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Friendship-ghan Square CAL...UPDATED IN POST 1


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aww.. shucks... thanks for the compliment!:blush

I'm glad the square made it and you like it! :hook




Yes I do like it. It actually came Friday. But with 4 kids,a husband,2 cats and a rat things are not always quiet on the weekends for me to get online.

I have been donning my taxi driver's cap this weekend for the bigger kids and my 8 year old cut the bottom of his foot and had to go to the e.r. and get 2 stitches. The fun never stops in this house. :D

I still have 4 packages sitting here waiting to get mailed out. SMH I will get to it asap. :yes

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Thank you so much teakaycee for this BEAUTIFUL square!! My entire family was fascinated by it.

My husband said you should be my crochet guru LOL

Beautiful square!!!

Yes I do like it. It actually came Friday. But with 4 kids,a husband,2 cats and a rat things are not always quiet on the weekends for me to get online.

I have been donning my taxi driver's cap this weekend for the bigger kids and my 8 year old cut the bottom of his foot and had to go to the e.r. and get 2 stitches. The fun never stops in this house. :D

I still have 4 packages sitting here waiting to get mailed out. SMH I will get to it asap. :yes

So, are you saying your a little busy? :lol

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Wow, that is a gorgeous square Tam!

Well golly-gee... I'm touched.. thank you!


Yes I do like it. It actually came Friday. But with 4 kids,a husband,2 cats and a rat things are not always quiet on the weekends for me to get online.

I have been donning my taxi driver's cap this weekend for the bigger kids and my 8 year old cut the bottom of his foot and had to go to the e.r. and get 2 stitches. The fun never stops in this house. :D

I still have 4 packages sitting here waiting to get mailed out. SMH I will get to it asap. :yes Oh how I understand!! 3 boys ... 1 hubby...2 dogs.. 1 cat...1 turtle.. 1 guinea pig...and 1 sugar glider :whew

I'm just super glad you like it! Is your sons foot okay?







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Beautiful square!!! Thanks darlin'!


So, are you saying your a little busy? :lol LOL... yeah.. I think thats what she's sayin' :D







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He is doing better now thanks. He sure has learned a lesson in always wearing shoes when he goes outside.

And Yes I am saying I can be a bit busy at times. School starts Wednesday and I CAN'T WAIT!/FONT]

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He is doing better now thanks. He sure has learned a lesson in always wearing shoes when he goes outside.

And Yes I am saying I can be a bit busy at times. School starts Wednesday and I CAN'T WAIT!/FONT]

Glad your son is doing better! I remember those days! Glad they are over! :lol And I only had 2 kids! :lol You'll look back on it someday though and wonder where the time went! Enjoy them while they are little!

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I'm so glad your sons foot is ok. I know it can be crazy in a house with a lot going on. Here it is me, my sister, my mom, my dad who is away driving a truck, 6 cats, one snake and my dad owns a house that has been in his family forever that a friend lives in and my dad has a garden and a dog there. Fortunately my grandma (nana) dads mom lives just down the road from the house. I am going to college and sister starts school tomorrow and mom has fibromyalgia and migraines. So believe me I know about busy and crazy

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I went to Walmart yesterday to get more black yarn. I swear this Walmart hates me. The last couple of times I've gone in there to get yarn, they didn't have the color I needed. I thought for sure they would have black yarn? Anyway... my husband said, "Do you want me to stop and get you some on the way home from work tomorrow?" :eek (He works an hour away from here.) He must really love me!! :lol



Awe, that's sweet! I think all wal marts are out to mess with the common people. :think lol

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I think all wal marts are out to mess with the common people. :think lol


I totally agree!

It seems every time I get hooked on a type of yarn (no pun intended) they stop carrying it or stocking it.

Walmart is my only access to redheart and caron yarn. Otherwise I would have to drive for about an hour to get to hobby lobby or michael's.

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Well I am going to join the fun..I after all have all of that birthday stash just sitting around..lol.

Excellent! Welcome to the fun!!

If you have not yet emailed Sue to put you on the list, please email her, and state your preferences so we can get busy! Lots of love in this thread! (info on first post) again, welcome!

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If you don't hear back from Sue, she's on vacation and will be back Tuesday night. ;)

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post-18634-135897684967_thumb.gif Good Morning.........

Hope all is well with everyone!! I'm still fightin' this headache... but thats not new ... so on I move!


Welcome to the fun Randi!


Sue........sure hope you're having a great little vacation!!! :hug


Good Morninig Neighbor!!! How's the waters down by you?

Gettin' deep here... :sigh

Hey there miss Stephanie.... how ya doin'?


Well... off to get more :mug and start :hook

check in again in a while!



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Michelle, are you still needing squares for your stepdad's comfortghan?


Ladies, I'm wondering if I can ask this? We found out 2 weeks ago my step-father has inoperable lung cancer at stage 4. This has been very hard as my brother and I are very close to him. Also my mother is mental ( I still debate this one- she is just "mental" enough to be mean as a junkyard snake. Always been that way, even before we were told a couple of years ago she was mental. ) They are having a very hard time financially and with just my brother and I it is very hard and I live 1 hour and 1/2 away. They have no friends or church family that come around because over the years my mother has driven them all away. He is fighting hard to conquer this but living in such an evironment is hard. I went to visit and help them some this evening and I was so depressed coming home, I can only imagine how depressed he is.

Sorry to make this so long, but is it too much to ask if I could have some 8" squares for a comfortghan to let him know there are people that care? If I could have them in WW and different shades of blue since that is his favorite color?


Thanks for letting me vent a little on here.

Hope everyone is doing well tonite.

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I got some black yarn! My husband called me on his way home from work & said "Instead of me picking you up some yarn, do you want to go tomorrow & we can do some more school shopping for the boys?". So, I got to go to JoAnns, yesterday. :D I just got black yarn & some baby boucle for a stocking I want to do. But... I was able to finish edging all my squares & joining most of them. Not sure where I want to put these four yet. But. This is what I have so far. :clap


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Hee hee. You probably do! Those are all my squares. :yes


nice to see the progress! I like it in black! Makes the colors pop right out!


ps. I THINK i see mine! lol


I even crocheted one for myself last night so I could finish a row. :lol The pink one on the bottom right. :hook Thank you both. :manyheart


Nice Tina. You need 2 more squares so you can add another row. :U
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My puppy was helping me crochet squares last night.. She kept putting her paw on the yarn, like "Here, use this color" :lol It was funny. (I was crocheting my square, so no one has to worry about puppy germs on their sqaures. :P)


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My puppy was helping me crochet squares last night.. She kept putting her paw on the yarn, like "Here, use this color" :lol It was funny. (I was crocheting my square, so no one has to worry about puppy germs on their sqaures. :P)


Puppy germs are the BEST!!!!!

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