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Our House [Archive 1]


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I had started my windwalker, using the Dark purple, lavender and Turquoise. Got several dark purple squares made and decided it was a horrible color to do lots of little squares in. Joining was incredibly hard because of the darkness of the yarn...I decided to use it to make a ripple(Susan B's Easy Ripple) and find other colors to use for the windwalker. Still looking.

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Let me make you an offer ..................

........................you can't refuse !


Hey ladies


I just started a new thread in the Coffee shop area, off topic--


If you like to read, look in and check it out. Thought I'd give you guys first crack at it if you wanna play .




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I had started my windwalker, using the Dark purple, lavender and Turquoise. Got several dark purple squares made and decided it was a horrible color to do lots of little squares in. Joining was incredibly hard because of the darkness of the yarn...I decided to use it to make a ripple(Susan B's Easy Ripple) and find other colors to use for the windwalker. Still looking.


Michele ~ I have trouble using dark colors, too. Cara posted a picture this past Friday or Sat. of her Windwalker and it's wonderful! I hope you find colors you like! :)

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Let me make you an offer ..................

........................you can't refuse !


Hey ladies


I just started a new thread in the Coffee shop area, off topic--


If you like to read, look in and check it out. Thought I'd give you guys first crack at it if you wanna play .






I sent a PM .... :woo

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I'm finally going to have some crochet time this evening. :hook Getting ready to start squares for row 10 out of 14 on the Bus Ghan. :yay


Linda T. ~ Glad you're home. I hope you had a wonderful trip! :)

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Morning everyone


How are you all tonight.


Robyn Im sorry for the loss of your mum:hug


Julie you just love to start cals dont you. What a great idea. Im not sure if I can find that book, I will have a look.


I got a few squares done on the casa and a couple of dishcloths and thats it.

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Hi, everybody! I'm home!!!! I have sooo missed you!!! I'm still not caught up on reading, but I'm getting closer.

We got off to a later start than planned but had a really, really nice time. I started a RR on the trip down and finished it off about noon on Thursday. I didn't expect it to go that fast and didn't have any more yarn with me and never got a chance to buy more while we were there. Still have to take a picture of it and get it posted. It started out as the HS graduation present for one of my nephews and ended up being the Christmas present for my other nephew.

We made good time on the trip down, but 20 minutes before reaching our destination we had a flat tire. Got safely off the road and into little gas station. It delayed our arrival by about an hour all told. Not too bad. We got it replaced the next day with minimal inconvenience. While we were there a gal was there with a car that had a clicker to open the doors and start the car. NO keys at all. Unfortunately her battery was dead, so she couldn't open the doors or pop the hood. It was so funny as they called all over the place to try and find out how to get it open so the could pop the hood and charge the battery. They were fussing over it when we arrived and still at it when we left.

Panama City Beach, FL is lovely. I have never seen such white beaches. The beach is lined with high rises, of course. The sound of the waves was soooo soothing. I sat out on the 12 floor balcony in the mornings before everyone was out playing in the water and sunning. It was so quiet and restful.

We went out to eat several times. The seafood was delicious. The rest of the time we cooked in the apartment. John did some sun bathing, but Kim and I stayed inside when it got hot.

A storm moved through one late afternoon. Went from land out into the Gulf. First we heard thunder, then black clouds moved in, followed by the wind, and then the rain. When the clouds started moving in the personnel went scurrying about trying to get all the umbrellas down and the mats put away from the beach chairs. They mostly succeeded. However, about a dozen of the chairmats got picked up by the wind and ended up in the drink. So did 4 or 5 trash containers. One of the umbrellas got rescued just as it reached the water. Several of the floatation donuts weren't so lucky. One of the larger ones went sailing through the air and onto the water where it rolled, flipped, scooted across the water, going farther and farther out into the Gulf until it disappeared from view. I don't think it made it back to shore, but most of the rest of it was eventually retrieved.

As a finale to our week's stay, John, Kim & I went parasailing on Friday evening. We got a really good deal on going out from the dock with the sail that went the longest and highest. Kim & John went up in a tandem harness and then I went up alone. What I didn't know, was that John is a terrible sailor. He was seasick almost before we left the dock. He didn't say anything, of course. Macho Man. The hitched them up and off they went into the air. John was fighting his harness and life jacket and getting greener by the minute. He was afraid he was going to throw up on Kim's head. They brought them down, dipped them in the drink, and took them way, way up not once, but twice. In the meantime, John is thinking, "Oh, no. I'm going to throwup on Kim's head. Get me down. Get me down, now! Somebody shoot me and put me out of my misery." Kim is smiling and looking around and having a grand time. They finally brought them in and said to stand up as you land. John's reply was, "**** no, we're sitting down." When they landed he said, "Somebody hold my wife," and rolled onto his side in misery. They took one look at his face and said I could go up alone. I loved every second of my time on it. It was so quiet and peaceful and pretty with dusk just starting to fall. Every time he tells the story it gets more and more exagerated and Kim laughs and laughs at him.

Saturday we checked out and went to where Kim's family lives in Valdosta, GA. Spent the night there and came home Sunday, getting in about 7:30 pm. Tired and glad to be back home.

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Cara, I'm so glad you like your afghan. It was fun coordinating with Julie to make it for you. And none of us gave it away! :devil How did we ever manage that feat? Hope you enjoy all the recipes and your afghan for many years to come. You are our inspiration and we just had to find some way to say thank you.:hug

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Welcome home, Linda :jumpyay:hug:jumpyay


Sounds like y'all had a blast :yes !


And thank you so much for the afghan. It's the very best surprise I ever got :manyheart I've just spent the last few days fighting Misa for it :cat For some reason she seems to think it's hers :lol


We're so glad to have you back with us safe and sound :hug

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Good Morning all. :) I couldn't get on last night when I tried - are you all still having trouble, too?


Linda ~ It sounds like a wonderful vacation. We have about an 8 hour trip to the Gulf and used to drive it for a weekend! You are one brave lady...I'll never have the nerve to go parasailing. :eek We're glad you're back. :yes

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Good morning ladies :flower


Never did get to work on my Big Top quilt yesterday. But I did get most of my dishcloths done :yay


Today is some graphic work and then hopefully I'll get the last 3 cloths made and time in on the Big Top this evening :hook


Julie - The ocean has the same effect on me that fountains do....makes me look for the nearest ladies room :rofl :rofl

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Good morning, everybody. I haven't completely unpacked yet, but things are gradually getting back to normal. Sarge is still being very, very vocal:cat and being very demanding of attention, but calming down a smidgeon. :cat Trouble is pretty much back to normal, but still staying very close to Kim. :dog I never did adjust to the time change, so that's no problem.

For some reason my time sense in where we were at in the month got off. :think I took Kim to the doctor's office yesterday for an appointment that wasn't until next week. I had looked at the date on my watch and decided it got off while we were on vacation and was going to set it ahead a week. I looked at the calendar and still thought it was next week. Luckily, the doctor had a cancellation and was able to see Kim anyway. She got a good report. Don't have to see him again until next year unless she has problems. When I finally figured out what had happened I felt sooooooo dumb. Is that a senior moment or what?:confused

Good to be home and good to be back in touch with all my web buddies.:yes

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Linda -


Sounds like something I'd do :lol Glad the doc could see her and super happy that she's got the all clear for a year :yay


Misa gets chatty when we've been gone, too :cat First, she gripes us out..."How could you leave me?!?!" Then she settles into, "Don't ever leave me again, okay?" :lol

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Good night, Wendy! :)


Linda, don't feel bad about being off schedule...lately I don't even know what day it is. :lol I'm so glad they could fit Kim in and now you don't have to go back!


I'm off to run some errands and then back home to crochet. This yukky cold is almost gone, but still hanging on enough just to be annoying. :angry


Bye for now. :manyheart

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I am so proud of myself! I went to Walmart to stock up on lots of things, but I didn't buy any yarn. :D Just couldn't pass up 2 of the canvas storage bins - the small ones - to keep WIPs in. Now I'm thinking, I need one of the larger ones, too. :think


Thank goodness for a.c. and crocheting...our heat index is supposed to be 100 today and that is when I don't enjoy yard work! :hot


I hope you all are having a good day. :)

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