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Our House [Archive 5]

Super Granny

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Hi, again. My grandson's greeting was all a grandma could hope for. When he spotted me his whole face lit up. He was out the door just about as soon as the car stopped and I got a HUGE hug and "GRANDMA LINDA!!!" from him. We went to a potluck and he insisted that I ride in back with him on the way home and chattered to me and his mom all the way home. And nothing would do but for Grandma Linda to play toss the dirty clothes in the clothes hamper with him as he was getting ready for bed. He found his gifts and it was, "Did you get these for me?!?! Look Mommy! Look what Grandma Linda got me!!!" I am going to enjoy this week with them for sure.


Awww! :manyheart Seriously. I'm getting teary here! What a sweetie pie he is! You are one lucky grandma :hug

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Good morning, my friends. I awoke to Ayden's chattering away to his mommy and periodic checking to see if I was awake yet. When I said good morning to him he called to Joy, "She woke up on her own, Mommy!" We're going to play "the punch" game after showers and breakfast. I think that's Rampage, but I'm not sure. What a delightful way to be awakened, even if it is hours before I would normally be awake. :lol :lol :lol

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Good morning, my friends. I awoke to Ayden's chattering away to his mommy and periodic checking to see if I was awake yet. When I said good morning to him he called to Joy, "She woke up on her own, Mommy!" We're going to play "the punch" game after showers and breakfast. I think that's Rampage, but I'm not sure. What a delightful way to be awakened, even if it is hours before I would normally be awake. :lol :lol :lol

Squeeze in as many hours as you can. Sleep can come later. He sounds like a sweetheart...:c9


my first name is kelly

Hi, Kelly....:hug

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hi :hug:hug:ghug

grr i started to put it together wrong

the 9 patch just finished....I had to rip out 3 squares because I put them in backwards. And 2 of the squares weren't salvageable because I lost my patience in trying to get them apart.


it's not the first time, either:P

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hi :hug:hug:ghug

grr i started to put it together wrong


Now you are officially part of the group :lol :lol We all do it. Heck, I've been doing these quilts for about 13 years now and I still put them together wrong sometimes :lol


Today I plan to catch up on my cooking. I usually premake and freeze but I felt so lousy last week that I use all my premade meals :lol

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"Better" is good:yes


Off to start SDR's early dinner...he only works till 3 today. Leftovers from yesterday...easy peasy.

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Hi Ladies! This may be a record post for me - I'm so far behind. :blush:yes


Linda ~ Your trip sounds wonderful so far! Ayden must be such a joy to you and you to him. :manyheart Hi to Joy, too!


Nicole ~ You sure had a busy weekend with a Casino trip, T-Ball and yardwork! Your scarf turned steering wheel cover looks great.:hook


Hi Valerie ~ I hope the Corporate visitors don't stay too long. ;) Have you had any crochet time?


Selanda ~ Ms. Kitty is adorable. She looks so sweet - does she like yarn? :lol


Dusti ~ Your girls always sound so happy and I'm sure that their parents have a lot to do with that! Do you all have any special summer plans?


Cara, your Sunday with family sounds like a great time. I'm glad you're feeling a little better. You know we all worry about you. :hug


Judy, your nine patch baby ghan is so cute! Great job. :hook


Kelly ~ Welcome! We're so glad you're here and the Penguin is a wonderful pattern. :yes


Hi Tracy! 9 solids added. :hook What all are you working on now? I know you always have wonderful crocheting and knitting projects going. :crocheting


Shay ~ Great progress on your Desert Star. :cheer


I sure hope I haven't missed anyone - if I haven't responded to anyone reporting squares, please let me know! I plan on staying home (or close by) this week and getting some things accomplished. Parents and MIL are okay at the moment.


Miss Gracie had her first Puppy Obedience class Sat. She just wanted to play with the other puppies and fell asleep on my foot the last 15 minutes of the class. :lol At least we know she gets along well with people and other dogs. ;) I'll try and post some pictures later.

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Miss Gracie had her first Puppy Obedience class Sat. She just wanted to play with the other puppies and fell asleep on my foot the last 15 minutes of the class. :lol At least we know she gets along well with people and other dogs. ;) I'll try and post some pictures later.

That's the most important thing with dogs...:yes

Happy to hear there's no excitement going on with the folks...:hug:hug

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That's the most important thing with dogs...:yes

Happy to hear there's no excitement going on with the folks...:hug:hug


Thank you, Judy. Oh, there is always something going on with the Parents...it's just been quieter today. :lol

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Miss Gracie had her first Puppy Obedience class Sat. She just wanted to play with the other puppies and fell asleep on my foot the last 15 minutes of the class. :lol At least we know she gets along well with people and other dogs. ;) I'll try and post some pictures later.


:rofl This just gave me a funny mind image :lol


Thank you, Judy. Oh, there is always something going on with the Parents...it's just been quieter today. :lol


So just a little light drama instead of excitement, eh? :lol

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Good Morning Ladies!


Mary, yes she loves yarn, plastic bags, headphone cords... just to name a few.


I am still trying to fit a little crochet in here and there. Everyone have a blessed day!

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Howdy ladies :flower


Well I never did get my cooking done yesterday :blush My sister started emailing me. I just hate to step away when she has the time to actually talk. :lol


But that's on the agenda for today :yes I might, just might, even get a little crocheting done today :hook:blush

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Hi Tracy! 9 solids added. :hook What all are you working on now? I know you always have wonderful crocheting and knitting projects going. :crocheting



Miss Gracie had her first Puppy Obedience class Sat. She just wanted to play with the other puppies and fell asleep on my foot the last 15 minutes of the class. :lol At least we know she gets along well with people and other dogs. ;) I'll try and post some pictures later.


I'm not sure if I should make a list, I might scare myself. :lol I am making dishcloths and bottle carriers for a sale end of the month, a CRW, a couple of secret projects, a :knit baby sweater, the LTKA (which I am way behind on, so don't tell Krystal :D), the chocopink saltine ghan and some other things I have hidden away. :lol


Gracie is so sweet. :manyheart

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Hi Ladies. :)


Good Morning Ladies!


Mary, yes she loves yarn, plastic bags, headphone cords... just to name a few.


I am still trying to fit a little crochet in here and there. Everyone have a blessed day!

Ms. Kitty just wants to keep you busy. ;)


i got the rest of my yarn so im good to go

Yay for more yarn! :hook


Howdy ladies :flower


Well I never did get my cooking done yesterday :blush My sister started emailing me. I just hate to step away when she has the time to actually talk. :lol


But that's on the agenda for today :yes I might, just might, even get a little crocheting done today :hook:blush

I have crocheted exactly one hour in 5 weeks. :eek And my cooking has been really sporadic lately, too. :lol

I'm not sure if I should make a list, I might scare myself. :lol I am making dishcloths and bottle carriers for a sale end of the month, a CRW, a couple of secret projects, a :knit baby sweater, the LTKA (which I am way behind on, so don't tell Krystal :D), the chocopink saltine ghan and some other things I have hidden away. :lol


Gracie is so sweet. :manyheart

Hi Tracy! You are amazing with all your projects. :yes I hope the sale goes well - have you done other sales?


Today has been desk stuff, laundry and playing with Gracie. We're working on her first lesson - to SIT on command...she's doing really well on and off her leash. Maybe she'll even do it in class next time. :D

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