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Our House [Archive 3]


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THE BALL IS OUT! (((((HUGS))))) sandi~WOOHOOO!


btw~y'all think the Jasie would be as sweet in another baby yarn? I've been offered a gift~WOW~and I've been saving to buy some Caron SS as called for....



Oh yeah it doesn't have to be the SS. That's just what I had on hand :lol With baby yarn you might have to add a few stitches to make it wide enough but that all :yes

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So, I think it has taken me about 2 weeks to complete 96 solids and 32 bicolors... I'm a little bit slow but I'm very proud of what I've finished so far! :clap


I've put one block together and plan to start working on my second tomorrow night. I've also figured out this weaving in ends thing I think.


These are simple things but I'm learning a lot. :D


Once again, thanks for all your help. I enjoy reading the board so much!

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just stopping in quick before I head off to bed... we are having rain/ freezing rain / rain... it can't make up it's mind what it wants to do... it all depends on what the temp is at the moment.... right now it is 29 F here so it is freezing... the kids may not have school in the AM

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Howdy everyone


Im trying to finish the Beckys block this week, so giving the saltines a break. Also making a pink 6-24 point round ripple which is not as hard as I thought it would be.


Shelly can I have some of that freezing, its so hot here, nothing under 35C for another week. We have had the hottest March weather since 1940. Its supposed to be Autumn but you wouldnt think it.


Daphne way to go with the squares, your doing really well.:clap


Tabby hope your feeling better.:hug


Cara hows the desert star coming along.


Mary great progress on the gingham quilt.:clap

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Wendy - That Desert Star is just 8 little ol' rows from being done :hook Or least until being ready for the border :lol


I'm gonna kill me two cats. Okay, maybe not kill but I'm gonna be quite irked with them :irk 4:30 a.m. and Tuon decides it's playtime. Somehow she got hold of two tin foil balls (think BD was eating candy in bed again :angry) and was batting them all over the bedroom. Then Misa got into the act and the chasing each other began. Of course, now that I'm wide awake and up outta bed they're sound asleep :rolleyes Cats!

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Morning Cara. :hug Mmmm, no one figured out a naught corner or time out for a cat yet? :think:devil Aww, they just having some fun. :D


Yeah I don't think I could get her to sit on that little stool in the corner :lol :lol I'll be very glad when her kittenhood is over :yes:lol

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[quote name=Misa;1181226I'm gonna kill me two cats. Okay' date=' maybe not kill but I'm gonna be quite irked with them :irk 4:30 a.m. and Tuon decides it's playtime. Somehow she got hold of two tin foil balls (think BD was eating candy in bed again :angry) and was batting them all over the bedroom. Then Misa got into the act and the chasing each other began. Of course, now that I'm wide awake and up outta bed they're sound asleep :rolleyes Cats![/quote]

:rofl :rofl :rofl :rofl

Yeah I don't think I could get her to sit on that little stool in the corner :lol :lol I'll be very glad when her kittenhood is over :yes:lol

Cara, I think you've got a long, long wait ahead of you. Sarge is almost 15 years old and he STILL has his kittenish moments. I grant you that it isn't all the time anymore, but still......


Daphne, That is a great total for two weeks! Way to go, girl!!! :yay:clap:yay


Wendy, great news on the Wendy's Blocks! I've got a ways to go on mine. Other things keep intervening.


I started doing squares with the Soy yarn last night. They are smaller than the RHSS, but really, really soft.


After all the rain yesterday, it looks like we are going to have sunshine today.

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:catBut Cara, girls just want to have fun! ;) I can't count the number of times I've been awakened by Zoe tossing her toys around our bedroom.

[B]Wendy,[/B] thank you! Can't wait to see your Becky's Blocks.

Hi [B]Tracy.[/B] :manyheart

[B]Linda,[/B] the soy yarn sounds wonderful. We'll be looking forward to seeing what you make with it. :yarn
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Afternoon my buddy ole pals. :D I'm feeling a little better today. Thank you all for the nice well wishes. :ghug I have been getting a little crocheting done today myself. 1 1/2 rows from being done with my first block. WOOT! :cheer No really, it's about time. :lol


Hope you all have a beautiful day. :manyheart

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Morning everyone


Its thursday yippee. :yay After today I have a 4 day break and because the weather is going to be so hot, we will be stuck inside so plenty of time for crocheting. :yay


Cara , aww your cats are just playing nicely. :lol You probably need a nap right about now though huh.


Tabby its great to see hear that your feeling better. Cant wait to see the chinese block.


Linda will we see a pic on friday of your soy yarn.

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Hi, Tabby and Wendy. Probably not of the soy yarn, but maybe some progress with the puppy. For now, how about a picture of my latest preemie afghan in purples?


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Linda - Lovely blankie in the purples :yes


Tab - You're sounding better today :hug


New W&D is here and all installed and I've already finished two loads of laundry :D That dryer dries the whole load of wash in about 45 minutes. Much better than 2 hrs for half a washerload like the old one :lol It was taking me 7 hours to get two loads done with the old one :( This should lower my electric bill quite a bit...I hope.

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Linda, that is a darling preemie ghan! I love purples when I see them...for some reason, I never make anything with them. :lol


Hi Tabby, I'm so glad you're feeling better! WTG on your block. :yay


Wendy ~ Have a great 4 day weekend. :)

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