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Our House [Archive 3]


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Hi, everyone. I've missed you all ever so much. :hug Kim and I are back home. The car is almost all unpacked. One load of wash is in the washer. I didn't end up crocheting while I was gone. However, I got out my new bamboo pointy sticks and 3 skeins of my new yarn and whipped up two nifty scarves. One for me and one for Rosie, next door. We left Valdosta at 10:30 this morning and got in to Cumming at 3:30 this afternoon. Stopped at a Waffle House and had a late lunch/early supper and were home at 4:30. It's 280 miles from start to finish. :drive We stopped twice on the way for bathroom and stretch breaks. No major delays and only a minor slow down in Atlanta.

Tracy, give Denise my love and best wishes for a great birthday. :birthday Have a great visit.

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Hi everyone. This is the first time i've been able to get on today. My Hubby has been hogging the internet with his stinking xbox360 & then I watched A Night at the Museum with the kiddos. Busy, busy....but one good thing about him hogging the net is that I get ALOT of crochet time. :hook I got a half of a block done on my stars & stripes and I finished the baby pineapple ghan. I have to upload the pic., i'm so unprepared. Be right back......

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Linda~Welcome home. Glad you had a fun & safe trip. :manyheart



Cara~I hope they gave you something to make you feel better. Fibro's a tough one to treat, they said I had it years ago but my current doc & I have never talked about it. I hide things well just to not deal with it. :lol I was suppose to go to a GI specialist approx. 6 months ago for colitis & my hernis but umm.......never made the appt. I also was suppose to have another nerve test done last year & ummm.....never went. I'm a gluton for punishment. :lol Anyways, i'm rambling...I hope you feel better soon. :hug

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Pretty, pretty, pretty. I am beginning to hope the new baby is a girl! :hook


Thank you. :manyheart Did I miss something? What new baby? Because I know it ISN'T coming from this lady. :lol


that is so pretty...thanks for sharing


Thank you.....and your welcome. :manyheart

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Tabby you should not let those things go... the longer you let them go the worse they get... ask me I'll tell ya from experience... I let my heart condition go I kept saying it was nothing I could live with it... so instead of having a simple stent put in I ended up with open heart surgery with a bypass of 4 arteries and the carotid artery on the right side... I have a scar from my collar bone to my waist ...a breast bone that hasn't healed right and still having problems...

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I've not been keepin' up, but I FINALLY got my YARN for my Jasie Baby Blanket~WOOHOOO! so I'M BACK and *VERY EXCITED!* to start my very first Happy Yellow House project~YEEEEEEHHAAAWWWW! (((((HUGS))))) sandi


Hi Sandi ~ Glad you got the yarn and are ready to start! :yarn:crocheting

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The high winds made my decision easier - crochet time won out over yard work. :hook The flower quilt just needs the 4 sections joined and the border. I may need some opinions on the border since I put a blue square in each corner of the thyme border squares. :think


Krystal - 26 solids and 8 bi-colors. Thank you very much. :)

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Tabby - I love those ghans! Very girly. I like girly :yes And go to the doctor, young lady :tryme


Linda - Welcome home! :manyheart:hug


Shelly - I agree. Best to get these things dealt with as they appear :yes

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Howdy doody.


Linda great to see ya. hope you had a great trip.


Sandi Im glad you got your yarn, I bet your eager to start.


Tabby that pineapple ghan is just gorgeous.


Mary your going well with the saltine making.

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Wow. Ive missed so much. I so enjoyed all the pics. The pineapple blankets are just too gorgeous. The penguin is adorable and Colleen your desert star is awesome. I myself have not made any progress...in fact Ive lost progress. I was joining all my squares in rows (thats not the problem I encountered) and I had quite a few of them all joined up. But I just wasnt loving the look of it. So I un-joined them all. I was struggling with which color to use to join..??? because most of the time its two different colors of squares that you're joining together..so which color do you use? because it does show somewhat..I had been using the cream color yarn that is kind of the background color of the "quilt" but it just wasnt eye pleasing. So I decided to give black yarn a try. I have about 3 and a half rows re-joined now and I am liking it much better now..woo hoo. The sad part is I had to take all apart that I had done. Oh well we all know how that goes. So Im hoping to get pack to the point I was at by Friday. Glad everyone had a wonderful Easter. I hope those of you that are ill or hurting will be feeling much better today. Hope everyone has a great day.

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Hi Shelli! It sounds like you're doing great on figuring out what works best for you. I think we've all had to take out and redo. :crocheting


We're under high wind/red flag fire warnings again today. :( For once, I don't think I have to leave the house and plan on crocheting later. :D

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