i really like that and cant wait to see it!!

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Just checking in....got all the saltines sewn together so im making more now.



I hope you feel better soon...that sucks big time!!




Is it like this one If so i really like that and cant wait to see it!!


Well that's kinda where it started but then I sashed it and scooched it a bit and this is what is it will look like :yes


I am pooped :whew It was a full and busy day. I got lots of nifty fabrics today and patterns to make bags. I have a bit of a bag fetish :yes I'm in a mood to sew of late. But that won't be until next week. This weekend I'm probably gonna work on saltines. We'll be visiting with the in-laws and I need something I can do and talk at the same time :lol

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Well that's kinda where it started but then I sashed it and scooched it a bit and this is what is it will look like :yes


I am pooped :whew It was a full and busy day. I got lots of nifty fabrics today and patterns to make bags. I have a bit of a bag fetish :yes I'm in a mood to sew of late. But that won't be until next week. This weekend I'm probably gonna work on saltines. We'll be visiting with the in-laws and I need something I can do and talk at the same time :lol

That is pretty! I wish bicolored grannies behaved for me.
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Oh Linda you poor dear :hug You've been so looking forward to this trip and then you get sick. I truly hope you're feeling well enough to go see your momma today. We should also go see our mommas every chance we get :manyheart

Well ladies, today is my day out and we're stopping at the quilt shop :eek Heaven help me to not come out of there broke :rofl

We decided not to go over to mom's today. I really don't want to expose her to this. It's really nasty and hard to get rid of. She doesn't need that. :sick Joy's talked to her twice today. I don't have a lot of voice and talking usually starts me coughing. :sick And I can't hear worth a darn. I can hear very little in the left ear and not as much as usual out of the right. I do feel better, but I think that is mostly due to the prednisone at this point. We had a quiet day today here at home and I'm very much enjoying my time with Joy and Ayden. I forget how much energy they have at this age! Wow! :hyper If you could bottle it and sell it, you'd make a mint.

Well that's kinda where it started but then I sashed it and scooched it a bit and this is what is it will look like :yes


I am pooped :whew It was a full and busy day. I got lots of nifty fabrics today and patterns to make bags. I have a bit of a bag fetish :yes I'm in a mood to sew of late. But that won't be until next week. This weekend I'm probably gonna work on saltines. We'll be visiting with the in-laws and I need something I can do and talk at the same time :lol

That's another gorgeous pattern, Cara. Joy has taken me to two quilt shops since I arrived. I managed not to be seduced in the first one, but didn't make out nearly as well in the second shop. :blush They had some oriental fabric I couldn't resist as well as some remnants that I fell in love with. And I got some batik material for Rosie, who's going to be making a quilt out of batiks this fall. Her John is watching our fish :goldfish and my cat :catwhile we are gone and their daughter, Andrea, dropped me off for my flight and is picking me up on Saturday.

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Cara, that;s a pretty pattern!!


Linda, I'm sorry you're still not feeling well. At least you really can rest and relax when you need to (unless you're shopping...LOL)

Even though I've done almost no sewing for years now, I still can't resist pretty fabrics...esp remnants!

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Cara, that;s a pretty pattern!!


Linda, I'm sorry you're still not feeling well. At least you really can rest and relax when you need to (unless you're shopping...LOL)

Even though I've done almost no sewing for years now, I still can't resist pretty fabrics...esp remnants!


Thank you dear :hug I'm actually sort of excited about that pattern :yes And yes, remnants sort of turn into a sickness after a while don't they? I have a dresser that BD made me years ago with HUGE drawers in it. Two of which are packed with remnants :lol


I might not be around much for the next few days. We have big family plans for a 3 day weekend. We'll be seeing my in-laws :yay Yes, I actually get excited about seeing my MIL and FIL. I'm a very lucky gal :D

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Cara, you are lucky! I was, too - but only if MIL and FIL weren't in the room at the same time:lol

Have fun.

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Good morning. We're going to look at another house today and later will get 3 generation pictures taken. The junk in my chest is starting to break up. A definite improvement. And the prednisone is helping me to feel better, too.

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Good morning. We're going to look at another house today and later will get 3 generation pictures taken. The junk in my chest is starting to break up. A definite improvement. And the prednisone is helping me to feel better, too.

Good luck on the house hunting...you must be feeling better to be able to do that...


Love pics...can't wait to see you with your family:c9

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Hi Ladies. :)


Hi, Mary - I hope things are going okay for you:hug


When you get a chance: 62 solids for me.

Yay, Judy! Are these for your ATW? I've added 62 to the list. :cheer


Well that's kinda where it started but then I sashed it and scooched it a bit and this is what is it will look like :yes


I am pooped :whew It was a full and busy day. I got lots of nifty fabrics today and patterns to make bags. I have a bit of a bag fetish :yes I'm in a mood to sew of late. But that won't be until next week. This weekend I'm probably gonna work on saltines. We'll be visiting with the in-laws and I need something I can do and talk at the same time :lol

Cara, the pattern is wonderful. :hook Are you starting this one soon? Have a great weekend with the in-laws!


Good morning. We're going to look at another house today and later will get 3 generation pictures taken. The junk in my chest is starting to break up. A definite improvement. And the prednisone is helping me to feel better, too.

Oh, Linda! I'm so sorry you've been sick while on vacation. :manyheart I hope you feel better very soon. :yes


I feel soo much better after a haircut this a.m. DH played with Gracie while I was gone. :lol She's asleep now and I'll post the scorecard on Friday for a change. ;)

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Here are the updated scores, ladies. Please let me know if any changes are needed! If anyone is interested in joining, the details are under my signature. :hook


Cara (Misa)

Denise (denisethorpe) 1616

Linda M. (mizmo) 1523

Sunny (sunnyvale) 1417

Cathy (crashcat07) 1354

Shelly (Super Granny) ***1325

Wendy (Aussie) ***1298

Laura Lee (Klutzandme) 1276

Heather (hseger) 1256

Tracy (tracystroebel)*** 1119

Mary (Skysmom) *** 1033

Shay (Shaylen) 1016

Val (Priszm) 1008

Linda (busy-bee-lmt) ***932

Karen (econ-nerd) ***755

Kristy (alchemyfyr) 638

Valerie (luvtocrochet757) 630

Erin (EMedley) 567

Carla (Carla’s Crochet) 481

Judy (judianne) 470

Dusti (rii698) *** 448

Selanda (crocrazy) 326

Leighanne (mommy neel) 304

Suzanne (LavenderBear) 304

Kidge (Kidget29) 297

Tammy (TammyG) 268

Mel (DreamsOfYarn) 210

Brenda (BrendaR) 168

Jessica (jessicagil) 167

Carla (canostreasures) 166

Donna (sewnsew) *** 164

Cherri (Cherri) 156

Sharon (CandEsMom) 153

Julie (JulieKay) 119

Tam (teakaycee) 117

Pickles (ThoseDarnPickles) 103

Nicole (nicolep) 76

Renee (renegade) 70

Shelby (alwayscrafting) 12

Laurie (LaurieE) 3

*** 2000 Squares Winner

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Mary - yup, the saltines are for the ATW.

I have to be careful...when I'm distracted I've caught myself joining them backwards:P

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:hi Mary, we all okay. :yes Having some hilarious times here. :lol We started doing an online diet (they make up the menus, give recipes and make a shopping list, etc) and we couldn't figure out why we didn't have everything for the menus we printed off. Took 3 days before Denise realized we were doing the wrong diet. :lol

Going to have a busy weekend, Kyla has 2 friends sleeping over tomorrow night and a bbq on Sunday to celebrate her birthday. Have my brother and his family and a friend and her husband coming over for that. Should be fun. :yes


Gracie is keeping you really busy, can't wait to see more pictures. :manyheart

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Mary - yup, the saltines are for the ATW.

I have to be careful...when I'm distracted I've caught myself joining them backwards:P


I hate it when that happens...and I'll bet most of us have done it. :lol


Tracy, the weekend sounds like lots of fun...well, maybe not the sleepover. :devil 'Hope you get some sleep. Please wish Kyla a Happy Birthday!

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Well that's kinda where it started but then I sashed it and scooched it a bit and this is what is it will look like :yes

That is very pretty...will have to think on what colors she would like.Have a great time with the family :hug


Im doing good,working on more saltines...my new Grandson was born yesterday and my son is over the moon as am i.....he looks just like my Waide :manyheart


Have a great weekend everyone!!!I have the whole weekend free of kids :yay

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