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Our House [Archive 3]


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Good morning, everyone.


Krystal, thanks for being our scorekeeper for so long. And Mary, thanks for being scorekeeper for us going forward.


I'm working on the puppy border. I'm about 1/3 of the way around the first of five rows. I'm using the two darker colors of the puppy and doing rows of hdc and dc in the medium followed by rows of hdc, dc, and hdc in the dark. I'm hoping for a two tone picture frame effect. With any kind of luck I should have it done by Friday.


Oh, BTW, Rosie's other daughter, Melissa, had a baby boy yesterday afternoon. He weighed 7 pounds and was 2 weeks early. Andrea is having a biopsy today and when the results are in they'll know what course of treatment to take on her cancer. Rosie is on her way to Colorado at the moment to be with Melissa for a few weeks. John is holding down the fort here. He'll go out in a couple weeks and then they'll come back together.

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Krystal I got 5 solids done tonight.



I'm going to try to make a little progress on this pinwheel quilt this week. I've changed it from a queen bedspread to a twin bedspread for DD's bed. :D I've decided to do the double wedding quilt for our bed.


I've got 21 of the 60 blocks I need for the pinwheel now.


:think I can't remember what colors you're using. Can we see pictures? :D

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K - Thanks for keeping score for us for so long :hug


Mary - Thank you very much for picking up the scorekeeping :clap


Linda - I hope Andrea's test goes well :hug And grats to Grandma Rosie :cheer What a beautiful bright spot for her during a rough week :manyheart


I forgot to post here earlier that Tuon's not doing well. She had her recheck at the vet today and she still has a fever. He's trying another type of antibiotic hoping against hope that it's something bacterial. Unfortunately he told us that he afraid it's what I was afraid it was. A cat illness called FIP (Feline Infectious Peritonitis). There no cure for it, just making her comfortable til she dies from it. Thankfully, it's really hard to get and Misa should be fine. I'm hoping it's just some weird bacterial thing but she has the classic signs of the FIP. Potbellied but skinny everywhere else, fever, lethargy, excessive thirst, not grooming herself. It just tears me up. She's such a good little cat and after all she is still just a baby. But fingers crossed that it's just a bug.

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I forgot to post here earlier that Tuon's not doing well. She had her recheck at the vet today and she still has a fever. He's trying another type of antibiotic hoping against hope that it's something bacterial. Unfortunately he told us that he afraid it's what I was afraid it was. A cat illness called FIP (Feline Infectious Peritonitis). There no cure for it, just making her comfortable til she dies from it. Thankfully, it's really hard to get and Misa should be fine. I'm hoping it's just some weird bacterial thing but she has the classic signs of the FIP. Potbellied but skinny everywhere else, fever, lethargy, excessive thirst, not grooming herself. It just tears me up. She's such a good little cat and after all she is still just a baby. But fingers crossed that it's just a bug.


Oh Cara Im so sorry. :hugThats what my Mums cat had and she had him put to sleep because he was at the stage where he just laid there, he couldnt walk much anymore. Its very upsetting, I know. I just hope its not FIP. Cara have they done a blood test because if they do that and the white cell count is high then they will know for sure.

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Krystal thanks for being our scorekeeper.


Mary thanks for taking over the job of scorekeeper.


Linda congrats on being up to the border on the puppy cuddle.


I have finished row 5 of the ATW, just have to sew them all on.

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Oh Cara Im so sorry. :hugThats what my Mums cat had and she had him put to sleep because he was at the stage where he just laid there, he couldnt walk much anymore. Its very upsetting, I know. I just hope its not FIP. Cara have they done a blood test because if they do that and the white cell count is high then they will know for sure.


He didn't do the CBC today because with infection her white count would be high. Over here they don't use testing it's more of a clinical diagnosis. And bless his heart he's trying to keep the cost down. I told him today to not worry about the cost. Cost isn't the problem he's not that expensive to begin with. He's an old-fashioned vet that doesn't drive a fancy car. Lives modestly. Just interested in helping dogs and cats and the ocassional ferret. He's very tender with the animals and he's always done right by us. He says as long as she's eating he'll keep treating. In ten days when this antibiotic is done if she's not better but still eating well (she eats like a horse) then we'll try something more vigorous.

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Cara, it sounds like you do have a wonderful vet. It is sad to see our furbabies sick...it's truly a physical pain we feel...

love and hugs, my friend...:hug:manyheart

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Oh and btw Wendy, your description of Beau's symptoms are what had me make Tuon the appointment the very next business day. I thank you for sharing that with us because otherwise I wouldn't have even known. I would've just thought she was getting fat and lazy.

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Hi, Wendy :hugI'm finishing row 38.:)


K - Thanks for keeping records for us...and Mary, you're an angel for taking over.:manyheart


Well, off to get myself a cuppa...:D

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Oh, Cara, I'm so sorry to hear that Tuon is still sick. Hopefully it's just a stubborn bug. :hug


I'm on row 5 of the border and I'm really pleased with the way it is looking. John is going to a softball practice tonight, so I'll have more crochet time with Kim this evening. He says he's just going to play if they are super short-handed for a game. We'll see. I know he misses it, even though it's really hard on his knee and hip when he does play.


Krystal ~ 2 more solids for me. I accidentally made a couple extra. I had two left over when I finished putting the puppy cuddle together.

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Cara~Hugs to you and Tuon. :hug Your vet sounds so much like ours...lots of common sense and very caring. We'll be keeping fingers crossed that she will get better soon.


Wendy, you're doing good on the ATW!


Krystal, thank you for keeping track for us all this time. :manyheart

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Cara your vet sounds wonderful, its sometimes hard to find a good vet but when you do you stick with them.


Judy your making great progress with the filet, Im right behind you in the rows. Its going to be huge isnt it. I thought it would be quite daunting but its easy peasy.

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hallo ladeis


how are you all??

i`m working on a RR and will try to make some squares for moms quilt :yes

wish me luck


Hi there, going great here, Im glad your getting back into crocheting again. Have fun making squares for your mums quilt.

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Oh and Cara a question, seeing as your the expert when it comes to colors.

My ATW has the marone square in the middle, now once I have gone through my colors do you think it would look ok to do a row of the marone again before starting the colors over or leave the marone for the end.

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Oh and Cara a question, seeing as your the expert when it comes to colors.

My ATW has the marone square in the middle, now once I have gone through my colors do you think it would look ok to do a row of the marone again before starting the colors over or leave the marone for the end.



Hmmm, I'd have to see a photo of where you are now. I had to change mine midstream. I even changed my middle square and I'm quite happy with it now. In fact, I'm thinking of making a king size one for the guest bed but in the darker colors I like so much :yes

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when making quilts that have a small square as the center it is tradition to make it either a red or yellow square.... the red stands for the heart of the home.... yellow for the candle that is left burning in the window welcoming the wanderer home... just some more trivia that is floating around in my head...

I haven't been working on saltines ... I'm making cheez-its for my fishy...

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Wendy, the filet is easy - and mine is coming out big, too, with the F hook and Baby Soft...guess I'll just have to keep it:lol

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hi all i've done another 16+ squares yesterday and connected them. i also did a few more today and plan on connecting my next 32 tonight. weekly pic coming soon

Sunny, you are doing great!

when making quilts that have a small square as the center it is tradition to make it either a red or yellow square.... the red stands for the heart of the home.... yellow for the candle that is left burning in the window welcoming the wanderer home... just some more trivia that is floating around in my head...

I haven't been working on saltines ... I'm making cheez-its for my fishy...

Love the trivia, Shelly. Can't wait to see what you fishy looks like.


Puppy Cuddle is officially complete. Picture will get taken tomorrow. Now I'm starting on the wings of the prayer shawl. And guess what? This time the instructions are making sense. Whee!!!

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