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MIL rant

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Why does my MIL do this? It drives me crazy!! I make things and she acts like she couldn't care less. Then when she sees something similar for sale, she calls makes the biggest deal over it, "oh look, did you make that! you should make those and sale them! oh those are so great!" She is such a "brand name" is so important kind of person and nothing is worth anything unless it has a good name on the tag. It drives me crazy!! If I like something it doesn't matter where it's from, grrrrr!


Anyway, todays rant is about this cupcake hat I made last year: http://www.crochetville.org/forum/showthread.php?t=95432&highlight=cupcake+hat



Then she calls just now insisting I look at QVC at these hats:


http://www.qvc.com/qsearch/search.aspx EDIT: this link isn't going exactly where i wanted and can't get it right. If your interested in looking you have to type "kids hats" in the search box. The are crochted hats from San Diego Hat Company. They are cute cupcake, sock monkey, and bear hats, plus lots more for $28.00. I will still try to fix my link problem.


2nd EDIT: http://www.qvc.com/qic/qvcapp.aspx/view.2/app.detail/params.item.A204496.desc.San-Diego-Hat-Co-Kids-Chenille-Brown-Cupcake-Hat I think this link will take you to the specific cupcake hat, but the rest are still worth looking at. I also looked at the San Diego Hat company's website and the same hats were I think $32.00 directly from them


Wow, it's on QVC, now it's a good hat! BLECH!


Sorry, just ranting.

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hmmm....that QVC link pulled up moccasins....


But I get what you're saying...


Unfortunately she's not likely to change her ways, though. My advice is to just let it go in one ear and out the other. Maybe she's a bit impressed with you for being ahead of the stores, and just doesn't express it well. I think that's what I'd tell myself, anyway. I might even make comments to that effect: "Yes, isn't it amazing that the stores are just now getting around to making that?"

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People like that really annoy me. But I guess I have the mind set that clothes are clothes, and I hate buying clothes anyway. Haha. But I understand how it feels to have things that are made by hand be under appreciated, and I know I'm not alone. I agree with happy stitcher, just ignore her.

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MIL's can be like that.:lol Sad part is they are all over the world.

Next time she does this to you, in a very surprised voice exclaim " Wow are they ever behind the times. I made that a year ago!". :rofl

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I can't complain, I was closer to my MIL than to my own mother. She never interfered or offered unsolicited advice. I was so blessed and miss her dearly!


My advice, and I have found this works on most people that are being that way is to just AGREE with her. I bet you would be shocked the next time she compliments something on QVC if you just say"You're right! That is so cute" and then drop it. You don't have to mean it AND I can all but guarantee you that 1. She will stop pointing things out to you if you just agree and 2. You will feel so much better. Good Luck

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i think if you ignore it, it will just continue and get worse and it will make you madder and madder as time goes on. i would just blatently ask her next time she makes a comment. say like "are you telling me that you don't like my crocheted items?" or something like that. stand up for youself in a nice way. it's ok for her not to like your stuff. but she needs to learn that it upsets you and to use the old phrase "if you can't say something nice, then don't say anything at all".

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You can rant to us, to your heart's content!:hug I must tell you that your cupcake hat came out really cute. You little girl is a cutey as well! It seems like your MIL will never let you know how well you crochet. Yet, she feels the need to point out factory crocheted items to you. That is too funny!! You certainly have me giggling. She seems like a character.


As we all know, there's no way to figure people out.:think Beats me, why she can't just acknowledge your work and tell you that it's nice. Maybe in her own crazy way, when she sees similar items on QVC, this is her way.

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I had a SIL like that so for Christmas one year I put her gift in a Tiffany's box. She never did catch on that it came from the Dollar Store!:devil

You're soooo funny!!:applause Now that sounds like something I would do too!! :devil:D

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MIL's can be like that.:lol Sad part is they are all over the world.

Next time she does this to you, in a very surprised voice exclaim " Wow are they ever behind the times. I made that a year ago!". :rofl


I so totally agree with RenniC!!! :devil

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I have made my mil several crochet gifts- including a graph lapgan with her Bassett Hound's face- which almost killed me to finish in time. She sort of said- hmph. Then this year I made her a scarf for her birthday- a hat for Christmas- finally, to the hat, she says- now THIS I would wear.


Of course better than MY family, who I have not heard a single thanks or even 'I received your gift' after Christmas.


I will crochet for no one now unless they pay me. The end.

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I will crochet for no one now unless they pay me. The end.


That is just so sad. I've been blessed to come from a family that makes and treasures home ade things. Except my mother. She loves them but doesn't appreciate the time and effort. She has always been surrounded by them so she takes a lot of it (especially my Grandmother's lace work) for granted.


I would stop making your mil things. It's not worth the aggravation. when you give a gift to someone who truly appreciates it and their face lights up - it's worth every stitch!

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