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Our House [Archive 2]


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Well, at least it sounds like we have all had some fun in here this week !


If Big Daddy only knew we were all on here arguing over who gets him and where Denise found him ......


I think there would be QUITE a difference in accents between Texas and England, no wonder they can't understand each other .


Denise, as long as he is eating bananas, just keep feeding him. He'll be alright til Cara figures out how to get him back home. I'm wondering how he got clear over there to start with ?

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Denise, as long as he is eating bananas, just keep feeding him. He'll be alright til Cara figures out how to get him back home. I'm wondering how he got clear over there to start with ?


Now you see why I don't let him wander off by himself often :lol

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Hi Ladies. I finally got 3 whole hours of crochet time. :hook Just 42 more squares to make and join. :cheer Of course, I haven't joined any of the blocks and then there's the border...this still may get finished before Thanksgiving. :yes


It's been a long day, so see you all tomorrow. :manyheart

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Julie after making saltines for the last year I think I need a break from it. Just feels weird not having to do any.

Kinda like when you have a constant toothache and it goes away suddenly:think??

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Wendy that is wonderful that you are done with the saltines. I know what you mean about the lost feeling. I get that sometimes too when I'm done with a long part of a pattern. I can't wait to see your amish. Have you thought of what your next major project is going to be? Or are you sticking with the smaller items for a while?

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Donna I have my Xmas ripple to go on with, plus my me project. I still have to finish the footy pillows. Also I want to make a blended round ripple Like Linda makes. So I guess no major projects like this one for awhile. I have ordered 3 books and one of them is the mini painted doilies book. I would love to make one of them but not sure how using 3 lots of thread will go.

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That's awesome, Wendy! Way to Go!:yay:cheer:yay

I crocheted background squares for Mr. Rooster last night while watching House. That's the first squares I've made in a while.

The doctor was pleased with the progress I've made in the last week, although she said that it sounded like my right lung still isn't fully expanded yet. She said the pain on that side is probably from the lining of the lung being inflamed. Keep on with the antibiotics, use heat or cold on the side, and call her in a week if I'm still having problems. :(

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Linda, stay warm!!! Don't want to get worse:hug




Wendy, my SP made me a "painted" doily. It's the Fall colored one on my blog, next to the bookmark. It's so pretty in person...pic does not do it justice at all!

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'Morning, ladies. It's chilly and cloudy and I've made a management decision. :idea Of course, I only have to manage the pets and me today. :lol I'm going to stay home, get some chores done and then have a wonderful crochet day.


Wendy, I'll bet you are ready for a break from the squares. :yes You know we can't wait to see the finished Amish!


Linda~I'm so glad you're feeling better. :hug

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Kinda like when you have a constant toothache and it goes away suddenly:think??


:rofl :rofl :rofl


Good morning ladies :flower


Wow! I didn't get to get on last night. I finally had to have a new (well, new to me) laptop last night. My old one was being held together with tape in places :lol So DH hooked me up with another one he had in that scary room he has back there with all the flashing lights and sounds. I think he's trying to take over the world or launch the space shuttle back there :lol


Wendy - We're in the final countdown now :cheer I can't wait to see it :manyheart


Judy - I noticed your siggie line. Are you collecting 6" squares for your more than worthy self?


Mary - I like your management style :yes Enjoy :hug


Gonna work on my ME blanket today. I actually got 6 rows done yesterday :D

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Howdy Ladies.


Just a quick check in while I rest from that dang fall ghan. My back is killing me from sitting there so I popped a pill and will get back to it soon. I only have on side of the border left. WOOT! :cheer



Have a great day ladies. :manyheart

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Way to Go, Tabby!!

I finally got pictures taken of nephew #2's RR and my ME Sunshine RR. Mankato State University's colors are purple and gold. It's the only one I've done that I didn't blend. My RR has about 10 rows to go.



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Linda~Those RR are beautiful. You are just on a roll with those, you go girl. :cheer:clap:cheer



I finished my fall ghan & took pictures. I was coming to post them & realized that I forgot to put the feet on my crows. So I will be back in about 15-30 minutes, I hope. :lol

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