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Our House [Archive 3]


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Shelly - Naughty kitties using Mommy as a race track :2nono Hope you didn't get marred too badly :hug


Wendy - That's a great idea to make pet mats :clap

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I started my scrappy saltine pet blanket tonight. I know I couldnt resist. I have my bag of scrap yarn here and am just picking out colors as I go and doing a few of each color. It will be interesting when I start to sew them together.

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Well, summer time is here. :( We're having rolling power outages this morning due to the high heat - supposed to be 100 today. I'll probably leave my computer off so it doesn't get fried.


Wendy, that's a wonderful way to use up scraps and help some pets at the same time. :manyheart


Have a great day!

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Hello all... I have two scratches about 3/4 inch long and in another spot I have 2 puncture wounds .... they bled for quite awhile though....


still working on the shawl I want to get done so haven't done many saltines... Wendy I think I'm going to do a scrap ghan with baby colors...

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Well, summer time is here. :( We're having rolling power outages this morning due to the high heat - supposed to be 100 today. I'll probably leave my computer off so it doesn't get fried.




Have a great day!

I hear you there! It hit 100 here yesterday! I am not ready for this yet! :yuck I was enjoying our mild weather! And to think we are considering moving back to Phoenix where its been over 100 for weeks!:think Thank goodness for AC! (no thanks to the electric bill though! :eek) But I will admit, Saltines are the perfect crochet project for warm weather! :hook

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Hello all... I have two scratches about 3/4 inch long and in another spot I have 2 puncture wounds .... they bled for quite awhile though....


NAUGHTY kitties! I have 2 here that do the same thing! The other day the youngest one was using the hallway as a race track and I happened to walk out of the bedroom at the same time and she ran head first into my ankle! Don't know who was more hurt...her or me! But most days ya gotta love them anyways! :catUntil they get into my :yarn !!!! :angry

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Morning everyone


Shelly the scrap ghan in baby colors will look fantastic.


Every morning my 2 cats want a cuddle under the heat light in the bathroom. They sit there and wait and start meowing if you dont come. They sure are spoilt. They dont touch my yarn at all unless its dangling in front of them. My Mums cat you have to watch as he tends to run off with a skein and you have to chase him round the house with it:cat

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Evening ladies :hug


Well, I didn't spend my whole day listening to a book and crocheting. Had the nephew come over and we did errands. And good grief it's hotter than the hinges of Hades out there! :sweat I see a $600 electric bill in my future :irk Oh well at least it is cool in the house.


Shelly - Hope your wounds heal quickly :hug


Pickles - Oh my kitties learned not to touch Mommy's yarn. Took some convincing but they leave it alone now. :lol

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Gee, the Happy House ladies sure are quiet today. ;) I worked on squares and my stitch sampler this evening...my crocheting has been neglected lately. :blush


I still have to pick up my projects even for a few minutes...Zoe will drown anything she can get her paws around. I've had long talks with her but they don't seem to do any good. :lol


See you all tomorrow. :manyheart

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OOOH I wish I could get my kitties to leave my yarn alone but I suppose its my own fault for leaving it lay ALL over the house! They never get too far with it though!

Only got 3 saltines done today. My new little one kept me up all night last night so I was barely moving today. Hopefully the doctor will shed some light on a few things tomorrow so we can get back to sleeping at least 3 hours at a time! :tired

Well I'm off to bed for the night, will work on the saltines more tomorrow.:sleep:night

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Cara hope your electricity bill wont be too high. Hows your new project coming along.


Pickles hope you get some sleep soon, its hard when you have a little one, you need to take naps when you can.


Mary :hi


Shelly have you started the scrap ghan, I have started making squares, slowly filling up the ice cream container.


Tonight Im working on the test filet.

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Good morning ladies :flower


Mary - I know. Just talk and reason as you might these kitties of our just do their own thing :lol


Pickles - Oh goodness. The nights of no sleep. I still remember them well. Is this your first?


Wendy - Still working on the one color ghan. It would've probably been done or just about done yesterday but had to go run errands with the nephew. Thought he was off today not yesterday. But at least it's out of the way. Hopefully I'm in for the week because it's already awfull hot out there.


So today's plan is to finish both the ghan and my audiobook, or at least as close as I can. Woke up with a seriously stiff back this morning. It'll pass soon just need to stretch it out. BD's had a rough couple of nights I think. He's tossed and turned and as a result pushed and smacked me half the night as well :lol Hope he's not getting sick. He usually only does that right before he gets sick.

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Cara morning to you, hope BD isnt getting sick, thats a weird way to tell if he is though.:lol Have fun working on the ghan and listening to your audio book. Do you have a saltine project going, I think you need one, maybe a scrap saltine perhaps.:D


Sunny howdy doody.

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Wendy - Yes I have the ATW sitting here still. I don't like these new tapestry needles I got :no My old one (that I lost) was actually an upholstery needle I think. These tapestry needles are just too short for my fumbling fingers :P

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Good morning, gang. I'm so slow with my crocheting right now. I think it has something to do with not being able to get comfortable while I doing them. Anyway, here is the latest picture of the Painted Desert. It's now 40% done. Hope everyone has a good day. John and Kim leave on vacation on Friday. I'm staying home and housesitting the pets and resting.


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i got 16 squares connected last night


could you add another 8 bi colors and 8 solids to my total


They're added! Good for you for making such great progress, Sunny. :hook

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Pickles ~ How old is the new baby? I'll bet it won't be long at all until he/she? is sleeping through the night. :c9


Wendy, you always amaze me with all your wonderful WIPS. :yes


Cara, can't wait to see the new ghan. Did I see somewhere that it's red? :think


Linda ~ WOW! It's gorgeous. Those multi-colored squares are incredible. :cheer

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Linda - Oh. My. Gosh! I love the Painted Desert. That is fabulous :clap


Mary - Yep, it's red. Mainly because I need a red ghan for one of the chairs in my living room :lol

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