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Our House [Archive 2]


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Evening ladies.


Just poppin in to see how it's going.


Welcome smileygirl! :cheerThis is definitely the place to be if you need anything. Cara is the queen of quilt ghans. Most of ladies in here have done several already. Good luck. Have you chosen a pattern yet?

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OK, if you want to link to another post, this is what you do....


Do you see the number at the top right of every post? Well, that's a link!


You RIGHT CLICK on that link and then click "Copy Link Location" or "Copy Address" (browsers differ).


Then, when you are making your post, you paste that into the link box when it asks for the address.



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OK, if you want to link to another post, this is what you do....


Do you see the number at the top right of every post? Well, that's a link!


You RIGHT CLICK on that link and then click "Copy Link Location" or "Copy Address" (browsers differ).


Then, when you are making your post, you paste that into the link box when it asks for the address.




Well whadda ya know!! I never noticed that was a link. You're so smart with all this stuff, Krystal :yes Thanks for the tip :hug


BTW, since the tutorial I can now seriously whip out those daisy squares :hook

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Welcome to the group, Smileygirl! We'll be happy to help if you have problems. :welcome

Yes, Rosie is the one who is getting Mr. Rooster. She was soooo enthused about it and the progress I've made on the squares for it. She is going to be sooo surprised! :devil She was mentioning that she gave all her crochet hooks to a friend who was laid up and now it getting the itch to start again

Made it to Michaels today, but wasn't terribly impressed with most of what they had at our store. I did pick up 6 skeins of Patons Divine in two different colors: red with black & black with gray. I'm hoping that's enough for a matching hat and scarf set in both colors. It was 50% off which put it in my price range.:hook

I ran a lot of errands today, so haven't done much crocheting, but should get in some tomorrow.

Have a great night.:manyheart

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Good Morning, all.

Krystal, thank you for the info. on posting links. :manyheart


We're about to leave for DD's house. Their fence guy still hasn't finished, but we'll be able to plant one more shrub bed where he is through working. The rest may have to wait til Spring. :yes


Have a great day. :hook

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Mary, have a good time planting.

Why is it when I get a chance to sleep in, my body insists on waking up extra early? I suppose achy joints have something to do with it. I've got a quiet day of crocheting and movie watching planned for today.:yes

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Cara &/or Mary~I have a question about the bus cuddle ghan. Did you both use bright yellow or another yellow? I'm not so sure if I like the bright yellow, it seems a bit too bright. Neither of yours look that bright in the pic. so I wanted to see what your opinions were. Thanks!

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Good morning ladies :flower


Mary - Have fun with DD :hug


Tabby - I think I ended up using just "Yellow" on mine. RHSSs Yellow is pretty bright so it should be fine. :yes


Linda - I know how you feel :hug Maybe you can sneak in a nap somewhere :D


Well, I snuck in a nap yesterday. Meant it to be 30 minutes or so. It ended up 2.5 hrs :eek Of course that meant I didn't get to sleep until after 6 this morning. :P Sure hope I can straighten myself out by tonight :lol


Have a great day everyone :manyheart

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I finally have a few squares finished. I have seriously got to stop starting new projects!!! I have so many WIM's that it's hard to focus on the ones I am actually doing, lol.

Now I KNOW you're truly one of us:devil

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Tabby, I used RH Kids Yellow. It's a little thinner than regular RHSS, but the color worked and it didn't make any difference as far as the squares look. Are you making it for anyone special? Can't wait to see it! :hook


Cara, I hope you get caught up on sleep tonight. :)


Linda~Enjoy your crochet day. :yarn


We had fun at DD's and got 7 beautiful big shrubs in, mulched and ready for the edging. There's still lots to do, but it's looking better. :garden

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Mary, WTG gal. You'll have them landscaped in no time.

I've watched two movies so far and have finished all the light green squares for Mr. Rooster. On to Dark Green and Browns now. :hook

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I finally have a few squares finished. I have seriously got to stop starting new projects!!! I have so many WIM's that it's hard to focus on the ones I am actually doing, lol.


Way to go:clap


We had fun at DD's and got 7 beautiful big shrubs in, mulched and ready for the edging. There's still lots to do, but it's looking better. :garden


Mary thats great that you got some nice shrubs planted. You do enjoy your gardening dont you.


Mary, WTG gal. You'll have them landscaped in no time.

I've watched two movies so far and have finished all the light green squares for Mr. Rooster. On to Dark Green and Browns now. :hook


Well done on getting more squares finished for Mr Rooster. Cant wait to see what he looks like.

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OK, I have a quick question, I have 20 yards of light blue in my plastic canvas box.. Do you think I could get 6 squares out of that? It's all I need and I don't really wanna buy anything I don;t have too. Money is too tight this time of year.

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Tabby - I think I ended up using just "Yellow" on mine. RHSSs Yellow is pretty bright so it should be fine. :yes




That's what I decided to go with or atleast I think. :lol It was in my stash but rolled in a ball with no tag but it looks good. :D


Tabby, I used RH Kids Yellow. It's a little thinner than regular RHSS, but the color worked and it didn't make any difference as far as the squares look. Are you making it for anyone special? Can't wait to see it! :hook




I find that some colors are just thinner even in the same exact brand/kind. Like my black seems thinner then alot of the colors. :think Even on my half squares I don't think it makes a difference.


I'm making it for the kids bus driver. She goes beyond what most drivers do. My kids love her, they give her hugs everyday getting on the bus. She is so sweet & deserving. :manyheart

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I'm making it for the kids bus driver. She goes beyond what most drivers do. My kids love her, they give her hugs everyday getting on the bus. She is so sweet & deserving. :manyheart


I love it when people think of their kids drivers! Lots of parents give things to teachers and coaches, but forget the people that get up at 5am every day to get your child to school safely. My mom is a bus driver, and she loves those kids like her own.:manyheart

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I love it when people think of their kids drivers! Lots of parents give things to teachers and coaches, but forget the people that get up at 5am every day to get your child to school safely. My mom is a bus driver, and she loves those kids like her own.:manyheart


Thank you & I absolutely agree. Last year I made her a doily. :manyheart

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OK, I have a quick question, I have 20 yards of light blue in my plastic canvas box.. Do you think I could get 6 squares out of that? It's all I need and I don't really wanna buy anything I don;t have too. Money is too tight this time of year.


Hi Bean ~ At one time, Cara told us how many squares (on average) we could make from a skein of RHSS...anyway, I was trying to do the math and figure it out.:think Too much information :lol, but I'll bet someone will come on and help you. :yes

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