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Our House [Archive 4]


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Hi everyone, I thought I'd pop in and say hello. I've been gone for several months for a number of reasons. I haven't been able to crochet because my CTS got pretty aggravated, so I've had to let my hands completely rest. And I've had a lot of stress this spring (esp. this past 5 weeks) with sick animals - mostly the one, Kitsu (my new avatar), and his bum ticker. and other stuff that went not well (esp on the relationship front). But whatever, life, right?


I'm still hoping to one day make my Casablanca, but I have so many WIPs that are much further along (and are for charity), and I'd like to finish those up and get them off to PL this year, so I'm not sure when the Casa will get done.

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Just got back from actually being sent to go shopping :yay Man it's hotter than heck out there :sweat But I had a blast. Picked up the clamps I was sent for plus other goodies and since JoAnns was right next door I had to stop in :D Got lots of clearance goodies :yay

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I'd love to but it's all HIJ stuff...one was actually for you :D...okay probably shouldn't have said that :lol I love this HIJ thing. BDs family we just do a pool for Christmas and my family doesn't celebrate really so it's a blast doing all this stuff. Just gonna start in August for next year so I have more time :rofl

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Mary, It doesn't matter to me. I was also confused because I knew it had been a while since i was on but I kept seeing messages to "Val". I'm just happy to be back among my friends.


And we're thrilled to see you again! :manyheart So does that mean we can call you and Priszm anything we want? :lol:devil

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Hi Renee! I was so happy to see your post. Please jump in whenever you can and let us know how you're doing. :hug


Krystal ~ I just noticed your signature line...how long does your yarn buying hiatus last? :hook


Cara, Yay for a trip to JoAnns. :yarn Yes, it's right at 100 on our thermometer - YUK!


Tracy ~ 5 more added. :)


I now have 8 rows (of 18) joined for Ducky. DH suggested black for the stripe on the towel and I love it!

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Hi Renee!!! :hi How is Kitsu doing these days? Hope to see more of you soon :hug


Cara, he has his good days and his not good days. This past week has been pretty good, but before that, he had several really bad weeks. I took him to see his cardiologist, and she had to put him in oxygen and nebulize him. I've been nebulizing him at home, but I've had to increase his lasix dosage pretty dramatically. His poor little heart is just chugging along, but honestly, I don't know how long he'll have. Having said that, he's having a great day today, and is waiting impatiently for me to feed him (I have to wait till 6).


My other cat, Sam (who's diabetic and has cancer) has been doing phenomenally, except he's been pukey all day today, don't know why. Hopefully it's a temporary thing.


I saw the Tuon is diabetic. Have you popped over to http://www.felinediabetes.com yet?

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Cara, he has his good days and his not good days. This past week has been pretty good, but before that, he had several really bad weeks. I took him to see his cardiologist, and she had to put him in oxygen and nebulize him. I've been nebulizing him at home, but I've had to increase his lasix dosage pretty dramatically. His poor little heart is just chugging along, but honestly, I don't know how long he'll have. Having said that, he's having a great day today, and is waiting impatiently for me to feed him (I have to wait till 6).


My other cat, Sam (who's diabetic and has cancer) has been doing phenomenally, except he's been pukey all day today, don't know why. Hopefully it's a temporary thing.


I saw the Tuon is diabetic. Have you popped over to www.felinediabetes.com yet?


Yes, I have and they have tons of great info over there :yes That's where I learned about a treat that the vet approves of. We call 'em Tuna Pops. :lol It's just the water from a can of tuna mixed with more water then frozen. Both of the girls love 'em and the vet said that was a great idea :yes She's only 13 months old which is really young for a cat to be diabetic. Hopefully it'll regulate enough so she can go off the insulin :yes


I'm glad to hear your babies are stable. Hope Sam is better soon. Sometimes the girls get pukey when they're too hot. You're still in Austin right? It's just awful hot here today :sweat

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Yes, I have and they have tons of great info over there :yes That's where I learned about a treat that the vet approves of. We call 'em Tuna Pops. :lol It's just the water from a can of tuna mixed with more water then frozen. Both of the girls love 'em and the vet said that was a great idea :yes She's only 13 months old which is really young for a cat to be diabetic. Hopefully it'll regulate enough so she can go off the insulin :yes


I'm glad to hear your babies are stable. Hope Sam is better soon. Sometimes the girls get pukey when they're too hot. You're still in Austin right? It's just awful hot here today :sweat


Oh yeah, still in Austin. Today was hotter than yesterday, but yesterday was really pleasant here.


The thing with Sam, he hasn't been pukey like this since December, it's pretty unusual for him to be like this.


Oh, and I'm renegade500 over at FDMB (although I don't get over there much).

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Oh yeah, still in Austin. Today was hotter than yesterday, but yesterday was really pleasant here.


The thing with Sam, he hasn't been pukey like this since December, it's pretty unusual for him to be like this.


Oh, and I'm renegade500 over at FDMB (although I don't get over there much).


Yes, it was really nice there yesterday. We were in Austin yesterday for a family BBQ. I was really pleasantly surprised by how nice it was :yes

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And we're thrilled to see you again! :manyheart So does that mean we can call you and Priszm anything we want? :lol:devil


I can't speak for Valerie, but you can call me whatever you want. Keep in mind, if it's not nice, I might not answer :D


Working in call centers throughout my working life, I've gotten Dawn, Karen, Star :think I can understand Sal and Al. But the others? Oh well!

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I can't speak for Valerie, but you can call me whatever you want. Keep in mind, if it's not nice, I might not answer :D


Working in call centers throughout my working life, I've gotten Dawn, Karen, Star :think I can understand Sal and Al. But the others? Oh well!


I always seem to get Kathy :think

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Trying to post a couple of pics of my ATW...







It worked! :clap (and they are clickable)

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Trying to post a couple of pics of my ATW...







It worked! :clap (and they are clickable)


OMG! That's fabulous! Everyone's ATWs are coming out so great :clap

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