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Our House [Archive 1]


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:hiTheresa. It's great to hear from ya again. Happy belated birthday, i'm glad to hear it was calm & relaxing one. Congrats to you daughter. I hope things calm down soon for ya. Again, it was great hearing from ya. :manyheart
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Krystal- My Dad was born in Tonawanda and grew up in and around Syracuse and Buffalo. We're Big Sabres fan. Course right now my No 1 team is the Nashville Predators. :hehe

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Cara - now that the penguin cuddle is done I need another assignment! :lol

by the end of the week I should be down to just the calliope (and my ongoing snowflakes) What to do, what to do :lol

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Cara - now that the penguin cuddle is done I need another assignment! :lol

by the end of the week I should be down to just the calliope (and my ongoing snowflakes) What to do, what to do :lol



Welllllll, if ya really want something else to work on you can lend me some assistance on this one:




I'm not wild about the background tiles :no I think a fresh set of eyes might just do the trick :yes:hug

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Welllllll, if ya really want something else to work on you can lend me some assistance on this one:




I'm not wild about the background tiles :no I think a fresh set of eyes might just do the trick :yes:hug


How very cute! I like the tiles, but maybe if you made them 3x3 instead of 2x2 you might like them better. . .


Linda Y

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hmmmm he's very cute Cara! I don't know either about the tiles it's kind of busy in the background but I think it's needs them try the peachy tiles a lighter color like creme and maybe a slightly lighter shade of blue. I'll think on it :) I'm sure lots of others will have ideas too.

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Another cute pattern ! Is that a cuddleghan size or the block for your tote bag someone requested ?


I agree about the background. Maybe some different colors and not as bright(or dark) . Maybe a different color of edging instead of yellow too .


Just make the background a little more plain so the ducky shows up better .

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Cara that ducky looks so cute.


I agree with Julie maybe take the yellow out of the border and the blue squares on the wall maybe just scatter them a bit more.


What program do you use Cara or do you just draw and color in on paper.

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Thanks ladies :manyheart


Yep, that background is just too, too busy :P Been working on that one for a while and just can't seem to get any inspiration on it.


Wendy - I just use Paint Shop Pro. I made up a master graph that looks like graph paper. Then I use the pen and flood fill tools on the graph to draw a picture. I've gotten more emails with folks asking where they can buy that "quilt software." :lol


Julie - This one's a cuddleghan. The same nephew that has the thing about trains kinda has a thing about ducks, too. Or he did. Gosh, they change their minds so quick at that age (4) :lol

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Maybe if you made the tile part smaller, in other words, if you made more of a plain background and just scattered small squares around in a smaller ratio . Hard to explain -- anyhow, you'd have about 8 plain squares with about one of the darker squares ?


And yea, Cam is like that too. He gets on one kick for awhile, then it's something totally different. I sure learn a lot from him . It's been so long since my kids were little that I am REALLY out of the loop about kid's tv shows, superheroes, and things like that . :lol

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I agree with most here, Cara, about the color of the background tiles. The peach is too close in tome to the yellow in the border - a lighter or deeper version of the other color might work...or a deeper border color so the little duckie pops...

Just trying to confuse you further:lol

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OMG Cara, you're killing me with these cuddleghans. I absolutely love duckies. Too cute. That will definitely be on my to do list. :yes I'm not too good at designing stuff but I know you'll get all the kinks worked out because you're a genius when it comes to this stuff. :yes:cheer:yes

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Cara, I like the beak darker like that...and love the green. But are you leaving the pattern like that or going to use green as the background?:think

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I think I'd make both ends of the towelrack show so you can tell more what the green is, and something darker for the border -- maybe a darler green or blue ...


Cara- do you think we are all driving you batty today on purpose ?:lol

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