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Our House [Archive 3]


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Oh it's working like a champ with a rabid bulldog standing security. This thing doesn't so much as sneeze without my permission. :lol That'll become annoying soon, I know, but it's better than the other way :yes


Mary - Why fight it? You know you can't stay away from saltines anymore than I can :lol


The DS is two rows short of halfway done :dance:yay This one really holds a lot of promise :yes

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Oh Tracy, we'd love to see the pinafore! Do you make a lot of commissioned (sp?) items?


Cara, you know we can't wait to see your DS. The pattern is gorgeous, so I can only imagine how pretty the "real" thing is looking.


Time for a shower. DH and I are going to lunch - twice in one week may be a record. :lol

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Hello ladies. :manyheart


Sorry I was MIA for awhile but I was feeling icky & needed some rest. My sinus cold thingy went into my chest & it has not been a picnic. :( I did get 4 rows of my first block done in the beginning of the week. :yay The last two days i've kinda just slept away. I feel much better today. A little bit of a scratchy throat cough but much better. :yes I hope you are all doing well. :ghug


Cara, I did sneak a peek at your last ghan & it was gorgeous. Beautiful job! :clap Congrats on finishing, you sure are speedy. :cheer What are you working on now? :yarn

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Morning everyone, its my day off and Im so excited and I just cant hide I think Im gonna crochet lots and I kinda like it.... :lol:lol


Cara hope your computer is all fixed now, boy you had major problems with it didnt you. Its a good thing BD can fix it for you, he is such a sweety. Cant wait to see your progress on the DS.


Tabby its great to see ya. Sorry you havent been well hope you get better soon.:hug


Mary hope you had a great lunch.


Tracy that sounds great that your crocheting things for a designer. Can you show us what your making.


My sp project is coming along beautifully. I wish I could tell you what it is but I have to wait.

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Evening ladies :flower


Tabby - Hiya hon!! :hi:hug Sure have missed you. Glad you're feeling better now :hug I'm working on the Desert Star one now. About halfway done with it. Gotta take a break next week though and whip up a baby blanket for yet another cousin that's having a baby. Tomorrow in fact :D


Tracy - Oh how cool to work for a designer. I know how important stitchers are :D


Wendy - Why yes, yes it was a mess :irk So glad it's fixed now. That was making me nuts :lol


Well had a nice day out but we're having trouble finding things to shop for. I just bought almost $150 worth of yarn over the last two weeks trying to pick colors. I have furniture. I have clothes. So I just got a haircut instead. And boy howdy did I need it.

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Hi Tabby~So sorry that you've been sick and hope you're on the mend. :hug You know we want to see your block so far! :yes


Wendy, it will be fun to see your SP things when you're able to show us.


I actually made squares this afternoon after a few days of not crocheting. :hook It felt really good to get back with it.

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Cara Im glad you had a great day and sometimes its nice to window shop and not actually buy anything.


Mary I cant wait to show my project either. Its quite annoying as Im not good at keeping things secret.


I went to Lincraft today and they had these cute hardcover crochet books with different catergories. One was on shawls, another bags, another felting etc. Quite nice books but they cost $20 and I just didnt know whether to spend that much on them. They did look tempting though.

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Hi, all. I didn't realize I hadn't said good morning and now it's time to say good night. I got chilled to the bone on Sunday and just haven't felt very good since then. Can't get warm, let alone stay warm. John and Kim are going to a reunion this weekend, so I've got 3 1/2 days to myself. I'm planning on resting and taking it real easy and see if I can't kick this crud.


Mary, I've got two projects going at the moment. More preemie blankets. I really like how the pink, blue, and white one turned out. And a cuddle ghan for the local humane society to raffle off for their fund raiser next fall. Thus lots of squares. The puppy pattern is really pretty simple with just occasional bi-color squares and the preemie blankets are just solids so they go fast. I did another blue, pink and white one earlier this week and just completed the squares for one in 3 shades of purple.


Krystal - 36 solids today.

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I worked on saltines today... and got all the ones done for a quilt block.

**yippie.... woohoo... yay me!**

Okay... and I couldnt stand it... I had to take a picture of it. I know .. its not put together and its just one block worth... but I'm feelin' a little proud of myself right now... so I'm gonna show off.... heheheeeee


My finished quilt will have 5 of these spools all with different color middles with blocks of solid cream between.


~Oh... Krystal... this will bring my totals to 56 solids and 8 bicolor.~

Alrighty... I need a fresh cup of coffee... and then back to work.


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Tam~Wow! You ought to be proud...your squares are perfect and I love the pattern. :cheer


Linda, take care and enjoy your long weekend. Your WIPs all sound wonderful...especially the Puppy quilt. :yes


Wendy, I've never seen those crochet books but they sound great. Are they $20.00 each? :eek


I finished the second (of 4) 8x8 section of the Flower Quilt and started making squares for the Baby Gingham. :hook

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Tam - That looks great! That's gonna be a very nice quilt indeed :yes


Linda - Hope you're feeling better soon :hug


Just had the freakiest power outage ever. Only half our power went out. BD thought it was a breaker gone bad so he was out at the breaker box (hate that it's outside :P) and heard the guy behind us tell his wife "it's probably a bad breaker". BD hollered over at him and found out the same thing was happening at their place. BD was an electrician in a former life so he knew the problem was "one of the phases is out" :think Called the power company and it's all fixed but it was truly bizarre.


So, that was my excitement for the evening. Only got 4 squares made cuz of course the lights that went out were my lights :lol :lol Think I'm about ready for bed now :yes

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Good morning, everyone. Snuggled up with the heating pad last night and finally got warm. Had a good night's sleep. That helps already.


Tam, your square looks marvelous! Great job! You have every reason to be proud of it. :yay:clap:yay


That sounds like a really weird power outage, Cara. Glad BD knew what it was and could give the power company specifics on what needed to be fixed. I'm sure that made the repairs a lot faster. Glad your computer is all fixed up now, too.


The puppy ghan is made up of 12 5 x 5 blocks of squares. I just need 15 more squares and I'll have enough for the 3 blocks on the left side done. I'll take a picture when I get that put together, although it won't look like much at that point. It will be mostly just one ear and some background. :lol :lol :lol

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Good Morning Ladies.


Just as I get on yesterday I lost my ineternet connection & it's been on the fritz since. GRRRR! So I have no idea how long i'll it so this will be short & sweet.


Linda~I hope you feel better soon. :manyheart



Cara~Can't wait to see your current ghan & you sure are speedy. :crocheting Good luck on your baby blankie. :cheer


Wendy~HiYa pal. How ya been? How's your ghan coming along?


Krystal~Howdy. Are you you staying in trouble? :devil Keeping all these women on there toes for me while i'm sick? :sick I sure hope so. :heehee


Mary~Hi there. How are you? I will get a pic. as soon as I finish the block. :lol:P


Tam~Beautiful job! :clap That pattern is great & your work is so neat.


Have a great day! :ghug

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Good morning ladies :flower


Linda - Glad you got warmed up. Nothing like that permanent chill :P


Tabby - Howdy hon!! Hope that internet connection straightens itself out. We sure miss you here :manyheart


Looking like an overcast kinda day here today. Looks like a perfect day to :crocheting

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Good Morning, all. :) I've already had Maggie to the vet for her blood work and dropped her off at the groomers. She loves going to the groomers...the girl's name is Maggie, too. :lol


Cara, I'm glad the power problem is fixed. Things like that always happen to me when DH is out of town. :(


Hi Miss Tabby~I was so excited to see your post...you sound like you're feeling better. :manyheart


Linda, is it you, Trouble and Sarge for the weekend? ENJOY! (Oh, and of course your crochet hook :hook)

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