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Our House [Archive 3]


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Good morning ladies :flower


Linda - Good for you making something for yourself :clap I hope the new meds are going well :hug


Tabby - That's gonna be one gorgeous ghan when it's done :yes


Tracy - Wow! DD is definitely ambitious. I love that :D Now that would be a dream. A child who could design crochet patterns for you :dreaming


Brenda - You're making great progress :clap The CashBash sounds like a fun fundraiser.


Good morning Mary and Judy :hug


Cara- I hope you know what an inspiration you have been to so many people and how many people are now enjoying your patterns ( making them and giving them ) . You are leaving a lasting legacy .


Aww shucks :2blush Now if I could just get the website unbroken. I broke it last time I tried to update and I can't seem to fix it :blush BD spent all day yesterday working on it though and I think he's come up with a great new system that's Cara-proof :D


It's gloomy outside today. Looks like it might've rained last night. I'm back to being sore today too :( But today is the day I increase the dose on the new med so I'm convinced that'll do the trick :D Gotta do at least a little of the Happy Housewife thing today but hopefully there'll be much crochet as well :hook

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Hi Cara ~ Yep, we're already having a little rain and they're calling for severe stuff later...it is gloomy! Hope the soreness gets better. :hug


Yeah, when I walked BD out it was actually raining :rain Sounds like a perfect day to do laundry and crochet :hook

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Okay ladies, I've got pictures.

First off we have the first block of my new pattern which I've decided to call Painted Desert.


Next are the yarn Kim's aunt got me for ponchos:



Next is the yarn for my afghan:


All the needles and hooks are next:


And finally, the scarf I made myself and another for Rosie, again thanks to Kim's aunt:


I am doing something wrong with Photobucket. When I import the pictures they come up full size even though I resized them. Hence you'll have to go there to see them. They are all in a row so you can go from one to the next.

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Okay ladies, I've got pictures.

First off we have the first block of my new pattern which I've decided to call Painted Desert.


Next are the yarn Kim's aunt got me for ponchos:



Next is the yarn for my afghan:


All the needles and hooks are next:


And finally, the scarf I made myself and another for Rosie, again thanks to Kim's aunt:


I am doing something wrong with Photobucket. When I import the pictures they come up full size even though I resized them. Hence you'll have to go there to see them. They are all in a row so you can go from one to the next.


Wow! Lots of yummy new yarn :clap I am in love with the Painted Desert block. Those are fabulous colors! Great work hon :hug

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Linda, the painted desert block is so very pretty!:cheer

And it looks like you have lots of fuzzy yarn to play with - are you making another ripple for yourself?

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And it looks like you have lots of fuzzy yarn to play with - are you making another ripple for yourself?

It's not a ripple, but the pattern is in scallops.

Thank you, Cara, Judi, & Tracy. I'm really pleased with the painted desert block. The full effect won't be visible for a bit yet.

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Just a head's up for y'all. The site is gonna be a big mess here pretty quick. Hopefully it'll only be a day or two then it'll be good to go. BD insists that he has to take this thing live to work on it. Personally I dunno why it can't go in a test bed but he says it can't be done that way so okay :shrug


If you are working on a pattern and it's not on there just holler at me and I'll get you the pattern :D


Sorry for any inconvenience :(

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Oh Linda, what great treasures! :D I love the painted desert block and can't wait to see it grow. :yes


Cara, thanks for the info. I'll bet BD can fix it up for you.


I've had the computer unplugged because of thunder and lightning - my battery only lasts 1 1/2 hours. :(

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My visit with the doctor went very well. My blood sugar went from 7.2 (too high/out of control) to 6.4 (well into the under good control range.) The depression is lifting each day that I'm on the new meds, so that's good too.


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Linda, that's wonderful news. :hug


The storms came really close to us - the sirens went off and Maggie, Zoe and I had all our supplies in the closet under the stairs. We were lucky and just had rain and very high winds, but no real damage. :whew


I've joined 2 1/2 rows of the gingham tonight. :hook

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Howdy doody,


I have been doing my crochet rainbow pattern tonight.


Linda thats excellent news and I just love that block, very nice. Are the 4 color squares easy to do.


Mary Im glad that the bad weather missed you and that your ok there.


Julie yes Mum wanted something different that making a ripple but found trying to read a pattern too hard.

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Hi there, Wendy. The funny thing is, that these four color squares are easier to make than some of the special squares (like the birds in your boat ghan). The only thing I have to be careful with is that four of them go color A,B,C,D and four of them go color A,D,C,B. I have to make sure I do 4 of each. They are just like a bi-color square to make, except the color change is in every corner instead of every other corner.:crocheting

Is your weather any cooler yet? Ours has been bouncing between the 70s and 40s, depending on what weather front is here at the time. But spring is proceeding anyway. Each day more things are in bloom. Soon the trees will be turning my little red car yellow with their pollen.:lol

By the way ladies, I am so proud of my little car. It is 12 years old. A Ford Escort. And on the way down to Valdosta and back at Easter it got 32.6 mpg on an almost 600 mile trip. :clap It may not like to drive as fast as some of the newer cars, but a lot of them don't do as well on gas mileage. It did better than John's car, in fact, which is much newer.:)

Have a great day everyone.

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I am glad you finally have cooler weather. You sure had a long stretch of very hot weather. I am not sure what it is supposed to be doing here today. At the moment it is extremely foggy. At least, Kim and I can stay at home today. I am planning on working on the second block for the Painted Desert ghan. I only have 2 more squares to crochet, I think. I am toying with starting one of the ponchos soon, too.

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Hello fellow granny square artists I haven't had much time lately to work on crochet or even visit the board. We have been searching for a house to move to. Finally found one. Now I have to focus on packing and moving so I'll still be MIA most of the time. After I un-joined what I had joined I started the joining over with black yarn and since I like it much better I've been re-joining everything. The first time I joined I was working the horizontal rows, but Iv'e decided to work vertical first this time. I have 6 rows completed and I really wish I had more time to work on it because it's really taking shape and I'm wanting it done NOW..lol. It will earn a special place in our new home.

We too are having rainy gloomy weather and though it was warm yesterday it's cooled off quite a bit today. I desperately want spring to be here, really be here.

I'm glad to see everyone else is progressing so well. Glad to hear you had a good check up Linda.

I'll try to check in as often as I can in between everything else. Everyone else's pics and progress keep me motivated, lol.

Hope everyone is having a great day.


~* Shelli ~*

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Good morning ladies :flower


Linda - See now the interesting thing about those new cars that go so fast is that the government puts a limit on how fast they can go on the roads anyway :lol Sounds like you're like I am about cars. I drive them until they fall apart. I was still driving my 1979 Lincoln until 1996!


Truly - Granny Square Artists? :scrachin Yes. I think I like that very much :D


Mary - Glad the nasty stuff passed you by and you, Maggie and Zoe are okay :hug


Gonna be a schlub today and just crochet. Okay, I might sweep. But then again I very well might not :devil

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