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Captain Hook & the Yarn Pirates


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Hi guys

Well, to answer all your questions , let's just say that whatever pace you work at is totally fine. There was no official start or end date for this group, so take as much time as you need or want .

The only reason I'm in more of a hurry is that I'm not good at doing 2 projects at a time ,so it's best for me if I get this one done before I start the Flannelghan,and since it has a start date, that puts the pressure on me to get this wrapped up .

You guys can decide how you want to work on yours. Feel free to take as much time as needed, and for those who are also in the Flannelghan Game, do what will suit you best .

I think most of you guys are good at doing several things at once and are speedy.

I'm just the opposite, I get to feeling overwhelmed if I have too much going at once ,so I tend to bog down and not complete anything when that happens .


So... whatever works best is fine with me ! :hook:yes

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I'm up to 10 squares finished now! :)

:yay good for you!!!

you have me by two squares now! :hook

I am sewing hubby's Valentine Flannel'ghan together right now. I sure want to get this done!!! if I have time to play with squares from here before the games start... I'll be able to get more done before shore leave to Ranch Flannel'ghan. :whew!







aka: shipmate lookout

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hello there

i didnt do another square but gonns do now although i feel tired and dizzy dont know why

maybe orange juice will help gonna ask hubby to buy some oranges

first i must finish coloring my second hand`s nails with fushia nail polish so it will wake me up and cheer my night of lazyness :P <<<< just bought the nail polish and wanna use it :lol


ok ill post a photo late night of the squares to show ya the color combination

see ya later pirates ;)

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Hello, everyone! Just got home form work. we are in the middle of a 2 day snowstorm, but it isn't anything like what you had Judy, or what you might get! we have had maybe 6 inches of snow, and they are predicting maybe another 6 inches by tomorrow.


I have 23 out of 25 squares done. I am hoping to finish them this evening and start sewing the rest together. I plan to add a border to my blanket.

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Tab !


Good to see you ~~~

Have you lost your MOJO again ?

I'm going to make you a MOJO KEYCHAIN like they do around here for GasStation Bathrooms .

They hang the key on a HUBCAP so no one loses it or forgets and walks off with it .


Could you keep track of it if we do that ?


I'll go take one of the neighbor guy's hubcaps off tonite after dark and mail it to you .

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Hi Cindy. How much snow have you gotten so far? I hope you are staying safe and warm. The snow is on its way here....we are suppose to get 6-12" tomorrow. Unfortunately, this probably means the kids will have no school.


Good luck on sewing your squares together. I'm going to start mine tomorrow since i'll be snowed in. :hook

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We have 6 or 7 inches of new snow, and we are supposed to get around a foot. we've had snow on the ground since the beginning of December. At least it is nice and clean looking now!


I have sewn 5 squares into a strip. 32 more strips to go and I can sew the strips together. I won't finish that tonight though. I'm already pretty sick of it!


Good luck getting a lot of squares done with the boys at home tomorrow!

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Good morning everyone. I haven't gotten much further since last night. did I mention that I hate sewing squares together??:D


I sewed my squares together, in different directions, as directed in the pattern, but I think they would look better sewn together all in the same direction. Maybe I will change my mind when they are all together.


I'm hoping to finish sewing them together today, and maybe even get the border done as well.

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Hi, Cindy - Hmmm, you have me thinking. I may keep mine going in the same direction. It's going to have enough different colors already - doesn't ned more busyness.... I'm afraid to start sewing them together because of the good handful of colors I'm using (I did leave long enough tails to at least get one side joined to another)

I may make it a strip shorter, too. Need to lay out a row and measure again.


And at 6 AM we had abot 8 inches of snow out there. It's heavy stuff...waiting for the wind and snow to amp it up today. Supposed to go all day - this is the storm you had plus the Nor'easter we have which picks up moisture from the ocean:P


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Morning, Judy. Its snowing here again too. We got at least another 6 inches overnight.

I can't complain though, we had an unusually calm January in terms of snow. Typically we get a lot of snow in January,but until this week, we've just gotten a few flurries here and there so far this year. A lpot of our snow is what they call Lake effect, it picks up moisture over Lake Michigan and dumps it on us in the form of heavy snowfall. I would think the ocean effect is similar, just on a much larger scale.


I spent the last half hour or so working in ends on the two strips I had already joined together. I'm going to add another strip now.

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Cindy, sounds like you're doing great!


Hmmm...you're not crazy about joining squares?:think Maybe the Captain an me had better rethink the next project we had in mind :lol


I actually enjoy joining squares and figuring out patterns:D

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