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Our House [Archive 3]


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I'm trying to post pictures of my latest preemie afghans. I shrank them to the right size on photobucket but the last time I tried importing them they were big, so they apparently have changed something again. I'll try here and see what happens. Success! Squares (17 inches square), a super-sized Becky's Block (21 inches square), and a design I made up as I went (22 inches square).




All three are wonderful! I love how you arranged the squares. :crocheting

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Well I got a total of zilch done last night. I got a new mobile phone last night so I have been mucking around with it. Would you believe it has internet on it and DH just about fainted when he saw the crochetville site on my phone.


:lol Men just don't get what's really important!

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Linda, those blankets are so pretty!!


Wendy, my phone also has internet capability:devil I just have to get my typing fingers to go faster!

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Linda - Gorgeous baby blankets! :clap


Indigo - Don't be shy. :hug Even I've learned a thing or two since this group started :yes This is the greatest bunch of ladies there is :manyheart


Tam - Welcome! :hug Sure try your own design. I am always totally thrilled to see what other folks come up with :yes There are some super talented folks around here!


No nap for me. Fell asleep. Had a coughing fit. Back to sleep. Misa demanded to be pet. Back to sleep. My fan next to my bed die a loud death. Back to sleep. Tuon wanted Mommy to play. Shoo her off. Back to sleep. Okay, Mommy won't play then I'll fight with Misa....on the bed. I just got up and did laundry and made another R&B block :hook Only one more to go :yay

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No nap for me. Fell asleep. Had a coughing fit. Back to sleep. Misa demanded to be pet. Back to sleep. My fan next to my bed die a loud death. Back to sleep. Tuon wanted Mommy to play. Shoo her off. Back to sleep. Okay, Mommy won't play then I'll fight with Misa....on the bed. I just got up and did laundry and made another R&B block :hook Only one more to go :yay

Oh, poor, Cara. Hope the evening goes better.

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OK- I've searched and seen some talk about it... But, what about joining methods? Last time I whipstiched my afghan together it just did not feel sturdy... Am I doing something wrong? Any suggestions? What do you do?



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You are all so darn encouraging! Thank you!!!

I'm so excited. I have two quilts designed... one my own.. and one from an old "quilt" pattern.

I started on the 'saltines'.... now dont laugh... I only have 5 done.... :U

This is going to be fun... I'm thinking Christmas gifts..... :crocheting

Thanks again all...............:manyheart


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You are all so darn encouraging! Thank you!!!

I'm so excited. I have two quilts designed... one my own.. and one from an old "quilt" pattern.

I started on the 'saltines'.... now dont laugh... I only have 5 done.... :U

This is going to be fun... I'm thinking Christmas gifts..... :crocheting


Thanks again all...............:manyheart



All right! You're on your way! You'll get faster at making them after you've cone some more. Cara's even done some in her sleep. :lol :lol :lol

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I am first seriously impressed with the quilts on Happy Yellow House. I'm also impressed with the work from all you here... WOW!:eek

What an amazing design idea for crocheting... and what awesome work!!!

:thinkI have a couple questions....

1) is it too late to join in on the fun?

2) would it be alright to design my own quilt?


thanks all............ have a great day




Welcome to the group, you will love the patterns and making the saltines.


Well, I would be glad to join in the fun! I'm currently starting one of the ghans but am very nervous about it. I'll be excited when I get one "block" done so I'll have a better idea about how it's all going to work up. The little squares do work up quick and I need portable projects so this is perfect. Anyway, it's nice to meet y'all!:)


OK- I've searched and seen some talk about it... But, what about joining methods? Last time I whipstiched my afghan together it just did not feel sturdy... Am I doing something wrong? Any suggestions? What do you do?




Firstly welcome to the group, the patterns are wonderful and you will certainly get an addiction to making saltines. Secondly as for whipstitching what I do is leave about a 20cm long thread at the end of the saltine to use to whipstitch the squares together and when I do whipstitch them I go through each stitch twice.

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Good Morning, ladies. :) Maggie woke me up at 5 something, so I just stayed up. :(


Indigo, I think we all join squares a little differently. I put right sides together and whipstitch in the back loops only. Like Wendy, I leave a long tail to join to other squares.


Also, if anyone is wondering about the posts to Krystal with "squares made" totals...It's a contest to see who makes 2000 squares first! All in fun and entirely up to you if you want to participate. :hook

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Good glorious morning ladies :flower


Even though it's icky and rainy and nasty and humid it's a beautiful day! :manyheart I woke up to one of the best fan letters ever. What a way to start a day :D


Indigo - Yep, I whipstitch the saltines with right sides together (round 2 is the right side btw) through BLO. It's a lot stronger than you think it is. I think Linda goes back through the front loops on a second pass to make it stronger. All comes down to what you're comfortable with. There's really no right or wrong way :D


And yes, yes I have done some in my sleep :blush I've been a good girl though. Like last night when I kept nodding off I, reluctantly, put it aside and went to bed :D BD didn't have to take the hook from my hand and send me to bed this time :lol

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OK- I've searched and seen some talk about it... But, what about joining methods? Last time I whipstiched my afghan together it just did not feel sturdy... Am I doing something wrong? Any suggestions? What do you do?



Cara, is right about my joining. I go through the front loops only, then turn it over and go throught back loops coming back. On some of my afghans I've picked a single color to do all the joining and on some of my afghans I match the colors of the squares I'm joining. When matching two different color squares I usually pick the lighter color to join them, but that isn't cut in stone by any means. The ones I've made are in constant use so I want to make sure that they are together good and strong.

Im still doing my dolphin or whale and you should see this one square it has about 10 strands hanging from it. Its from starting and stopping 2 colors.


Well Im going to bed now.


Night all.


I know what you mean about lots of tails hanging down from squares that have three or more colors. The weaving in of the tails takes longer than crocheting them. :lol :lol :lol


John gets home tonight after 4 days in Colorado. Yippee!!! :yay He's going to be gone for two days next week, too. Then he won't have to travel for a month or two.

It's grey and gloomy here today, but not quite as chilly as the last few days. Still pretty windy. The 5th block is halfway put together.

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Cara, have a great day out with your sister. :) We've just had a few sprinkles, but it has turned really cold again.


I must be having hormone issues or something. :lol I have the a/c on and I'm still hot :sweat Been a couple years since I had hot flashes. Maybe they're coming back :lol :lol :lol

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Thank you all so much for your advice. I'm close to having enough for my first "square". Maybe tonight I can finish up the saltines for that and start joining. I really want to see what one looks like joined together. I'm trying really hard to do a good job because I want to enter it in our local fair (it's very old timey and in September so I have some time). I've won a blue ribbon a couple of times but never a best in show. I think these patterns are something a little different that might get some attention. :)

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I'm doing it... I have 25 saltines done so far............ shhhh... no teasing... I just started... hehehe

I'm working one square right now... so I can really see how the pattern will work.

I'm anxious to see how this is going to turn out..... and anxious to show off to you all. (if it turns out nice :U )

okay... need a :mug refill and back to :crocheting

thanks again for the welcome to this project and the encouragement!


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Way to Go, Tam!!! Sounds like you are doing just great.:clap:cheer:clap

You too, Indigo!!! Great job!:yay:clap:yay

We're getting rain! Whee!!! It makes my joints ache, but we are so in need of it that I don't care.

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Indigo~Planning on the local fair sounds like a super goal. Great progress! :crocheting


Tam, good for you on such a great start. :hook We love pictures!


Linda, Yay for rain in Georgia. I know you need all you can get. :yes

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Morning everyone, its friday and my day off. yippee.:yay


Hopefully Im going to do more on my picture quilt so I can show you a picture of my picture quilt.


Tam way to go, great start, you should join our saltine smackdown.


Indigo great start for you too and thats a great idea to enter your ghan into the fair and being in September you will have plenty of time.


Linda Im glad your getting some rain. I know you all need it there.


Cara hows it going.


Mary how are your saltine projects going.

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Morning Wendy :hug Hooray for Friday! :yay It's goin greal good here. Short day out though. Just the post office and lunch because sister was exhausted after 4 hours traveling between here and Dallas round trip to pick up an SUV they bought. It was starting to rain anyway and I don't do rain :lol Too much chance of falling and breaking something :D I'd rather stay inside anyway and work on my ghan :hook

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Hi Wendy and Cara. Okay, I need to know which one of the Happy House ladies gave me their cold. :devil It has to be one of you, because I'm around you more than other people. :lol Hopefully, it's just allergies...time will tell. I have accomplished almost nothing today. Think I'll take some pictures and make it Photo Thursday. :think

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Hi Wendy and Cara. Okay, I need to know which one of the Happy House ladies gave me their cold. :devil It has to be one of you, because I'm around you more than other people. :lol Hopefully, it's just allergies...time will tell. I have accomplished almost nothing today. Think I'll take some pictures and make it Photo Thursday. :think


NOT ME! I am (almost) all better. :devil I took my tablets and drank my medicine. Blame Denise, she is still sick and I am sure I caught it from her and she didn't take her tablets in time. She visits people and leaves them gifts of germs. :yes:devil:yes (ssshhh, don't tell her I told you).

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