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Our House [Archive 4]


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Good morning ladies,


I've just gotten up from a 22 hour nap. I took my sister to the store yesterday and decided to lay down for an hour or so, and I'm just waking up.


Judianne-Yes, I want to do the Scripture ghan. I was looking at the few squares I'd done already. I'm going to start over because I want to do it in ILTY. Let me know when you want to get started.


Karen-Thanks for explaining the ATW & HIJ. Your ATW is beautiful!


Linda-I've missed you guys too. Have a safe trip. Yes, the assistant's days are numbered if he doesn't get his act together. My store has become the last stop before you're terminated if you're in management. My DM's office is in my store. He is able to watch the person and he feels that if they can't get along with me...they won't make it with anybody. I hope his days last until I get my 2 supervisor trainees trained. As long as he's there, I'll get my every other weekend off and my week day off day.


Mary-Thanks, I'll get the count of the last few saltines I did shortly. It's not that many.


Krystal-I'm excited about joining your CAL too. I can hardly wait to complete some long overdue projects.


Wendy-Your ATW cuddle is beautiful.


Well, I'm off to sorting the crochet wips. Will check in later.

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Good morning ladies :flower


Wendy - Wowsa!! I love your ATW :clap It's just gorgeous :drool


Val - A 22 hour nap. You're starting to sound like me :rofl Hope you're feeling nice and refreshed and ready for that long overdue vacation :hug


Up with the cats again. They're asleep again but I'm wide awake even after only 4 hours sleep :P I'm sure I'll be back in bed soon. The meds should kick in in about 30 minutes :lol Gotta get back on those religiously. BD's on vacation next week so it should be doable with minimal upset to the household.


Back to working on my HIJ projects. Hoping to have some stuff ready for Monday :hook

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Yes, Wendy, I was very tired. I've only had about 2 off days in the last 6 months and I'd work open to close 2 to 3 times a week. It was long overdue. Thanks for the hug. I'm going to organize my projects that I want to complete and new things I want to start.

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Hi, Wendy, Cara, Val....everyone!


Wendy, yhe ATW is fantastic! How big is it?


Val, I'll probably dig out the pattern and yarn for the ghan near the end of this month, the way things are going....

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Good Morning, everyone. :) Since Valerie is back, we have two "Vals." :think Valerie, can we call you Valerie and (Prizm) can be Val?


Val ~ That's great progress on your ribbon ghan. :hook Looking forward to pictures.


Wendy ~ Your ATW is beautiful. It looks like a good size for a

lapghan/cuddle. :cheer


Karen ~ I added your 17. :D

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Good Morning, everyone. :) Since Valerie is back, we have two "Vals." :think Valerie, can we call you Valerie and (Prizm) can be Val?


Val ~ That's great progress on your ribbon ghan. :hook Looking forward to pictures.


Wendy ~ Your ATW is beautiful. It looks like a good size for a

lapghan/cuddle. :cheer


Karen ~ I added your 17. :D


Or you guys can call me Priszm. I was getting a little confused myself reading some of the posts :lol. I do answer to anything, so just pick a name for me and I'll answer :D

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Hi Sunny~Your Casa is beautiful! :cheer Are you keeping this one for yourself?


Tracy, I hope your headache is much better now. :hug Sounds like you've raised Kyla to be caring and capable...I bet she's a sweetie.

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Sunny - That looks fabulous! Great job :clap


Prizm - Okies, you're Prizm from now on :D


Tracy - Glad you're feeling better and Kyla picked today to be her normal charming self :manyheart


Mary - How are you and yours today? :D


Up from my nap and feeling pretty good considering 3 hours in the truck yesterday and way too much fatty type food :P Krystal's turned me into a convert. Any time I have all that fat and stuff I feel lousy. Think I'm gonna throw some chicken breasts on the grill (no sauce) and have those, salads and veggies the next few days :lol

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Sunny, that looks great:cheer:clap ! ANd don't worry about the dyelot with the red/burgundy....we all have had that problem at one time or another. :blush

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Cara thanks and morning to you. Hope you get some sleep soon.


Val what projects do you have in mind.

Wendy, I'd like to make a couple of bed spreads with roses. I also have a different Noah's Ark ghan that I would like to make. I have quite a few baby things that I'd like to make for the hospital fall festival. I have to look in my books. I haven't had time to do anything but work.


Hi, Wendy, Cara, Val....everyone!


Wendy, yhe ATW is fantastic! How big is it?


Val, I'll probably dig out the pattern and yarn for the ghan near the end of this month, the way things are going....

Judy, That will work. I should have a normal life now. It'll give me a chance to get the other yarn.


Good Morning, everyone. :) Since Valerie is back, we have two "Vals." :think Valerie, can we call you Valerie and (Prizm) can be Val?


Mary, It doesn't matter to me. I was also confused because I knew it had been a while since i was on but I kept seeing messages to "Val". I'm just happy to be back among my friends.

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