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Our House [Archive 4]


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Judy I guess all you can do is hope they stay together and one day they will wake up and realise that they want to be married.


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Judy - BD and I lived together for a whole 9 weeks before we got married :D Now, ex and I lived together for almost 3 years before getting married. Marriage lasted six years only because I ended up pregnant the second time :P I think that's very telling :yes

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Cara, back in the ays of the dinosaurs when SDR and I were dating, if we had moved in together w/out being married my mother would have killed me/us. It just wasn't accepted the way it is now. But within a couple of months of dating we knew it was right for us. We met in Dec (just after I turned 18) and I had a ring on my finger in March:eek

My mother almost had a cow.:lol

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Linda, with DS he has seen friends go through marriage problems..and maybe he doesn't think he has the staying power we do...who knows. All I know is that as long as young women are witlling to play wife without the legal bebefits it's the men who are the winners.

I love my son, but I also know that men can be slugs at times.


I think today's women protect themselves a little better than the days of "old"... I don't think the women come out as short in a living arrangement as you would assume. Most of the women I know who live with the men are just as happy with the arrangement as the men. It's only a problem when she decides it's time to raise a family and then the pressure is on, and she has little to no leverage but to walk out.

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I have worked out the pattern. I think it still needs some tweaking, but it's definitely getting there now. I even managed to get the control bars back. :lol :lol :lol

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Hi ladies. :) You all are so funny with the "Your cat/dog" stories. How true it is...I have used every tip from the vet and internet on getting Zoe's meds into her. I'm wearing the liquids and only got one pill down. :( Thank goodness DH will be home this afternoon.


Wendy ~ WTG on 40 more squares. :cheer


Linda, that's great news about your pattern. Can't wait to see it.:hook

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I always found that getting meds down a cat went much easier when done by two people rather than one. One of our cats had to be tightly swaddled in a towel and held by my son while I pried her jaws open and poked the pill far enough down her throat that she had no choice but to swallow. Sometimes it took several tries to get it down even with the two of us working together. The trick was not getting bit in the process. :lol :lol :lol


The pattern still needs some tweaking, but it is getting there. Once it's set I'll show it to you. :devil

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Mary - so glad to hear Zoe is doing well !


Wendy - have I seen the butterfly squares somewhere & just forgot?


Linda - good for you! Amen about the cats & pills, that's been our method. Somehow though DS manages to just hold the animal and soothe it. He has quite a way with animals. Wish I could say that about his women.


DH and I lived together for a year and a half before we decided to get married. I was 6 mos. pregnant when we did tie the knot.

I thought it would be neat to get married on my 21st birthday, so that's what we did! It'll be 30 years (should I say it) on Saturday!!!

DS on the other hand, is living with a girl that has 2 boys to a previous marriage. I really like her, but not for my son. Does that make sense? She had very little ambition, comes from a family with no ambition and she is content to live in a run down trailer in a not-so-desirable trailer court. The problem here is: she would rather my son just get an anywhere job, preferably on her time schedule so he can babysit her kids. DS lost his job to a plant shutdown and he is going to be able to get his schooling paid for to go to community college. SHE is discouraging it!!! She decided to go to school for massage therapy when she heard DS talking to me about going to school himself. Needless-to-say, there have been more than a few discussions with DS on this subject. Today he was supposed to be going to see the counselor about enrolling in community college this fall.

Saga to be continued....

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Shelby, I believe we instinctively know if a girl/woman isn't right for our son. It hurts to watch that.... I'm sorry you have to just stand by and see it all unfold....

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At least they aren't married. But, I do have mixed emotions about that as well. My strict religious upbring still bothers me, BUT I lived with my DH before marrying him, so I can't say anything. I just keep telling DS to be sure of what he wants before he does get married and later ends up in divorce. I really feel as though that will happen.

DS was in a very serious car accident 11 years ago and he went through serious brain trama and was in a coma for about 2 weeks. They didn't give him much hope (20%) of living. We strongly believe in the power of prayer and the people that see him today cannot believe how good he actually is. He still has some short-term memory problems and a few other things that show up from time to time...but all-in-all we are extremely grateful for what we have. I tell you this because the accident has caused him to have a confidence problem. DH and I believe he is just "settling" for this girl thinking he can't do any better.

I put it to prayer and we will wait to see what happens!

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Morning everyone


Linda Im glad that your getting the pattern sorted. :yay do we see photos soon.


Judy when my sister and I were single we lived with out boyfriends, we both ended up marrying them but I remember my grandma going on and on about living together before getting married and my Mum wouldnt pay for the wedding because I didnt live at home any more which was fine by me. Anyway just a couple of years ago I did our family history and worked out that my Mums birthday was in August and my Grandma's wedding anniversary was in September. Hmm now who is being hypercritcal. She shutup after that.


Shelby they are actually just normal 3 row squares but when put together they form a butterfly, thats why I call them butterfly quilts. The pattern is in the Perfect Patches Pattern book.


Tracy your nearly there. :woohoo

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Tracy howdy doody. I have 128 squares done that need to be sewn together and still have to make another 280 squares. I should take a photo of the bag that has is holding them all. I have never seen so many squares, I never had that many waiting to be sewn even when I was doing the Casa.


I cant wait to start the wedding ring quilt. I said this on the sky cal as well but Im going tomorrow to buy some purple or dark pink yarn to go with the varigated that I have. Not sure whether to go with the purple theme or pink theme and also should I go with white as the third color or cream?

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You had better start sewing those squares together soon or you might drown. :lol


I am no good at colour combinations, I always have to get second and third opinions when I have to mix colours, I am terrible that way. Maybe you could do one in each combination? :think I have the pattern on my WIM list, but I want to reduce my wheels list first. I also still have a wedding present to make. Mmmmmmmmmmmmmm :think Must resist, don't have yarn for a project like that at the moment. :hook

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Shelby - Oh dear. My first marriage was one of those situations...minus kids. I had no confidence at that time (17 years old) and was convinced no one else would ever want me. He even kept telling me that. That should've been my first clue. Why would he want someone that no one else wanted? :P Hope it works out for your son :hug


Wendy - The white vs cream decision depends on the varigate imo. Is there a cream or white in it? If it's white in the varigate then use white or vice versa. If there's no white or cream I'd take a sample of them to the store with you and see which looks best :yes

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Shelby, I believe in the power of prayer, too, even though the answers we get aren't always in line with what we would have ordered up....

And getting past the strict religious upbringing is hard...but very freeing, once you begin to think for yourself.

Only we know our own circumstances...

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Judy when my sister and I were single we lived with out boyfriends, we both ended up marrying them but I remember my grandma going on and on about living together before getting married and my Mum wouldnt pay for the wedding because I didnt live at home any more which was fine by me. Anyway just a couple of years ago I did our family history and worked out that my Mums birthday was in August and my Grandma's wedding anniversary was in September. Hmm now who is being hypercritcal. She shutup after that.


Shelby they are actually just normal 3 row squares but when put together they form a butterfly, thats why I call them butterfly quilts. The pattern is in the Perfect Patches Pattern book.


When it comes to big weddings after living together, SDR and I have the same opinion as your Mum. Not on any grounds other than the fact that they're living together already as if they were married, so why the big to-do? No judgments...Plus we can't spare that much money to help pay for an extravaganza. Here in the USA there are weddings that cost so much it's ridiculous, esp if you aren't rolling in dough. Then they divorce in 6 months (SDR's oldest niece)...:(


I have that Perfect Patches book and really like the patterns...there are so many patterns I like...maybe I can live to 120 and do them all:lol

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I cant wait to start the wedding ring quilt. I said this on the sky cal as well but Im going tomorrow to buy some purple or dark pink yarn to go with the varigated that I have. Not sure whether to go with the purple theme or pink theme and also should I go with white as the third color or cream?

My opinion: cream with the purple...if you use pink as the main color, then I'd go with white.... Krystal is good with this, though.

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Cara - thanks. It may be that I am the one that needs adjusting...

He did go to the college today and he has to take the assessment test next week. At least he is still moving in the right direction!


Judy - very true. Hm..m.. have to put that Perfect Patches book in my "to check out" list. I like to see if the library has the books that I am interested in before I buy them. Exceptions being made in the 50 Sensations bbok since I fell in love with Heathers Stained Glass, and in the 200 blocks for charities.

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