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Our House [Archive 3]


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Mary your grandcat looks cute and he does look like he is thinking about something.

Linda have fun tatting today, I could never master that craft. Probably because Im a lefty and I only had righty's trying to teach me.

Mary, what beautiful green eyes Lucky has. When mine looks like that, he's about to get into real mischief.

Well, I got a medallion done, but I cheated and didn't do it right. Couldn't figure out how to go back to making a loop after making a chain. I did get the reverse work figured out eventually, but the first couple look kind of weird if you look close.

This is about all I have to show for the week.


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Awwww, a black cat named Lucky! I love the black cats as much as I love the orange cats. (My little heart patient Kitsu is a black cat.)


Hi Renee! It's good to see you here again. How is Kitsu? :manyheart DD's cat was a scrawny street kitten at their last house. They fed him and left a warm blanket on their porch swing. When they moved, they took him to the vet and had him neutered, shots, etc. so they could take him with them. My DH said he was "one lucky cat" and the name stuck. He is indoors only now and the sweetest cat ever.

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Hi Renee! It's good to see you here again. How is Kitsu? :manyheart DD's cat was a scrawny street kitten at their last house. They fed him and left a warm blanket on their porch swing. When they moved, they took him to the vet and had him neutered, shots, etc. so they could take him with them. My DH said he was "one lucky cat" and the name stuck. He is indoors only now and the sweetest cat ever.


Well, Kitsu was supposed to see his cardiologist, but she fell and broke her shoulder! They were cancelling her appts but didn't call me because of a mix up with Kitsu's appt, so I took him in. One of the the techs did a quick ultrasound and printed out the pictures to send to Dr. Jones to look at. The bad thing is they found the development of connective tissue in his pleura - think of it sorta like scar tissue in the lining around his lungs from all the fluids that have been leaking in.


The reason this is bad is that eventually this will restrict his ability to inflate his lungs. He really is living on borrowed time at this point although he seems pretty comfy, he has a good attitude and a good appetite. So, all I can do is take it one day at a time with him, since this can literally change from one day to the next.

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Renee, you have the right outlook. Having gone through so much with ours in the 30 plus years we've had furbabies, I agree: take each good day as a gift and don't dwell on the days ahead. It won't serve any purpose..and Kitsu is happy, which is the most important thing.

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Oh, Renee, I feel for you and Kitsu. One day at a time is the way to go. :hug

Cara, I'm at it again. I'm changing your BB pattern a bit. :devil I'm making a bicolor block at the moment using black and red and alternating colors every two rows. It looks pretty cool so far. I came up with the idea when I couldn't face doing another all black block. I think it's going to be really cool. I started with the red so the last two rows will be black and I'll the single crocheting around the block in the black. Can you picture it? :devil

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Mary, what beautiful green eyes Lucky has. When mine looks like that, he's about to get into real mischief.

Well, I got a medallion done, but I cheated and didn't do it right. Couldn't figure out how to go back to making a loop after making a chain. I did get the reverse work figured out eventually, but the first couple look kind of weird if you look close.

This is about all I have to show for the week.



Linda, red and black always look wonderful together! As far as Tatting...I gave it a try years ago and love how it looks. If anyone can figure it out, it will be you. :manyheart

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Hey, Cara, how are you feeling tonight?:hug


Better since I cut off the heat but it's getting cold in here :( Gonna have to keep the heat off though. I smacked my foot against the bed and I think I might've broken my toe or foot. It's going numb now :( Finally, heard from one of the nurses at the doc's. Seems my doctor was out today even though she just came back from vacation on Wednesday! Now granted they didn't bother to call sometime earlier (I emailed them at 10) to let me know this. So I'm sunk til Monday. Hopefully I didn't break my foot/toe and maybe I'll be better by Monday. I'm just irritated right now.


Thanks for asking though now I'm sure you're sorry you did :wink

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Better since I cut off the heat but it's getting cold in here :( Gonna have to keep the heat off though. I smacked my foot against the bed and I think I might've broken my toe or foot. It's going numb now :( Finally, heard from one of the nurses at the doc's. Seems my doctor was out today even though she just came back from vacation on Wednesday! Now granted they didn't bother to call sometime earlier (I emailed them at 10) to let me know this. So I'm sunk til Monday. Hopefully I didn't break my foot/toe and maybe I'll be better by Monday. I'm just irritated right now.


Thanks for asking though now I'm sure you're sorry you did :wink

Cara, they can't to a whole lot for a broken toe. Sometimes they will tape it to the next one as a splint. Keep it elevated and put ice on it for the first couple of days. It will help keep any swelling down. If it swells a lot with the numbness you had best get it looked at. (Sorry. That's the nurse in me coming out.)

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Cara, they can't to a whole lot for a broken toe. Sometimes they will tape it to the next one as a splint. Keep it elevated and put ice on it for the first couple of days. It will help keep any swelling down. If it swells a lot with the numbness you had best get it looked at. (Sorry. That's the nurse in me coming out.)


Yeah I broke the little toe on the other foot about 20 years ago (coffee table got me that time :lol) and all they did was charge a fortune, leaving me sitting in the waiting room for several hours and then just buddy taped it anyway. They didn't even x-ray it :P I could've done that myself. :rolleyes

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OUCH, Cara!

I'm always smashing or catching my little toes to the point where, now, they're never quite right. It hurts so much! I never watch where I;m walking...

...and, no...I'm not sorry I asked:hug:manyheart

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Cara hows your toe going.


Im on the second block of Beckys Block quilt. Its an easy pattern and portable.

How's the toe/foot this morning, Cara?:hug

I agree with you, Wendy. It's really easy and very portable. I just have two rows to go on the red & black striped block and the outside edge. Then I'll have 3 done. This 3rd one seems to be going together a lot faster than the first two. Must be getting the hang of the stitch.

Have to run a few errands this morning, then John is going hunting this afternoon. I might take Kim to the movies while he's gone. Will have to see what is on. Have a good day, everyone.

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Good morning ladies :flower


Finally got some sleep. It's amazing how upping the pain pills I normally take by just a hair to take away the toe pain can improve ones sleep :D The cold seems a touch better and I can move my foot without my eyes watering now...long as I don't move it just that "wrong" way. It's puffed up twice it's normal size and bright purple but I think I'll live :D


Nephew's taxi service will be available come Monday so I'll have him schlep me out to the doctor. Between the cold or whatever it is and the toe and I need new handicap plate paperwork filed I think I have enough for an actual office visit. I just like to save up all my problems so I get my co-pay's worth :devil

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Cara- you sound like me, put it off as long as possible so you can get more things repaired at once .


I made the stupid move of scheduling BOTH my Dr visits on Monday. NOT SMART .


I already had my specialist scheduled 3 months ago for Monday morning 9 AM, then called to go back to my other Dr for my bad stomach and they only had one opening all week -- guess when ? MONDAY evening .




Dang, I'll be a basket case for sure .


I was doing so good, but have had just enough time OFF from doctors that I got "out of the groove " .


Now I don't want back in it, but have to jump in with both feet in one day .


What was I thinking ????





I wasn't .

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I hear ya Julie, I hear ya :yes I usually have to have all my appointments in one day too. I rarely a happy camper by the end of the day. Poked, prodded and my little spending money all gone :(


But that's okay. You can come rant to us on Monday night :D

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Hi Ladies. Not sure where the morning has gone. :blush It feels like Spring today and is almost 70 already.


Oh Cara ~ so sorry about your toe. I've broken bones in my right foot twice and know how painful that is. :hug


DH is out running errands and I love the quiet time. This afternoon is crochet time for me. There is so much I should be doing...but crocheting is much more fun! :hook

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