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Our House [Archive 5]

Super Granny

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Good morning all,


Just took the niece to work. Going back to bed. I'm doing absolutely nothing once I get up except to crochet.


Hope everybody had a great holiday.


Have a good day. I'll stop by again later.:hug

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Well......... through the VERY BUSY weekend of a Baseball Tournament one of my sons was in... (which they won the Championship!!!) I was still able to sneek in a bit of crocheting.

I have 24 solid saltines done and 1 bi color done for my quiltghan.


I also managed to whip up a hotpad made of saltines.


I am really happy how it came out...

its made with Peaches n Cream ..... saltines on one side ... full granny on the other.

I think I'll make more of these for gifts! they are a great way to use up cotton stash!!!





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Well......... through the VERY BUSY weekend of a Baseball Tournament one of my sons was in... (which they won the Championship!!!) I was still able to sneek in a bit of crocheting.

I have 24 solid saltines done and 1 bi color done for my quiltghan.


I also managed to whip up a hotpad made of saltines.


I am really happy how it came out...

its made with Peaches n Cream ..... saltines on one side ... full granny on the other.

I think I'll make more of these for gifts! they are a great way to use up cotton stash!!!






That is adorable. What a fantastic idea!

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Well......... through the VERY BUSY weekend of a Baseball Tournament one of my sons was in... (which they won the Championship!!!) I was still able to sneek in a bit of crocheting.

I have 24 solid saltines done and 1 bi color done for my quiltghan.


I also managed to whip up a hotpad made of saltines.


I am really happy how it came out...

its made with Peaches n Cream ..... saltines on one side ... full granny on the other.

I think I'll make more of these for gifts! they are a great way to use up cotton stash!!!



That is beautiful!!! :clap You guys always have such great ideas. I have absolutely no imagination whatsoever. :lol


Please add another 20 solids to my total. I'm getting there...like a turtle. :turtle:lol

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That is adorable. What a fantastic idea!

Thank you!!! I appreciate the compliment!!! :hug


That is beautiful!!! :clap You guys always have such great ideas. I have absolutely no imagination whatsoever. :lol

Thank you!!! :hug





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Well......... through the VERY BUSY weekend of a Baseball Tournament one of my sons was in... (which they won the Championship!!!) I was still able to sneek in a bit of crocheting.

I have 24 solid saltines done and 1 bi color done for my quiltghan.


I also managed to whip up a hotpad made of saltines.


I am really happy how it came out...

its made with Peaches n Cream ..... saltines on one side ... full granny on the other.

I think I'll make more of these for gifts! they are a great way to use up cotton stash!!!





what a great idea!!


....and the prayer blankets...boys and girls, right?? Cause I have some girly colors...;)

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what a great idea!!


....and the prayer blankets...boys and girls, right?? Cause I have some girly colors...;)

:hook........ thanks!!!!


......... yes..... both boys and girls. I have been able to use up a good amount of my stash just making crazy colored ones. Thank you again for helping!!! :hug





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:hook........ thanks!!!!


......... yes..... both boys and girls. I have been able to use up a good amount of my stash just making crazy colored ones. Thank you again for helping!!! :hug





I have some Homespun I want to use up...could be interesting:lol

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That is very pretty...i think i told you that on the yahoo group??I love the colors.


My DH was so sweet to me...he got all the yarn I needed for the Desert Star so i should be able to start some squares today :yay

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Happy Tuesday, everyone. :) It's been another crazy day, but at least I have been at home - just lots of phone calls. Thank you all for your well wishes for the parents. :manyheart


Tammy, your hotpad is wonderful! You know we'll be stealing your idea. :lol Those squares count for the contest, too...just let me know totals anytime. I have added 24 solids and 1 bi -color since you joined back in - is that correct?


Cherri ~ I've added 20 more solids. :hook I just saw your Wool Eater ghan and it's gorgeous!


Shay ~ Yay for your DH getting the yarn! :yay


Hi to those I've missed, too. 'Hope everyone had a good weekend! Miss Gracie is such a cutie. I haven't had time to take pictures for a few days, but she is growing...she's about 3 1/2 pounds now. :dog

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That is very pretty...i think i told you that on the yahoo group??I love the colors.


My DH was so sweet to me...he got all the yarn I needed for the Desert Star so i should be able to start some squares today :yay

Thank you so much! :hug

awwwwwwww... how sweet... you better get to crocheting... hehehe


Happy Tuesday, everyone. :) It's been another crazy day, but at least I have been at home - just lots of phone calls. Thank you all for your well wishes for the parents. :manyheart


Tammy, your hotpad is wonderful! You know we'll be stealing your idea. :lol Those squares count for the contest, too...just let me know totals anytime. I have added 24 solids and 1 bi -color since you joined back in - is that correct?


Cherri ~ I've added 20 more solids. :hook I just saw your Wool Eater ghan and it's gorgeous!


Shay ~ Yay for your DH getting the yarn! :yay


Hi to those I've missed, too. 'Hope everyone had a good weekend! Miss Gracie is such a cutie. I haven't had time to take pictures for a few days, but she is growing...she's about 3 1/2 pounds now. :dog

Thank you!!!! Steal away my dear!! Half the fun of making things is sharing!

So I didnt know my hotpad saltines would count... how cool is that!

if thats the case ... I need to have my total changed to 33 solids and 1 bicolor please and Thank you!!!




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Well......... through the VERY BUSY weekend of a Baseball Tournament one of my sons was in... (which they won the Championship!!!) I was still able to sneek in a bit of crocheting.

I have 24 solid saltines done and 1 bi color done for my quiltghan.


I also managed to whip up a hotpad made of saltines.


I am really happy how it came out...

its made with Peaches n Cream ..... saltines on one side ... full granny on the other.

I think I'll make more of these for gifts! they are a great way to use up cotton stash!!!






Grats to your son's team!! :cheer:clap And that hotpad is a fabulous idea!! I'm gonna have to make up a bunch of those :hook Thanks for the idea :hug



That is very pretty...i think i told you that on the yahoo group??I love the colors.


My DH was so sweet to me...he got all the yarn I needed for the Desert Star so i should be able to start some squares today :yay


Hooray for DH!! :yay


Man I'm way behind today. So what else is new? :blush I woke up with the alarm at 10:45 but to a massive migraine :( So back to bed I went. I didn't get up until 2:30. I so did not need that today.


Oh well, it went away and I've been rushing like a madwoman to get something done around here. I at least got the big chunks picked up, floors swept and laundry going. I know it makes me very tired but I ahve got to go back to my deep cleaning. This is actually more work and never looks good imo :no


Enough of that. Gotta go work on the laundry some more and check the rest of the boards. Have a great evening everyone :hug

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Happy Tuesday, everyone. :) It's been another crazy day, but at least I have been at home - just lots of phone calls. Thank you all for your well wishes for the parents. :manyheart


Tammy, your hotpad is wonderful! You know we'll be stealing your idea. :lol Those squares count for the contest, too...just let me know totals anytime. I have added 24 solids and 1 bi -color since you joined back in - is that correct?


Cherri ~ I've added 20 more solids. :hook I just saw your Wool Eater ghan and it's gorgeous!


Shay ~ Yay for your DH getting the yarn! :yay


Hi to those I've missed, too. 'Hope everyone had a good weekend! Miss Gracie is such a cutie. I haven't had time to take pictures for a few days, but she is growing...she's about 3 1/2 pounds now. :dog

Thank you, Mary. :hug Looking forward to seeing more pics of Miss Gracie. She really is the cutest thing I've ever seen. :yes

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I'm up well before noon again today :yay 10:45 in fact. I've been setting the alarm for that time for the last 3 days now. The alarm is across the room now instead of next to the bed so I have to actually get my rear end outta bed to turn it off. I get up no matter how late I've stayed up the night before. Hopefully by this time next week I'll be back on a more normal sleep schedule :D

Good luck on getting your sleep schedule back to a more normal one.

Hi everyone,its been awhile :hug


I lost my internet for a few months then i didn't want to start anything new till i got done with my WIPs....I am on the last one now...a hexagon afghan for my DD...its such a relief to get them done and out of the way.Anyway i am now going to do what i have wanted to do since Cara first posted it,the DESERT STAR and it will be the only thing i am working on so i should be around a little more if thats ok.

Welcome back, Shaylen. :hi We've missed you.

I've missed being here terribly, but the last 2 days haven't been too great. On top of Mother being unable to walk since she fell, Dad got sick on Friday night and had to have lots of x-rays and tests. Thankfully, he's a bit better, but it has meant two trips to their house (1 1/2 hours each way)and lots of errands and cooking for them. My sister and I are taking turns and tomorrow their caregiver starts longer hours. Meanwhile, DH has been Miss Gracie's sole parent and he's exhausted. :lol

So sorry that your mom and dad aren't doing so well. I'm glad the caregiver can give you more hours. :hug


Poor DH. Now he knows whata you've been going through. :lol

Well......... through the VERY BUSY weekend of a Baseball Tournament one of my sons was in... (which they won the Championship!!!)

I also managed to whip up a hotpad made of saltines.


I am really happy how it came out...

its made with Peaches n Cream ..... saltines on one side ... full granny on the other.

I think I'll make more of these for gifts! they are a great way to use up cotton stash!!!

Congratulations on the tournament win! :yay


That hot pad idea is great! I think I'm going to steal it too.

Please add another 20 solids to my total. I'm getting there...like a turtle. :turtle:lol

Hang in there, Cherri. After all the turtle beat the hare. :lol


Sorry I've been MIA for a few days. We've had thunderstorms and lots of rain throughout the weekend and it knocked out the phone and internet service in our area. Just got it back at 9:45 this morning. I've missed you.


Rosie is definitely on the mend and doing much better both physically and emotionally. Kim is also doing much better. She was much better yesterday and is almost back to her normal feisty self today. She pulled the covers over her head when I was giving her her medicine and then would lower them and grin like mad. :lol She still is somewhat congested but nothing like she was on Friday. I was scared this time. I've never seen her so sick.


I've been working on charity stuff for the last 5 days, but I'm getting the itch to make more saltines. Sooooo, my score may just start to go up again soon. After all, I still have the full size Painted Desert to finish up. And the Snowflake... And the Dachshund... Need I say more. :lol :lol

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Good luck on getting your sleep schedule back to a more normal one.


Well didn't happen last night :no I have been awake since 2:30 yesterday afternoon. Thankfully I see the doctor that is gonna help me with the insomnia and some other stuff tomorrow :yay


Rosie is definitely on the mend and doing much better both physically and emotionally. Kim is also doing much better. She was much better yesterday and is almost back to her normal feisty self today. She pulled the covers over her head when I was giving her her medicine and then would lower them and grin like mad. :lol She still is somewhat congested but nothing like she was on Friday. I was scared this time. I've never seen her so sick.


I'm so very glad that Kim is doing so much better!! :yay That was scary :yes And she is just the cutest thing ever isn't she? :lol:manyheart


I've been working on charity stuff for the last 5 days, but I'm getting the itch to make more saltines. Sooooo, my score may just start to go up again soon. After all, I still have the full size Painted Desert to finish up. And the Snowflake... And the Dachshund... Need I say more. :lol :lol


Wow. Your list is longer than mine I do believe :lol


Like I said I've been awake all night. I really want to go to bed but I'm determined to stay up until midnight-ish which is kind of early for my bedtime. Usually I go to bed around 1:30-2. But I think it'll be a challenge just to make it til midnight :lol It's Thursday tomorrow so I have to get up early anyway :D


I finished one scarf this morning and I'm starting June's now. I didn't even realize that I never did a scarf for May until a reader pointed it out :blush Thank goodness I already knew exactly what I want to do on these two :lol


Mary - How are the folks today? You've been having such a rough time :hug I bet little Miss Gracie and Miss Zoe are a real comfort :yes Animals always seem to know when we need a little loving :manyheart

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You must be kidding, Cara! My list is really longer than yours? Oh, dear.....


Yes, but I haven't had much ambition of late :lol It's coming back slowly but surely :yes

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I've been being creative over the weekend and came up with four more snowflakes. The instructions are under the heading "Summer 2009 Snowflake Quartet" in the Original Designs section, but I thought you might like to see them here.


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I've been being creative over the weekend and came up with four more snowflakes. The instructions are under the heading "Summer 2009 Snowflake Quartet" in the Original Designs section, but I thought you might like to see them here.


Wow! You really are turning out some beautiful designs! I love them! :clap

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