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Our House [Archive 2]


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Donna, your ladybug cuddle is adorable!:yay

Just heard from John and Kim a little while ago. John got two more deer this weekend, but of all the hunter's there he's the only one who shot anything. There were 10 or 12 people at the lodge this weekend. Don't know how many actually ended up going out hunting though. Kim was with John when he got his. He says she brings him luck. :manyheart

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:rofl Maybe we should nominate a new head NUT. :rofl :rofl


:fame :fame :fame



Donna - The LB is lookin' good :tup


Denise - Hubby went on honeymoon without you!?! :lol


Tracy - Where were y'all before? South Africa right?


Linda - Well of course Kim is John's little good luck charm :manyheart


Had to frog the purse. Twice. I'm slow but it finally dawned on me that the suede yarn is bulky not worsted :blush So a 2 size smaller hook and I think it'll work now. Ended up with a migraine so I had to stop for a lie down but all better now :D

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Tabby, sorry about Doa's work schedule - but it sounds like great crochet time for you. :devil

Tuon is so pretty, Cara. :cat Zoe looks really sweet, too. :lol

Linda, we love chicken fried backstrap...when's dinner? :D


Hi Wendy...thank you so very much for the days til Christmas updates. You are so sweet to keep reminding us how close it is. :wink:D

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Good Afternoon,


Everything looks so good. I just saw my sisters off to Alabama. We've had a wonderful weekend. I was still able to get crocheting in even at Chuckie Cheese. Going to get my crochet organized. Got a journal. Planning to finish up UFOs in the next 2 weeks. I plan to sleep, eat and crochet.

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Good Afternoon,


Everything looks so good. I just saw my sisters off to Alabama. We've had a wonderful weekend. I was still able to get crocheting in even at Chuckie Cheese. Going to get my crochet organized. Got a journal. Planning to finish up UFOs in the next 2 weeks. I plan to sleep, eat and crochet.

Sounds like the ideal life to me!;)

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Hi, Mary - I hope to get at least one or two projects done while Phil is gone. I have a good start on the laundry room shelves so it's time to make myslef a cup of coffe and sit and :hooknow. I'll just leave my 'puter on and check in with everyone later...

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Went to JoAnn's just now for the last day of their 2 for $8 One Pounders and guess what? I drove :jumpyay!! Picked it right back up. And I didn't hit anything! I haven't driven in four years but it was so nice to feel somewhat independent again :D I'm still not technically supposed to be driving but gotta drive on Tuesday cuz Big Daddy is having mouth surgery and he'll be sedated and no one else can drive us that day :( Once in a while should be okay. Big Daddy's panicking now though. He now realizes I can drive myself to store, I have a credit card and I know how to use it :D

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Went to JoAnn's just now for the last day of their 2 for $8 One Pounders and guess what? I drove :jumpyay!! Picked it right back up. And I didn't hit anything! I haven't driven in four years but it was so nice to feel somewhat independent again :D I'm still not technically supposed to be driving but gotta drive on Tuesday cuz Big Daddy is having mouth surgery and he'll be sedated and no one else can drive us that day :( Once in a while should be okay. Big Daddy's panicking now though. He now realizes I can drive myself to store, I have a credit card and I know how to use it :D

Good for you, Cara! :yay Poor Big Daddy! Have credit card will travel! :rofl :rofl:rofl

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Big Daddy's panicking now though. He now realizes I can drive myself to store, I have a credit card and I know how to use it :D


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Thanks for all the compliments you guys. I was pretty surprised at how fast the LB seems to go. I may have to put it on hold this week. It depends on if I can get to the store for yarn. I think I might be able to go but only get one color. If so then I'll have to pick the dark green to finish the WB up with. I found some brown so I'm getting the last block put together today and I'm going to see how far I can get with the green I have. I might just wait on both and finish up the comfortghan. We'll just see when the time comes.

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Just a fast update and a little rant...


I've been working on the school bus cuddle this weekend now that I have all the colors I need. I'm doing it with RHSS, which isn't my favorite yarn, but it's usually what I end up using because of cost, and I've gotten used to it for the most part. It's a bit rough to work up, but it always washes well and gets really soft, BUT OMG! I have gotten a hold of a skien of black RHSS that is killing me. It's like crocheting with steel wool! I thought it was all in my head until I made a bi-color square. The black is WAY worse than the other colors!!! I'm still gonna use it, 'cause we're poor and I;m cheap, and I'm sure it'll wash up fine, but OMG it is irritating!


BTW, Am I the only one that isn't putting mine together as I go? Me and my OCD work better making all the squares and then putting them together. I tried to join a row, but it was bugging me that I wouldn't be able to keep going, lol.

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Good morning! Rainy morning! We've been getting a steady drizzle to light rain since about noon yesterday, and boy do we need it. This is the kind that soaks in as it comes down, which is wonderful. It looks like it could continue like this all day, which is fine with me. We can use every drop.

Bean, I usually try to do 2-3 blocks worth of squares, put them together, make more squares, put them together, etc. However, with Mr. Rooster I seem to be just making more and more squares without any put together yet. This may be a mistake, but it just seems to be happening that way with this one. I like to alternate, because it's easier on my arthritic joints when I mix it up. Seems to be whatever works best for each of us. :lol

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I think it's the puzzle solver in me. I keep envisioning sitting down at the end and spending a whole day putting this together. :cheer It's kind of like delayed instant gratification, :lol


And AMEN FOR THE RAIN!!! :yay I hope it keeps up all day. The weatherman said it should. I hope he's right. I know it's gray and icky outside, but we need the rain so badly, I'd take the icky for a whole week!:yes

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Good morning ladies :flower


Bean - Oh I know what you mean :irk I got hold of two skeins of Paddy Green that I could've refinished furniture with :lol Thankfully, it does wash up nicely.


Linda - Y'all must've ended up with the rain we had last week. It was nice but now it's gone. Still kinda cool though so that's nice but the sun is shining bright.


Finished up the body of my purse yesterday :yay Just gotta had some handles (which I forgot to pick up at JoAnn's yesterday...guess I'll get some at Wally World this evening if we make it out that way) and the lining. I'm hoping one of the multitudes of fabric I have around here will work. I'm almost as bad about fabric as I am about yarn :blush


Have a happy day y'all :manyheart

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Morning Linda, Bean & Cara,


Bean-I usually crochet all squares and then put them together. However, I tried single crocheting vertically my "ME" ghan. I'm not sure if I like it any better than the whip stitch method. I really dislike the joining period. I do want to try the join as you go method. One of the girls gave me instructions. I was too tired to understand them so I'll have to go back and read them and try them on another project.


Linda-Which method do you use when you're joining?


Cara-Congrats on finishing your purse.


Have a nice day ladies.

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Yes, lovely Cape Town in South Africa. Don't know what possessed me to give up the sun and heat to freeze over here. :blush


:lol I've found in my lifetime it's for either love or money one or the other :lol

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Valerie, it seems that I have to be different from everyone else no matter what I do. I put mine together by doing a whipstitch through the front loops only and then come back the other way doing a whipstitch through the back loops only. Most of the ones I've done are destined to be used a LOT, so I want to make sure they don't come undone. I started doing them this way with the very first one I did, a pinwheel in earthtones for Kim. It worked so well I've just kept doing them that way. :lol :lol :lol

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