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Our House [Archive 3]


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Oh Cara ~ For once, I'm speechless. Not really ;)...it's beautiful, a little whimsical, the colors are perfect, and to quote you - "drop dead gorgeous!" :hook


Aww shucks :2blush Thanks hon :hug

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I was so excited about Cara's picture that I forgot to say "Good Morning." :lol Today is DH's birthday and we're going to lunch. DD and her hubby are having a small party for him tomorrow night at their house.


It's pretty obvious that I'm allergic to something. :think My eyes got all puffy and itchy last night-I took an Allegra and another this a.m. and feel okay now. Hopefully that's all of that for a while.


Happy crocheting, everyone. :hook

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I was so excited about Cara's picture that I forgot to say "Good Morning." :lol Today is DH's birthday and we're going to lunch. DD and her hubby are having a small party for him tomorrow night at their house.


It's pretty obvious that I'm allergic to something. :think My eyes got all puffy and itchy last night-I took an Allegra and another this a.m. and feel okay now. Hopefully that's all of that for a while.


Happy crocheting, everyone. :hook


Happy Birthday to DH!!


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You all are so encouraging!!!

MARY............WOW!!!!!!! those are turning out really neat!


Okay........ so I have a few more questions. I hope you dont mind.

1) Saltine Smackdown? um....?

2) I'm back at asking about designing.... and what is considered... my own.

For instance..... if any of us are creating our own "designed" quilt afghan. Since Cara is the one that is really the original designer of the creations... what does that mean to our design of a quilt afghan? Okay... just re-read that... I think I hurt my brain. I may not have made much sense.

I certainly dont want to take away from the fact that Cara is the creator of the quilts... but of course want to take credit for my design of one. I mean if not for Cara... I wouldnt have had the thought. Okay... I am sure I sprained something that time. *whew*

3) Now... having asked that............... where does the design of an old quilt design stand? I have a really old quilt pattern. I took that pattern and redid it in Cara's saltine squares for an afghan. So now I have a design from a quilt pattern... and the creation from Cara. Do I get a pat on the back in there anywhere for this afghan?

I hope you all read this with the understanding that I am in no way trying to steel someones work. I am desperately trying to find out where I fit in with designing my own work. I really want to be able to put my name on something. I guess thats kinda become important to me. I know the Lord tells us to be content with what we have. And I really should be content with the fact that He blessed me with a talent to create these things ... even from someone elses pattern. But lately ... I dont know. I want to be able to hold up a creation and say... "I" did this. Maybe get a pattern in a book... on on a web site. I know... shame on me for being this way.

Anyway..................... thank you for letting me spill some of my feelings in the midst of a few questions.

Have a WoNdErFuL evening.


I'll add my 2 cents worth.

1) The Saltine Smackdown is a competition (?) we came up with to see who could make 2,000 squares first. Or is it now 2.000 points. Anyway, we report to Krystal how many squares we have done either by the day or by the week and she keeps track of everyone's total points. 1 point for a solid square, 2 points for a two color square, 3 points for a 3 color square, and 4 points for a 4 color square. Feel free to join in. It's all in fun and games. The winner gets a small prize from each of us. Nothing big and fancy, just a token.

2) Several of us have designed our own patterns. I couldn't find a pattern for a train, so I dreamed one up of an old fashioned engine with a cowcatcher on the from and a coal car behind. My grandson is nuts about trains and I wanted to make him something special for Christmas. That one is patentable, since I didn't use anyone else's ideas. Then I found a quilt pattern in a book of quilt patterns and fell in love with it. It was someone else's pattern that I adapted to work in a new medium. I haven't figured out all the ins and outs of whether I can get a patent on it or not. But won't take any chances on infringing on the original owner's design until I understand everything better. I am almost done making it for my own pleasure. Then a lot of us have taken patterns from cross-stitch books and done them in crochet. These are definitely NOT patentable. All we did there is use someone else's pattern, with nothing new added, except how it was done. How's that? Clear as mud? :think

3) Cara's style of putting patterns together using saltines has inspired a number of us to take off and do patterns other than hers. I know I give her credit for giving me the idea and means to do this. I would never, ever have thought of how to do this without her creations to guide me. She has answered innumerable questions for me. My hat's off to her. :nworthy She's still the design queen in my opinion.:nworthy :nworthy

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Hmmm, can't seem to get a decent photo today. But here's the best of the lot :D Colors are RHSS white, light sage, lavender and Caron One Pounder in rose.



OH MY!!!! WOW!!! It's DROP DEAD GORGEOUS!!! BEAUTIFUL!!! FANTASTIC!!! :nworthy :nworthy You are still the QUEEN of this method, Cara! :nworthy :nworthy

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Cara, that is just gorgeous. I just love the colors.


I've got 6 of 9 blocks done on the Kitty's. I'm getting there. Got to start looking online for catseye buttons for the eyes. I'm thinking of using one of the little spool knitters to make tails for them.


Not sure how much I will get done today. DH has a to do list for us. Have a great day all.

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Afternoon all :D


Misa and I cuddled up and had a nice nap but now it's time to get back on the saltine trail :hook Misa's still asleep though :lol:cat


Thanks so much everyone for all your comments on the R&B. I really like that one. It's a "just because" one but I may end up giving it to my cousin Dorsey. She had a baby shower at the beginning of the month but sister and I realized yesterday at lunch that we flat out forgot about the shower :blush We are in kiss up mode with her right now. She might get a crib out of this :lol :lol


Linda - You are such a sweetheart :manyheart If I had any tiny little part of releasing that wonderful creative mind of yours then I can consider it a life well lived :manyheart

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Morning everyone,


Well I am still putting the dolphin together, I know its taking me ages but Im now going from a picture traced onto graph paper and trying to work out where the colors go. The cross stitch pattern is now out the door in favor of me just putting things whereever I want them to go. The boat and the birdies are still there though. Now Im trying to add a fish as well. :lol oh boy this so better be worth the trouble its taking to put together.



Cara I just have to say that your ghan is just amazing, its absolutely gorgeous. Linda is right in saying that you are the Queen of the Saltines.:clap:clap:hug


Sandi welcome to the group.


Leslie your getting there, cant wait to see your progress.


Mary say happy birthday to your hubby from me, hope you had a nice lunch.

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Hi Ladies. DH says thank you for the birthday wishes!


Leslie~How have I missed your Kitty Quilt? We'd love to see it. :yes


Welcome, Sandi! That is another wonderful pattern. :crocheting We're glad you're here. :)


Wendy, it sounds like you'll be much happier with your picture ghan. Can't wait to see it!

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Wendy, I'm sure that your current project will be just stunning when it's finished. You're putting a lot of yourself into this one.


The last strip is attached to the LotL. Now on to the border. I'll post a picture when it's done.

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Wendy, I'm sure that your current project will be just stunning when it's finished. You're putting a lot of yourself into this one.


The last strip is attached to the LotL. Now on to the border. I'll post a picture when it's done.



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Cara I love the ghan. It's just beautiful...


I have a question...


With the bi-color squares, the instructions say to drop the main color but do not cut. The second time it says pick up main color. ( I don't think anybody is going to be able to explain this to me but just MAYBE!!!) I'm ending up with a bunch of tails to weave in. It's turning out fine but I'm wondering if I'm doing something wrong. Do I cut when I pick up the main color again?


Thanks! BTW- I can't keep up with y'all on the board. I come home and there are 3 pages of posts. It's great!!!

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Cara I love the ghan. It's just beautiful...


I have a question...


With the bi-color squares, the instructions say to drop the main color but do not cut. The second time it says pick up main color. ( I don't think anybody is going to be able to explain this to me but just MAYBE!!!) I'm ending up with a bunch of tails to weave in. It's turning out fine but I'm wondering if I'm doing something wrong. Do I cut when I pick up the main color again?


Thanks! BTW- I can't keep up with y'all on the board. I come home and there are 3 pages of posts. It's great!!!


Yeah, we get a little chatty sometimes :D And no, you don't cut the yarn until you're all done with the bicolor squares. Just leave it hanging there until you need it again then pick it back up. That should leave you with two tails to weave. Just work over the little tail where you join the second color. I'm actually lousy at explaining things but I hope that helped :)

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I've been working on it tonight and I think I've got it (the bi-color). Thanks for the advice!!! 2 bi colors to go then I can put the first block together. I'm trying to do the pattern clay. I'm not clever enough to create my own pattern. I'll just use someone elses creativity :)

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Ok finally here is a photo of my picture quilt. As you can see I have chopped some off of it and am not going by the cross stitch pattern anymore but just adding sea creatures as I go. The fish I added certainly has brightened it up, hope it looks ok. I might add sand on the bottom with some seaweed or something like that. I also have to add finishing touches to the boat but I can do that at the end. Have to put it aside now to do sp stuff.

Photos are clickable.


th_P1030254.jpg close up shot of the dolphin, he is not finished yet still have to add his tail.


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