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Our House [Archive 5]

Super Granny

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Cara, at least you know why now! Can you take it with food so it doesn't upset your stomach so much??

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Cara, at least you know why now! Can you take it with food so it doesn't upset your stomach so much??


Yes :yes I take it with food to keep the nausea down. But it's a chemotherapy drug which make one sick anyway :( But it helps with the RA so I'll take one day a week of unhappy tummy and Dramamine :lol

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Deep Breath...here is the latest photo of my Desert Star...I am so in love with this pattern Cara.

Now back to making more squares :P




Please add 11-Bicolor and 119 Solid

It's beautiful, Shay! :clap I've added your squares - you've made a lot already. :hook


Oh, Shaylen, that is absolutely stunning! Gorgeous! Beautiful! Wow!!!


Rosie has had a busy day as the first full day home. The public health nurse was there for an hour and a half. John did the grocery shopping for the first time in a lot time and was in sticker shock. They swapped out the wheelchair for a smaller one that Rosie can maneuver on her own and that fits through the doorways. And she got her leg exercised for two hours tonight. A busy day.


I got the first top done and it looks nice and fits well. I'm pleased.

Hi Linda. Congratulations on finishing your top! I'm so glad Rosie is on the mend. :manyheart


Hi, everyone! My Entrelac scarf is done. I'm very happy with it considering it's the first Entrelac item I've made.


Also, the ASPCA commercial showing the cats and dogs makes me cry every time I see it (it's on the TV right now). I realize the point is to pull at my heart strings, but it just breaks my heart! :(

Oh Nicole - Your scarf is lovely! Thanks for sharing the picture. :yes


Hello Everyone!


I have not been on in a good while. I have missed soo much. I have skimmed thru some of the posts and I must the work is beautiful. You ladies are sooo talented.


Linda, your doll is so cute!

Mary, your dog is such a cutie. Make me want one.

Tam, hotpad too cute!


I am going to post more often. I have been sadly lacking crochet time but I will make an effort to get some in.


Have a wonderday!

Selanda! It's wonderful to see you here again...check in whenever you can. :) Miss Gracie says "Thank you." ;)


Howdy ladies :flower


How is everyone this fine day? :D


Had another rough night last night :( Was up until 7 this morning. My stomach was killing me. I was feeling rather sorry for myself and bemoaning "What is it about Tuesdays? I am sick to my stomach every Tuesday night?" :( Then it dawned on me! Tuesday is the day I take my RA med and it upsets my tummy :oops Boy, did I feel stupid :lol


All better after a long nap though and I'm ready to spend some time with my hook after chores :hook

Hi Cara ~ I'm glad you're feeling a little better. :hug I love your yellow and white scarf! Yellow reminds me of daffodils and sunshine. :yes

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Yes :yes I take it with food to keep the nausea down. But it's a chemotherapy drug which make one sick anyway :( But it helps with the RA so I'll take one day a week of unhappy tummy and Dramamine :lol

Ugh...I detest that nauseous feeling...

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Hi, everyone! My Entrelac scarf is done. I'm very happy with it considering it's the first Entrelac item I've made.


Also, the ASPCA commercial showing the cats and dogs makes me cry every time I see it (it's on the TV right now). I realize the point is to pull at my heart strings, but it just breaks my heart! :(

Your scarf is lovely! Beautiful work! I've never done any Entrelac and don't really know what it is. I'll have to research it.

Had another rough night last night :( Was up until 7 this morning. My stomach was killing me. I was feeling rather sorry for myself and bemoaning "What is it about Tuesdays? I am sick to my stomach every Tuesday night?" :( Then it dawned on me! Tuesday is the day I take my RA med and it upsets my tummy :oops Boy, did I feel stupid :lol


All better after a long nap though and I'm ready to spend some time with my hook after chores :hook

Those chemo drugs can be murder on the tummy no matter what you take with them. Hang in there.


Kim and I are having a quiet day today. For some reason I've just completely run out of steam today. I don't feel like I've accomplished much so far. But I guess that's okay for one day.

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Thanks for the compliments on the scarf everyone! You sure can make a girl feel special. :manyheart


Entrelac crochet is a term to describe the process of using Tunisian stitches to crochet the little squares in strips. The squares are crochet together and there's no sewing! :hook


Cara - I'm glad that you figured out why you don't feel good on Tuesdays, but I'm so sorry that the medicine makes you feel bad. :hug


Everyone - I hope you had a fabulous day!



I've had a big day. I bought a new car after work. I bought a 2009 Chevy Cobalt. I traded in a 2005 Chevy Cobalt. :lol I really like that car. :yes I love the new car smell. It's too bad that it doesn't last long.


While I was waiting around at the car dealership, I got a lot of work done on a nine patch square I'm sending to be put in a comfortghan. I just have to finish one round of the granny square and add the trim. I hope I can mail it out by Friday.


Talk to you all soon.

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Oh, Nicole, a new car! I'm jealous! Enjoy that special new car smell.


MEN! John bought all these new clothes yesterday for Kim. Size Large (12-14) Those fit. One of the outfits was mismatched though, with a large top and an exlarge bottom. The bottoms wouldn't stay on her. And the other larges were Juniors size 11-13. :eek Didn't come close to fitting her! And the bras were too big by 3 sizes. I really don't know about him. He tried, but just didn't pay attention to the details.


I'm tired! :tired To top everything off. Trouble got so excited and freaked out with us trying on so many outfits on Kim that she wet the bedding and I had to change everything out all the way down to the mattress pad. The poor thing. She knew she'd goofed, but she was so upset she couldn't help it. I cussed :yell and then cried. :cry Kim cooed at me. Needless to say I'm going to bed early tonight.:sleep

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Oh, Nicole, a new car! I'm jealous! Enjoy that special new car smell.


MEN! John bought all these new clothes yesterday for Kim. Size Large (12-14) Those fit. One of the outfits was mismatched though, with a large top and an exlarge bottom. The bottoms wouldn't stay on her. And the other larges were Juniors size 11-13. :eek Didn't come close to fitting her! And the bras were too big by 3 sizes. I really don't know about him. He tried, but just didn't pay attention to the details.


I'm tired! :tired To top everything off. Trouble got so excited and freaked out with us trying on so many outfits on Kim that she wet the bedding and I had to change everything out all the way down to the mattress pad. The poor thing. She knew she'd goofed, but she was so upset she couldn't help it. I cussed :yell and then cried. :cry Kim cooed at me. Needless to say I'm going to bed early tonight.:sleep


:hug :hug :hug


Nicole - Grats on the new car!! :clap

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Oh, Nicole, a new car! I'm jealous! Enjoy that special new car smell.


MEN! John bought all these new clothes yesterday for Kim. Size Large (12-14) Those fit. One of the outfits was mismatched though, with a large top and an exlarge bottom. The bottoms wouldn't stay on her. And the other larges were Juniors size 11-13. :eek Didn't come close to fitting her! And the bras were too big by 3 sizes. I really don't know about him. He tried, but just didn't pay attention to the details.


I'm tired! :tired To top everything off. Trouble got so excited and freaked out with us trying on so many outfits on Kim that she wet the bedding and I had to change everything out all the way down to the mattress pad. The poor thing. She knew she'd goofed, but she was so upset she couldn't help it. I cussed :yell and then cried. :cry Kim cooed at me. Needless to say I'm going to bed early tonight.:sleep


Thanks! Sorry you had such a rough evening. :ghug Hopefully, you were able to get to sleep early.


:hug :hug :hug


Nicole - Grats on the new car!! :clap



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Hi Ladies. Gracie is asleep, DH is out of town and I'm enjoying a little quiet time. :)


Linda, so sorry about Trouble - definitely not the way to end the day. You so deserve a vacation. :hug


Nicole ~ Yay for a new car! Enjoy. :yes


I'm wondering if I can remember how to crochet. :lol I tried crocheting on the patio this evening, but Gracie loves yarn as much as Zoe does. :eek Puppies are little for such a short time and we're enjoying every minute - well, maybe not at 3 a.m.;)


See you all tomorrow. :manyheart

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Had another rough night last night :( Was up until 7 this morning. My stomach was killing me. I was feeling rather sorry for myself and bemoaning "What is it about Tuesdays? I am sick to my stomach every Tuesday night?" :( Then it dawned on me! Tuesday is the day I take my RA med and it upsets my tummy :oops Boy, did I feel stupid :lol


Hope you feel better soon....We knew a girl in church that had RA and the meds she took always made her feel sick...I felt real bad for her.

Ugh...I detest that nauseous feeling...


ME TO!!!!When i started having my panic attacks that's the first thing that happens and now i cant stand that feeling because im always terrified its going to lead to one :angry

Kim and I are having a quiet day today. For some reason I've just completely run out of steam today. I don't feel like I've accomplished much so far. But I guess that's okay for one day.

I think you deserve a day of rest after all you've been through lately :hug

I've had a big day. I bought a new car after work. I bought a 2009 Chevy Cobalt. I traded in a 2005 Chevy Cobalt. :lol I really like that car. :yes I love the new car smell. It's too bad that it doesn't last long.

My DH just bought a new truck and there is nothing like opening the door and smelling that new car smell...makes you want to breathe in deep and say...nananana :lol

I'm wondering if I can remember how to crochet. :lol I tried crocheting on the patio this evening, but Gracie loves yarn as much as Zoe does. :eek Puppies are little for such a short time and we're enjoying every minute - well, maybe not at 3 a.m.;)


See you all tomorrow. :manyheart

Its like riding a bike Mary :lol...sleep well.



Ive had a good day...got allot of squares done and my house cleaned,laundry done so im feeling good about just sitting around for the rest of the night,now if i could just get rid of this cough ive had for the last week things would be great :sick


Sleep tight Ladies!!!

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I'm wondering if I can remember how to crochet. :lol I tried crocheting on the patio this evening, but Gracie loves yarn as much as Zoe does. :eek Puppies are little for such a short time and we're enjoying every minute - well, maybe not at 3 a.m.;)


:lol :lol Now if Gracie starts dunking saltines in the water bowl you'll know that Zoe is a bad influence :rofl :rofl


Hope you feel better soon....We knew a girl in church that had RA and the meds she took always made her feel sick...I felt real bad for her.


Ive had a good day...got allot of squares done and my house cleaned,laundry done so im feeling good about just sitting around for the rest of the night,now if i could just get rid of this cough ive had for the last week things would be great :sick


It's not too terribly bad. At least the meds make the pain a little more tolerable. :yes It does sound like you've had a good day! :clap Except for that cough :( Are you having allergies? Hope it passes soon :hgu

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Hi Ladies. Gracie is asleep, DH is out of town and I'm enjoying a little quiet time. :)


I'm wondering if I can remember how to crochet. :lol I tried crocheting on the patio this evening, but Gracie loves yarn as much as Zoe does. :eek Puppies are little for such a short time and we're enjoying every minute - well, maybe not at 3 a.m.;)


See you all tomorrow. :manyheart

They are little for such a short time...I think of that everytime I look at a puppy pic on my fridge and see the big moose who now stands in front of me:lol Enjoy this time...:hug

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Two more days... two more days... two more days... two more days til Mom arrives!!!

:laughroll:rofl:laughroll:rofl:laughroll I'm counting them down too.


Kim and I are off to the doctor before too long for a recheck of her chest, which is much better. We'll get her nails done while we're out and have lunch. And a quick stop at the bank, the car insurance company, and Wal-Mart to get my glasses adjusted.


It's lightly raining this morning and supposed to continue through tomorrow I think. Hope everyone has a nice day. :hug

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Two more days... two more days... two more days... two more days til Mom arrives!!!




:laughroll:rofl:laughroll:rofl:laughroll I'm counting them down too.


Kim and I are off to the doctor before too long for a recheck of her chest, which is much better. We'll get her nails done while we're out and have lunch. And a quick stop at the bank, the car insurance company, and Wal-Mart to get my glasses adjusted.


It's lightly raining this morning and supposed to continue through tomorrow I think. Hope everyone has a nice day. :hug


Oh, I love having my nails done! :D Have some fun even though you have to do some errands.


Hi everyone! Not much going on with me so far today.

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Two more days... two more days... two more days... two more days til Mom arrives!!!


:cheer:yay :yay




Oh, I love having my nails done! :D Have some fun even though you have to do some errands.


Hi everyone! Not much going on with me so far today.


Not much here yet either. But c'mon. I've only been awake for an hour. I'm still wading through email :lol


I might and I might not be going out today. My money's on not :lol My sister is at the start of a semester and that always makes her flighty until she gets in a rhythm. I'm thinking it's best to just plan to hang out here today :yes


Gotta get up and get chores done, showered etc. I was going to work on my baby daisy but seems I didn't buy enough yarn for both the nine patch and the daisy. That's the only thing I'd like to go otu for. But I get that at JoAnns and that's within my driving distance so I can get that whenever. Probably while we're out Saturday.


Until then I'll work on something else. Probably the Stained Glass window ghan :hook

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We are finally home. Kim's tired, so a nap is in order for her. The rain petered out about noon or so although it's still very muggy.

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It's not too terribly bad. At least the meds make the pain a little more tolerable. :yes It does sound like you've had a good day! :clap Except for that cough :( Are you having allergies? Hope it passes soon :hgu

Its a Virus that's been going around down here...It starts with a sore throat that lasts for a day then a cough that just wont go away,whats realy strange is that you get a fever that's only there at night...its better today so im crossing my fingers that its leaving :yes

What is the Baby Daisy you are working on??

Two more days... two more days... two more days... two more days til Mom arrives!!!

:yay:yay...My DH is going to see the kids in WV this weekend and i can just see my DD jumping up and down :lol


Now for the BIG news....As some of you know i have 9 Gandbabies and 1 due this weekend...my son called me today in panic mode with the news that his wife is haveing TWINS(he allready has 4 boys)...they go in on the 8th to find out what they are having....IM SO EXCITED :yay He says MOOOOMMMM I cant do girls,what if its Girls :lol she is 15 weeks and already looks like she is 6 months.

Boy do i feel old for only being 46 :ohdear

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Now for the BIG news....As some of you know i have 9 Gandbabies and 1 due this weekend...my son called me today in panic mode with the news that his wife is haveing TWINS(he allready has 4 boys)...they go in on the 8th to find out what they are having....IM SO EXCITED :yay He says MOOOOMMMM I cant do girls,what if its Girls :lol she is 15 weeks and already looks like she is 6 months.


Boy do i feel old for only being 46 :ohdear


Congratulations!!!! How exciting!!!! :woo

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:yay:yay...My DH is going to see the kids in WV this weekend and i can just see my DD jumping up and down :lol


Now for the BIG news....As some of you know i have 9 Gandbabies and 1 due this weekend...my son called me today in panic mode with the news that his wife is haveing TWINS(he allready has 4 boys)...they go in on the 8th to find out what they are having....IM SO EXCITED :yay He says MOOOOMMMM I cant do girls,what if its Girls :lol she is 15 weeks and already looks like she is 6 months.

Boy do i feel old for only being 46 :ohdear

Congratulations! How exciting! I hope it is girls. With 4 boys already, it's time for some girls.


Rosie had a good day and Melissa got in before it really started to rain heavily tonight. The baby slept through the whole flight. He was running around in his birthday suit when I went out tonight. He took his first step yesterday.

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Thanks Ladies...it is exciting!



Please add 61 solids for me.



First steps are always so amazing to see...we had my Grandson here when he took his first step and i was so excited.They grow so fast*sigh*

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Its a Virus that's been going around down here...It starts with a sore throat that lasts for a day then a cough that just wont go away,whats realy strange is that you get a fever that's only there at night...its better today so im crossing my fingers that its leaving :yes

What is the Baby Daisy you are working on??


:yay:yay...My DH is going to see the kids in WV this weekend and i can just see my DD jumping up and down :lol


Now for the BIG news....As some of you know i have 9 Gandbabies and 1 due this weekend...my son called me today in panic mode with the news that his wife is haveing TWINS(he allready has 4 boys)...they go in on the 8th to find out what they are having....IM SO EXCITED :yay He says MOOOOMMMM I cant do girls,what if its Girls :lol she is 15 weeks and already looks like she is 6 months.

Boy do i feel old for only being 46 :ohdear


Congratulations Shay!! :clap:yay The baby daisy is just Krystal's daisy charity square with fewer blocks than she uses for the full size ones :yes


I haven't even touched my hook all day :no The nephew showed up unannounced around 2:30 and stayed until BD got home. Then BD wanted us to go to Walmart. Then I had to come home and make supper. We didn't even eat until after 9:00!! :eek So, that was a whole day shot in the foot :irk


Oh well at least my nephew ran me up to JoAnns and I got the rest of the yarn I needed :yes

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