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Our House [Archive 5]

Super Granny

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hello ladies! just wanted to log on and let yall know I became an Aunt again yesterday, few days earlier than planned but turns out it was a girl! Shes named a lil after me too!!! Audrey Elizabeth(my middle name!!!) was 9lbs 3oz and almost 22 inches long. No way would her head have fit out but my sis was repeat c-sec anyhow. She was supposed to be born Monday but my sis went into labor Thursday. She has a lovely head of black hair thats over an inch long lol, anyhow, just had to tell yall!


Congratulations Erin!! :manyheart


Good Morning, Ladies. :)



Energy is right! :lol Surprisingly, I got out of bed without too many aches and groans this a.m. :lol


Well that's great news!! :clap


It seems like forever since I've been at the 'Ville and it's only been a day and a half. :lol We started working at DD's at 7 yesterday because they were predicting storms. We came home about 1, got the cars in the garage and soon after we had 60 mph winds and hail...so we lucked out. :yes Then our power was off for 3 hours. Today is laundry and putting together puppy gates and a crate. :D We'll pick up Miss Gracie about 11 tomorrow (about an hour away) and we can't wait!


I'm so excited for you about Gracie's homecoming!! :manyheart


Our storms held of until about 4 this morning. It was raining very gently when we came out of WalMart at about 10 pm (yeah, I know :lol) but it had stopped by the time we got home.


Then it started thundering and carrying on around 4 this morning. Turned the power off very briefly which BD was sleeping through and only barely woke me up. Until it came back on 60 seconds later and for some reason that made the TV in the bedroom come on! Startled the fooey outta BD but gave me the giggles since I was sort of awake :lol


We might've gotten a VERY late start yesterday but BD was determined to cram in everything we needed to do yesterday. I was exhausted :lol We didn't get to Sam's or the library so that'll be today. Which was the original plan anyway.


Thankfully I'm awake at a relatively decent hour today :yay Hopefully we can get done what we need to get done and I can actually crochet :hook

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hello ladies! just wanted to log on and let yall know I became an Aunt again yesterday, few days earlier than planned but turns out it was a girl! Shes named a lil after me too!!! Audrey Elizabeth(my middle name!!!) was 9lbs 3oz and almost 22 inches long. No way would her head have fit out but my sis was repeat c-sec anyhow. She was supposed to be born Monday but my sis went into labor Thursday. She has a lovely head of black hair thats over an inch long lol, anyhow, just had to tell yall!

That's neat! Congratulations, Erin!


The party went very well. Lots of good food and fun. Our hats to the prize for best hats hands down. Sounds like there will be lots of competition next year. Several people want to do variations on John's hat with the 3 horses. There were mint juleps for those who drink and a lemonade/tea/mint mixture those who don't. And apparently you could get looped on the the bourbon cookies without trying. I passed on those. There was a chocolate cookie pie that was absolutely sinful. Roast smoked pork, roasted wild turkeys, salads, chips and dips, a pineapple casserole, green beans with almonds, and more. After watching the Kentucky Derby on a big flat screen TV, we watched the movie, Seabiscuit, which was great. Some of the guys played pool and later poker. It was a good time with nice people. We got home about 10:30 and I didn't wake up until 1:00 this afternoon.


I don't have a lot of gumption today.

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That's neat! Congratulations, Erin!


The party went very well. Lots of good food and fun. Our hats to the prize for best hats hands down. Sounds like there will be lots of competition next year. Several people want to do variations on John's hat with the 3 horses. There were mint juleps for those who drink and a lemonade/tea/mint mixture those who don't. And apparently you could get looped on the the bourbon cookies without trying. I passed on those. There was a chocolate cookie pie that was absolutely sinful. Roast smoked pork, roasted wild turkeys, salads, chips and dips, a pineapple casserole, green beans with almonds, and more. After watching the Kentucky Derby on a big flat screen TV, we watched the movie, Seabiscuit, which was great. Some of the guys played pool and later poker. It was a good time with nice people. We got home about 10:30 and I didn't wake up until 1:00 this afternoon.


I don't have a lot of gumption today.


Linda it sounds like the party was a great time!! And of course, your hats won hands down :manyheart:clap


Well, my relatively light day didn't end up so light :P That was even without making it to the library. BD started laundry and somehow he got into a group in his game and I got left the laundry :rolleyes:lol That's okay. I was chopping veggies and cooking ground turkey for freezing. Those two things right there are lifesavers when I don't feel well :yes


Still haven't touched my hook all weekend. Think once BD is finished with his supper I'm going to work on my nine-patch in between the rest of the laundry :hook

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Good Morning, Ladies. :)


Linda ~ The party sounds wonderful! You've really started something with your great hats...people are probably already planning for next year. :yes


Cara ~ I can't wait to see your nine patch! I still want to make one, too. :hook


We'll leave about 10 to go get Miss Gracie! The gates are up and her toys are in her crate...Zoe was curled up in the crate last night. :lol


Have a great day, everyone. :manyheart

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Mary, I know how excited you must be!!

Enjoy Gracie...and I thing Zoe was leaving a message in the crate for her new sibling:yes

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Hi, all. Kim & I have been to her doctor already today. She saw the one John's been seeing for the first time. We liked her a lot. I was much more favorably impressed with this doctor than the one we have been seeing for Kim. :yes


After the doctor's appointment we went to IHOP for lunch. Now it's home for a quiet rest of the day. We got storms and rain from about 5:30 last night until now. The plants are really liking all the rain we've been getting this year. Haven't done much crocheting in a few days, but will get back at it before long. :)

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Hi Linda :hi Sounds like y'all are now getting the rain we had all last week. Made me sore but my plants and lawn look great :D


I'm glad y'all liked the new doctor. Was it just a routine visit? Nothing wrong I hope.


Hmmm, wonder if Mary and DH are home with the new baby yet? :dog :manyheart

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Just our regular 3-month check up for Kim.


And now for some Kentucky Derby Party pictures:

Food was abundant and good, as were the beverages.


Mark and John were the only 2 guys with hats, but all the ladies wore one.


John, Kim, and I. The gal in the center of the next photo was the hostess.


Sean in borrowed finery. The photo of the night. :lol :lol :lol


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Wow! It looks like you had a great time, Linda! I never knew there was actually a sign that said Happy Derby Day:)

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Linda ~ Fantastic pictures! Good friends and fun times are so special. :yes


Hmmm, wonder if Mary and DH are home with the new baby yet? :dog :manyheart

Yes, we got home about 1 and DD came over...we played with Gracie and laughed at her til we were crying. :lol She is so small, but sure thinks she's big. I'm going to try the new picture system - so hopefully it won't take me long to figure it out.:think

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Linda ~ Fantastic pictures! Good friends and fun times are so special. :yes



Yes, we got home about 1 and DD came over...we played with Gracie and laughed at her til we were crying. :lol She is so small, but sure thinks she's big. I'm going to try the new picture system - so hopefully it won't take me long to figure it out.:think


Just click the paper clip :D

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Introducing Miss Gracie!


OMG! Look at that little face!! What kind of dog is she again? I know you told us but I can't remember and I can never tell with puppies unless their chihuahuas or dachshunds :lol She is absolutely adorable! :manyheart How's Zoe doing with her?

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Oh, Mary - one glance at her and I had a huge smile on my face! She's precious! Good luck with her.


And I made 12 solid squares today.

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Mary, that pic was too funny - I had to show SDR:lol


We always broght the pups to bed with us - they slept through the night every time. The in the morning I could just scoop them up in my arms and run out in the yard with them.

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One more picture...Gracie helping her Dad put screening up on her gate, because she can walk right through 3 inch spaces between the bars. :lol


That is too cute!! I didn't really realize just how tiny she is until that photo. She's almost pocket sized :manyheart

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One more picture...Gracie helping her Dad put screening up on her gate, because she can walk right through 3 inch spaces between the bars. :lol

She's totally adorable, Mary. So very, very cute. Walking through the spaces between the bars....that's priceless!!! :rofl :rofl :rofl

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Howdy everyone, sorry I havent been in here lately, been slack I know.


Hope your all going well with your projects. Maybe sometime this year I might do another saltine project.


Mary your doggie is so cute.

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Hi Ladies,


I am turning to you to see if anyone has ever seen a baby blanket made out of squares called DUCKS IN A ROW..

wHEN I google it, the web site is no longer active and I can not find the pattern, it was so cute.

It is not like the one on Cara's web site.

Let me know if anyone has ever seen or made it....


Tks so much,


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