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Feel so honored

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I met a very sweet lady today at my physical therapists office. I was working on a crocheted scarf and this lady walked up to me and asked what I was crocheting. (Happy she new the difference between crochet and knit as I do both.) I told her it was a scarf and we got to talking a bit. She knits and does not live far from me so I invited her to join our local crochet and knitting group but she polietly declined and told me she belonged to another group already and Saturday mornings did not work for her. Anyway a long story short she told me there were several ladies in her group that wanted to learn to crochet and asked if I would be willing to teach them. I was so honored to be asked so starting this Wednesday evening I wil be teaching crochet to 8 women. I am so excited. :manyheart

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I'm so glad you're excited about doing this!!!


I think passing the craft on from woman to woman, from generation to generation, is part of the tradition of crochet (and knitting, too). That's what women have done for as long as the crafts have been in existence, and by generously sharing your time and talent with these ladies, you're joining the guild--the one that really matters ;) --of generations of woman who've used their time and talent to create beautiful and useful things, and freely passed on the knowledge to willing new learners.


Bravo for you--I'm happy for you, and proud of you, too.

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Thanks everyone. I am excited about it. I have taught a lot of kids in the neighborhood and helped my fellow group memeber teach the boyscouts in her sons troop to knit and crochet. This will be the first time I teach a group of adult women so I am really excited about it. I am thinking about teaching them the same way I teach the kids by making dishcloths but I am also toying with the idea of making sampler squares of the differnt stitches so they can make lapghans with them if they want. I guess I will leave it up to them depending on the interest to continue lessons and see where it goes from there. With the holiday Thursday my Wednesday is going to be a busy day. Wish me luck and the strength to get through what I think is going to be a long and busy but very fun day. I will let you know how it goes.

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I had a great time Wednesday night teaching the ladies to crochet. I made a few new friends and will be going back this Wednesday night. I will be teaching the ladies to make dishclothes for gifts and if we are feeling brave and have been practing I am going to teach them to work in the round. A few want to make ammi's so if they can handle working in the round they just might be able to make a simply snowman in time for the Holidays. I am having a good time and am happy I can pass on the joy of crochet to others. Oh and I have learned a few knitting tips too since I have only been knitting about a year or so. If you ever get the chance to teach or share yur skills with others go for it. It gives such joy and returns it too.

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