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Our House [Archive 2]


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Linda, that sounds perfect! I like it stuffed, sauteed, fried...just about any old way. :lol We sure miss our garden, but the trees in that part of the yard have grown so much there just isn't enough sun.


I am officially in little square withdrawal. :eek Time to get back to Mr. Train perhaps tomorrow. :hook


See you all tomorrow. :manyheart

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Mary - Little square addiction is a nasty thing isn't it? :lol Sleep well :hug


Linda - That sounds yummy :yes I had fried chicken once that was breaded with potato flakes. Thought it would be nasty but it was delish :yes

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Good morning, everybody. I woke up with a raging headache this morning. Don't you just love when that happens?! Oh well... I bring it on myself when I stress over stupid little things.


Everybody in full swing with holiday stuff? I'm actually not as far behind this year as normal, so I have no idea why I'm stressing!


I am still struggling with not liking how joining the squares looks on my quilt. So...I was wondering... have any of you sewn a backing on your quilts to hide the joining? If so, did you like it? What material did ya use? (Can I pay you to do mine? ;) )

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I have sewn a quilted fabric piece to a baby afghan to make a really heavy floor mat. It takes a special machine, though - very thick. If *I* were to be sewing something to one of my quilts, it would be cotton flannel. Very soft, oh so nice. I would sew it around the edges, and then tie a few places on the inside as well.

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Lady - I haven't backed one, so no help here. Of course, I didn't like the way it looked when put together that way. I frogged the one I started that way and did a whip stitch join instead.:2frog

Morning, everyone. It's chilly here again this morning. The outside thermometer is sitting on 30. Ooooooooo!!!!!! :wbrr Trouble went to the Doggy Dr. this morning. John said she was shivering and not acting her perky self, so wanted to get her checked out. It's really quiet in the house without her running around.:dog

I thought that I was at a standstill on Mr. Rooster, because I've just been doing buff squares in the evening while watching TV and not much else on it. Guess what? I was wrong. I am almost at the end of the first skein of buff and when I rummaged around and put all the squares in one place, I discovered that I have a whole lot of saltines done. :eek Approximately 20-25% of them, in fact. Oh my!

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Good Morning Ladies.:mug I haven't started my squares as of yet, but I am excited about the project. I did want to ask though, how on earth do ya'll keep track of all those squares? I usually keep projects in separate tote bags so I can travel with them, but I'm afraid I will lose some of those little saltines.


I can't wait to get started!!! I'm trying to finish up a granny afghan for my son. I only have 2 squares and the border left. I am praying that I have enough yarn since it's blue camo and I bought it almost a year ago. I can do the border in a solid, but I have to squeeze those 2 square out of the print.... cross your fingers for me!! :xfin

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Bean, the ladies try and join the saltines as they go - easier than waiting at the end!! Break down the pattern into either rows or sections and do it that way...or you may go:loco

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Good morning, everybody. I woke up with a raging headache this morning. Don't you just love when that happens?! Oh well... I bring it on myself when I stress over stupid little things.


Everybody in full swing with holiday stuff? I'm actually not as far behind this year as normal, so I have no idea why I'm stressing!


I am still struggling with not liking how joining the squares looks on my quilt. So...I was wondering... have any of you sewn a backing on your quilts to hide the joining? If so, did you like it? What material did ya use? (Can I pay you to do mine? ;) )


Angel, I haven't tried backing the ghans, but I thing Krystal's idea sounds like a winner! Hope your headache is better. :hug

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I thought that I was at a standstill on Mr. Rooster, because I've just been doing buff squares in the evening while watching TV and not much else on it. Guess what? I was wrong. I am almost at the end of the first skein of buff and when I rummaged around and put all the squares in one place, I discovered that I have a whole lot of saltines done. :eek Approximately 20-25% of them, in fact. Oh my!

Linda, great progress!


Good Morning Ladies.:mug I haven't started my squares as of yet, but I am excited about the project. I did want to ask though, how on earth do ya'll keep track of all those squares? I usually keep projects in separate tote bags so I can travel with them, but I'm afraid I will lose some of those little saltines.


I can't wait to get started!!! I'm trying to finish up a granny afghan for my son. I only have 2 squares and the border left. I am praying that I have enough yarn since it's blue camo and I bought it almost a year ago. I can do the border in a solid, but I have to squeeze those 2 square out of the print.... cross your fingers for me!! :xfin

Hi Bean. Cara gave us the idea to use Ziplocs for keeping track of squares and that is what I do, too. I try to join some as I go, but have been known to get on a roll making squares and then have lots to join at once. :eek

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Good morning ladies :flower


Angel - I've known of a couple of gals that lined the backs of their quilts with either flannel or fleece and have really like the results. You could always do a practice run with one or the other I guess. Kinda just tack it in place and if you don't like it just snip it back off again.


Linda - Oh I sure hope little Trouble is okay :manyheart


Bean - Yep most of us just do a few squares then join them together. Do a few more and attach them to the first batch, repeat. Seems to make it go faster that way too even though it doesn't really. I think it just keeps us motivated to see it coming together :yes


Donna - An excellent example of seeing the picture unfold! I love it! I can see the flower forming at the top already. Great job! :clap:cheer


Judy & Mary - How are you ladies this fine morning? :hug


Oooh I slept well last night. It got down to 40 degrees and that's some might fine sleeping weather :yes Of course it's already 57 out there now but it was nice while it lasted :lol


Gonna be working on more friend squares and charity squares today. Need to decide which quilt I'm gonna do next. I'm thinking I might do a full version of Love Letters for my niece :yes


Have a great day y'all :manyheart

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Sounds like Trouble pulled a muscle or some such. They're going to keep an eye on her today and keep her quiet. Maybe some antibiotics and for sure something for pain.

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Great progress on the LB Donna! It's looking good!


I got more squares added to my lapghan so I thought I'd post a pic. This is the one with the I love this yarn.




I sometimes make a bunch of squares and keep them in a zip lock bag till I get around to joining them but alot of times I sit and make a square join it and then make the next one it just depends on where I am when making squares. :lol

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Heather, your lapghan is looking great! :yarn I haven't tried that yarn yet - do you like how it works for the little squares?


I decided to do something that can be finished quickly, so I'm making another Shelly scarf with Caron SS Tweed in off white...I love this pattern. :hook


Hi Judy!

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Hey, Cara --- it's been a busy morning for me...slowing down now, TG. Need more :hook time!!


Now that sounds like a fine plan :hook


Mary - Yep, I agree. Once in a while we just need an instant gratification project :yes


Heather - I'm also curious how well the ILTY works on the little squares :yes I don't like them in SS at all :no

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I don't know how to explain doing the squares with the ILTY. I think it works nicely. I have also done caron ss and it seems better than that. To me it's like a really soft RHSS IMO :D

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