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Our House [Archive 3]


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Cara, thanks for the kittie patterns. And I love K's idea of using heather yarn, zebra, etc, for the kitties. I wouldn't do it as a saltine ghan, though...:devil

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Did someone mention Casablanca? :blush I haven't worked on mine in ages. :blush

K - 4 solids for today, please. Did I mention the 8 from yesterday? :think I can't remember.

Shelly, have fun outside.

We had a thunderstorm a little while ago, didn't last for very long though. :(


:rofl: it's ok i can see why you'd want to take a brake! the thing is huge. but i don't sleep much unless i'm finished with my goal for the day. :crocheting now i'm thinking of getting some more yarn for a blanket for my son :devil

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Morning everyone,


Krystal your color idea is great, must write that color scheme down. Although I cant get the zebra yarn I do have some heather.


Sunny goodluck with the bus cuddle, those cuddle quilts are great to do.


Tracy dont worry, you will get the Casa done.


Mary yes it was nice to get some rain yesterday. I was out in the garden again trimming hedges and everytime it started to rain I went under the verandah and then when it stopped I continued trimming.


Cara whatcha working on now, you said in the sky cal that your using black, is it another Amish quilt.

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Hi Ladies. I hope everyone has had a great weekend. :)


Sunny, the Casa is my all-time favorite pattern of Cara's. One of these days, I'm going to make it, too! :yes


Linda, enjoy your visit with John's parents. Have you played the piano for them?


We've had a nice, quiet day and the sun finally came out about 5:00 after a really chilly, windy day. I made another row of squares for the gingham. :hook

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Hi, all.

I played one song for John's parents last night, but didn't play today. Today was my R&R day. I have spent an awful lot of it working on the patterns for Sir Clarion and Mr. Train. Mr. Train I got right the second try, but Sir Clarion didn't quite work the first time, so I'll have to give him another try. Almost got it, but not quite.I just have to write up the special square instructions for Mr. Train and he's ready to go. And there are only two types of special squares for that one, neither of which is terribly complicated. Unlike the ones for Sir Clarion. He has many different ones. But progress is being made.

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Cara whatcha working on now, you said in the sky cal that your using black, is it another Amish quilt.


Nah, working on a more modern type geometric for my BIL. He's been asking for a ghan of his own for about a year now so I figure now's the time :hook

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The crocheting has been slow going but the gardening... well, that's a different story. However, I did get some done on my lil 9 patch. It's really cute and I hope the crocheting bug bites me again soon.

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well we got our Rock Garden done this evening before the blood suckers attacked... Angel had a ball but boy was she dirty... a good shower took care of that though... I'm kind of achy tonight ... not sure if it's from the gardening or the change in the weather... I'm heading off to bed see you all in the AM...

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Daphne when the weather is so nice it's calling us outside it;s hard to focus on crocheting! The bug will bite again...take my word for it:yes

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Good morning, everyone. It's gray and overcast today. We've had rain off and on since Friday evening and it's supposed to continue through today. Good day for crocheting and piano playing, although I have some laundry that needs to be done, too.

The piano mover's truck took out our mailbox when they were here Saturday, so he's supposed come over late morning and replace that. We have a very steep driveway and when the weight of the paino came off the tiebar it slid down the hill inspite of the brakes being on. It left black skid marks all the way down the hill. He said that that is the first time that has happened to him in 20 years of moving pianos. Luckily no one was badly hurt and the piano wasn't damaged. His helper got banged on the knee, so he'll have a good bruise, but that's all. We gave him some ice packs to put on his knee on the way home.

Have a great day!

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Good morning ladies :flower


Linda - I know it's not funny, I really shouldn't get the giggles. But the image of a baby grand piano racing down the driveway is really quite funny :lol :lol Glad no one but the mailbox was hurt badly :D


K - Yes, I must agree, dirty kids are happy kids :D


I think Mr Sun just might be trying to poke his head out today. I'm hoping my nephew is off today and in town. I need to run a couple of errands and he's always bored anyway :lol Other than that I'm working on my ghan all day cuz I did my laundry yesterday :dance

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K - 30 solids and 18 bicolors for me this week...


K - 4 solids for today, please. Did I mention the 8 from yesterday? :think I can't remember.


K - 8 solids for me, please. :hook

Here is the progress for my Bus Cuddle


K - 47 solids and 14 bicolors thanks.


Krystal ~ 48 solid squares. Thank you.


K - 2 solids and 2 bicolours, please.


K - 4 solids for me, please.


K - 4 solids for today, please.


Krystal I got 1 solid and 4 bi-colors done today


K - 4 solids for me, please.


Krystal ~ 41 solids and 5 bi-colors Thank you!


K... add 103 solids and 8 bi-colors for me Please...


K - 8 solids for me, please.


K - 24 solid saltines for me thanks


K - 4 solids for me, please.


K - 4 solids for me, please.


K - 4 solids for me, please.


K - 4 solids for me today, please.


H - 4 solids for me, please.


K - 4 solids for me today, please.


K - 12 solids and 24 bi colors.


K - 4 solids for me, please.


K 22 solids and 12 bicolors thanks


K - 4 solids, please.


Krystal - 22 solids and 11 bi-colors for me please.


K - 4 solids for me, please.


K - 55 solids for me thanks.


K - 4 solids for me.


K - 2 solids for the Bus Ghan


I have FINALLY gotten the squares updated!

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Good Morning, everyone. :)


Krystal, thanks for keeping track of all the squares for us. :manyheart


Hi Daphne ~ enjoy your yard! Spring doesn't last long enough...if fact we usually just go from cool to 100 degrees. :lol


Wendy, can't wait to see your projects. :yes


Cara, I hope you can get out today - it's a gorgeous day here and hope you're having the same. :)

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Wow! We've really been busy making saltines. I had no idea we had done that many. Hooray for us!! :yay Can't believe I'm actually in third place. :eek That's unexpected. Although the 4-color squares do help.:D

I'm working one the puppy quilt 'gahn today. Sewing squares together so far. The sun is trying to break through, too.

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Hi Linda! WTG on writing your patterns. The piano story was scary - glad everything is okay. :yes


I'm off to DD's house to do some measuring for their beds in the front yard that we sodded last week. We're buying and planting part of the shrubs for a graduation gift...she will receive her MBA degree on May 10th! The other part is an anniversary gift - they were married May 20th, '06. They are both sooo excited. :D

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Wow! We've really been busy making saltines. I had no idea we had done that many. Hooray for us!! :yay Can't believe I'm actually in third place. :eek That's unexpected. Although the 4-color squares do help.:D

I'm working one the puppy quilt 'gahn today. Sewing squares together so far. The sun is trying to break through, too.


please tell me you know where this puppy quilt afghan pattern is :P i'd love to make it - ryu is CRAZY about dogs:hook

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Sunny - The puppy quilt graph is somewhere in this massive thread :lol Linda's very own design and cute as, well as a puppy too :manyheart


Mary - Hooray for DD :yay That's quite an accomplishment. You should be very proud and I'm sure you are :D Yes, today is gloriously beautiful :manyheart And I got to get out.


Nephew came over at 10 and we got moving. He left about 45 mins ago and I can't believe that it's only 4:20. He's so helpful. He can get done in a few hours what would take me all week if not longer. Took frames back, bought a curtain rod and paint (ouch). Then came home hung the new dining room drapes and moved some stuff around. I even think he had fun. We always have fun together as long as he's not living here :lol :lol I think I hear my hook calling though :hook

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Cara, it sounds like you had a great day! I'm like that with our DS...love having him over for a visit...just couldn't live with him:lol

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