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I'm feeling the pressure

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I just need to vent how stressed I am.

I started a granny square blanket for my nephew for a christmas present due to low funds this year. I have 8 days to sew all the 2x2 in squares together not to mention I still need to make a few two-tone squares to finish. I even shortened the pattern for toddler size so I could possibly get it done. I unexpectedly had to move which has taken up most of my time to work on the blanket.

Please tell me to relax and I will get it done by christmas eve evening :)

Thanks for listening


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I can sympathise with ya - I always feel the pressure when someones baby is almost due and their blankets seems a million miles away from completion!! The only one that's ever beat me was the last one - my good friends little man decided to arrive three weeks early!!! It was all hooks to the deck to get it done asap, but several others have been close!!


If you stay calm and steadily do as much you can when you can it will all come together. If you freak out things will start to go wrong, so if you feel yourself starting to panic about it all - go and put the kettle on!


Hope I've helped!

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Deep breaths, ladies, deep breaths. make yourself a soothing cup of tea. There is still a week till Christmas, and you will get done what you get done.


Miss Crochet--scarves can be skinny. That makes them go faster.


croschet03--Aunt Bubbles had a great suggestion. He gets twice the fun, of unwrapping the photo, and then later he can unwrap the blanket when it's done. Remember, the 12 days of Christmas start on Christmas, and run till Epiphany in January. Orthodox churches celebrate on Epiphany, so you can just say you're having the real Christmas spirit and giving gifts throughout the season.


I have one that's going to be late. But since it started out last January as a gift for a July anniversary, and I missed that, I'm not surprised I missed Christmas. It's a name doily, a very long name, and I still have 1 and 3/4 letters to go!



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break it down into what must be completed each day for you to complete it. for example: i must do 5 squares a day for the next 8 days to complete this blanket. so if you know you must do 5 squares, that doesn't sound so bad. and if you can, do 6 or 7 then at the end, you might finish a day or so earlier.

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In the evenings when you're more or less finished with your "chores", sit down with a cuppa something hot and REWARD yourself with crochet time. Someone wrote to break it down into how much you should do in day--great idea. And really, thinking of crochet time as a reward and not another chore may help out too. Good luck sweetie, you'll get it done.

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i have a few suggestions. on the granny square- have you ever tried crocheting them together? the art of crochet has a neat idea on doing a continuous join w/ them. and i believe it's betwixt(?) has a version also. both tjw and betwixt(?) have videos on youtube on how to do it. (if you are like me, crocheting is much faster than sewing. and w/ the continuous join, less ends to weave...woo hoo).


for the scarves. 1 thing i notice w/ a shawl is if you do the long side, it seems to go faster. maybe because it is less turning back and forth...maybe?


another idea is to do it the "flylady way". she recommends doing things for 15 mins at a time. so maybe alternate w/ housework/tasks. do 15 mins of chores w/ 15 mins of crocheting. set a time. and take 15 mins for just a break to stretch and rest. you can alter the timing slightly. since it's 3 things (chores/crochet/rest) maybe do it for 20 mins alternatingly.


breathe, long deep breathes in through the nose and out through the mouth. slow cleansing breathes and remember, "you can do it."


good luck


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Im so sorry everyone. Thank you for all the great ideas to help me cope :) I forgot I posted this then it just got too busy to check it.

The blanket is coming along and am now more than half done sewing them together with some help of course. I called on my girlfriend (one of whom knows how to crochet and sew squares together). A good friend of mine did come over on this past sunday afternoon and helped. No experience on either sewing or crocheting and we sewed all day. She did a fabulous job for a learning on the spot. They are perfect. Thank goodness for Girlfriends!



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