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Captain Hook & the Yarn Pirates


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Thanks for sharing the photos. It looks like you'll have a nice space that is all for yourself . It's good to have you own space to go to, with all your favorite things to do .


Tab- I know, some of those medicines can knock you for a loop. I have problems taking several of them myself. Gives the Dr's fits trying to find one that works for me without making me sick .

I hope you'll soon be back up to par. We miss you here .

Holler if there's anything I can do for you .

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Hi, everybody -


LeAnna, I love the pirate design:lol




Jules...we're like ships passing in the night:lol:lol:lol:lol Did you have fun with Cam today?


Grace..that's terrific news on the square!:yay

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Tab, hope you are back to yourself soon.


LeAnna, looks like you have a nice crafting space there. It's nice to have a place of your own.


Graceylue, that's good news on the square. I find it pretty easy to keep the sc square even, I have more of a problem with the DC and Hdc ones.


I spent a few hours crafting today, but I only crocheted three squares. I'm in the middle of a fourth, a SC one, but I don;t think I'll finish it tonight.


Good night everyone.

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Morning Glories,

Well, I'm up and at'em for another day. Snow outside up to my kneecaps,but warm in here .

I got a few more squares done yesterday,but not a lot. I'll see if I can do a couple more today while Cam is here ,but if not, I'll get some done this evening , so I can show you my completed project .

I hope you all have a good day today and maybe you'll be able to make some progress too .

I am excited to start the Crochet Games this coming weekend ,and want this project complete before then so it won't take any time away from completing that project .

I'm also still working a little at a time on my knit squares afghan .It's a slow go, but fun to learn .

Well, off to check in a couple other places !

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Good morning. I've been working on a sc square this morning but I'm going to set it aside for a few hours and start another knit square. It is #18 of 25 squares. 10 squares are sewn together already. I plan to add a border to mine.

I also want to get this project done by the time the games start. (Luckily I am only making a baby size afghan!)

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Hi, Cindy and Jules!

A neighborhood boy came by yesterday afternoon with his shovel. I was lucky I looked out the door when I did - he was almost past our house! By then we were the only ones on the block still snowbound. Not sure what happened to a neighbor who came by last year with his snowblower...he did his and a couple older than us...must have run out of gas for the machine:think I'm being nice:lol


Anyway - I have running tally on my square total in my siggy. Today will be LTK 2 (if I get a chance)...but I have another baby graph ghan to make once I get the yarn from Michaels today. I'll be juggling my projects a bit now...no rush on the baby ghan, but I get impatient, wanting to see the finished product!:hook


Later, gators:hug

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Good morning, fellow pirates. Today is going to be very nice weatherwise, and then Monday and Tuesday - the dreaded SNOW. Prediction is for about six inches. AARRGGHH.


No great plans for today other than to watch the Super Bowl tonight.


Everyone have a wonderful day. Keep those hooks a-flyin' !!

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Good morning everyone!


I'm dropping by just to let you know I might not be on for a couple of days...I have marketing, business concepts, and small business management exams on monday and Accounting 2, Applied electronic spreedsheet exams on tuesday! ugh!


:eek I heard we are supposed to get snow again starting tonight thru tues! My proffessor said if we miss another monday night class he will have to cancel the section and we would all have to retake it next semester:angry. We have already missed 3 mondays this semester due to inclement weather.... this is very UNUSUAL weather for our neck of the woods. :2rain vs. :2snow


At this point i'm not sure if i should study or :hook. :goodorbad


I will figure it out soon enough!:yes

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Good for you, you are keeping on track with both projects .I think my afghan will also have a border. I am not bordering each square,although you could if you wanted to, but will probably just use a plain sc border or something for it. I haven't really decided yet on it, but I hope to get as many more squares done as possible today . I am joining as I go, so they won't have the nice orderly setup as Jenni's did . I just decided to make this a hodgepodge -- the colors are hodgepodge and so is the put-together plan.

Oddly, Sam is making lots of comments about it ,which is unusual. He doesn't usually pay much attention to the items I'm making .


Jude- you have a good idea, putting the numbers in your signature. That would help to keep me in order and keep track of where I am . I am sometimes pretty scatterbrained .I have been wanting to go in and join up for their 50 book challenge, but havent taken time to do that yet either .

You are a very organized person and don't seem to get flustered when working on multiple projects. I get flustered working on one sometimes !


Crazee- Hope you don't get too much more snow,and also that you can complete your classes without having to redo them. That would make you mad . I say maybe you can study AND crochet-- just divide up your day and do each one for a certain length of time .

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Good morning everyone, I worked on the heart dolls last night at crafts. I have to pick up some polyfil to stuff them then sew them together. I need to see if I can find my cord for my camera. I looked in the tote and bag I thought I would of put it in and isn't there. We are going to a wood carving show today. One of our friends does this craft.

LeAnna, cute ship for the cat. It's nice to have a room to craft in. Yours is going to be quite nice when your done. Nice to see you here with us.

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Morning Marlene !

It sounds like you are almost in the home stretch for your dolls. I hope you find your camera wire you need . Maybe it's packed someplace else .


You must keep pretty busy there where you stay. My parents live in a park like that ,with entertainment scheduled several nights a week. They like to keep busy and have a full schedule .


I bet you are greatly enjoying the warmer weather now, aren't you ?

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Crazee, it sounds like you have a busy beginning to your week. Good luck on those exams.


I haven't accomplished much today, still working off and on, on the same sc square. (B-O-R-I-N-G!!!!!) I've been knitting a bit, but mostly I've been reading.

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After much frogging due to not being able to find my hook case and having to use one of the ones I have at hand, I've got 3 1/2 sc squares done. Using my K hook and working tightly I've got gauge of just a hair over the 8" squares, so this should only increase my yardage needs slightly. Still not sure how closely I can stick to the pattern colors because I need to use what I have in my huge tote of Vanna's Choice rather than buy new yarn, but it's started in Little Boy Blue.

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