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yarn storage

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Hi My name is Norwinmom & I'm a yarnaholic. Now here is my problem. I like going the the thrift stores and buying up all the yarn they have. It does not matter what color, weight or how much. I see it i buy it :yes. Needless to say, I have all types of different yarn :yarn. I have a big under the bed storage thing that is full, and bags of it in my tiny closet and some stashed in an end table that has a little cabinet. I have some that are whole are partial skeins and some that are wound up in little balls. And yes, there is yarn barf too. My yarn is out of control, finding what I want is a pain sometimes. Does anyone have any suggestions for storing yarn that does not take up a lot of space?

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I would suggest large tupperware containers (you can buy them at walmart) and a winder... get all your yarn sorted by color and start winding to make consistant yarn ball shapes... and store all similars together.

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I took two short bookcases that were no longer needed, stacked them on top of each other, and filled them with yarn. Then I needed more space, so I bought some of the crates at Target when the school year had started (and they were on sale for $2.50 each) and stacked them next to the bookcases, and filled them.


Then SweetPea65 gave me yarn and there was just no more room to smash yarn on those shelves, so I have boxes stacked in front of the bookcase. Help!! :eek:lol


My sister's New year's resolution is to declutter. No way I'm deyarning, or destashing, No way.

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Uh-huh, and your problem would be??? Don't look at us. I have to move a cubic yard of yarn I'm always "currently using" off the washer to get laundry done. Tee hee!


Do you store any in the microwave or oven? Aren't they empty most of the time? OK, I'm just kidding.


I have thought about using the top of the refrigerator (seriously) because almost nothing is on there, and I've got some large see-through zip bags I found at the dollar store. I think it would be cute.

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Would those vacuum storage bags work? You know, the ones that you stuff full and then use your vacuum to suck out the air...has anyone tried that?


I've never done that for storage, but I traded some yarn and the woman that sent it to me used vacuum bags (kitchen size) when she mailed the yarn. She could get a lot more yarn in the package that way. It was a great idea.



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Fortunately, for me, I have two smaller attic spaces for the many totes of yarn that have taken up residence in my house...lol. Before I had "a space" to put my yarn out of sight, I used to store it in any containers that would slip under the sofa, chair, and tables in each room. Shoe box size works OK, but shorter and wider ones work better for under furniture and to slide into every nook and cranny that I could find. The vacuum bags work well also but some of them lose their vacuum and there you are with a "poofy bag" of yarn that you can't get out from between the fridge and the cabinet....LOL.


Good luck on your storage dilemma. As you can see, yarnaholics can be very inventive when it comes to "stash stuffing".

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New house.... think of that lovely walk-in yarn closet with all those shelves with seethrough boxes of sorted yarns with no barfs in them, and racks of lovely hooks and gadgets awaiting your talented hands, sorted and filed patterns and books that flash on the shelf when you are looking for that 'I know I've got a pattern for that somewhere ', also with a spacious warm craft room with huge windows to watch the world go by and soak you in natural light, with waiter service beverages at the click of your fingers (the sort of drinks that don't go cold whilst you are engrossed in crocheting), the sound of birdsong wafting over you or your favorite TV programmes on demand at all times (with no adverts in them) on a nice new LED TV with cinema sound....




.....*wanders off to local store to buy lottery ticket.... *

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This is my first post, so I do hope that I'm doing this right. Since one of my children flew the coop, I do have a yarn room. But I have found that the more room that you have; the more yarn you buy to fill that room. I'm a multi crafter - mostly needlecraft - and have those project bits mixed in with the yarn. In addition to what has already been said (love those tubs and vac bags!) I use over the door shoe organizers, hanging sweater organizers, I have a couple of "garage sale" end tables that have great tops but legs that are shot. I unscrewed the legs and used baskets (full of yarn) as new legs. It works:D I also use hanging jewelry organizers for embroidery floss and bits o'yarn, and some hooks. Hopefully some of this will help clear some space ... so you can go and buy more yarn of course:D

Take Care!

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New house.... think of that lovely walk-in yarn closet with all those shelves with seethrough boxes of sorted yarns with no barfs in them, and racks of lovely hooks and gadgets awaiting your talented hands, sorted and filed patterns and books that flash on the shelf when you are looking for that 'I know I've got a pattern for that somewhere ', also with a spacious warm craft room with huge windows to watch the world go by and soak you in natural light, with waiter service beverages at the click of your fingers (the sort of drinks that don't go cold whilst you are engrossed in crocheting), the sound of birdsong wafting over you or your favorite TV programmes on demand at all times (with no adverts in them) on a nice new LED TV with cinema sound....




.....*wanders off to local store to buy lottery ticket.... *



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I have a craft room - I too am a multi-crafter, but it isn't very organized yet. For Christmas, I asked by hubby to help me get it organized (one of his many gifts.) Of course, he hasn't been able to do it yet because I had to get all the Christmas clutter out of the way. Picked up a drying bracket at Lehman's in Kidron OH to hang things on, and it folds down when not in use. He already put that up. Now, I want him to hang up bins with the opening forward for my yarn so I can stack it in there. That way, I'm not using up floor space. Once he has that done I want to hang up all my embroidery and quilting frames on hooks - they are in various colors. I might even try hanging up my varius templates if there is room. It's like decorating with crafting supplies! There are lots of ideas on these posts - hope some of them work for you!

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