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Our House [Archive 4]


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OMG..... I got a question.... on the start of second round, where I turn? does that become the front?




Usually yes :D




Don't do that! You'll give yourself a headache. :lol It doesn't matter. Really.


Cathy it doesnt matter what side you call the front so long as they are all sewn the same way. I too call the second row my front.


Yeah, what Wendy said :yes And really, it doesn't even matter much if they're all on the same way. Until I revised the square (7 times thank you very much :lol) I used to join the bi-color ones all which ways :lol


well, got to finish 24 solids last night waiting out Hanna. Thankfully we just received some really heavy rain. I've got all the blue solids for the penguin background finished now! next on to the blue bi-colors!:hook The weather is absolutely gorgeous today, so I'll be outside with my munchkins, maybe some hooktime at naptime!


Glad you only got rain :hug Great progress on the penguin :clap


I'm glad you guys only got a bunch of rain. It looks like we're next in line for one :(


Stay safe sweetie :hug


Hello everyone!!! I'm back! We finally got into the house we will be staying in until around November 1st and then we get to move again! :( Anyways the move went as smooth as can be expected. We will be living out of boxes until we move again so I don't have to pack much up again! But I did leave out some WIPs to work on until we really get settled! Told myself I won't start a new project until these are finished (we'll see how that goes! :blush) I need to start bringing a project with me again to work because I have a longer lunch and a long drive so I would have time to work on it as DH drives home! Right now I'm finishing up some last minute projects for my swap partner over in the favorite color swap, then its on to finish a few purses I started and work on my quilt ghan. Oh, and BTW I'm an AUNT again! My sister delivered a healthy baby boy yesterday! So for those of you that were following the games, that means I can finish the ghan since I finally know the baby's name! And if I would have guessed at the initials I would have been right! :angry Oh well! Just glad he is healthy!


Glad to see so many new people joining us in the HYH!!! Everyone's projects looks great! Can't wait to work on my saltines again!


Hope everyone has a good weekend! :hug I'll stop in from time to time this weekend in between unpacking!


It's Pickles :hi Glad the move went relatively well. And grats on the new nephew :manyheart Don't keep us in suspense. What was the first name after all that? Unless you're uncomfortable with that.


Cara, so sorry about the a.c. Do you have central heat already? Our last house was built in the 20's and a previous owner had put in central heat, but not a.c., so it wasn't too hard to add it.


No. No central heat. Our house was built in 1925 and I swear no one had ever done any kind of improvement since about 1935 :irk We even had to take out the old floor furnace. The last people that had the house only lived in the first two rooms. Can you even imagine? :think The roof hadn't even been replaced in about 40 years until we had the whole thing stripped down and redecked and shingled. Only thing that had ever been done is the plumbing had finally been replaced less than 5 years before we bought it. That was the clincher on buying the place. :lol


Well, I only made 3 squares all of yesterday :blush We were out all day and that Chinese dinner did not agree with me :lol


Gotta get BD up so we can go talk to a man about an air conditioner :D

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Cara, sounds like your system is so pure with WW having you eating so healthy that CHinese food won't do for you any more...

I happen to like it myself, but there are times:P

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Hello, everyone. I miss all of you terribly! But the internet still won't connect at home. Don't know when John will get someone in to fix it. So no pictures from me either. :angry


16 days of concentrated saltines did me in, so none to report for the last 2 weeks. I've been working on other projects instead of making squares, although I have been putting saltines together for the Painted Desert ghan. I just have 2 1/2 blocks worth of squares left to crochet for it. And a LOT of sewing together! :lol :lol


Things accomplished: I finished up the fringe on the baby afghan I made for my friend's little boy. I started on a very lacy shawl pattern for Kim for Christmas. It's about 1/3 done. I finished a "ROYS" filet crochet piece for my mom for Christmas and just have about a dozen rows to go to finish the second "CAYLOR" filet crochet piece. This one is for John's parents for Christmas. I've also read two or three books and listened to another 1 1/2 books while crocheting. Finally finished unpacking from the trip. Kim had good checkups with her regular doctor and her dentist, too.


Mary, congratulations on being at the head of the race to 2,000 saltines. :hug


I'll check in again when I can. Love you all. :manyheart

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Hi, Tracy and Mary. John was at the hunting lodge last weekend with Mark and Sean, getting ready for deer hunting season which starts next weekend. They mowed fields, weed-whacked around buildings and feeders, put out feed, fixed the tractor and one of the golf carts, aired out the cabin, etc., etc.,etc. They were all sore and tired, but had a good time. Kim and I stayed home in the air conditioning and had a girls weekend.

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Hi Miss Tracy. What are you working on today? Is Kyla still a happy camper after a few days of school? ;) I'm almost done playing maid for the day and can't wait to get back to crocheting. :hook


Linda, you and Kim are the smart ones. :lol We can hear the dove hunters' guns from a nearby ranch...I keep telling the dove to just stay in our yard where they have food, water and protection. :D

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Linda, I think you and Kim had the best weekend. :devil


:hi Judy


Mary, I haven't done much of anything today yet. :2blush Only went shopping for Kyla's PE kit for school, tidied the lounge up a bit, got yarn and needles ready to :knit second sleeve of baby cardigan and........ fell asleep. Kyla is loving school still. Their class is doing a production of "Nightmare before Christmas" and she asked if she could sign up. Here are photos of her first day of school.





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Hello, everyone. I miss all of you terribly! But the internet still won't connect at home. Don't know when John will get someone in to fix it. So no pictures from me either. :angry


16 days of concentrated saltines did me in, so none to report for the last 2 weeks. I've been working on other projects instead of making squares, although I have been putting saltines together for the Painted Desert ghan. I just have 2 1/2 blocks worth of squares left to crochet for it. And a LOT of sewing together! :lol :lol


Things accomplished: I finished up the fringe on the baby afghan I made for my friend's little boy. I started on a very lacy shawl pattern for Kim for Christmas. It's about 1/3 done. I finished a "ROYS" filet crochet piece for my mom for Christmas and just have about a dozen rows to go to finish the second "CAYLOR" filet crochet piece. This one is for John's parents for Christmas. I've also read two or three books and listened to another 1 1/2 books while crocheting. Finally finished unpacking from the trip. Kim had good checkups with her regular doctor and her dentist, too.


Mary, congratulations on being at the head of the race to 2,000 saltines. :hug


I'll check in again when I can. Love you all. :manyheart


Hi, Tracy and Mary. John was at the hunting lodge last weekend with Mark and Sean, getting ready for deer hunting season which starts next weekend. They mowed fields, weed-whacked around buildings and feeders, put out feed, fixed the tractor and one of the golf carts, aired out the cabin, etc., etc.,etc. They were all sore and tired, but had a good time. Kim and I stayed home in the air conditioning and had a girls weekend.


Oh Linda!! We've missed you so very much!! The place just isn't the same without you :cry I wish, I wish, I wish I knew how to fix your internet problem :sigh But we're so happy for the library so at least you can check in once in a while :yes We love you so much and miss you terribly :manyheart :2hug



Linda, I think you and Kim had the best weekend. :devil


:hi Judy


Mary, I haven't done much of anything today yet. :2blush Only went shopping for Kyla's PE kit for school, tidied the lounge up a bit, got yarn and needles ready to :knit second sleeve of baby cardigan and........ fell asleep. Kyla is loving school still. Their class is doing a production of "Nightmare before Christmas" and she asked if she could sign up. Here are photos of her first day of school.






Oh she's so cute! :manyheart Why do they make her dress like a boy? :think Or am I the only one that thinks that? :blush


Okay, got an appointment set up for the a/c guy to come give us an estimate on Monday :yay Guess that means I'll be doing my housecleaning tomorrow instead of Monday :lol


Talked BD into a stop at HL and JoAnns. Had to use those 40% coupons before they expired :lol Got another skein of the ILTY cranberry for my IC and another black Pounder for my rug. I'm learning how to live within that allowance. Just means one thing at a time, waiting for sales and coupons :lol

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I don't know who to blame, so I will blame all of you :lol

I am addicted to saltines.

I should be working on my WIP's, but instead I spent quite a bit of time designing new preemie quilts and blocks :eek

I have 4 designed and asked Hilly to pick her favorite. She picked the one that is my favorite as well, so guess what.....I am sitting her making saltines for it :lol


Thank you ladies


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:yay Mel has been sucked into this hole as well. :devil


Cara, the girls have a choice of skirt or pants :). I got Kyla pants because it is winter (and I couldn't find a skirt that fit properly, either too long or too short), she will wear a skirt when summer comes though, even if I have to make it myself. Then I have to get her black socks, they not allowed to wear their white socks with skirts. :think And the blazers have to be worn at all times. :eek

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Yep, I got sucked in. I couldn't resist you ladies any longer.

Just think, all these years I have been so scared to make anything with squares, and instead of starting with big squares, my first sewing crochet project was saltines :lol

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I don't know who to blame, so I will blame all of you :lol

I am addicted to saltines.

I should be working on my WIP's, but instead I spent quite a bit of time designing new preemie quilts and blocks :eek

I have 4 designed and asked Hilly to pick her favorite. She picked the one that is my favorite as well, so guess what.....I am sitting her making saltines for it :lol


Thank you ladies



I think we'll gladly take that blame :D I know I will :manyheart It's things like this that make my life so happy :manyheart



:yay Mel has been sucked into this hole as well. :devil


Cara, the girls have a choice of skirt or pants :). I got Kyla pants because it is winter (and I couldn't find a skirt that fit properly, either too long or too short), she will wear a skirt when summer comes though, even if I have to make it myself. Then I have to get her black socks, they not allowed to wear their white socks with skirts. :think And the blazers have to be worn at all times. :eek


Even that tie though? Yes, I'd think trousers would be much better for winter. Can't have her freezing :)


Yep, I got sucked in. I couldn't resist you ladies any longer.

Just think, all these years I have been so scared to make anything with squares, and instead of starting with big squares, my first sewing crochet project was saltines :lol


Sometimes that first step is the hardest :) I'd love to see the designs you came up with :yes My greatest joy is when folks come up with their own patterns :c9

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Has anyone mentioned Aussie's way of joining the squares? She - and many of us - leave a long tail for joining. It eliminates having more tails to hide.


It sounds like you have a great start!



So far I have put together the three individual rows by leaving long tails on each of the saltines for piecing. Now I want to put the three rows together and am wondering if you guys use the same color of yarn and even longer tails across? Or do you change up the piecing colors according to the colors of the squares and use shorter tails across? :think

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I don't know who to blame, so I will blame all of you :lol

I am addicted to saltines.

I should be working on my WIP's, but instead I spent quite a bit of time designing new preemie quilts and blocks :eek

I have 4 designed and asked Hilly to pick her favorite. She picked the one that is my favorite as well, so guess what.....I am sitting her making saltines for it :lol


Thank you ladies




If you'd like to design one that has an elephant in it, I would LOVE it!!! ;) I would like to make it for our youngest granddaughter, Ella, who is fascinated with elephants like her sister, Violet, is fascinated with penguins! :yes

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Yeah Wendy where's the new quilt?


Ya'll some crocheting machines!!!!!!! :D


BTW, I am a round ripple addict.... sure do like that 6-24 you got on your photobucket.. where you got the pattern from? :D




Well its getting there sorry, I wanted to finish the first block first and I still have to do 6 more squares for it.


The 6 to 24 ripple thats in my album I made up just by going by what someone said to do to make another point in the valleys of the ripples. All you do is start crocheting half way down one valley and up halfway to the other side and then keep going back and forth decreasing as you go until you have one stitch left and it is level with the other points. Boy I hope that makes sense.


Hello everyone!!! I'm back! We finally got into the house we will be staying in until around November 1st and then we get to move again! :( Anyways the move went as smooth as can be expected. We will be living out of boxes until we move again so I don't have to pack much up again! But I did leave out some WIPs to work on until we really get settled! Told myself I won't start a new project until these are finished (we'll see how that goes! :blush) I need to start bringing a project with me again to work because I have a longer lunch and a long drive so I would have time to work on it as DH drives home! Right now I'm finishing up some last minute projects for my swap partner over in the favorite color swap, then its on to finish a few purses I started and work on my quilt ghan. Oh, and BTW I'm an AUNT again! My sister delivered a healthy baby boy yesterday! So for those of you that were following the games, that means I can finish the ghan since I finally know the baby's name! And if I would have guessed at the initials I would have been right! :angry Oh well! Just glad he is healthy!


Glad to see so many new people joining us in the HYH!!! Everyone's projects looks great! Can't wait to work on my saltines again!


Hope everyone has a good weekend! :hug I'll stop in from time to time this weekend in between unpacking!


Pickles its great to see you, Im glad the move went well. Congratulations on becoming an Aunty. :hug


Hello, everyone. I miss all of you terribly! But the internet still won't connect at home. Don't know when John will get someone in to fix it. So no pictures from me either. :angry


16 days of concentrated saltines did me in, so none to report for the last 2 weeks. I've been working on other projects instead of making squares, although I have been putting saltines together for the Painted Desert ghan. I just have 2 1/2 blocks worth of squares left to crochet for it. And a LOT of sewing together! :lol :lol


Things accomplished: I finished up the fringe on the baby afghan I made for my friend's little boy. I started on a very lacy shawl pattern for Kim for Christmas. It's about 1/3 done. I finished a "ROYS" filet crochet piece for my mom for Christmas and just have about a dozen rows to go to finish the second "CAYLOR" filet crochet piece. This one is for John's parents for Christmas. I've also read two or three books and listened to another 1 1/2 books while crocheting. Finally finished unpacking from the trip. Kim had good checkups with her regular doctor and her dentist, too.


Mary, congratulations on being at the head of the race to 2,000 saltines. :hug


I'll check in again when I can. Love you all. :manyheart


Linda its great to see you too. Im sorry your internet isnt working its a pain isnt it. You sound like you have got heaps done and read lots of books.:yay


Kyla is loving school still. Their class is doing a production of "Nightmare before Christmas" and she asked if she could sign up. Here are photos of her first day of school.






Tracy, Kyla looks real smart in her uniform.


I don't know who to blame, so I will blame all of you :lol

I am addicted to saltines.

I should be working on my WIP's, but instead I spent quite a bit of time designing new preemie quilts and blocks :eek

I have 4 designed and asked Hilly to pick her favorite. She picked the one that is my favorite as well, so guess what.....I am sitting her making saltines for it :lol


Thank you ladies



You know you love it and you know that there is no cure to the saltine addiction. :lol Cant wait to see your designs.


So far I have put together the three individual rows by leaving long tails on each of the saltines for piecing. Now I want to put the three rows together and am wondering if you guys use the same color of yarn and even longer tails across? Or do you change up the piecing colors according to the colors of the squares and use shorter tails across? :think


I leave long tails on each square to sew them together but when I sew the rows together I just grab a long thread matching one of the squares colors and just sew.


If you'd like to design one that has an elephant in it, I would LOVE it!!! ;) I would like to make it for our youngest granddaughter, Ella, who is fascinated with elephants like her sister, Violet, is fascinated with penguins! :yes


When I made my Koala ghan all I did was find a coloring in page of a Koala traced it onto graph paper then tweaked it to match saltine squares. You know make straight lines etc. You could do the same thing for a Elephant. I do want to make a Kangaroo in the near future to go with my Koala.

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Cara, even the ties are compulsory. :yes And they don't have the same ones, either. Each "house" has a different colour, there are 4 houses. Kyla is in Moore, which is red.



Wild :blink Things like this make me feel so old :lol



An elephant huh? :scrachin

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Here is the one I am making now.

I may change one of the colors though. I was trying to get my stash a little better organized (yarn out of bags and on the bookshelf, closet shelf, etc) when I came across a skein that might go better. We shall see :D




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