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Our House [Archive 3]


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Good Morning, ladies. I'm being lazy this a.m. and need to get busy. :blush


Tracy~Congratulations on getting rid of the guy. I know you must be relieved...but remember to call on us if you need to be rescued in the future. ;)


Wendy, your new computer sounds awesome!


Judy~It sounds like you'll be coming home with a new computer, too. :D


I made lots of little squares last night while we watched the Mavericks game and I've done it again...a ziploc full of squares that need to be joined. :eek

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I made lots of little squares last night while we watched the Mavericks game and I've done it again...a ziploc full of squares that need to be joined. :eek

:rofl :rofl :rofl

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Tracy- I'm almost finished with the 2nd block. :yay I hope to talk hubby into taking some pictures tonight! :P


Mary- It's not wonderful but it's going to be ok. I don't think I've ever switched colors on an afghan so it's a lot of learning... :crocheting


BTW- I have no idea how to quote two different text. I feel like such a baby on here... :blush Thanks for putting up with me!!! :hug

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Hi Daphne! I just learned how to multi-quote about a month ago...I think Krystal (?) gave us a lesson. :lol


If you look at each post, there is an option in the right bottom corner with quotation marks. When you click on it, it changes color. You can click on several posts like that and then go to post a reply just like you normally would and they will all show up!

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Good Afternoon. I have no clue where the day has gone. I stayed up late to watch Vacancy so I slept until 10 (of course that was with the clock change). Then I finished a puzzle with the twins & now i'm finally showered. :lol So needless to say that chinese block is still sitting there untouched. :blush


Tracy~That's great news. I'm glad it all worked out for you. :cheer


Judy~Good luck on a new puter. :cheer I sure wish it were me. :yes Someday...



Wendy~Yours just sounds awesome, i'm sooooo jealous. There is no better life then that. :c9

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well, no new puter...there will be more sales, so I decided there really wasn't any rush...and mine is fine right now.

But...I did score some new (smaller) clothes:D It's a great incentive to stay with WW...

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Mary- Thanks for the hint. I think I've got it. :clap


Judy- I'm going jeans shopping tomorrow. None of the ones I have fit anymore which is a great feeling isn't it??? :cheer

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Good afternoon ladies :flower


Daphne - Sounds like you're getting into a rhythm now :clap Before long you'll be an expert :D And don't feel too bad about the multiquote thing. Krystal's explained it to me half a dozen times and I still can't do it :lol :lol


Judy - Yep there's always some kind of computer on sale. BD finds his best deals on line. But hooray for new smaller clothes :clap New clothes (especially smaller ones) are almost as much fun as new yarn :D


Wendy - Don't you love the interest free for X amount of months? That's how I got my washer and dryer a couple months early. 10% off on credit, free haul away and 6 months no interest no payments :D


Mary - A whole ziploc of squares? Think we know what you'll be doing today :lol


Tracy - Hooray the roommate is gone! :jumpyay:dance Won't your cousin let you in on the interviews? That way you can have some say as to who lives with you?


Did it again. Stayed up until almost 6 watching TV with BD. Didn't get up until about half an hour ago. But I did finish the body of the DS :yay Just the border left to go but that'll probably take today and tomorrow unless I get going real good :hook

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:yay Cara, can't wait to see the DS, even not finished it was stunning. Originally I was supposed to be in on the interview, but they felt sorry for him. He came from out of town and had no where to stay, was moving into wherever he found straight away as he started his new job the next morning. He had no money for a deposit (I don't know what he was thinking, trying to move into a place without one) and he didn't pay rent til he had been here for a week cos he didn't have any money. My cousin let him move in anyway. :think He says he has learnt his lesson now, especially after the horrible text he got about 2 hours ago and he complained that I treated the house as my own. Hard to believe a 28 year old teacher wrote it. :eek Anyway, he is gone now. :yay
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Daphne, it is a great feeling to buy smaller clothes:)

...and I've been reading your posts - you have been having the same problems I had when I first came on board here...with patterns, with uploading pics...you name it:blush

You'll find your sea legs!

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Yea for electric power crews who work in freezing weather ... plodding through thigh high drifts of snow to get the power restored.. power went out here at 12:30PM and we just got it restored... the trees and wires are covered with heavy ice and snow... it got down to 60 F in here but not bad..

It is Spring though I've got Baseball on my TV.... right now it is the Cubs vs the Royals but that's ok I watched the Yankees yesterday....

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Yea for electric power crews who work in freezing weather ... plodding through thigh high drifts of snow to get the power restored.. power went out here at 12:30PM and we just got it restored... the trees and wires are covered with heavy ice and snow... it got down to 60 F in here but not bad..

It is Spring though I've got Baseball on my TV.... right now it is the Cubs vs the Royals but that's ok I watched the Yankees yesterday....

Glad they got the power back on quickly.

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Howdy. I have finally finished the first chinese block. Let me see if I can get a decent pic. tonight, it's kinda dark already.


Question~Is the smackdown just for fun or is there a point to it? I don't want to start in on something if there is some point to it but if it's just for fun then.....:think

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Howdy. I have finally finished the first chinese block. Let me see if I can get a decent pic. tonight, it's kinda dark already.


Question~Is the smackdown just for fun or is there a point to it? I don't want to start in on something if there is some point to it but if it's just for fun then.....:think

The Smackdown is basically for fun. Wendy started the idea as a contest to see who could get to 2,000 squares first. Krystal is scorekeeper and set up some basic rules: 1 point for solid squares, 2 points for bi-color squares, 3 points for 3-color squares, and 4 points for 4-colored squares. All with their tails woven in. The first to 2,000 points gets a token gift from each contestant. I think that's about it as far as rules go. Krystal isn't competing since she's scorekeeper. Neither is Cara, which is why she always shows up on the bottom with a zero. We can report our totals to Krystal daily or weekly, whichever works better, and she posts a list of who's where at the end/beginning of each week. Anybody can join at any time. I don't remember the exact starting date. I think it was mid-January or so. I don't figure I'll win, but it's fun just keeping track of the squares I've made for the year.

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Okay, it needs to be cleaned up a bit but here it is. My first chinese block, the second block will be a little different. They kinda fit like a puzzle. The colors are claret, linen & white in RH. Thanks for looking. :manyheart





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Howdy everyone,


DH has taken the girls to the swimming pool for awhile, so its nice and quiet here.


Mary have fun putting all those squares together.


Tabby your chinese block looks fabulous. The smackdown is a fun way of counting your squares. Its up to you if you want to join or not.


Tracy Im glad the guy has gone now.


Judy your doing really well with WW and congrats on the smaller clothes.

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