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Our House [Archive 4]


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Morning everyone :hi


Its back to work today for me.


Sprtsbear congratulations on the bus cuddle, well done :clap


Mary great progress on the saltines.


Im going to try and get the card trick pillow done before the games now. It has mostly bicolors in it though.

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I wanted to crochet during the meeting at DD's new highschool tonight (new intake thing), she told me I wasn't allowed to, it is rude to crochet while someone is talking. :lol

I crochet till the WW meeting starts, then put it away:hook it is the polite thing to do...though I CAN listen and :crocheting t the same time!

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Mary, 48 more solids for me today. :hook I'm almost done with all of the yellow saltines for the gingham ghan. Hope the other yellow comes soon!


Yes, I do plan on taking plenty of yarn with me to Vegas just in case I have more down time than expected. We booked our flights before the time when the airlines started charging for the checked bags so we should still be okay for 2 checked each.:D Room for more yarn!!! :clap:hook:crocheting

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I wanted to crochet during the meeting at DD's new highschool tonight (new intake thing), she told me I wasn't allowed to, it is rude to crochet while someone is talking. :lol



Evening all,


My cousin had to go to court for a custody case and I took my yarn along. I thought it would be okay since I was quietly sitting in the back and I was there so he wouldn't have to go alone. The security guard politely asked me to put it away...the judge wanted everyone's attention in the courtroom.

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Lou, Kim, & I head out for Texas tomorrow as quickly as I can get the two of us up and going. Lou already has her part of the car packed and we get whatever is left. She and John are both driving me nuts. I know,,, Breathe,,, Count to Ten... Breathe.... We will survive the next three weeks. We'll be on the road for the next 2 - 3 days so I'll check back in when we get there. :hug:hug:hug

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Hi Wendy ~ Yay for another short work week!


Linda M. ~ Congratulations on 48 more squares. I've heard that craftsetc.com is pretty good about shipping. :xfin I hope you get the yarn soon. :yes


Valerie, it doesn't seem fair! The last time I had to show up for jury duty, there were several women knitting/crocheting while we were waiting...nobody said a word! It must be different if it's in an actual courtroom setting. :think


See you all tomorrow. :)

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Evening all,


My cousin had to go to court for a custody case and I took my yarn along. I thought it would be okay since I was quietly sitting in the back and I was there so he wouldn't have to go alone. The security guard politely asked me to put it away...the judge wanted everyone's attention in the courtroom.


Oh for crying out loud. Well, I guess it's his courtroom and he can do whatever he wants. At least they were polite about it.

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I wanted to crochet during the meeting at DD's new highschool tonight (new intake thing), she told me I wasn't allowed to, it is rude to crochet while someone is talking. :lol


Sprtsbear, great job on your Bus Cuddle. :clap What are you making next?


I actually can pay more attention to what someone is saying if I am knitting or crocheting.

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Evening all,


My cousin had to go to court for a custody case and I took my yarn along. I thought it would be okay since I was quietly sitting in the back and I was there so he wouldn't have to go alone. The security guard politely asked me to put it away...the judge wanted everyone's attention in the courtroom.


I just figured if some people were biting their nails or picking their noses (yup, saw people doing that), crocheting is at least more constructive and healthy. :hook But I guess each person has their own thing. :D

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Howdy doody :hi


Im just doing some butterfly squares then its back to the card trick pillow.


Everyone is going so well with their squares. Well done.


Are you all ready for the games, have you all signed up, come on you know you all wanna.:D

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Nothing done yesterday but we did get to go out and spend the afternoon and evening with some out of town friends who we haven't seen since this time last year. I'm off to the gym and work soon and will hopefully get a few more squares attached this evening :yes Have a nice day all and stay cool

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Good morning ladies :flower


Worked on my sewing for hours yesterday and didn't even get one pillow done :P I cut out the pieces and prepped everything so hopefully today I can get them done. I'm making myself do the pillows my sister asked me to make about 3 months ago before I do any HIJ sewing.


But this morning I shall crochet a bit first :hook

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Evening all,


My cousin had to go to court for a custody case and I took my yarn along. I thought it would be okay since I was quietly sitting in the back and I was there so he wouldn't have to go alone. The security guard politely asked me to put it away...the judge wanted everyone's attention in the courtroom.


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Hi everyone. I'm playing "catch up" this morning...I never get caught up but keep trying. :lol DH left a while ago, but will just be gone til Friday. :)


Wendy, can't wait to see your latest projects. :crocheting


Cara ~ good luck with the pillows. I got my sewing machine out the other day and it took me longer to remember how to use it than it did to mend some shorts. :blush


Karen, it sounds like a lovely day with friends. :yes

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Howdy doody :hi


Are you all ready for the games, have you all signed up, come on you know you all wanna.:D


Morning All,


Wendy, I've decided to join. I'm going to make Cara's checkered ghan.


Hi Mary, Judy, Tracy, Cara, Karen & Shelby.


Have a great day guys!

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Thanks Mary...that I am once I was able to stay out of the bed. My first 2-3 days, I could only stay up a few hours at a time. I'm still not back to my old routine but i'm getting there. It's still on the morning side of the day when I wake up:lol.

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Morning everyone! Once again I'm sorry I seemed to have disappeared, work has kept me very busy. I have been crocheting though! I finished sewing together my first square, you can see it here

What do you all think of the colors? I'm not sure...I think once it's finished I will really like the combination.

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classic crochet ~ Hi! It's good to see you here again. I love your colors. :yes I think as you add blocks, the pattern will show up better and it will all come together. :hook

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Good morning again ladies :flower


Okay, okay so it's just now noon :D I took a nap after my meds. Almost straightened out though. Only slept 2 hrs night before last but forced myself to stay awake all day. It was rough but now I'm closer to normal. We know me. A nap is normal :lol


CC (may we ask your first name, makes it more friendly...you don't have to if you'd rather not :)) I love your color combo. I think you'll like it more and more as you go along :yes


Valerie - Glad you're getting back to a normal schedule after catching up on your sleep :hug


Okay, nap over but BDs asleep now :rolleyes He wants to wake up at 2 so I'll sew then whether he gets up or not :wink Little crochet time now :hook

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Morning everyone! Once again I'm sorry I seemed to have disappeared, work has kept me very busy. I have been crocheting though! I finished sewing together my first square, you can see it here

What do you all think of the colors? I'm not sure...I think once it's finished I will really like the combination.

I also have crochet ADD:lol

The color combo is great - I like eclectic.....:hook

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Thanks everyone.


Skysmom, I hope so! Sometimes it's hard to tell about the colors until you get way into it. I've had a few unpleasant surprises :lol So I don't get excited right away anymore.


Misa, I'm Brenda :)


judianne, the crochet ADD is new to me and I have to say I'm not liking it. I feel like I never get anything done. If you find a cure please share :lol

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