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Our House [Archive 4]


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This morning DH was sitting in his chair, jumping up and down, waving his arms and shouting "go Denise, go, you can do it" then almost whispering "go Tracy, go". And then he almost fell off his chair when he stopped. :rofl

Last night he told us we were crazy to be getting so excited about The Crochet Games and wanted to know what everyone else's other halves thought of all this madness. :lol


He says he is getting a gold medal for living in the middle of all the crochet stuff. :lol


You all are so funny...and have given me lots of smiles today. :D Everyone is doing great and I'll be here each day to cheer you on. :cheer

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Ok reporting in my total for 8/9... day 2 of the Games...



8 solid and 38 bi-colored PLUS I have one block completely assembled...


I have some squares toward block 2 done so I am hoping to finish them tomorrow and get block 2 done then... I figure if I can get 2 blocks every 3 days I should be alright....

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Well I am going to take a break from my saltines for a min for the 2008 Games. I am working on 63 squares. I have 4 done... I so have to get busy. But I'll be checking in. And you never know if I get really bored I may just have to break out my saltines afterall.

Happy Hookin

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Good morning!


I did a pile of saltines this weekend (107!!!). I was on a road trip Thursday and Friday and did up 47. Then yesterday I sat in an all-day class with my hubby (he is taking the course for credit and I am auditing it - going to class but not having to do tests or assignments or take notes). The prof said it was OK to crochet all day so I did anopther 60 squares :D Now I really need to get joining :yes

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Ok reporting in my total for 8/9... day 2 of the Games...



8 solid and 38 bi-colored PLUS I have one block completely assembled...


Good morning!


I did a pile of saltines this weekend (107!!!).


Mary - 42 solids thanks.


They're on the list, ladies. :)

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Good Morning. :hook I hope all the athletes are getting their rest and enjoying the competition. :lol:cheer


Carla ~ Good luck with your 63 Squares. We'd love to see those pictures, too! :D


Tracy, did I read that you're making the gingham for your sister? Can't wait to see your progress pics. :crocheting


We're planning on a quiet day. DH leaves tomorrow for the week and I really want to get in more crochet time. :yes Maybe I'll get lucky and not have any family crisis this week. :devil

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Howdy fellow saltinies.....

Looks like everyone who is doing a quilt ghan for the games is moving right along! :cheer

Can't wait till my games project is finished so I can get back to my saltines! Still working on that new one to see how it looks then I will share with you all!


Have a good day everyone!

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Hi, everyone. I'm back at the library and just finished up reading 2 days worth of chatter. You have no idea how frustated I am with not being able to just jump on here throughout the day. Yesterday was my first day off and not traveling in a very long time and I crashed big time. Didn't get anything done all day. I'm feeling better today.


Mary ~ another Painted Desert block done ~ 24 solids, 4 bicolors, & 8 4-colors.

Mary ~ first block of games ghan done ~ 11 solids & 14 bi-colors.


I've got the first block for the games partially assembled and the solids for the next block crocheted.


I'd love to get together with you, Valerie. 770-406-8369


Sounds like everyone is doing well with their games projects. Yeah teams go!!!

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Hi Linda! It's so good to see you - wonderful progress on both ghans. :cheer Do you know when your internet will be working again? Very soon, I hope. :yes


Did you get a small box from me? If not, please let me know and I'll send another! :D

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Afternoon everyone. I had a successful day yesterday. Went to a different HL than I usually go to and I really lucked out....they had the SAME dyelot of the red yarn that I needed! :clap So now I have the other 6 solids done that I needed for my sister's ghan. Now on to putting it together. I also got enough yarn :yarn:yarn:yarnfor 3 shawls and 2 skeins of ILTCotton to try. And a full set of the Susan Bates bamboo handle crochet hooks.


We also went to a half price bookstore and I found a neat join as you go afghan book from several years ago that had several patterns that would be great for saltines...including one of a butterfly that I fell in love with!


I still have to make up my mind for sure what I will crochet on while on my Las Vegas trip next week. I had intended to make saltines on the plane but Maurice (hubby) said he thinks working on a shawl would be better. He can just see me dumping a bunch of saltines in the plane and having to scramble around trying to get them all picked back up! :eek And I can see that too! So may work on shawl on plane and take yarn to make saltines in free time while in the room. Best of both that way and won't have withdrawal symptoms from no saltines for a week.:yes

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Afternoon everyone. I had a successful day yesterday. Went to a different HL than I usually go to and I really lucked out....they had the SAME dyelot of the red yarn that I needed! :clap So now I have the other 6 solids done that I needed for my sister's ghan. Now on to putting it together. I also got enough yarn :yarn:yarn:yarnfor 3 shawls and 2 skeins of ILTCotton to try. And a full set of the Susan Bates bamboo handle crochet hooks.


We also went to a half price bookstore and I found a neat join as you go afghan book from several years ago that had several patterns that would be great for saltines...including one of a butterfly that I fell in love with!


I still have to make up my mind for sure what I will crochet on while on my Las Vegas trip next week. I had intended to make saltines on the plane but Maurice (hubby) said he thinks working on a shawl would be better. He can just see me dumping a bunch of saltines in the plane and having to scramble around trying to get them all picked back up! :eek And I can see that too! So may work on shawl on plane and take yarn to make saltines in free time while in the room. Best of both that way and won't have withdrawal symptoms from no saltines for a week.:yes


Wow great shopping trip you had there :cheer Okay, now I can see myself dumping my saltines the next time we're on a plane :lol So far so god on that front. I tuck a one gallon ziploc in my bag and it seemed to work well enough :yes Have fun on your trip :hug

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