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The ~63~ Club


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Cheeria, the bamboo hooks are very lightweight - they weigh nothing, really. When I'm doing a big project they're invaluable.

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Hi everyone, just got home from work, no crafting done yet. I am hoping to get two more squares done this week, but haven't even picked squares out yet.

It is a lovely sunny day here, 40 degrees outside and dh is grilling pork chops for dinner. Sun and 40 degrees is grilling weather in Michigan!

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It is a lovely sunny day here, 40 degrees outside and dh is grilling pork chops for dinner. Sun and 40 degrees is grilling weather in Michigan!

That's funny!:lol

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Got 2 more squares done today . Will post photos Friday ~~~



I need to do mine, but am having a hard time sticking to my "do a little of this and a little of that" schedule.:sigh

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Oddly enough, I seem to be doing better at it this week. I think it's because

I'm trying to keep my brain really busy and occupied .


Anyhow, I'm staying on task with my castle squares, got 2 done on my 63, now I need to bump over to knitting again or start the purse.


I think maybe that's what I 'll do tonite since I havent started on it yet ...


Think I'll sign off for the night -- my TV show is on in a few minutes .


Biggest loser .


Gotta go get me a Scooter Crunch Bar and watch it .

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Sounds like you have been productive, Julie. I wish I could say the same for myself. :sigh I did nothing that I set out to do today. I woke up, started out good and then HE woke up. :rant I spent half of my day being annoyed and the other half doing motherly duties. Unfortunately, they had to eat. :lol


I'll try again tomorrow. Good night. :manyheart

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Good morning, Cindy!:hug


I'm still procrastinating over this weeks square.


What I NEED to do is put the Jackson away for today and do some work on my other WIPs:yes

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Okay - I REALLY have to get moving now.


We just got off the phone with my adult niece. The girlfriend of her soon-to-be 16 yo son has gone missing...she may have met someone on the internet.

We just heard about the girl in CA, and now this. We're hoping she's just a runaway.:(

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Morning Cindy ~ Off work today, or going in late ?





Oh my gosh, Jude -- hope she turns up ok ! How scarey !!!


A girl in our town did that a few years back. Thankfully they found her ok -- she was with an old man old enough to be her dad, but they found her and brought her back home safely .


Keep us updated .

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Hi, Julie, day off today. I only work part time, usually two or three days a week, unless I teach Advanced Cardiac Life support classes, which means I might work 5 days that week. I like teaching, but I don't like to go out every day of the week. At least I can stay home on the weekends.


Judy, I sure hope that young girl is safe.

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Afternoon everyone, yesterday was productive for me, I completed my square and will begin on another one sometime today, I was also able to work on my baby knitted afghan and made some headway with that. I am hoping that today is productive also so far it has not been as far as my fibre crafts are concern.


Judy, I pray that they find the girl okay.


Talk to you all later. :cheer

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Thanks, ladies...


GOOD NEWS...the cops had flagged the girl's bank account, so when she tried to clean it out early today they were called. She was 20 minutes away from home, in the next town...my niece has no idea how she got there in the middle of the night, since there's no public transportation.

That girl was lucky...and now that she's safe...her parents are probably going to kill her:lol

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Kinda quiet here today. I have done one square today, I really need to get back to my RR but I am afraid if I do I will never come back to this 63 club, and I KNOW myself well! Those silly RR are addicting, and it is almost spring time so I have to finish whatever house things before Gardening time. The snow is melting in the parking lots finally today! have a good evening everyone! di

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Evening Ladies!!!


Not much going on here I got square number 1 done and started on number 3,hope to get it done by 9 o'clock...the Ghost Hunters live at Alcatraz comes on tonight and i love that show even though i don't believe....during that i will work on my yo-yo blanket because it mindless.


Judy...so glad she was found,that is scary.

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Just dropping by before signing off for the evening to say NITE. I did start another square today, but I plan on working on my knitted baby blanket while I sit in bed watching TV. It's an easy knit whereas the square I'm working on demand my attention. I chose a square from book 2 this time. The squares in book 4 are all so beautiful. See you in the Morning.

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Thnaks, everyone....the cops were fast in getting things covered or they wouldn't have been that lucky finding her!



I worked several rows on my square yesterday and like it alot. I should have a pic of it for tomorrow:D

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I think that I am going to focus on finishing and entire strip for my afghan and then sewing it together. I'm pretty sure that if I leave sewing for the end, I will have a pile of afghan squares for years.


Anyone who has known me for a while, knows how I feel about sewing squares together! So why is it that I am so attracted to afghan patterns worked in squares???


I am thinking of constructing my afghan using the "number pattern" in the 63 more book, no matter which book I take the square from. That will save me the trouble of spending weeks re-arranging squares to see how they look best! This means that I will be doing one of each square number, regardless of which book it comes from.

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