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Our House [Archive 5]

Super Granny

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Good Morning, Ladies. :manyheart


Just about have 4 out of 5 block row on my nine patch. I'm seriously fighting fatigue here though :lol I keep falling asleep half way through a dc :rofl


Just seven more hours then I can go to sleep. Somehow I don't think I'm gonna make it :lol

WTG on being so close to finishing your nine patch! :cheer I hope you were able to get a good night's sleep last night. :yes


That's good to know. :devil Now, to work on the next part of my plan. :lol All okay here, Mary. :yes Just busy faffing around getting nothing done, as usual. :lol How are you?

Aww, Tracy...you always get lots accomplished. :hook Are you still going to markets? How is Kyla?


Mary - Gracie is gorgeous! I have to tell you a funny story...when I first read about Gracie I thought she was your baby (even though she's a dog, she's your baby and that's wonderful...I was thinking human baby). Then you I realized at some point she's a dog. Well, when you posted the pictures today I thought she looked like a rabbit in the first picture I saw (playing in the flower pot...bad screen at work). So I thought, "Wait, I thought Gracie was a dog!" It wasn't long after that I looked at the other pictures and realized she in fact is a dog. It was a funny few seconds in my mind though! :rofl


Well, I'm finally home and able to crochet some. I've been anxious to get a hook and some yarn in my hands today! I have always crocheted everyday scheduled permitting. Now that I'm on the 'Ville, I can't stand not crocheting!!

I feel the same way about the 'Ville. It has helped me so much and I learned to crochet 52 years ago! Cara's patterns have given me so many hours of "fun" crochet...no frustration trying to figure out a pattern. :)


Sometimes, Gracie does remind me of a rabbit. :lol She hops instead of running and we decided the grass is too tall for her little legs. I'm going to lower the mower when I mow later. :yes


I'm aching everywhere after spending four hours working downstairs today. I took Kim down after we had lunch and she had a ball supervising everything. I sorted out 100 paperback books to take to Goodwill the next time we go out. Most of them are ones I've read and won't be rereading and some are ones I picked up and either can't seem to get going in or are ones that I no longer remember why on earth I got them in the first place. :D Did lots of other sorting and packing or pitching done too.


Now it's time to relax and knit and crochet. I've got half an inch of knitting to do on the ribbing for Kim's summer sweater and then it's on to doing the crocheting. It's using size #3 knitting needles and #0 crochet hook and lightweight sport yarn. We'll see how it turns out.


Mary, Miss Gracie is just adorable. How big will she get when she grows up? Hope her tummy calms down quickly.


Maybe I'll soak in the tub after Kim goes to sleep. :)


Hi Linda! I hope you had some time for you last night. :hug Is this the weekend that John's family is coming?

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Hi, Mary. Yes, John's folks come in on Friday. That's one reason I'm really pushing on the downstairs. I want it to look nice when they're here.


I played games on the computer after Kim went to sleep last night. It's a good way for me to relax at the end of the day.


Hope everyone has a nice day. More later.

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Howdy ladies :flower


Well, I ended up staying up all night again last night. So let's see I was up for a grand total of 43 hours less the odd 15 minute or so catnaps when I kept dozing off :blush


BD ended up having to work overnight last night is why. I'm a big ol' sissy when I have to be home on my own :P But at 7:30 this morning I had had enough and went to lie down :lol Thankfully, he's supposed to get off on time tonight :yay


Oddly enough I really didn't get much else done on my nine patch. Just 17 more saltines. Plus the sewing together of all the saltines I'd made earlier. I made a whole row of blocks at once since I knew I'd be up to guard them from the kitty thieves :lol


Hopefully, I can get these 17 sashing saltines sewn together and attached today. I'd really like to have this one done by Sunday evening :hook

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Good morning, everyone. My knee has decreed that today is a day to rest and recuperate. :D I've had ice on it twice so far today and just dug out my knee brace and put it on. :blush The weather is cloudy and the barometer is doing something that has most of my joints aching. So, Kim and I are going out for lunch and will run a few errands this afternoon. Then it's back to crocheting.


Hope you got some sleep last night, Cara. :hug

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Afternoon Ladies,


I was not able to let the bed go yesterday. I think today is the day I'll have a normal afternoon & evening. I slept until about 11:30 today. I do feel rested and I'll start my chores of organizing my crocheting materials and getting my wips together. Hopefully, tomorrow I'll can start back crocheting.


Nicole, you must take time for yourself. I don't plan to do that again. That's the 3rd time I've had long stretches of opening/closing the store because of no help. If I have to go to the head of the company, I'll do that because my DM is really suppose to step in. As managers in my district, we actually have to get replacements when we want to take vacation if we don't have sufficient supervisors to cover each shift. I didn't go home to my aunt's funeral last year because I would have to call around and see which manager could help out.


My new shift supervisor asked me to leave her a list and she would do everything she could to make my life easier.


Thanks Linda, I feel good about her. She's already proven herself these last 2 weeks. I just need 1 more part time shift supervisor and everything will be great.


Well enough of that. I'm going to get started so that I can enjoy my last 4 days.


Hope you ladies have a wonderful day. I'll check back in later.

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Hi Ladies. :) I seem to be MIA a lot lately...but I now know why women don't have babies at 59. :lol Miss Gracie is a handful and I've actually taken naps when she is napping - and I never take naps!


Good morning, everyone. My knee has decreed that today is a day to rest and recuperate. :D I've had ice on it twice so far today and just dug out my knee brace and put it on. :blush The weather is cloudy and the barometer is doing something that has most of my joints aching. So, Kim and I are going out for lunch and will run a few errands this afternoon. Then it's back to crocheting.

So sorry about your knee, Linda. :manyheart I hope you're having an okay day and get some crocheting in. :)


Valerie, talk about work whenever you need to...I can only imagine how hard it would be to decompress for a few days. :hug What are you going to be working on while you're home?


DH has been gone since Monday, will be home tonight and then leave again tomorrow for almost a week. :( He's worried that Gracie won't remember him...I told him he could take her for one day only, so I can sleep and crochet. :lol

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Valerie, talk about work whenever you need to...I can only imagine how hard it would be to decompress for a few days. :hug What are you going to be working on while you're home?


I have so many wips that I'm not sure. First, I'm going to re-organize everything. I have 2 more boxes of the cubes from Costco to set up. I'm going to start that after I pick up my DN from work shortly. I also bought a bunch of the large quilted duffle bags that CVS marked 90% off to put my traveling wips in. I'll then decide what I'm going to work on. I have the afghan part of Noah's Ark done but I never did the animals...sooo I might start with that. Once I decide, I'll let you know.

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Mary, Gracie will remember DH...SDR was gone for almost 2 weeks and our puppy at the time was "speechless" with delight when he got home, wrapping himself around SDR's legs like a cat.:)

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Good morning, everyone. My knee has decreed that today is a day to rest and recuperate. :D I've had ice on it twice so far today and just dug out my knee brace and put it on. :blush The weather is cloudy and the barometer is doing something that has most of my joints aching. So, Kim and I are going out for lunch and will run a few errands this afternoon. Then it's back to crocheting.


Hope you got some sleep last night, Cara. :hug


Definitely sounds like an R&R day for the knee is in order :yes


Hi Ladies. :) I seem to be MIA a lot lately...but I now know why women don't have babies at 59. :lol Miss Gracie is a handful and I've actually taken naps when she is napping - and I never take naps!




DH has been gone since Monday, will be home tonight and then leave again tomorrow for almost a week. :( He's worried that Gracie won't remember him...I told him he could take her for one day only, so I can sleep and crochet. :lol


:rofl :rofl Keeping you on the run is she? :lol


I have so many wips that I'm not sure. First, I'm going to re-organize everything. I have 2 more boxes of the cubes from Costco to set up. I'm going to start that after I pick up my DN from work shortly. I also bought a bunch of the large quilted duffle bags that CVS marked 90% off to put my traveling wips in. I'll then decide what I'm going to work on. I have the afghan part of Noah's Ark done but I never did the animals...sooo I might start with that. Once I decide, I'll let you know.


Oh I'm gonna have to start hanging out at CVS if they're putting duffle bags on 90% off :D Hope you enjoy your lighter schedule :hug


Well, it's official, my days and nights are turned about. I didn't get to bed until 7:30 this morning again :rolleyes BD says I'm turning into a vampire :rofl Guess I really should mind it since I'm awake when he's home. Of course he's asleep the majority of that time :lol


Maybe I'll have to do the sleeping pill thing for a couple of nights to get myself straight. :yes I just hate doing that because they give me a headache :lol


I'm down to the last row of blocks on my nine patch. Need to get busy on those as I'd like to have it done by Sunday evening :hook

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Mary, Gracie will remember DH...SDR was gone for almost 2 weeks and our puppy at the time was "speechless" with delight when he got home, wrapping himself around SDR's legs like a cat.:)


Awww! How sweet is that? :manyheart

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Awww! How sweet is that? :manyheart

Yup...that was his "retirement' dog, Spike. It's coming up on 4 years since he passed, and was so attached to SDR...no one else:(

Sparkie was supposed to be for SDR...and he has bonded with me instead. Oh, well.


anyway, the pups always remember. One female was at the vets for 6 weeks (another long story) and the instant she smelled my hand she remembered me.

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Valerie, sounds like a good plan! I never saw the quilted bags at our CVS - they sound perfect for WIP bags. :yarn


They're called the Tinsley Blake quilted bags. I think there's someone else that's very popular with these bags. You have to look in the seasonal aisle. Also not all stores receive the same merchandise or receive it at the same time.



Oh I'm gonna have to start hanging out at CVS if they're putting duffle bags on 90% off :D Hope you enjoy your lighter schedule :hug



Cara, I'm already enjoying it even though I've slept the last two days.


CVS always mark down the items in the seasonal area. They start out with 50% for 7 days, 75% for 7 days and then 90% for 7 days. Around mid July, we'll mark down the summer items. My patio set cost me $12.99 for a table with the umbrella and 4 chairs (90% off). Once I get the mark down schedule, I let you girls know. This happens with every season change. Some school supplies will be dirt cheap once we get ready to set Halloween.


Going back to do some more sorting. Talk to you guys later.

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CVS always mark down the items in the seasonal area. They start out with 50% for 7 days, 75% for 7 days and then 90% for 7 days. Around mid July, we'll mark down the summer items. My patio set cost me $12.99 for a table with the umbrella and 4 chairs (90% off). Once I get the mark down schedule, I let you girls know. This happens with every season change. Some school supplies will be dirt cheap once we get ready to set Halloween.


Definitely gonna have to start hitting our local CVSs more often :lol My momma got a fully decorated Christmas tree one year when they were still Eckerd's for $12 because it was the last one and they didn't have a box for it. The fellow even threw in the decorations and lights that were on it into the bargain :lol

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Goood Morning,


I'm feeling great and confident that I will finish my task of reorganization today. I already had 24 cubes of yarn set up. Now I have to set up the other 2 boxes (24 more). Hopefully this kind of work will be completed by noon. Of course it could be sooner but I have to take small breaks in between:lol.


Hope everyone is having a great day!!!

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Howdy all! I missed you all yesterday. :( I have been very busy the last couple of days. Hopefully things will slow down. I need to rest some.


Tracie - I'm glad to know I'm not the only one who thought Gracie looks like a rabbit! :D That is so cute about you taking naps when Gracie naps. My first though was, "Awwww......"


Cara - I hope your sleeping patterns get straightened out soon. I would be a mess after being awake that long.


Valerie - I agree about taking time for myself. I have really gotten to a point that I have to take some time off work. I'm aggrevated about everything right now. My temper and patience is short because I haven't had even the smallest break. I keep meaning to talk to my office manager about it, but work keeps getting in the way!


Linda - Sorry that your sore, but at least it was an excuse to crochet a bunch, right?!?!


Reading that Valerie is getting yarn organized might be the motivation I need to do the same thing. I guess the cats’ room with have to serve a dual purpose as my craft room. Either that or I’ll have to move my craft room into the basement, which I don’t think I’ll like much. I have to get my yarn organized. I was having this very conversation with my BF a day or two ago.

It was actually pretty funny. I was telling her the problem and offering possible solutions. She said, “I keep mine in a big plastic bag that zips shut.” :rofl LOL....if only I could get my yarn into one of those. I don’t think she understands the amount of yarn in my stash!

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I started out with the large plastic bags. After seeing the cubes at Cosco, I switched over. I still use the plastics for some of my wips. It's gotten hard to find those large plastic bags here.


I feel so much better since I've started organizing. I should be done in a couple of hours. Then I can begin:crocheting.:yay:yay It's been a long time.

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I started out with the large plastic bags. After seeing the cubes at Cosco, I switched over. I still use the plastics for some of my wips. It's gotten hard to find those large plastic bags here.


I feel so much better since I've started organizing. I should be done in a couple of hours. Then I can begin:crocheting.:yay:yay It's been a long time.


I'd have plastic bags coming out of my ears! I think it's a great idea. That way I could see in them. I would have so many bags. Plus, I have cats that would want to tear them up. I'm pretty sure I couldn't get all of it into a closet.


Right now, I have five Rubber Made containers that are full. I also have a big cardboard box that used to hold a bunch of styrofoam cups filled. Even with that I'm out of space for more yarn. I'm horrible about buying new yarn without using the other stuff first. I've been known to buy the exact same color of RHSS (no dye lot) to begin a new project when I have that color at home. The reason I do that is because I can't easily see what I have on hand.


I'm going to get organized this weekend! Really! :D

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I've been known to buy the exact same color of RHSS (no dye lot) to begin a new project when I have that color at home. The reason I do that is because I can't easily see what I have on hand.

Ditto! And I have more totes, bags and cubes filled with yarn than I care to admit to!:devil

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Ditto! And I have more totes, bags and cubes filled with yarn than I care to admit to!:devil


One of my favorite things about talking to other crocheters is that I learn I'm not nearly as yarn crazy as I thought. :lol

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Hi Ladies. I've been so busy here with 3 important projects going on. I have made a ton of saltines....at least 150, but will give a final count to add to my total once the blanket is done. I had a bunch of blue scraps that are all similar shades but slightly off from each other so I did a 12x12 block of random blues and I will border it with a round of mint green saltines. I'm not sure if I am happy with it as I think the colors are too similar, but I'll see what it looks like at the end. My husband's cousin just had her first baby so if I like it I will give it to her, and if I don't really like it then it will be donated and I will start over with another blanket for her. I am sewing it together now so hopefully will be done in the next couple days.


I love all the kitty pics!! I have a cat named Merlin. He is half Russian Blue and half regular house cat. He is the most lovable cat I have ever had.

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Got all my saltines sewn together on the scrappy doo. Now I just need to do the border. I'll work on that tonight I think.


I also got some more pink finally for the path to the cabin quilt. I might go ahead and drag that one back out this summer sometime. Probably not till the end of June.

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She said, “I keep mine in a big plastic bag that zips shut.” :rofl LOL....if only I could get my yarn into one of those. I don’t think she understands the amount of yarn in my stash!

That is a hoot. I have a dresser, three bookshelves, and at least 8 plastic totes with yarn of various kinds, colors, and projects. And that is just the yarn and thread that is organized. :rofl :rofl :rofl


Hope all is going well for everyone today. I've run out of steam. I am trying out a pattern for hats for the charity crochet CAL next week. I think it's going to work out just fine. I'm getting creative with the pattern and not following the directions nearly as closely as I usually do. I've gotten to where I can do that since joining Crochetville. :devil

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Goood Morning,


I'm feeling great and confident that I will finish my task of reorganization today. I already had 24 cubes of yarn set up. Now I have to set up the other 2 boxes (24 more). Hopefully this kind of work will be completed by noon. Of course it could be sooner but I have to take small breaks in between:lol.


Hope everyone is having a great day!!!


I'm so happy for you getting organized!! :yay I need to do this too....badly!! :rofl What are these cubes you're getting at Costco? Are they the wire cubes or something different? I've been looking at the wire cubes at Target but I think BD's actually gonna help me out by building some shelving :manyheart


Howdy all! I missed you all yesterday. :( I have been very busy the last couple of days. Hopefully things will slow down. I need to rest some.




Reading that Valerie is getting yarn organized might be the motivation I need to do the same thing. I guess the cats’ room with have to serve a dual purpose as my craft room. Either that or I’ll have to move my craft room into the basement, which I don’t think I’ll like much. I have to get my yarn organized. I was having this very conversation with my BF a day or two ago.


It was actually pretty funny. I was telling her the problem and offering possible solutions. She said, “I keep mine in a big plastic bag that zips shut.” :rofl LOL....if only I could get my yarn into one of those. I don’t think she understands the amount of yarn in my stash!


Yeah, that's funny about the bags! :lol They're a wonderful, wonderful invention but I can't store my yarn in them because I'd just have half a room full of bags :rofl




I started out with the large plastic bags. After seeing the cubes at Cosco, I switched over. I still use the plastics for some of my wips. It's gotten hard to find those large plastic bags here.


I get mine at WalMart. They have them on the bottom shelf (all three WMs are this way) in the baggie section and the two of our WMs that still have a craft department put the bags over there too :yes If you can't find them let me know and I'll be happy to hook you up (oh look! a pun :lol)



I'd have plastic bags coming out of my ears! I think it's a great idea. That way I could see in them. I would have so many bags. Plus, I have cats that would want to tear them up. I'm pretty sure I couldn't get all of it into a closet.


Right now, I have five Rubber Made containers that are full. I also have a big cardboard box that used to hold a bunch of styrofoam cups filled. Even with that I'm out of space for more yarn. I'm horrible about buying new yarn without using the other stuff first. I've been known to buy the exact same color of RHSS (no dye lot) to begin a new project when I have that color at home. The reason I do that is because I can't easily see what I have on hand.


I'm going to get organized this weekend! Really! :D


I must admit I'm very lucky. I have a craft room. It's a HUGE dumping station right now of course :blush I also have yarn all over the house. Our guest room dresser (9 drawers mind you) is packed with yarn. One of the guest room nightstands is full of yarn. My armoire in our bedroom is loaded down with yarn. And of course, my "craft room" has tons too. Hmmm, I didn't think I had that much yarn until I started writing this :rofl


One of my favorite things about talking to other crocheters is that I learn I'm not nearly as yarn crazy as I thought. :lol


Nope, you're perfectly normal :D


Hi Ladies. I've been so busy here with 3 important projects going on. I have made a ton of saltines....at least 150, but will give a final count to add to my total once the blanket is done. I had a bunch of blue scraps that are all similar shades but slightly off from each other so I did a 12x12 block of random blues and I will border it with a round of mint green saltines. I'm not sure if I am happy with it as I think the colors are too similar, but I'll see what it looks like at the end. My husband's cousin just had her first baby so if I like it I will give it to her, and if I don't really like it then it will be donated and I will start over with another blanket for her. I am sewing it together now so hopefully will be done in the next couple days.


I love all the kitty pics!! I have a cat named Merlin. He is half Russian Blue and half regular house cat. He is the most lovable cat I have ever had.


Oooh kitty! Do you have a photo you could share? :D I'm totally loving all these furbaby photos :manyheart The ghan sounds like it might turn out very cute! :cheer


Got all my saltines sewn together on the scrappy doo. Now I just need to do the border. I'll work on that tonight I think.


I also got some more pink finally for the path to the cabin quilt. I might go ahead and drag that one back out this summer sometime. Probably not till the end of June.


That's great Donna!! :clap


That is a hoot. I have a dresser, three bookshelves, and at least 8 plastic totes with yarn of various kinds, colors, and projects. And that is just the yarn and thread that is organized. :rofl :rofl :rofl


Hope all is going well for everyone today. I've run out of steam. I am trying out a pattern for hats for the charity crochet CAL next week. I think it's going to work out just fine. I'm getting creative with the pattern and not following the directions nearly as closely as I usually do. I've gotten to where I can do that since joining Crochetville. :devil


Your creativity has just exploded in the last two years! See? We do have some good influence :rofl


Okay, I've been up since noon today. I had BD give me a wake up call. He also followed it up an hour later with a second one to make sure I stayed up :rofl


I have a SCREAMING headache though. It's calming down but it's not pleasant. It's not a migraine though because it's all over my head not just on one side like migraine. Wish it was a migraine. Those are actually easier to get rid of :lol


I think it's sinus/allergy thing. That or from my med change. My doctor has changed my anti-depressant because the other one doesn't seem to be working for me anymore (that happens...it's normal). I already feel much more energized and I'm having total cravings to get moving again! This is just after one dose though so I think maybe it's just a cycle :lol


Hopefully it'll keep up. I've had zero motivation and focus of late. But I'm working hard on it :D


Today, with this energy I'm hoping that I can get very close to finishing the nine patch. But I must say, all these organization stories have got me thinking :scrachin Nah, my head and knees hurt too much for that today. Think I'll stick to my hook :hook

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